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Today I Learned

Today I learned about Moses and the Ten Commandments. Today I learned the fourth

Memory Verse:
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all

the earth. You have set your glory above the heavens. Psalm 8:1

Questions to Ask:
1. Read Exodus 34:10. Discuss this verse with your child 2. What is the first commandment? 3. What is the second commandment? 4. What is the third commandment? 5. What does holy mean? 6. What is the fourth commandment?

Family Time: Review with your child the memory verse everyday. Reward them and explain to them the importance of knowing Gods word!

By the seventh day God had finished the work He had been doing; so on the seventh day He rested from all His work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work that he had created. Genesis 2:2-3

By/the/seventh/day/God/had finished/the/work/He/had//// been/doing;/so/on/the//////// seventh/day/He/rested/from all/His/work./And/God//////// blessed/the/seventh/day/and made/it/holy,/because/on/it// he/rested/from/all/the/work// that/he/had/created.////////// Genesis/2:2-3/////////////////

Holy: Sacred, set apart

God says that the Sabbath day is HOLY. That means that Sunday is a special day for God. God created everything in six days and on the seventh The Bible says He rested. This is an example that God gives of how our week should look like. We can do all that we need to do, but on SUNDAY, we must come and praise the Lord at church. Going to church is showing God that we are thankful for all He has given us and all that He does for us. On Sunday we do what God did. We rest, we rest in Him by praising, worshiping and praying to Him

Sunday Book







What do you do on Sunday? Draw a picture. Write.

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