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Hola a tod@s, aqu os dejo una serie de ejercicios sobre los tiempos verbales que estamos viendo en
clase. Si podis hacerlos, podremos corregir alguno el prximo da. Traed estas hojas impresas a clase,


1. Put the verb in present continuous or present simple
1. Excuse me, ______________ (you/speak) English?
2. Tom _________________ (have/shower) at the moment.
3. They _____________ (not/watch) television very often.
4. Listen! Somebody _______________ (sing)
5. Shes tired. She ____________ (want) to go home.
6. How often ____________________ (you/read) a newspaper?
7. Excuse me, but you __________________ (sit) in my place. Oh Im sorry.
8. Im sorry. I ___________________ (not/understand). Please speak more slowly.
9. Where are you Roy? I am in the office. I ___________________ (read)
10. What time __________________ (she/finish) work every day?
11. You can turn off the radio. I _____________________ (not listen) to it.
12. He ____________________ (not/usually/drive) to work. He usually ________ (walk)

2. Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive).
1. We (wait) -------------------------for Jane, when suddenly Louis (come) --------------------------------around the corner.
2. I (cycle) --------------------------- through the park, when I (hear) ------------------------ a strange noise.
3. He (pass) -------------------------------- her a message when the teacher (look / not) ---------------------------------------.
4. I (fall) ------------------------------- asleep while I (watch) ---------------------------------------- TV last
5. When Mike and Jane (paint) ---------------------------------- the walls, their dog (knock) ---------------------------- over the paint pot.
6. Tom (break) ------------------------------- his leg when he (play) ------------------------------------------tennis.
7. The phone (ring) ------------------------------------ when I (sit) -------------------------------------------on the

3. Put the verbs into the correct tense (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive)
1. I (play) ---------------------------------------- football for five years.
2. My team (win / only) --------------------------------------- two matches so far.
3. The others (be / always) ------------------------------------ better.
4. Are we not there yet? We (walk) ---------------------------------- for hours.
5. But we (cover / only) ---------------------------------- an area of five miles so far.
6. I (finish/just) ---------------------------------------- my homework.
7. I (work) ---------------------------------------- on this essay since two o'clock.
8. Jane (go out) ------------------------------------- with Bob for seven years.
9. Martin (date) ---------------------------------- three girls this week.
10. How long (wait / you) ---------------------------------------- for us?
4. Complete these sentences using: PAST PERFECT SIMPLE AND CONTINUOUS
1. Peter told me he -------------------------------------- (already/pay) the bill.
2. Brian believed that John ---------------------------------------- (to move)to London.
3. When Ron arrived, the party ------------------------------------------ (already/begin).
4. Sarah was exhausted. She(wash) ---------------------------------------------- the dishes for more than three
5. The children (already/go) ------------------------------------- to bed when their mother came from work.
6. It was my first flight ; I (never/ travel) ---------------------------------------------- by plane before.
7. My wife didn't watch the film with me because she (already/to see) ----------------------------------------------- it.
5. Complete the following test using: PAST SIMPLE OR PRESENT PERFECT
Ann ------------------------------------- (live) in Birmingham all her life. Yesterday when Ann
--------------------------------- (be) on her way to the train station, it ------------------------------ (begin) to rain. She ------------------------------ (run) back to get her umbrella, but this --------------------------------------- (make) her late for her train. When she ----------------------------- (get) to the station, she ---------------------------------- (ask) a woman on the platform:
"How long -------------------------------- you --------------------------------- (be) here, Madam?"
"Not long, the train to London ---------------------------------- just ---------------------------------- (leave), I'm
When Ann ------------------------------------ (arrive) at the office, her boss -----------------------

----- (look) at her and -------------------------------- (say): "You -------------------------------(be) late every morning this week. What -------------------------- (happen) this time?" "I -------------------------------- (miss) my train."

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