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Discount Antibiotic Pet Medications - Dog, Cat, Fish, Bird, Horse, Reptile

Amoxicillin & Amoxi Home

Baytril Antibiotics

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Clavamox Drops & Tabs

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Guide To Buying Pet Prescription Meds Online

Probiotic For Post Antibiotic Treatment: Ask your veterinarian if FortiFlora would be a good follow up supplement for your pet after a round of antibiotics. As with people, antibiotics can sometimes destroy good bacteria in the GI tract, FortiFlora can often help resupply the good GI microflora your dog or cat needs.

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Alphabetical List Of Antibiotic Medications - Dog Cat Fish Bird

Profiles and online sources for low discount prices on antibiotics for pets and livestock, always visit with your veterinarian first and confirm that a specific med is right for your dog, cat, fish, bird, horse, reptile or livestock

Antibiotics For Dogs Most of the antibiotics to the right are prescribed for dogs, with the exception of those listed for birds and fish specifically. Below you can find more specialized meds designed for other types of pets.

Antibiotic Medications
Profiles and Online Discounts



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Always Follow Your Veterinarian's Instructions

Oral Liquid Drop Antibiotics For Cats Many pet antibiotics now come in liquid that can be given as drops by mouth for easier dosing. Some Popular Liquid Antibiotics Often popular for cats, but ask your veterinarian, specific ones may work well for your dogs too. Albon Liquid 5% Amoxi Drops Antirobe Aquadrops Cefa Drops Cephalexin Oral Suspension Clavamox Oral Suspension Clindamycin Drops Clinsol Clindamycin Liquid


Low dosage rapidly absorbed sulfonamide pet antibiotic meds

Oral Liquid Tablets


From Pfizer, an amoxicillin antibiotic and a semi-synthetic broad spectrum penicillin

Oral Drops Tabs

Amoxi oral liquid drops are a popular choice for cat owners because they are easier to administer to felines Available in additional brand name


Capsules A broad spectrum, penicillin like antibiotic form medications including commonly used for respiratory, soft tissue, Fish Mox Aquatic Amoxi-Drops liquid suspension, BioMox, Clavamox topical gastrointestinal, skin and other infections Additional Forms > ointment and Amoxi Tabs (all listed this page) Cats, Dogs and Fish


A broad spectrum antibiotic sometimes prescribed to treat kennel cough, urinary infections, abscesses and other issues. Antirobe is a brand name medication for the generic antibiotic clindamycin and is a narrower spectrum med often prescribed to treat dental and bone infection issues.

Cats & Dogs Fish Cillin


Oral Drops Capsules

Although a common dental med, antirobe is sometimes used to treat specific pus filled infection sites, bite wound, abscess, and other specific infections too

Popular Ear Drops And Otic Ointments For Pets RX ear meds with antibiotics Baytril Ear Drops Mometamax Once A Day Otomax Ointment Tresaderm Ear Drops Tri-Otic Generic


From Bayer, an enrofloxacin antibiotic used to treat a wide variety of infections inc. urinary, skin, prostate, respiratory, gastrointestinal, ear & liver infections

Ear Drops Chewable Tabs Coated Tablets


An amoxicillin medication designed for use in dogs only

Oral Suspension Tablets

BioMox Is For Sale To Veterinarians Only Your veterinarian will have to order this product for you See left column for list A generic topical ointment comparable to this and Neosporin (for people) is also available as Triple Antibiotic Ointment

Bird Antibiotics
Popular Eye Ointments & Ophthalmic Solutions Popular RX eye drops and eye ointments with antibiotics B.N.P. Triple BNP Hydrocortisone

Avian antibiotic medications for birds An antibiotic opthalmic eye ointment used to topically treat eye infections that utilizes three antibiotic ingredients, Bacitracin, Neomycin and Polymyxin B B.N.P. Triple opthalmic eye ointment (see above) but with the added ingredient of hydrocortisone

B.N.P. Triple

Eye Ointment

B.N.P. Hydrocortisone

Eye Ointment

Contains Hydrocortisone

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Discount Antibiotic Pet Medications - Dog, Cat, Fish, Bird, Horse, Reptile

Ciprofloxacin Gentocin & Gentamycin Tobramycin


Brand name for the antibiotic cefadroxil which is in the same class of antibiotics as cephalexin & used to treat bone, skin, wound, bladder and pneumonia issues. An antibiotic similar but not identical to Cefa used to treat skin, bone, wound, respiratory and bladder infections. A broad-spectrum antibiotic providing rapid clinical response Ciprofloxacin is an antibiotic used to treat certain infections caused by bacteria.

Oral Drops

Cefa Drops are a popular choice for cat owners because the liquid is easier to administer to felines Also available for fish as Fish Flex and Fish Flex Forte Also given to horses on occasion

Oral Drops 250mg Tablets 500mg Tablets Tablets

Antibiotics For Fish Aquatic Meds For Fish Amoxicillin "Mox & Mox Forte" Ampicillin "Cillin" Cephalexin "Flex & Flex Forte" Ciprofloxacin "Flox" Clindamycin "Cin" Ketoconazole "Fish Fungus" Metronidazole "Zole Forte" Penicillin Pen & Pen Forte" Tetracycline "Cycline" Erythromycin "Mycin" is no longer available, it's been discontinued



Eye Drops Tablets

Available as both an oral medication and in an ophthalmic solution to treat eye issues. Also available in "Flox" For Fish Clavamox ointment is no longer carried by any of the pharmacies we know and send shoppers to Clavamox drops are a popular med choice for cat owners Available in more forms than Antirobe, including a topical form to treat a wider variety of issues. Also available in "Cin" For Fish Brand name liquid Clindamycin Available For Sale To Veterinarians Only Your veterinarian will have to order this product for you


Clavamox meds contain the penicillin like broad spectrum antibiotic amoxicillin and another additional ingredient, clavulanate potassium to help extend the antibacterial spectrum for which the drug is effective. A generic med for the antibiotic Antirobe popular for treating oral issues in pets A brand name liquid suspension form of clindamycin popular for easier dosing An injectable antibiotic, cefovecin, for skin infections in dogs and cats including abscesses and wounds A narrow spectrum antibiotic in the Penicillin class of medications Antibiotic used for the management of certain diseases in dogs Often prescribed to treat tick-borne diseases such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever, ehrlichiosis; and water-borne diseases such as leptospirosis. Used to treat infections caused by susceptible organisms in dogs, cats, swine, sheep and cattle. Dissolvable meds for fish & aquatic life For pets, Metronidazole, the generic to Flagyl is more readily available online Often prescribed for the topical treatment of conjunctivitis or lack of tear chronic inflammation, scarring and pigmentation of the cornea. Prescribed to treat bacterial, skin, wound and bone infections. Often used for dental and oral cavity infections. Sometimes prescribed to treat pneumonia too. Horses, Sheep, Cattle & Livestock Prescribed by veterinarians to treat a variety of conditions including inflammatory bowel disease, nonspecific diarrhea, Giardia infections and periodontal disease Otic solution antibiotic ear drops with Gentamicin used to help ear infections.

Oral Drops Tablets

Oral Drops Capsules Topical Solution Oral Drops


Clinsol Liquid
Bird Antibiotics Avian Medications Doxycycline Hyclate "Biotic" Penicillin "Bird Pen" Sulfamethoxazole... "Sulfa" Tetracycline "Cycline"



Dicloxacillin Dicural



Difloxacin Hydrochloride

Livestock Antibiotics Related medication for horses, sheep, cattle and other livestock Penicillin (Veterinarians Only) Tylan Powder For Livestock VBG Eq. (Veterinarians Only) Micotil (Veterinarians Only)


Tablets Capsules

Also available in "Biotic" For Birds



The Fish version of Erythromycin "Fish Mycin" has been discontinued. See left column for list

Fish Antibiotics Flagyl

Reptile Medications Medication for reptile, snake, turtle and even amphibian pet animals including zylafen, sulfa blocks, tetrafauna and zoo med. Reptile Medications

Gentocin Medications

Related Medications

Related medications include Otomax, Gentocin, Betagen Spray, Mometamax Otic, and DVMax Medications

Using Chewable Antibiotics Using tasty, chewable antibiotics such as those offered by Baytril, can be a great way to make sure your pet gets the antibiotics they need, however, the dangers of over dosage should always be considered. A tasty chewable is designed to be flavorful to your pets, the downside to this is that if they ever get a hold of several at one time or if they manage to break into an entire bottle the results could be fatal. So if you decide to use chewables always


100mg, 200mg, 500mg

Livestock Antibiotics

See left column for list



Generic To Flagyl Also available in "Zole" For Fish


Ear Drops

Popular as a once a day med Note: it is important to follow dosing instructions carefully for maximum effectiveness


A broad spectrum antibiotic tablet used in Tablets cats and dogs to treat various infections. Liquid Suspension Orbax is the brand name for Orbifloxacin

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Discount Antibiotic Pet Medications - Dog, Cat, Fish, Bird, Horse, Reptile

be careful not to spill them on the floor and be sure and store them in a safe place where your pets or even babies and young children cannot access them.


Otic ointment that is a popular ear antibiotic often prescribed for chronic ear infections in dogs.

7.5gm - 15gm 30gm - 215gm

A combination of antibacterial, antifungal and steroidal meds Also available in a generic variety known as Tri-Otic Injection available For Sale To Veterinarians Only Your veterinarian will have to order this product for you Discount savings varies from store to store depending upon mg size, see specific links to left for maximum savings

The Dangers Of Buying RX Pet Antibiotics Online Without A Prescription Buying pet medications online is a great way to save money and add convenience to your busy life. But, it's important to buy from reputable pharmacies or your pet's welfare may be in danger. Always avoid pharmacies that do not require a prescription for those products which usually require an RX, which includes most antibiotics. Prescriptions are required for a reason - many drugs can have dangerous side effects or adverse reactions with other drugs or even different physiologies. Only a veterinarian that actually sees your pet in person will know what is the best choice for your specific pet. You will also want to choose pharmacies that carry FDA approved medication and avoid foreign manufactured drugs, this is because foreign companies may not have to follow safety guidelines and your pet could end up with a sub-standard, imitation or outdated medication.

Regarding Penicillin For Dogs and Cats Rather than a generic penicillin directly for Livestock Injection For Fish them, instead there are several "related" antibiotic meds that are used such as For Birds Amoxicillin, Clavamox and Amoxi meds Used for respiratory, urinary tract, skin, and gastrointestinal infections (sulfadimethoxine / ormetoprim)
120mg - 240mg 600mg - 1200mg


Sulfamethoxazole A broad spectrum antibiotic used to treat a variety of infections, including respiratory, And Trimethoprim urinary tract, skin or gastrointestinal. (SMZ-TMP) Combined Tetracycline
A broad spectrum antibiotic often used to treat Lyme Disease in dogs Ophthalmic tobramycin is an ophthalmic antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections of the eye. Otic antibiotic ear drops for dogs and cats often used to help ear infections and inflammation. A more affordable generic alternative to the more expensive brand name triple antibiotic medications such as B.N.P. Sometimes used to treat chronic colitis in small animals and certain genital infections in dogs. Also as a general antibiotic for livestock. Prescribed by veterinarians to treat certain conditions in cats or dogs including soft tissue infections.


Also available for Birds

Tablets (Dog/Cat) Cycline For Fish Cycline For Birds Available for dogs and cats (select "Tablets"), fish and birds


Eye Drops

0.3% Solution


Ear Drops

15 ml

Triple Antibiotic


3 antibiotic ingredients to fight infection - Bacitracin, Neomycin and Polymyxin B

Tylan Powder


Used to treat both small animals and livestock



Brand name for the generic marofloxacin

Working With Your Veterinarian To Buy Prescription Medication Online At Discount

Your veterinarian's input is vital to the safety of your pet and pet owners should never try to self-diagnose their pet's health problems or make medication and pet health product related decisions without their veterinarian's expert guidance. However, once your veterinarian has made their decision regarding your pet's medications, you can often save money by buying online rather than from your actual veterinarian. This is because most veterinarians cannot afford to buy in bulk like online pharmacies can. Since online pharmacies handle larger quantities, they can usually pass their bulk purchase savings on to the consumer. Although veterinarian's hate to lose sales as much as anyone, a good doctor will understand that making your pet's care more affordable will often enable you to provide medications for your pet that you would not otherwise afford to be able to provide. But they'll want you to choose a reputable store. We've put together a guide to make the process of working with your veterinarian to transfer the prescription easier and more comfortable for both of you.


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OnTrack Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved Thank you Jesus for blessing us with the presence of our pets

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