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Consolidated Profit & Loss Account For Continuing Operations

For the year ended 31 December Sales Cost of sales Distribution costs Research and development Selling, general and administrative expenses Other operating income Operating profit before exceptional items Exceptional items charged to operating profit Operating profit Share of joint ventures and associates operating profits Profit on sale of fixed assets Net interest and dividend income Profit on ordinary activities before taxation Profit before taxation before exceptional items Exceptional items charged to profit before taxation Taxation Profit on ordinary activities after taxation Attributable to minorities Net profit for the year Dividends to Shareholders
2002 $m 2001 (Restated) $m

17,841 (4,520) (141) (3,069) (5,998) 243 4,356 (350) 4,006 31 4,037 4,387 (350) (1,177) 2,860 (24) 2,836 (1,206)

16,222 (4,198) (122) (2,687) (5,427) 368 4,156 (202) 3,954 10 113 4,077 4,269 (192) (1,160) 2,917 (11) 2,906 (1,225)

Earnings per Ordinary Share before exceptional items Earnings per Ordinary Share Diluted earnings per Ordinary Share Weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue (millions) Diluted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue (millions)

$1.84 $1.64 $1.64 1,733 1,735

$1.73 $1.65 $1.65 1,758 1,761

Consolidated Profit & Loss Account For Continuing Operations

For the quarter ended 31 December Sales Cost of sales Distribution costs Research and development Selling, general and administrative expenses Other operating income Operating profit before exceptional items Exceptional items charged to operating profit Operating profit Share of joint ventures and associates operating profits Profit on sale of fixed assets Net interest and dividend income Profit on ordinary activities before taxation Profit before taxation before exceptional items Exceptional items charged to profit before taxation Taxation Profit on ordinary activities after taxation Attributable to minorities Net profit for the period Dividends to Shareholders
2002 $m 2001 (Restated) $m

4,901 (1,253) (39) (892) (1,661) 18 1,074 (350) 724 7 731 1,081 (350) (291) 440 (12) 428 (808)

4,366 (1,132) (33) (732) (1,443) 64 1,090 (76) 1,014 12 1,026 1,102 (76) (296) 730 (4) 726 (820)

Earnings per Ordinary Share before exceptional items Earnings per Ordinary Share Diluted earnings per Ordinary Share Weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue (millions) Diluted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue (millions)

$0.45 $0.25 $0.25 1,723 1,725

$0.45 $0.42 $0.42 1,750 1,752


Consolidated Balance Sheet

At 31 December 2002 $m 2001 (Restated) $m

Fixed assets Tangible fixed assets Goodwill and intangible assets Fixed asset investments 6,597 2,807 46 9,450 Current assets Stocks Debtors Cash and short-term investments 2,593 4,845 4,688 12,126 Total assets Creditors due within one year Short-term borrowings and current instalments of loans Other creditors (516) (7,699) (8,215) Net current assets Total assets less current liabilities Creditors due after more than one year Loans Other creditors Provisions for liabilities and charges (328) (34) (1,773) (2,135) Net assets Capital and reserves Shareholders funds equity interests Minority equity interests Shareholders funds and minority interests 11,172 54 11,226 9,586 43 9,629 11,226 (635) (152) (1,600) (2,387) 9,629 3,911 13,361 (321) (6,159) (6,480) 3,884 12,016 21,576 2,402 4,139 3,823 10,364 18,496 5,409 2,700 23 8,132


Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

For the year ended 31 December 2002 $m 2001 (Restated) $m

Net profit for the financial year Exchange adjustments on net assets Translation differences on foreign currency borrowings Tax on translation differences on foreign currency borrowings Total recognised gains and losses for the financial year Prior Year adjustment (FRS 19 Deferred Tax) Total gains and losses recognised since last Annual Report

2,836 1,106 6 (2) 3,946 (200) 3,746

2,906 (502) 18 (6) 2,416

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

For the year ended 31 December 2002 $m 2001 $m

Cash flow from operating activities Operating profit before exceptional items Depreciation and amortisation Decrease/(increase) in working capital Other non-cash movements Net cash inflow from operating activities before exceptional items Outflow related to exceptional items Net cash inflow from operating activities Returns on investments and servicing of finance Tax paid Capital expenditure and financial investment Acquisitions and disposals Equity dividends paid to Shareholders Net cash inflow before management of liquid resources and financing Management of liquid resources Movement in short-term investments and fixed deposits (net) Financing Decrease in cash in the year (806) (1,272) (22) 260 (959) (396) 4,356 960 305 65 5,686 (93) 5,593 35 (795) (1,543) (1,234) 2,056 4,156 860 (1,006) 120 4,130 (368) 3,762 156 (792) (1,543) (44) (1,236) 303

Reconciliation of Cash Flow to Net Cash Funds

For the year ended 31 December 2002 $m 2001 $m

Net funds at 1 January Net cash flows before management of liquid resources and financing Net cash flows from share issues and repurchases Exchange

2,867 2,056 (1,154) 75

3,605 303 (994) (47)


Net funds at 31 December



Notes to the Preliminary Announcement

1 BASIS OF PREPARATION AND ACCOUNTING POLICIES The results for the full year ended 31 December 2002 have been prepared in accordance with UK generally accepted accounting principles. The accounting policies applied are those set out in AstraZeneca PLCs 2001 Annual Report and Form 20-F except that, in the current period, AstraZeneca adopted Financial Reporting Standard No. 19 Deferred Tax. Prior periods have been restated and the effects of this restatement were to reduce profits for the full year ended 31 December 2001 by $61m and reduce net assets at that date by $193m. The table below illustrates the effect on EPS before exceptional items of this restatement. The results for the year ended 31 December 2002 presented in this preliminary announcement are extracted from, and are consistent with, those in the Groups audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2002 and those financial statements will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Companys Annual General Meeting.


Q1 2001 Q2 2001 Q3 2001 Q4 2001 Year

Tax charge before adoption of FRS 19 ($m) Tax charge after adoption of FRS 19 ($m) Published EPS before adoption of FRS 19 ($) Adjusted EPS after adoption of FRS 19 ($)

(316) (315) 0.45 0.45 .

(269) (289) 0.42 0.41

(286) (295) 0.43 0.42

(282) (315) 0.47 0.45

(1,153) (1,214) 1.77 1.73

As part of AstraZenecas objective to align with accounting best practice, cash discounts arising from prompt payment of invoices have been reclassified from cost of sales to sales. Comparatives have also been reclassified for consistency of presentation. Both sales and cost of sales have been reduced by $74m in the fourth quarter 2002 and $287m in the current year (2001 $258m, 2000 $221m). Furthermore, neither profits nor net assets have been affected. The change has minimal impact on previously stated sales growth rates. The reclassified quarterly sales figures are presented below. Additional detail at the product and territorial level are available on the AstraZeneca website. 2002 SALES AND COST OF SALES RECLASSIFIED FOR CASH DISCOUNTS
Q1 2002 Q2 2002 Q3 2002

Sales as previously reported ($m) Reclassified Sales ($m) Cost of Sales as previously reported ($m) Reclassified Cost of Sales ($m) Operating margin as reported Adjusted operating margin

4,421 4,346 1,169 1,094 29.3% 29.8%

4,382 4,312 1,130 1,060 24.3% 24.7%

4,350 4,282 1,181 1,113 21.2% 21.5%


Q1 2001 Q2 2001 Q3 2001 Q4 2001 Year

Sales as previously reported ($m) Reclassified Sales ($m) Cost of Sales as previously reported ($m) Reclassified Cost of Sales ($m) Operating margin as previously reported Adjusted operating margin

3,991 3,933 1,074 1,016 26.4% 26.8%

4,099 4,035 1,112 1,048 24.3% 24.7%

3,950 3,888 1,064 1,002 25.7% 26.1%

4,440 4,366 1,206 1,132 24.5% 25.0%

16,480 16,222 4,456 4,198 25.2% 25.6%

Information in this preliminary announcement does not constitute statutory accounts of the Group within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2001 have been filed

with the Registrar of Companies. The auditor's report on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain any statement under Section 237 of the Companies Act 1985. 2 JOINT VENTURES AND ASSOCIATES The Group's share of joint ventures' sales for the year ended 31 December 2002 amounted to $191m and $183m for the comparative period. Share of joint ventures' operating profits for the year ended 31 December 2001 and 2002 amounted to nil.


2002 $m 2001 $m

Accrual related to Zoladex investigations Synergy and integration charge

350 350

202 202


For the year ended 31 December 2002 $m 2001 (Restated) $m

Shareholders funds at beginning of year (originally $9,786m before deducting prior period adjustment of $200m) Net profit for the year Dividends to Shareholders

9,586 2,836 (1,206) 1,630

9,382 2,906 (1,225) 1,681 86 (1,080) (483) 204 9,586

Issue of AstraZeneca PLC Ordinary Shares Repurchase of AstraZeneca PLC Ordinary Shares Foreign currency adjustment Net addition to Shareholders funds Shareholders funds at end of year

36 (1,190) 1,110 1,586 11,172

NET CASH FUNDS The table below provides an analysis of net cash funds and a reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net cash funds.
At 31 Dec 2001 $m Cash flow $m Other non-cash $m Exchange movement s $m At 31 Dec 2002 $m

Loans due after 1 year Current instalments of loans Total loans Short-term investments Cash Overdrafts Short-term borrowings, excluding overdrafts

(635) (107) (742) 3,118 705 (195) (19) 3,609

28 77 105 806 (18) (4) 13 797 902 (36) 1 190

279 (279) -

(5) (5) 38 39 (3) 6 80 75

(328) (314) (642) 3,962 726 (202) 4,486 3,844

Net cash funds Issue of AstraZeneca PLC Ordinary Shares Repurchase of AstraZeneca PLC Ordinary Shares



Shares Net cash inflow before management of liquid resources and financing

1,190 2,056


% Growth Full Year 2002 $m Full Year 2001 $m Constant Currency


USA Canada North America France UK Germany Italy Sweden Europe others Total Europe Japan Rest of World Total

9,351 570 9,921 1,140 623 699 765 285 2,183 5,695 977 1,248 17,841

8,483 525 9,008 967 759 682 638 263 1,929 5,238 851 1,125 16,222

10 9 10 18 (18) 2 20 8 13 9 15 11 10

10 10 10 13 (20) (2) 16 3 8 5 21 15 9


% Growth 4th Quarter 2002 $m 4th Quarter 2001 $m


Constant Currency

USA Canada North America France UK Germany Italy Sweden Europe others Total Europe Japan Rest of World Total

2,564 147 2,711 320 147 196 214 75 576 1,528 314 348 4,901

2,219 142 2,361 266 219 179 181 64 530 1,439 260 306 4,366

16 4 15 20 (33) 9 18 17 9 6 21 14 12

16 5 15 12 (37) 2 10 2 (1) 27 19 10



World Full Year 2002 $m Full Year 2001 $m Actual Growth % Constant Currency Growth % Full Year 2002 $m US Actual Growth %

Gastrointestinal: Losec Nexium Others Total Gastrointestinal Cardiovascular: Zestril Seloken Atacand Plendil Tenormin Others Total Cardiovascular Respiratory: Pulmicort Rhinocort Symbicort Accolate Oxis Others Total Respiratory Oncology: Zoladex Casodex Nolvadex Arimidex Iressa Faslodex Others Total Oncology CNS: Seroquel Zomig Others Total CNS Pain, Infection and Other Pharma: Diprivan Merrem Local anaesthetics Other Pharma Products Total Pain, Infection and Other Pharma Salick Health Care 443 285 432 258 1,418 233 456 227 434 379 1,496 194

4,623 1,978 63 6,664 877 901 569 489 370 363 3,569 812 299 299 144 120 144 1,818 794 644 480 331 67 35 18 2,369 1,145 328 32 1,505

5,578 568 44 6,190 1,067 711 410 463 404 428 3,483 766 265 83 143 127 155 1,539 718 561 618 188 26 2,111 685 273 22 980

(17) n/m 43 8 (18) 27 39 6 (8) (15) 2 6 13 n/m 1 (6) (7) 18 11 15 (22) 76 n/m n/m (31) 12 67 20 45 54 (3) 26 (32) (5) 20

(18) n/m 38 7 (18) 27 36 5 (7) (18) 1 5 13 n/m 2 (9) (9) 16 12 15 (21) 75 n/m n/m (31) 12 67 19 40 53 (3) 26 (31) (5) 20

2,847 1,525 20 4,392 467 617 206 209 52 13 1,564 361 211 104 676 212 180 337 134 35 898 927 177 7 1,111 216 59 113 75 463 233

(21) n/m n/m 8 (24) 43 37 6 (2) (82) 3 35 19 5 -

24 7 (23) (27) 127 n/m (6) 67 20 17 57 3 9 (12) (32) (8) 20

Astra Tech Marlow Foods Total

n/m not meaningful

151 114 17,841

126 103 16,222

20 11 10

14 8 9

11 3 9,351

38 10


World 4th Quarter 2002 $m 4th Quarter 2001 $m Actual Growth % Constant Currency Growth % 4th Quarter 2002 $m US Actual Growth %

Gastrointestinal: Losec Nexium Others Total Gastrointestinal Cardiovascular: Zestril Seloken Atacand Plendil Tenormin Others Total Cardiovascular Respiratory: Pulmicort Rhinocort Symbicort Accolate Oxis Others Total Respiratory Oncology: Zoladex Casodex Nolvadex Arimidex Iressa Faslodex Others Total Oncology CNS: Seroquel Zomig Others Total CNS Pain, Infection and Other Pharma: Diprivan Merrem Local anaesthetics Other Pharma Products Total Pain, Infection and Other Pharma Salick Health Care 117 69 121 68 375 63 133 65 102 104 404 50

1,115 686 18 1,819 144 263 160 139 95 93 894 237 76 105 52 29 38 537 206 184 138 92 41 16 4 681 357 94 9 460

1,372 278 14 1,664 256 165 124 136 104 115 900 203 74 49 30 33 40 429 205 173 181 51 4 614 170 67 6 243

(19) n/m 29 9 (44) 59 29 2 (9) (19) (1) 17 3 n/m 73 (12) (5) 25 6 (24) 78 n/m n/m 11 110 40 50 89 (12) 6 19 (35) (7) 26

(20) n/m 15 7 (44) 60 24 (8) (29) (3) 14 3 n/m 73 (18) (10) 21 5 (24) 75 n/m n/m 11 109 39 33 87 (13) 8 19 (33) (7) 26

684 521 7 1,212 46 182 55 63 10 (1) 355 120 54 41 215 55 46 99 32 16 248 292 52 2 346 58 8 37 18 121 63

(17) n/m n/m 14 (68) 107 15 (6) n/m (7) 62 2 128 48 8 (35) (27) 167 n/m n/m (8) 130 63 100 116 (13) (53) 3 (36) (18) 26

Astra Tech Marlow Foods Total n/m not meaningful

43 29 4,901

36 26 4,366

19 12 12

2 4 10

3 1 2,564


Convenience Translation of Key Financial Information

2001 (restated) $m 2001 (restated) m 2001 (restated) SEKm

For the three months ended 31 December

2002 $m

2002 m

2002 SEKm

Total Sales Operating profit before exceptional items (EI) Profit before tax on continuing operations before EI Net profit for the period Earnings per Ordinary Share pre EI

4,901 1,074 1,081 428 $0.45

4,366 1,090 1,102 726 $0.45

3,045 667 672 266 0.28

2,713 677 685 451 0.28

42,982 9,419 9,480 3,754 SEK3.95

38,290 9,559 9,665 6,367 SEK3.95

For the year ended 31 December

2002 $m

2001 (restated) $m

2002 m

2001 (restated) m

2002 SEKm

2001 (restated) SEKm

Total Sales Operating profit before exceptional items (EI) Profit before tax on continuing operations before EI Net profit for the year Basic earnings per Ordinary Share Earnings per Ordinary Share pre EI Dividend per Ordinary Share Net cash inflow from operating activities Decrease in cash Shareholders funds equity interests 31 December

17,841 4,356 4,387 2,836 $1.64 $1.84 $0.70 5,593 (22) 11,172

16,222 4,156 4,269 2,906 $1.65 $1.73 $0.70 3,762 (396) 9,586

11,086 2,707 2,726 1,762 1.02 1.14 43.2p 3,475 (14) 6,942

10,080 2,582 2,653 1,806 1.03 1.08 49.3p 2,338 (246) 5,957

156,466 38,202 38,474 24,872 SEK14.38 SEK16.14 SEK6.20 49,051 (193) 97,978

142,267 36,448 37,439 25,486 SEK14.47 SEK15.17 SEK7.45 32,993 (3,473) 84,069

Sterling () and Swedish Kronor equivalents are shown for convenience and have been calculated using the current period end rates of $1=0.621388 and $1=SEK8.77, respectively. Dividend per Ordinary Share is shown as the actual amount payable using the rates at the date of declaration of the dividend.


Information for US Investors

The Group profit and loss account and Group balance sheet set out on pages 9, 10 and 11 are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United Kingdom (UK GAAP) which differ in certain material respects from those generally accepted in the United States (US GAAP). The differences as they apply to AstraZeneca PLC are explained in the Groups 2001 Annual Report and Form 20-F except that, in the current year, AstraZeneca adopted SFAS No141 Business Combinations and SFAS No142 Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets. As a result goodwill is no longer amortised but tested annually for impairment. The effect has been to increase profit by approximately $755m. The approximate effects on Group income and shareholders equity of the GAAP differences are shown below.

Income attributable to Shareholders

2002 $m

2001 $m

Net income for the year under UK GAAP (2001 restated) Adjustments to conform to US GAAP Purchase accounting adjustments, (including goodwill and intangibles); - deemed acquisition of Astra - amortisation and other acquisition adjustments - others Capitalisation, less disposals and amortisation of interest Deferred taxation - on fair value of Astra - others Pension expense Post-retirement benefits/plan amendment Software costs capitalised Restructuring costs Share based compensation Fair value of derivative financial instruments Deferred income recognition Unrealised losses on foreign exchange and others Net income before cumulative effect of change in accounting policy Cumulative effect of change in accounting policy, net of tax, on adoption of SFAS No. 133 Net income in accordance with US GAAP Net income per Ordinary Share under US GAAP (basic) Net income per Ordinary Share under US GAAP (diluted)



(864) 55 46

(1,514) 57

239 (99) (50) 4 (46) 33 93 61 (1) 2,307 2,307 $1.33 $1.33

249 (198) (33) 4 (10) (22) (7) 18 (75) (10) 1,365 32 1,397 $0.79 $0.79



31 Dec 2002 $m 31 Dec 2001 $m

Shareholders equity

Shareholders equity under UK GAAP (2001 restated) Adjustment to conform to US GAAP Purchase accounting adjustments, (including goodwill and intangibles); - deemed acquisition of Astra - goodwill - tangible and intangible fixed assets - others Capitalisation, less disposals and amortisation of interest Deferred taxation - on fair value of Astra - others Dividend Pension expense Post-retirement benefits/plan amendment Software costs capitalised Fair value of derivative financial instruments Deferred income recognition Others Shareholders equity in accordance with US GAAP



12,692 7,707 86 238

11,062 8,139 31 192

(2,305) (159) 808 (271) (24) 64 99 (14) 90 30,183

(2,313) (68) 820 (162) (28) 110 50 (75) 58 27,402


Shareholder Information
ANNOUNCEMENTS AND MEETINGS Announcement of first quarter 2003 results Annual General Meeting 2003 Announcement of second quarter and half year 2003 results Annual Business Review 2003 Announcement of third quarter and nine months 2003 results DIVIDENDS The record date for the first interim dividend paid on 7 October 2002 (in the UK, Sweden and the US) was 23 August 2002. Ordinary Shares traded ex-dividend on the London and Stockholm Stock Exchange from 21 August 2002. ADRs traded exdividend on the New York Stock Exchange from the same date. The record date for the second interim dividend for 2002 payable on 7 April 2003 (in the UK, Sweden and the US) will be 21 February 2003. Ordinary Shares will trade ex-dividend on the London and Stockholm Stock Exchange from 19 February 2003. ADRs will trade ex-dividend on the New York Stock Exchange from the same date. Future dividends will normally be paid as follows: First interim Second interim TRADE MARKS The following brand names used in this interim report are trade marks of the AstraZeneca group of companies: Accolate Arimidex Astra Tech Atacand Atacand HCT Casodex Crestor Diprivan Exanta Faslodex Iressa Losec Merrem Nexium Nolvadex Oxis Plendil Prilosec Pulmicort Pulmicort Respules Pulmicort Turbuhaler Rhinocort Rhinocort Aqua Seloken Seroquel Symbicort Tenormin Toprol-XL Zestril Zoladex Zomig Zomig ZMT Zomig Rapimelt ADDRESSES FOR CORRESPONDENCE Registrar and Transfer Office The AstraZeneca Registrar Lloyds TSB Registrars The Causeway Worthing West Sussex BN99 6DA Tel: +44 (0)121 433 8000 Depositary for ADRs JPMorgan Chase Bank PO Box 43013 Providence, RI 02940-3013 US Tel: +1 (781) 575 4328 Registered Office 15 Stanhope Gate London W1K 1LN UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7304 5000 Swedish Securities Register Centre VPC AB PO Box 7822 S-103 97 Stockholm Sweden Tel: +46 (0)8 402 9000 Announced in July and paid in October Announced in January and paid in April. 30 April 2003 30 April 2003 24 July 2003 2 October 2003 23 October 2003


In order to utilise the Safe Harbor provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, AstraZeneca is providing the following cautionary statement. This Preliminary Report contains forward-looking statements with respect to the financial condition, results of operations and businesses of AstraZeneca. By their nature, forward-looking statements and forecasts involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. There are a number of factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from that expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. These factors include, among other things, exchange rate fluctuations, the risk that research and development will not yield new products that achieve commercial success, the impact of competition, price controls and price reductions, the risk of loss or expiration of patents or trade marks, difficulties of obtaining and maintaining governmental approvals for products, the risk of substantial product liability claims and exposure to environmental liability.


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