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Course (Project/Unit): Treasure Hunt Lesson: 2 Description: Treasure hunt around the school.

Key 1 2 3 4 5 Transferable skills: competences:

Linguistic communication Artistic and cultural Processing information and use of ICT Mathematical competence Learning to learn Autonomy and personal initiative Interaction with the physical environment Social skills and citizenship

Session: 2 Cycle: 3 Grade: 1 Year: 1

Communicative skills: To use language as object of analysis and as a part of the game (rules, communication with the group and with others). Methodological skills: To access and communicate information using different supports including the dictionary.

Personal skills: To initiate activities with creativity and critical thinking. Living together and in the worlds skills: Take care of the rest of the group, work together and learn from others.

On the completion of this lesson/session most pupils will be able to:
- Follow written instructions to find the treasure hidden. - Work in groups to achieve the common goal and share with the rest of the class the treasure and the experience.

Session: 2 Time: 45 min. No of tasks: 1 Teaching objectives Learning outcomes (what is planned to (What pupils will be be taught) able to do) Content: Content:
Simple instructions: - to move around the school: Go downstairs/upstairs...; find; return; look for. - Need of a dictionary (and how to use it) - Follow simple commands to continue playing. - Look the unknown vocabulary up in the dictionary. - Discover that they are able to finnish the game by themselves (in group).

No of activities: 2 Communication

Language OF learning: Key vocabulary:

- Commands: Look for... in/on/under/behind/ next to/up/down. - School parts (places?): classroom, playground, stairs, bathrooms, orchard, court, bench, entrance. Adjectives: hidden, unusual. Nouns: clue, scooter.

Key structures:

- First..., secondly..., finally... - Orders and commands: go...; look for...; find...; return...

Language FOR learning:

- To integrate new concepts of the school to previous learning - To expand knowledge autonomously by giving them simple written commands and useful materials (dictionary)


Is it on/under/in/next to/behind...? We think that __ is..., We are not really - Follow simple instructions sure but __ could be..., We dont know in order to finish the game. - Establish logical sequences what it is, __, Is the...? Yes, it is/No, it isnt, Can you...? Yes, I can/No, I cant according to previous experiences with certain instructions

Langauge THROUGH learning:

Language coming across when looking for information about Treasure Hunt or in some hidden clues.

Task: 1

Activity 1 Introduction
Type of Whole class interaction: Tim Description e:
10 min Short guessing game. Give children something to hide. Then, I cover my eyes while they hide it in the classroom. Ask 15 questions to find out where it is, like Is it in the cupboard? Children can answer only yes or no.

Group class Classroom language

Pair work

Individual work

Differentiation Fast finishers

Help others if they dont understand the questions.

Is it in, on, under, behind, next to, in front of... classroom vocabulary (window, desk, computer, blackboard, chair...)?

Special needs
Take them into account so they join the game like others. Make each pupil ask something (a question per child).

Assessment criteria: can the pupils...?

- Follow the activity - Answer questions according to where have they hidden the object - Enjoy with the activity while they are practising English language

Activity 2 Treasure Hunt

Type of Whole class interaction: Tim Description e:
30 min Commands game where pupils have to follow instructions to find out where the treasure is hidden.

Group class Classroom language

- Go up/downstairs... - Find... - Look for... - Return... - School sites vocabulary

Pair work

Individual work

Differentiation Fast finishers

They will have a crossword to solve until all children return to the classroom.

Special needs
They join the faster team where someone will help them to join and enjoy the game

Assessment criteria: can the pupils...?

- Return to the classroom with the different clues - Understand commands and work in groups - Enjoy playing while learning

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