Verse (50:1) - Word by Word: Quranic Arabic Corpus

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__Verse (50:1) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows Word by Word the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on Quran an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction. Dictionary
Chapter (50) srat qf

English Translation Syntactic Treebank Ontology of Concepts Documentation Quranic Grammar Message Board Resources Feedback Java API

Verse (50:1)

6 Go

Chapter (50) srat qf

Translation (50:1:1) qaf Qaf. Arabic word Syntax and morphology

INL Quranic initials

P prefixed preposition wa (oath) PN genitivemasculinepropernounQuran

(50:1:2) wal-qur'ni By the Quran,

ADJ genitive masculine singular adjective

(50:1:3) l-majdi the Glorious.

(50:2:1) bal Nay,

RET retraction particle

V 3rd person masculine plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(50:2:2) ajib they wonder

SUB subordinating conjunction

(50:2:3) an that

(50:2:4) jahum has come to them

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

N nominative masculine indefinite (form IV) active participle

(50:2:5) mundhirun a warner

P preposition PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

(50:2:6) min'hum from them.

REM prefixed resumption particle

(50:2:7) faqla So say

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

(50:2:8) l-kfirna the disbelievers,

N nominative masculine plural active participle

(50:2:9) hdh "This

DEM masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

(50:2:10) shayon (is) a thing

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

(50:2:11) ajbun amazing.

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

INTG prefixed interrogative alif

(50:3:1) a-idh What! When

T time adverb

V 1st person plural passive perfect verb (50:3:2) mit'n we die PRON subject pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:3:3) wakunn and have become

V 1st person plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

N accusativemasculineindefinitenounDust

(50:3:4) turban dust.

(50:3:5) dhlika That

DEM masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

(50:3:6) rajun (is) a return

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

(50:3:7) badun far."

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 1-3 | 4-5 | 6-8 | 9-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-25 | 26-28 | 29-32 | 33-35

Language Research Group University of Leeds


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

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(50:4) - Word by Word

Word by Word Quran Dictionary English Translation Syntactic Treebank Ontology of Concepts Documentation Quranic Grammar Message Board Resources Feedback Java API

Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (50) srat qf Verse (50:4) 6 Go 6

Chapter (50) srat qf

Translation (50:4:1) qad Certainly, Arabic word Syntax and morphology

CERT particle of certainty

V 1st person plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(50:4:2) alim'n We know

REL relative pronoun

(50:4:3) m what

(50:4:4) tanquu diminishes

V 3rd person feminine singular imperfect verb

(50:4:5) l-aru the earth

N nominativefemininenounEarth

P preposition PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

(50:4:6) min'hum of them,

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) LOC accusative location adverb

(50:4:7) waindan and with Us

PRON 1st person plural possessive pronoun

(50:4:8) kitbun (is) a Book

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite active participle

(50:4:9) afun guarded.

RET retraction particle

(50:5:1) bal Nay,

V 3rd person masculine plural (form II) perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(50:5:2) kadhab they denied

P prefixed preposition bi N genitive masculine noun

(50:5:3) bil-aqi the truth

T time adverb

(50:5:4) lamm when

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

(50:5:5) jahum it came (to) them,

REM prefixed resumption particle

(50:5:6) fahum so they

PRON 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

P preposition

(50:5:7) f (are) in

(50:5:8) amrin a state

N genitive masculine indefinite noun

(50:5:9) marjin confused.

ADJ genitive masculine singular indefinite adjective

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 1-3 | 4-5 | 6-8 | 9-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-25 | 26-28 | 29-32 | 33-35

Language Research Group University of Leeds


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

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__Verse (50:6) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows Word by Word the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on Quran an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction. Dictionary
Chapter (50) srat qf

English Translation Syntactic Treebank Ontology of Concepts Documentation

Verse (50:6)

6 Go

Chapter (50) srat qf

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology INTG prefixed interrogative alif

Quranic Grammar Message Board Resources Feedback Java API

SUP prefixed supplemental particle (50:6:1) afalam Then do not NEG negative particle

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb,

(50:6:2) yanur they look

jussive mood PRON subject pronoun

(50:6:3) il at

P preposition

(50:6:4) l-sami the sky

N genitive feminine noun

N accusative masculine noun

(50:6:5) fawqahum above them -

PRON 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

INTG interrogative noun

(50:6:6) kayfa how

V 1st person plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(50:6:7) banaynh We structured it

PRON 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) V 1st person plural (form II) perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(50:6:8) wazayyannh and adorned it

PRON 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:6:9) wam and not

NEG negative particle

P prefixed preposition lm (50:6:10) lah for it PRON 3rd person feminine singular personal pronoun

P preposition

(50:6:11) min any

N genitive masculine plural indefinite noun

(50:6:12) furjin rifts?

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)


N accusativefemininenounEarth


wal-ara And the earth,

V 1st person plural perfect verb

(50:7:2) madadnh We have spread it out

PRON subject pronoun PRON 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:7:3) wa-alqayn and cast

V 1st person plural (form IV) perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

P preposition

(50:7:4) fh therein

PRON 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

N accusative feminine plural active participle

(50:7:5) rawsiya firmly set mountains

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) (50:7:6) wa-anbatn and We made to grow V 1st person plural (form IV) perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

P preposition

(50:7:7) fh therein

PRON 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

P preposition

(50:7:8) min of

N genitive masculine noun

(50:7:9) kulli every

(50:7:10) zawjin kind

N genitive masculine indefinite noun

ADJ genitive masculine singular indefinite adjective

(50:7:11) bahjin beautiful,

N accusative feminine indefinite (form II) verbal noun

(50:8:1) tabiratan Giving insight

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:8:2) wadhik'r and a reminder

N nominative feminine noun

P prefixed preposition lm N genitive masculine noun

(50:8:3) likulli for every

N genitive masculine indefinite noun

(50:8:4) abdin slave

(50:8:5) munbin who turns.

N genitive masculine indefinite (form IV) active participle

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 1-3 | 4-5 | 6-8 | 9-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-25 | 26-28 | 29-32 | 33-35

Language Research Group University of Leeds


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

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__Verse (50:9) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows Word by Word the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on Quran an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction. Dictionary
Chapter (50) srat qf

English Translation Syntactic Treebank Ontology of Concepts Documentation

Verse (50:9)

6 Go

Chapter (50) srat qf

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

Quranic Grammar Message Board Resources Feedback Java API

(50:9:1) wanazzaln And We have sent down

V 1st person plural (form II) perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

P preposition

(50:9:2) mina from

(50:9:3) l-sami the sky

N genitive feminine noun

(50:9:4) man water

N accusative masculine indefinite noun

N accusative masculine indefinite (form III) passive participle

(50:9:5) mubrakan blessed,

REM prefixed resumption particle

(50:9:6) fa-anbatn then We made to grow

V 1st person plural (form IV) perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

P prefixed preposition bi

(50:9:7) bihi thereby

PRON 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

N genitive feminine plural indefinite noun

(50:9:8) janntin gardens

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:9:9) waabba and grain

N accusativemasculinenounGrain

N genitive masculine noun

(50:9:10) l-adi (for) the harvest,

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:10:1) wal-nakhla And the palms trees

N accusativemasculinenounDate Palm

(50:10:2) bsiqtin tall -

N genitive feminine plural indefinite noun

P prefixed preposition lm PRON 3rd person feminine singular personal pronoun

(50:10:3) lah for it

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

(50:10:4) alun (are) layers


(50:10:5) nadun arranged.

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

(50:11:1) riz'qan A provision

N accusative masculine indefinite noun

P prefixed preposition lm N genitive masculine plural noun

(50:11:2) lil'ibdi for the slaves,

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:11:3) wa-ayayn and We give life

V 1st person plural (form IV) perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

P prefixed preposition bi

(50:11:4) bihi therewith

PRON 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

N accusative feminine indefinite noun

(50:11:5) baldatan (to) a land

(50:11:6) maytan dead.

ADJ accusative masculine singular indefinite adjective

P prefixed preposition ka DEM masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

(50:11:7) kadhlika Thus

N nominative masculine noun

(50:11:8) l-khurju (will be) the coming forth.

(50:12:1) kadhabat Denied

V 3rd person feminine singular (form II) perfect verb

T accusative time adverb

(50:12:2) qablahum before them

PRON 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

N nominative masculine noun

(50:12:3) qawmu (the) people

(50:12:4) nin (of) Nuh

PN genitivemasculinepropernounNuh

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:12:5) wa-abu and (the) companions

N nominativemasculinepluralnounCompanions of the Rass

N genitive masculine noun

(50:12:6) l-rasi (of) Ar-Raas

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) (50:12:7) wathamdu and Thamud, PN nominativepropernounThamud

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 1-3 | 4-5 | 6-8 | 9-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-25 | 26-28 | 29-32 | 33-35

Language Research Group University of Leeds


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

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__Verse (50:13) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows Word by Word the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on Quran an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction. Dictionary
Chapter (50) srat qf

English Translation Syntactic Treebank Ontology of Concepts Documentation

Verse (50:13)

6 Go

Chapter (50) srat qf

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

Quranic Grammar Message Board Resources Feedback Java API

(50:13:1) wadun And Aad

PN nominativeindefinitepropernounAad

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:13:2) wafir'awnu and Firaun

PN nominativemasculinepropernoun Pharaoh

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) (50:13:3) wa-ikh'wnu and (the) brothers N nominative masculine plural noun

PN genitivepropernounLut

(50:13:4) lin (of) Lut,

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:14:1) wa-abu And (the) companions

N nominativemasculinepluralnoun Companions of the Wood

N genitive noun

(50:14:2) l-aykati (of) the wood

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:14:3) waqawmu and (the) people

N nominative masculine noun

PN genitivepropernounTubba

(50:14:4) tubbain (of) Tubba.

(50:14:5) kullun All

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

(50:14:6) kadhaba denied

V 3rd person masculine singular (form II) perfect verb

N accusative masculine plural noun


(50:14:7) l-rusula the Messengers,

REM prefixed resumption particle (50:14:8) faaqqa so was fulfilled V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

N genitive masculine noun

(50:14:9) wadi My Threat.

INTG prefixed interrogative alif SUP prefixed supplemental particle

(50:15:1) afaayn Were We then tired

V 1st person plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

P prefixed preposition bi N genitive masculine noun

(50:15:2) bil-khalqi with the creation

ADJ genitive masculine singular adjective

(50:15:3) l-awali the first?

(50:15:4) bal Nay,

RET retraction particle

PRON 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

(50:15:5) hum they

P preposition

(50:15:6) f (are) in

(50:15:7) labsin doubt

N genitive masculine indefinite noun

(50:15:8) min about

P preposition

N genitive masculine indefinite noun

(50:15:9) khalqin a creation

ADJ genitive masculine singular indefinite adjective

(50:15:10) jaddin new.

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 1-3 | 4-5 | 6-8 | 9-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-25 | 26-28 | 29-32 | 33-35

Language Research Group University of Leeds


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

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__Verse (50:16) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows Word by Word the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on Quran an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction. Dictionary
Chapter (50) srat qf

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Verse (50:16)

6 Go

Chapter (50) srat qf

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

Quranic Grammar Message Board Resources Feedback Java API

EMPH emphatic prefix lm (50:16:1) walaqad And certainly CERT particle of certainty

V 1st person plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(50:16:2) khalaqn We created

N accusative masculine noun

(50:16:3) l-insna man

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:16:4) wanalamu and We know

V 1st person plural imperfect verb

REL relative pronoun

(50:16:5) m what

(50:16:6) tuwaswisu whispers

V 3rd person feminine singular imperfect verb

P prefixed preposition bi PRON 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

(50:16:7) bihi to him

N nominative feminine singular noun

(50:16:8) nafsuhu his soul,

PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:16:9) wananu and We

PRON 1st person plural personal pronoun

(50:16:10) aqrabu (are) nearer

N nominative masculine singular noun

P preposition PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

(50:16:11) ilayhi to him

P preposition

(50:16:12) min than (50:16:13) abli (his) jugular vein. (50:16:14) l-wardi (his) jugular vein.

N genitive masculine noun

N genitive masculine noun


(50:17:1) idh When

T time adverb

V 3rd person masculine singular (form V) imperfect verb, subjunctive mood

(50:17:2) yatalaqq receive

N nominative masculine dual (form V) active participle

(50:17:3) l-mutalaqiyni the two receivers (50:17:4) ani on

P preposition

(50:17:5) l-yamni the right

N genitive masculine noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) (50:17:6) waani and on P preposition

N genitive masculine noun

(50:17:7) l-shimli the left

(50:17:8) qadun seated.

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

(50:18:1) m Not

NEG negative particle

(50:18:2) yalfiu he utters

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

P preposition

(50:18:3) min any

N genitive masculine indefinite verbal noun

(50:18:4) qawlin word

(50:18:5) ill but

RES restriction particle

LOC location adverb

(50:18:6) ladayhi with him

PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

(50:18:7) raqbun (is) an observer

(50:18:8) atdun ready.

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 1-3 | 4-5 | 6-8 | 9-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-25 | 26-28 | 29-32 | 33-35

Language Research Group University of Leeds


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

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__Verse (50:19) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows Word by Word the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on Quran an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction. Dictionary
Chapter (50) srat qf

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Verse (50:19)

6 Go

Chapter (50) srat qf

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

Quranic Grammar Message Board Resources Feedback Java API

(50:19:1) wajat And will come

V 3rd person feminine singular perfect verb

N nominative feminine noun

(50:19:2) sakratu (the) stupor

(50:19:3) l-mawti (of) death

N genitive masculine noun

P prefixed preposition bi N genitive masculine noun

(50:19:4) bil-aqi in truth,

DEM masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

(50:19:5) dhlika "That

(50:19:6) m (is) what

REL relative pronoun

V 2nd person masculine singular perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(50:19:7) kunta you were

P preposition PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

(50:19:8) min'hu [from it]

V 2nd person masculine singular imperfect verb

(50:19:9) tadu avoiding."

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:20:1) wanufikha And will be blown

V 3rd person masculine singular passive perfect verb

(50:20:2) f [in]

P preposition

(50:20:3) l-ri the trumpet.

N genitive masculine noun

(50:20:4) dhlika That

DEM masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

(50:20:5) yawmu (is the) Day

N nominative masculine noun

(50:20:6) l-wadi (of) the Warning.

N genitive masculine noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:21:1) wajat And will come

V 3rd person feminine singular perfect verb

N nominative masculine noun

(50:21:2) kullu every

(50:21:3) nafsin soul,

N genitive feminine singular indefinite noun

LOC accusative location adverb PRON 3rd person feminine singular possessive pronoun

(50:21:4) maah with it

N nominative masculine indefinite active participle

(50:21:5) siqun a driver

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:21:6) washahdun and a witness.

N nominative masculine singular indefinite noun

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 4-5 | 6-8 | 9-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-25 | 26-28 | 29-32 | 33-35 | 36-37

Language Research Group University of Leeds


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

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__Verse (50:22) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows Word by Word the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on Quran an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction. Dictionary
Chapter (50) srat qf

English Translation Syntactic Treebank Ontology of Concepts Documentation

Verse (50:22)

6 Go

Chapter (50) srat qf

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology EMPH emphatic prefix lm

Quranic Grammar Message Board Resources Feedback Java API

(50:22:1) laqad "Certainly

CERT particle of certainty

V 2nd person masculine singular perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(50:22:2) kunta you were

P preposition

(50:22:3) f in

(50:22:4) ghaflatin heedlessness

N genitive feminine indefinite noun

(50:22:5) min of

P preposition

(50:22:6) hdh this.

DEM masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

REM prefixed resumption particle

(50:22:7) fakashafn So We have removed

V 1st person plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

P preposition PRON 2nd person masculine singular object pronoun

(50:22:8) anka from you

N accusative masculine noun

(50:22:9) ghiaka your cover,

PRON 2nd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

REM prefixed resumption particle N nominative masculine noun

(50:22:10) fabaaruka so your sight

PRON 2nd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

N accusative masculine noun

(50:22:11) l-yawma today

(50:22:12) addun (is) sharp."

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:23:1) waqla

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb


And (will) say

N nominative masculine noun (50:23:2) qarnuhu his companion, PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

DEM masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

(50:23:3) hdh "This

(50:23:4) m (is) what

REL relative pronoun

LOC location adverb PRON 1st person singular possessive pronoun

(50:23:5) ladayya (is) with me

N nominative masculine singular indefinite noun

(50:23:6) atdun ready."

V 2nd person masculine dual (form IV) imperative verb PRON subject pronoun

(50:24:1) alqiy "Throw

P preposition

(50:24:2) f in (to)

PN genitivepropernounHell

(50:24:3) jahannama Hell

(50:24:4) kulla every

N accusative masculine noun

(50:24:5) kaffrin disbeliever

ADJ genitive masculine singular indefinite adjective

(50:24:6) andin stubborn,

ADJ genitive masculine singular indefinite adjective

(50:25:1) mannin Forbidder

ADJ genitive masculine singular indefinite adjective

P prefixed preposition lm N genitive masculine singular noun

(50:25:2) lil'khayri of good,

N genitive masculine indefinite (form VIII) active participle

(50:25:3) mu'tadin transgressor

(50:25:4) murbin doubter,

N genitive masculine indefinite (form IV) active participle

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 6-8 | 9-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-25 | 26-28 | 29-32 | 33-35 | 36-37 | 38-40

Language Research Group University of Leeds


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

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__Verse (50:26) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows Word by Word the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on Quran an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction. Dictionary
Chapter (50) srat qf

English Translation Syntactic

Verse (50:26)

6 Go

Treebank Ontology of Concepts Documentation Quranic Grammar Message Board Resources Feedback Java API
(50:26:2) jaala made V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb (50:26:1) alladh Who REL masculine singular relative pronoun

Chapter (50) srat qf

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology

(50:26:3) maa with

LOC accusative location adverb

PN genitivepropernounAllah

(50:26:4) l-lahi Allah

(50:26:5) ilhan a god

N accusative masculine singular indefinite noun

(50:26:6) khara another;

ADJ accusative masculine singular adjective

REM prefixed resumption particle V 2nd person masculine dual (form IV) imperative verb PRON subject pronoun PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

(50:26:7) fa-alqiyhu so throw him

(50:26:8) f in(to) P preposition

(50:26:9) l-adhbi the punishment

N genitive masculine noun

(50:26:10) l-shaddi the severe."

ADJ genitive masculine singular adjective

(50:27:1) qla Will say

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

N nominative masculine noun

(50:27:2) qarnuhu his companion,

PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

N accusative masculine noun

(50:27:3) rabban "Our Lord,

PRON 1st person plural possessive pronoun

NEG negative particle


(50:27:4) m not

V 1st person singular (form IV) perfect verb

(50:27:5) aghaytuhu I made him transgress,

PRON subject pronoun PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:27:6) walkin but

AMD amendment particle

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

(50:27:7) kna he was

(50:27:8) f in

P preposition

(50:27:9) allin error

N genitive masculine indefinite noun

ADJ genitive masculine singular indefinite adjective

(50:27:10) badin far."

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

(50:28:1) qla He will say,

(50:28:2) l "(Do) not

PRO prohibition particle

V 2nd person masculine plural (form VIII)

(50:28:3) takhtaim dispute

imperfect verb, jussive mood PRON subject pronoun

LOC location adverb

(50:28:4) ladayya (in) My presence

PRON 1st person singular possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:28:5) waqad and indeed,

CERT particle of certainty

V 1st person singular (form II) perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(50:28:6) qaddamtu I sent forth

P preposition (50:28:7) ilaykum to you PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

P prefixed preposition bi N genitive masculine noun

(50:28:8) bil-wadi the Warning.

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 9-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-25 | 26-28 | 29-32 | 33-35 | 36-37 | 38-40 | 41-43

Language Research Group University of Leeds


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

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__Verse (50:29) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows Word by Word the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on Quran an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction. Dictionary
Chapter (50) srat qf

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Verse (50:29)

6 Go

Chapter (50) srat qf

Translation (50:29:1) Arabic word Syntax and morphology

Quranic Grammar Message Board Resources Feedback Java API

NEG negative particle

m Not

V 3rd person masculine singular (form II) passive imperfect verb

(50:29:2) yubaddalu will be changed

(50:29:3) l-qawlu the word

N nominative masculine verbal noun

LOC location adverb PRON 1st person singular possessive pronoun

(50:29:4) ladayya with Me,

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:29:5) wam and not

NEG negative particle

PRON 1st person singular personal pronoun

(50:29:6) an I Am

P prefixed preposition bi N genitive masculine singular indefinite noun

(50:29:7) biallmin unjust

P prefixed preposition lm N genitive masculine plural noun

(50:29:8) lil'abdi to My slaves."

N accusative masculine noun

(50:30:1) yawma (The) Day

V 1st person plural imperfect verb

(50:30:2) naqlu We will say

P prefixed preposition lm PN genitivepropernounHell

(50:30:3) lijahannama to Hell,

INTG interrogative particle

(50:30:4) hali "Are

(50:30:5) im'talati you filled?"

V 2nd person feminine singular (form VIII) perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)


(50:30:6) wataqlu And it will say,

V 3rd person feminine singular imperfect verb

INTG interrogative particle

(50:30:7) hal "Are

P preposition

(50:30:8) min (there) any

N genitive masculine indefinite passive participle

(50:30:9) mazdin more?"

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) V 3rd person feminine singular (form IV) passive perfect verb

(50:31:1) wa-uz'lifati And will be brought near

PN nominativefemininepropernounParadise

(50:31:2) l-janatu the Paradise

P prefixed preposition lm N genitive masculine plural (form VIII) active participle

(50:31:3) lil'muttaqna to the righteous,

N accusative masculine noun

(50:31:4) ghayra not

ADJ genitive masculine singular indefinite adjective

(50:31:5) badin far.

(50:32:1) hdh "This

DEM masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

(50:32:2) m (is) what

REL relative pronoun

V 2nd person masculine plural passive imperfect verb

(50:32:3) tadna you were promised,

PRON subject pronoun

P prefixed preposition lm N genitive masculine noun

(50:32:4) likulli for everyone

ADJ genitive masculine singular indefinite adjective

(50:32:5) awwbin who turns

(50:32:6) afin (and) who keeps,

ADJ genitive masculine singular indefinite active participle

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-25 | 26-28 | 29-32 | 33-35 | 36-37 | 38-40 | 41-43 | 44-45

Language Research Group University of Leeds


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

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(50:33) - Word by Word

Word by Word Quran Dictionary English Translation Syntactic Treebank Ontology of Concepts Documentation

Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (50) srat qf Verse (50:33) 6 Go 6

Chapter (50) srat qf

Translation (50:33:1) Arabic word Syntax and morphology

Quranic Grammar Message Board Resources Feedback Java API

REL relative pronoun

man Who

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

(50:33:2) khashiya feared (50:33:3) l-ramna the Most Gracious

N accusative masculine singular noun

P prefixed preposition bi N genitive masculine noun

(50:33:4) bil-ghaybi in the unseen,

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:33:5) waja and came

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

P prefixed preposition bi N genitivefemininesingularindefinitenounHeart

(50:33:6) biqalbin with a heart

N genitive masculine indefinite (form IV) active participle

(50:33:7) munbin returning.

V 2nd person masculine plural imperative verb

(50:34:1) ud'khulh Enter it

PRON subject pronoun PRON 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

P prefixed preposition bi N genitive masculine indefinite noun


(50:34:2) bisalmin in peace.

(50:34:3) dhlika That

DEM masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

(50:34:4) yawmu (is) a Day

N nominative masculine noun

(50:34:5) l-khuldi (of) Eternity."

N genitive masculine noun

P prefixed preposition lm PRON 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

(50:35:1) lahum For them

REL relative pronoun

(50:35:2) m whatever

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(50:35:3) yashna they wish

P preposition PRON 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

(50:35:4) fh therein

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:35:5) waladayn and with Us

LOC location adverb PRON 1st person plural possessive pronoun

N nominative masculine indefinite passive participle

(50:35:6) mazdun (is) more.

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-25 | 26-28 | 29-32 | 33-35 | 36-37 | 38-40 | 41-43 | 44-45

Language Research Group University of Leeds


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New :


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__Verse (50:36) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows Word by Word the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on Quran an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction. Dictionary
Chapter (50) srat qf

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Verse (50:36)

6 Go

Chapter (50) srat qf

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

Quranic Grammar Message Board Resources

(50:36:1) wakam And how many

INTG interrogative noun

Feedback Java API

(50:36:2) ahlakn We destroyed

V 1st person plural (form IV) perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

T accusative time adverb

(50:36:3) qablahum before them

PRON 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

P preposition

(50:36:4) min of

N genitive masculine indefinite noun

(50:36:5) qarnin a generation,

(50:36:6) hum they

PRON 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

(50:36:7) ashaddu (were) stronger

N nominative masculine singular noun

P preposition PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

(50:36:8) min'hum than them

N accusative masculine indefinite verbal noun

(50:36:9) bashan (in) power.

REM prefixed resumption particle

(50:36:10) fanaqqab so they explored

V 3rd person masculine plural (form II) perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

P preposition

(50:36:11) f throughout

(50:36:12) l-bildi the lands.

N genitive masculine plural noun

(50:36:13) hal Is (there)

INTG interrogative particle

P preposition

(50:36:14) min any

N genitive masculine indefinite verbal noun

(50:36:15) main place of escape?

(50:37:1) inna Indeed,

ACC accusative particle

P preposition

(50:37:2) f in

(50:37:3) dhlika that

DEM masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

EMPH emphatic prefix lm N nominative feminine noun

(50:37:4) ladhik'r surely, is a reminder

P prefixed preposition lm REL relative pronoun

(50:37:5) liman for (one) who,

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

(50:37:6) kna is -

(50:37:7) lahu for him

P prefixed preposition lm PRON 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

N nominativefemininesingularindefinitenounHeart

(50:37:8) qalbun a heart

(50:37:9) aw or

CONJ coordinating conjunction

(50:37:10) alq (who) gives ear

V 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) perfect verb

(50:37:11) l-sama (who) gives ear

N accusative masculine noun

CIRC prefixed circumstantial particle

(50:37:12) wahuwa while he

PRON 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

N nominative masculine singular indefinite noun

(50:37:13) shahdun (is) a witness.

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-25 | 26-28 | 29-32 | 33-35 | 36-37 | 38-40 | 41-43 | 44-45

Language Research Group University of Leeds


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

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__Verse (50:38) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows Word by Word the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on Quran an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction. Dictionary
Chapter (50) srat qf

English Translation Syntactic Treebank Ontology of Concepts Documentation

Verse (50:38)

6 Go

Chapter (50) srat qf

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

Quranic Grammar Message Board Resources Feedback Java API

EMPH emphatic prefix lm (50:38:1) walaqad And certainly, CERT particle of certainty

V 1st person plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(50:38:2) khalaqn We created

N genitive feminine plural noun

(50:38:3) l-samwti the heavens

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:38:4) wal-ara and the earth

N accusativefemininenounEarth

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:38:5) wam and whatever

REL relative pronoun

(50:38:6) baynahum (is) between both of them

LOC accusative location adverb PRON 3rd person dual possessive pronoun

P preposition

(50:38:7) f in

N genitive feminine noun

(50:38:8) sittati six

(50:38:9) ayymin periods,

N genitive masculine plural indefinite noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:38:10) wam and (did) not

NEG negative particle

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

(50:38:11) massan touch Us

PRON 1st person plural object pronoun

P preposition

(50:38:12) min any

(50:38:13) lughbin fatigue.

N genitive masculine indefinite noun

REM prefixed resumption particle

(50:39:1) fa-i'bir So be patient

V 2nd person masculine singular imperative verb

(50:39:2) al

P preposition



(50:39:3) m what

REL relative pronoun

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(50:39:4) yaqlna they say

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:39:5) wasabbi and glorify

V 2nd person masculine singular (form II) imperative verb

P prefixed preposition bi N genitive masculine noun

(50:39:6) biamdi (the) praise

N genitive masculine noun

(50:39:7) rabbika (of) your Lord,

PRON 2nd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

T accusative time adverb

(50:39:8) qabla before

(50:39:9) uli (the) rising

N genitive masculine noun

(50:39:10) l-shamsi (of) the sun

N genitivefemininenounSun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) (50:39:11) waqabla and before T accusative time adverb

N genitive masculine noun

(50:39:12) l-ghurbi the setting,

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:40:1) wamina And of

P preposition

N genitive masculine noun

(50:40:2) al-layli the night

REM prefixed resumption particle V 2nd person masculine singular (form II) imperative verb

(50:40:3) fasabbi'hu glorify Him

PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:40:4) wa-adbra and after

N accusative masculine plural noun

N genitive masculine noun

(50:40:5) l-sujdi the prostration.

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-25 | 26-28 | 29-32 | 33-35 | 36-37 | 38-40 | 41-43 | 44-45

Language Research Group University of Leeds


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

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__Verse (50:41) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows Word by Word the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on Quran an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction. Dictionary
Chapter (50) srat qf

English Translation Syntactic Treebank Ontology of Concepts Documentation

Verse (50:41)

6 Go

Chapter (50) srat qf

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

Quranic Grammar Message Board Resources Feedback Java API

(50:41:1) wa-is'tami And listen!

V 2nd person masculine singular (form VIII) imperative verb

N accusative masculine noun

(50:41:2) yawma (The) Day

V 3rd person masculine singular (form III) imperfect verb, jussive mood

(50:41:3) yundi will call

N genitive masculine (form III) active participle

(50:41:4) l-mundi the caller

P preposition

(50:41:5) min from

(50:41:6) maknin a place

N genitive masculine indefinite noun

(50:41:7) qarbin near,

ADJ genitive masculine singular indefinite adjective

N accusative masculine noun

(50:42:1) yawma (The) Day

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(50:42:2) yasmana they will hear

N accusative feminine noun



l-ayata the Blast

P prefixed preposition bi N genitive masculine noun

(50:42:4) bil-aqi in truth.

DEM masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

(50:42:5) dhlika That

(50:42:6) yawmu (is the) Day

N nominative masculine noun

(50:42:7) l-khurji (of) coming forth.

N genitive masculine noun

ACC accusative particle PRON 1st person plural object pronoun

(50:43:1) inn Indeed, We

(50:43:2) nanu [We]

PRON 1st person plural personal pronoun

(50:43:3) nu'y [We] give life

V 1st person plural (form IV) imperfect verb

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) V 1st person plural (form IV) imperfect verb

(50:43:4) wanumtu and [We] cause death,

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:43:5) wa-ilayn and to Us

P preposition PRON 1st person plural object pronoun

N nominative noun

(50:43:6) l-maru (is) the final return.

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-25 | 26-28 | 29-32 | 33-35 | 36-37 | 38-40 | 41-43 | 44-45

Language Research Group University of Leeds


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

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__Verse (50:44) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows Word by Word the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on Quran an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction. Dictionary

Chapter (50) srat qf

English Translation Syntactic Treebank Ontology of Concepts Documentation

Verse (50:44)

6 Go

Chapter (50) srat qf

Translation (50:44:1) Arabic word Syntax and morphology T accusative masculine time adverb

Quranic Grammar Message Board Resources Feedback Java API

yawma (The) Day

(50:44:2) tashaqqaqu will split

V 3rd person feminine singular (form V) imperfect verb

(50:44:3) l-aru the earth

N nominativefemininenounEarth

P preposition PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

(50:44:4) anhum from them,

N accusative masculine indefinite (form III) verbal noun

(50:44:5) siran hurrying.

(50:44:6) dhlika That

DEM masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

(50:44:7) ashrun (is) a gathering

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

P preposition PRON 1st person plural object pronoun

(50:44:8) alayn for Us

(50:44:9) yasrun easy.

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

(50:45:1) nanu We

PRON 1st person plural personal pronoun


N nominative masculine singular noun


alamu know best

P prefixed preposition bi REL relative pronoun

(50:45:3) bim [of] what

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(50:45:4) yaqlna they say,

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(50:45:5) wam and not

NEG negative particle

PRON 2nd person masculine singular personal pronoun

(50:45:6) anta (are) you

P preposition PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

(50:45:7) alayhim over them

P prefixed preposition bi N genitive masculine singular indefinite noun

(50:45:8) bijabbrin the one to compel.

REM prefixed resumption particle

(50:45:9) fadhakkir But remind

V 2nd person masculine singular (form II) imperative verb

(50:45:10) bil-qur'ni with the Quran

P prefixed preposition bi PN genitivemasculinepropernounQuran

REL relative pronoun

(50:45:11) man whoever

(50:45:12) yakhfu fears

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

N accusative masculine noun PRON 1st person singular possessive pronoun

(50:45:13) wadi My threat.

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-25 | 26-28 | 29-32 | 33-35 | 36-37 | 38-40 | 41-43 | 44-45

Language Research Group University of Leeds


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

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