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All of the diagrams in this package were drawn using Geometers Sketchpad 4.

0 In the following equilateral triangle ABC below, a line segment is drawn from each vertex to a point on the opposite side so that the segment divides the side in the ratio 1:2, creating another equilateral triangle DEF.


The following measurements and calculations were done using Geometers Sketchpad 4.0. Let m= measurement of
m AB = 10.05115 cm m DE = 3.79898 cm

Area Area

ABC = 43.74538 cm2 DEF = 6.24934 cm2

The ratio of the side lengths of the two triangles:

m DE = 0.37796 m AB

The ratio of the areas of the two triangles:

Area Area DEF ABC = 0.14286

This procedure will be repeated for five other ratios 1: n 1) n=5 Ratio of internal division: 1:5


m AB = 10.05115 cm m DE = 7.22096 cm

Area Area

ABC = 43.74538 cm2 DEF = 22.57826 cm2

The ratio of the side lengths of the two triangles: The ratio of the areas of the two triangles:
m DE = 0.71842 m AB

Area Area

DEF ABC = 0.51613

2) n= 3.7

Ratio of internal division: 1 : 3.7



m AB = 10.05115 cm m DE = 6.32832 cm

Area Area

ABC = 43.74538 cm2 DEF = 17.34115 cm2

The ratio of the side lengths of the two triangles: The ratio of the areas of the two triangles:
m DE = 0.62961 m AB

Area Area

DEF ABC = 0.39641

3) n= 99 Ratio of internal division: 1 : 99



m AB = 10.05115 cm m DE = 9.89925 cm

Area Area

ABC = 43.74538 cm2 DEF = 42.43315 cm2

The ratio of the side lengths of the two triangles: The ratio of the areas of the two triangles:
m DE = 0.98489 m AB

Area Area

DEF ABC = 0.97000

4) n=1.1

Rate of internal division 1: 1.1



m AB = 10.05115 cm m DE = 0.55246 cm

Area Area

ABC = 43.74538 cm2 DEF = 0.13216 cm2

The ratio of the side lengths of the two triangles: The ratio of the areas of the two triangles:
m DE = 0.05496 m AB

Area Area

DEF ABC = 0.00302

5) n= 7

Ratio of internal division 1: 7


m AB = 10.05115 cm m DE = 7.98784 cm
Area Area ABC = 43.74538 cm2 DEF = 27.62866 cm2

The ratio of the side lengths of the two triangles: The ratio of the areas of the two triangles:

m DE = 0.79472 m AB

Area Area

DEF ABC = 0.63158

From the results in the six different values of n above, one may notice a general trend and a relationship between the n values and the ratio of the ratio of lengths of triangles. Here are the results of the six different n values summarized in a table: n val ues n= 2 Length of sides of triangles Area of triangles Ratio of lengths of triangles
m DE = 0.37796 m AB

Ratio of areas of triangles

m AB = 10.05115 cm m DE = 3.79898 cm

Area Area

ABC = 43.74538 cm2 DEF = 42.43315 cm2

Area Area

DEF ABC = 0.14286

n= 5

m AB = 10.05115 cm m DE = 7.22096 cm

Area Area

ABC = 43.74538 cm2 DEF = 22.57826 cm2

m DE = 0.71842 m AB

Area Area

DEF ABC = 0.51613

n= 3.7

m AB = 10.05115 cm m DE = 6.32832 cm

Area Area

ABC = 43.74538 cm2 DEF = 17.34115 cm2

m DE = 0.62961 m AB

Area Area Area

= 0.98489

DEF ABC DEF ABC DEF ABC DEF ABC = 0.63158 = 0.00302 = 0.97000 = 0.39641

n= 99

m AB = 10.05115 cm m DE = 9.89925 cm

Area Area

ABC = 43.74538 cm2 DEF = 42.43315 cm2

m DE m AB

Area Area

n= 1.1

m AB = 10.05115 cm m DE = 0.55246 cm

Area Area

ABC = 43.74538 cm2 DEF = 0.13216 cm2

m DE = 0.05496 m AB

Area Area

n= 7

m AB = 10.05115 cm m DE = 7.98784 cm

Area Area

ABC = 43.74538 cm2 DEF = 27.62866 cm2

m DE = 0.79472 m AB


Table 1

n values and ratio of lengths of triangles in fraction form. The fraction form was converted from decimal form using a graphing calculator. n value n=2 Ratio of lengths of triangles
m DE = 0.37796 m AB

Ratio of lengths of triangles in fraction form


m DE = 0.71842 m AB


m DE = 0.62961 m AB


m DE = 0.98489 m AB


m DE = 0.05496 m AB


m DE = 0.79472 m AB

Table 2 CONJECTURE DEDUCTION Looking at the numerators of the fractions in Table 2, one may notice that the values for the numerators are always one less than their corresponding n values, with the exception of n and n. However, since n and n are decimal numbers and decimal numbers cannot appear in fractions, the numerators for n and n are one less than their corresponding n values, and then multiplied by ten to get rid of the decimal. Therefore, all of the numerators for their corresponding n values follow this trend. So far, we can conclude that n-1 is on the numerator.

Now, we will look at the denominator and their relationship with their corresponding n values. All of the values in the denominator has a . One may conclude that the general expression for the denominator is always square rooted. Next, we will look

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