1st Lab Write Up

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Jelly Jab Nathan Dykes Mariah Shiflett

Purpose: The purpose of this lab was to practice using the scientific method. Hypothesis: If we throw the bread as hard as we can then it will stick to the ground jelly side up. Materials: Bread, Jelly, Toaster, Spoon, Plate, Scale, Newspapers, Meter stick, Paper towels.

Procedure: 1. Take 1 piece of bread out of the bag. 2. Toast the bread on the number 2 setting on the toaster. 3. Place a paper towel on the scale and turn the scale on. After the scale is on then you must hit the zero button on the scale before measuring the toast. Every time you weigh the bread you must hit the zero button after you change out the paper towel. 4. Weigh the bread after you take it out of the toaster 5. Record the weight without any jelly on it. 6. Add 1 tablespoon of jelly on the toast and spread the jelly evenly around the toast. 7. Weigh the toast with the jelly on it and record. You will use this weight to have the same amount of jelly each time that you drop it.

7. Place the newspaper on the ground so that your drop zone is completely covered. 8. Hold the toast 1 meter above the drop zone with the jelly side facing you. 9. Drop the bread with NO FORCE. 10. Record if the toast fell jelly side up or down. 11. Weight the toast after you drop it. Make sure you zero the scale before you weight the toast. 12. Add as much jelly that is needed to make the weight the same as the starting weight (toast with jelly). 13. Use this data for your constant. 14. Now put the toast one meter above the ground with the jelly side facing you. 15. Drop the toast with a small amount of force. 16. Repeat steps 10, 11, 12, 14 and 15 three times. Graph all your data. 17. This time hold the toast one meter above the ground jelly side up. 18. Drop the toast with a large amount of force. 19. Repeat steps 10, 11, 12, 14 and 18 three times. Graph all of your data. 20. Use this data to compare against your constant. 21. Clean up your lab area.

Analysis: In my experiment our toast fell jelly side up 13 out of the 15 total drops. In the control group the toast fell jelly side up almost every time. The data shows a slight difference in weight after each drop of the toast. This also occurred in all the trials that we did. The weight of the toast after each drop never dropped under 28.00 grams.

Conclusion: I support my hypothesis. In 2 of the trials the hypothesis was rejected but it was overall supported. We got the results that we did because of the way we held the toast and because of gravity. We held the toast in a way that if we dropped the toast the way we should then I would never change the way it falls. Gravity made the toast fall directly down in a straight line. If we would of held the toast at an angle then we might have more spread out results. One source of error is if the toast got soggy. If the toast got soggy then it would change the weight and we would have to get another piece of bread in which we would have to weigh the bread and put the correct amount of jelly on the toast to weight the same as the first piece of toast. Another error is the scale. If the scale had a malfunction we would have to get another scale and that would be testing two variables. The third error is the human error. There are many different types of errors that we could have made.

Nathan Dykes 1st Block

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