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Body: Energy Consumption video lesson Grade level: 8th grade Standard: 5.3.12.B.2 Use mathematical formulas to justify the concept of an efficient diet. 2.1.12.B.3 Applying basic nutritional and fitness concepts to lifestyle behaviors impacts wellness Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to introduce students to cellular respiration and human energy needs. Objectives: Students will be able to calculate maximum heart rate Students will be able to explain cellular respiration Students will be able to relate energy input to energy output Materials needed: Computer or laptop with internet connection Speakers or headphones Video lesson worksheet Assessment: Written analysis questions will be turned in within two days of video lesson completion. Procedure: 1. Go on to YouTube and watch the following video: 2. In the data tables below record the following data: a. Non-smoker i. Breakfast ii. No Breakfast b. Smoker i. Breakfast ii. No Breakfast 3. Answer the analysis questions in full sentences and submit within two days of completing the video lesson. DATA TABLES Non-smoker Variable measured Breakfast No Breakfast Time Calories (cal or kcal) Fat burned (%)

Max heart rate (bpm) Average heart rate (bpm) Smoker Variable measured Breakfast No Breakfast Time Calories (cal or kcal) Fat burned (%) Max heart rate (bpm) Average heart rate (bpm) Analysis: 1. How does eating breakfast and not eating breakfast affect the results? Why does this happen? Explain for both the non-smoker and smoker. 2. How do the results for the non-smoker and smoker relate to your conclusions from the respiration lab? (Hint: think about what you measured in that lab- respiration rate, tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume, etc.) 3. Use the following equation to calculate maximum heart rate: Female max heart rate = 209 - (0.7*age) Male max heart rate = 214 - (0.8*age) The non-smoker is 25 years old and the smoker is 19 years old. What does this value mean? 4. Did the smoker or non-smoker reach their max heart rate value? 5. Calculate the amount of calories per minute for both the non-smoker and smoker both with and without breakfast. You should have 4 values. 6. Watch the following YouTube video and explain how it relates to this lesson: ed (Hint: Think about what cellular respiration does, why do we do it?) 7. What is cellular respiration? Do your best to explain. 8. How does the cardiovascular and respiratory system work together to deliver food and oxygen to muscle cells? (Hint: Think back to the Human Body WebQuest). 9. Smokers have reduced blood circulation due to narrowing of the blood vessels, damaged airways, and less oxygen intake so they do not generate as much energy as a healthy individual. Do you agree with this statement, why or why not? (Hint: think about respiration, heart rate, and your answer to question 8) Challenge questions (optional): 1. Decide on a balanced meal for a day based on your daily activities and the time it takes for carbohydrates, fats, starches, and protein to be broken down. You may want to do some research and play around with the following 2 simulations to answer this question: %20range%2011-14&subject=Science Age%20Range%207-11&subject=Science 2. Read the following article and summarize its main points

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