Running Head: Organizational Structure

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Organizational Structure [Name of the writer] [Name of the institution]


Introduction Culture does have an enormous impact on the functioning of the culture, its structure along with the results it tends to achieve. Organization culture is interpreted as the system associated to beliefs and values which have rested in the system for a quite some time. Organizational culture also depends upon the approach its employees adopt to solve a problem or pursue their daily works. However, the fact should be kept in mind that often the organization culture depends upon the approach adopted by the higher authorities which later on have a trickledown effect (Karel & Jaap, 2000). Therefore, the authority in charge needs to alter their approach and tries to adopt the one which is that of a leader so that the organization could as per its Mission and Values. The ability of the authorities to lead their staff also reflects on the Job Satisfaction aspect of the other employees. If the Administrators are able to lead their team well, this would automatically be translated into raising the Job Satisfaction of the employee or vice versa. Therefore, it is essentially important to understand the impact that an organizational culture can have on the success of the organization.

Role of Organizational Culture In the context of this paper it is essential to identify the role of the culture before taking the steps to change the culture of an organization. Once the importance of the culture is underlined by an organization that organization would automatically indulge into the act of changing the organizational culture.

ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Many experts are inclined to define Organizational culture as the shared values, beliefs or

perceptions employees tend to develop when countering a certain situation. Organizational culture effect the behavior of employees during that situation. However, it is the duty of the higher authorities to convey or make the staff understand the core elements which tends to drive mission and values of the organization. Moreover, it is also the responsibility of the staff members to correctly understand the core mission and values so that it can serve as the cause which can prevent internal conflicts. As stated in the course of this paper, that organizational culture strengthens its roots from the behavior of the higher authorities who are in charge of the organization (Higgs, 2010). Culture is learned socially and passed on to employees by the ones preceding them; it shapes up the rules and regulations to behave in the premises of the organization. Therefore, the Organizational culture chalks out the limits to which employees can go in any situation, or how are they expected to deal different situations. However, the values of an organization lean to extract its roots from its leadership, and approach the leadership tends to adopt. The behavior adopted, by the leadership of an organization will involuntarily be injected into the other staff members. When the behavior of leadership and the behavior of the staff tend to fall in line with each other, a unified behavior starts to gain its roots. As the unified behavior starts to gain its roots it also paves the way for the core values and mission of the company to be reflected in the everyday operations of the organization, thus; it serves the basis for the development of the strong organizational culture.

Organizational Structure

ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE In todays world where the competition has grew to new heights not only outside the organization but within the organization. Thus the organizational structures in this regard have acquired significance. Thus, this subject now tends to be studied in much more detail in order to develop a firm understanding regarding the organizational structure. Any organizational structure takes its roots form culture, or in other words culture of an organization in some way or the other shapes up the organizational structure. When a strong organizational culture strengthens it is regarded by many as the guarantee relating to success of the organization (Yafang, 2011) due to the reason that the organizational culture tends to pave the way for the organizational structure. Therefore,Leadership of an organization should realize the importance of its conduct and stand up to their stature in order assure the fact that organizational culture does not suffer under

any circumstance. This would allow the behavior of the other employees to remain consistent thus decreasing the possibility of the conflicts. Since everyone will respect the limits of others and themselves and the healthy environment among the staff members, will creep. Organizational culture tends to act as the force which tends to keep the organization together and working towards a single objective which is maximizing the success and growth. The stronger the Organizational structure the greater is the chance that the employee will have job Satisfaction. Job Satisfaction will allow the employee to work harder and give his or her hundred percent towards the growth of the company. Therefore, when the employee feels to work at ease he or she acts to be bound to complete the assigned tasks within the specified time thus increasing the chance of themselves getting promoted (Jan, 2009). Therefore, the Strong Organizational structure tends to work in favor of the organization itself, the employees and the consumer who can than trust the hands he or she is operating in. Organizational Culture can serve as the basis for many factors in the organization which tends to

ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE be discussed further in the course of this paper. A strong organization culture allows employees to work with one goal and mission which is to achieve and maximize the success. Organizations operate around its clients or consumers, when there is a strong organizational culture in place it will provide the leverage to the customer or the consumer to fulfill his or her demand as per the will. Organizational culture serves some purposes and, therefore, tends to be considered important in the growth and success of an organization. Organizational culture allows controlling the behavior; it tends to encourage the stability, both on the employee account as well as on the customer account. Moreover, the biggest contribution of Organizational culture is that it tends to provide a feeling of association (Munich, 2011). An employee would be proud to associate him or her with a company which tends to have strong organizational culture. Also, the consumer or the customer will be proud of the fact that he is the consumer of a product which tends to cater to his or her needs in every conceivable manner.

Thus, it will also increase the customer retention, which is one of toughest things to achieve. In my opinion the organizational culture needs to be studied in the context of the culture since both are interlinked in my opinion.

Changing the Culture Foremost factor which needs to be considered when opting for a cultural change in the context of an organization is to make sure that it is actually the culture which needs to be changed. Until the management is unsure this act can have dreadful effects for the organization. Since it is the culture which tends to drive the organization. However, it is also very important to take every one onboard before opting for a change (Maher, 2000). The act of taking everyone on board will allow the employee to relate to the organization thus giving valuable feedbacks regarding the


change in the organizational culture. Unless and until the entire hierarchy of the organization is not committed for a change the change wont be effective enough therefore the involvement from the top management is necessary. The culture change does not mean that the entire culture should be changed unnecessarily however slight adjustments can also serve the purpose. Therefore, the objectives which need to be met due to change in organizational culture should be well defined and identified. In order to change an organizational culture realistic time frame should be set since the culture cannot be changed overnight. Also, by changing the organizational culture in hurry or delaying it for no reason can also have negative effects thus a timeline should be realistic in nature and manageable. Since in some scenarios it becomes too difficult for an individual to bring a change in culture. As indicated earlier in the course of this paper that that everyone needs to be onboard before opting for a change in organizational culture (Kinder, 2000). Thus in this regard every department should set its limits and the way it will function with the other departments. For example a setup needs to be installed under which the Marketing department will work with the Research and Development department of the HR department and other similar departments. Thus for this purpose a special team should be crafted to serve the purpose so that the task can be completed much more efficiently. In order to bring about a new culture or make adjustments to the existing culture it is important o first understand the culture which needs to be changed. The idea of cultural audit can be applied to go about this process. The change in culture should be seen as the way to accomplish the set goals which needs to be long term and not short term. For this purpose on needs to gauge the future trends and based on that one needs to make adjustment to the existing culture or change the entire culture (Seitel, 1992). Since every individual tends to represent different culture thus it is

ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE important to respect different cultures so that one different culture can be incorporated into an organizational culture. By doing so it will only help the organization to grow since it now tends to cater to all.

My Experience The organization I work for tends to work under the influence of Glass Ceiling, which is interpreted as the barriers which hinder the growth of an individual within the organization. These barriers are not often visible thus it becomes very difficult for the victim to breach these barriers (Cundiff, 2006). This has now taken the shape of the organizational culture since it has been in practice for quite some time now. In my experience this barrier tends to act on the gender and ethnic influences. These barriers tend to bar the growth of the women to climb up the corporate ladder and similarly it tends to bar the men who tend to belong to a minority group existing in the society. However, Interpersonal leadership behavior does tend to play a varying role in an organization although the arguments can be made about how successful individuals can be who were able to climb up the corporate ladder despite of the existence of the Glass Ceiling. The women on the top corporate positions tends o be very less and is subjected to the discrimination not on the merit but on the basis of gender. Similar is the case with the men who tend to belong to the minority. Thus the interpersonal leadership in the organization works more effectively in overcoming such hindrances. In my opinion an individual tends to have different view of the things when he or she is at the lower position within an organization. As he or she tends to climb up the ladder he or she tends to see the broader picture thus catering to every single issue. In my opinion the position the individual is at do tend to affect his or her perspective. The influencing factors which tend to shape up an individuals perspective is the authority he or she tends o enjoy plus an understanding regarding the different things. One might not understand the importance of a certain mechanism when he or she is at the entry level but as the individual climbs up the corporate ladder he or she begins to understand why a certain mechanism is in place.


Cundiff, L. (2006). Effect of Gender and Ethnicity on Perceptions of Prototypical Leadership, Southern Illinois University Press. Higgs, RW (2010) Making Better Business Decisions, Supervision. Jan, Pfister. (2009) Managing Organizational Culture for Effective Internal Control, PhysicaVerlag.p.201. Karel, Witte & Jaap, Muijen. (2000), Organizational Culture, Taylor & Francis Group Kinder, J. (2000). Changing the Working Culture. New Straits Times Maher, A. (2000). Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture: Based on the Competing Values Framework. Journal of Organizational Change Management. Munich, RL. (2011) Transplanting an Organization: How does culture matter, Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic. Seitel, P. (1992). Changing the Culture. American Banker Magazine. Yafang, T. (2011) Relationship between Organizational Culture, Leadership Behavior and Job Satisfaction, BMC Health Services Research.

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