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1.;;J,~r.n',1" ,....!J""j~' .• .. ~ J\:!'!;'1I;t:r::l('.Al- !\u-:ljm's

....,~~ ~:l!' C~I)I!.!"!Dj:nu II' -r",I,."1l'H Ol' 71'11. ~~ l:... fZ,~ .,..-.1'11: ~"I<n THiliOnU.... ~' n


G A i{ ~

7:11,"\'( "UJ. Sl'ltEI:.""T x E.WrQnK

h'i~'.~"l~~H ·l:l:"~~.I,II<; "'!~1' !!1l'l:"''l.H.b!\O~'jC; ~~~'ili'




III' ~,,,
~ !!!! '.


'_, '!II'

., ..



rIir..'~~~!I' +.' ~



The ~s:ste!l' Charts ,S.l'€: pe~nel]:tana. repre.::;ent n£l:.tural, a,n'l:les aD,a: pel'manlllnt :resistallQepo:i:c;t:. .tor e1th{!1' pri C$ .~~. t.tme .Oir' .volm<);e", 'mlese points do no'l: 'Char.:ee 8:nd j"CIlLi abow.d study the:rn cH3:;r,et'ill'1 on ,eee,h ,d1.ff'eren::t Ms,ste;l;' (fl':i!l!t.l.'t :ani l'sal"n bow to apply tbelill..
n 12!~'CH'.Rf Ql:'

. !'he gec.o,OO 8qU9,,~e· .of u 1211 ends, Bt2SS,", the Third squ.e.l",e 0.,( 1112l! at 432~ and the F QU't"tb. square gt 5"16, w'h1ch ~J.l. ,c(r.,ier lJ)!IO~t 'fl:.nyt:hill.~ 'thai;. you.. lI.'l'ant, bU:!;, you. can mae U;P9S llIi!an)"'more ~qllar es 5: s you. n:e!;;Hi"
PRICE OR vm.1l:E." the ll1d -y-ear:os _ .

JIbe MASTER C.BllRT 15 the

qu,al"l'lend :at144~

SIl3.l!.\Bl:"e 01 u 12u

12 ~ 12;



Tlfls Chari maybe


used. and. fl.pp1:ied to anything-'"

o£'pomts up oitlo"own,r

lli'!l.jr:1ltw.eeks;II montm.

TItmJ S~ACE:,~





s to ;sh.ew' the .s;rS:'! Ol"stl"'on,~est and bottmD~ 14J~7J'20:1 lea, 125;11 129.1i 13"1.
:sqll.i!1I.;rc.. !)!leJiJllin

1" 'Which l"'Lmsfr·OlJj .1 "to. 14<!, I have d:rawr.,.'the c en,t;sra" which

89., '92,95.,

f'or ::minor tops


2:3." 50,,53.:1
l'BS tbe~l'

1">8sist.!i.rJI'C·'9point 56~ 5e~ .a6.~


. bes III num1)e~'s BreSS t 67" '78. til1!d '79. " st ecka goin.g up 011' dOlii'n. 'these pt'ieeswl1'lmee:t 'I:;.'Q l'ii th sttib'born )"'>fHlistanc·e.. The me:r.;t; stl' 00.15 it n,g:le :is. the 4-.~.o.;I. :ancltbe .nmi!:ibe):"~ .. Ql' :IiP:,'e~,'te$t):'I~,~ :t~tEl;,nC 'e. on it a:re14" 27~ 40.J 53,,. 66" '79.,,92,) .• 105 J. 118 ~ L5~arJia 144. The e::r,e 1'2~25~S4
o'!:her d 1....8 gonal<!:5° :E:!;l1;le f !:r oml:2 :iis eq uall.y. 5.tI' ong • The n liUlllbel"''s .. 45;1' 56~ 67·, '7:3.:1' e;9.J.100, B.l..J. 1.22 and. J.33·.

'T'be lIllEI O:l:' j;

cent er


1;'he s tl" 00 S!ilst

i:s:Une e"

is ma't ..

4: 6.t 59.~'7:2;1 62 .. 5.0 ~'9., 28.. 1'78 nd. n.. and on theotber Oof' the squa.l'e, n.:!.ter youpe,.ss t.he :l)s1f"-·.. .t,ay pCilint~ tlleSB n ~"ber's e.~e '73~ S (s., 99.~ 112 ~ 12 5 ~ 158 139., ~:aB, 11''1.J 1 OS,. 95 ;;;:od.
'1 I 20 J 33.

Tbe'rumiibe:rs wh:lch aTe cu;t 1:ly too ~ SO ~n~1:e:S' tm-u tb8 C!@r.rter oi" ea'ch oft-hI;! 1/4:s:qual'B:!l :(lI'iEnext in. 5tl"en~h.~ T:h,es8 ntlilIl'bei!"~cIIe
.:! _j



$qu.'I ~e.s 9ro,e. top:;; ,arlin blOttoms to be made because tb.e;y are op:pos1t1.on p1l.mibElr,5 etldB!'eequal to the hnlf-\';~Y' p .. ".in,t ~ Thesie; n~be:r:s: f~r S'~u.~:re No ... l ere ljj l3 .. 25 .. 37, -'l9.." &1., '73" 85.11' 9"7~ '109", 121 ~ 135 ~ Thet op:n\::mibe ,I'S. a)J" e 12 ~ 24, 36.~ '8, .60" '2 ~ 8-1:" 9 6.~ 1.oe~ "120 ~ l:32, ~nd 144 ~ ~he: see,;PEl very i.l!rlpOl~ ilnt to filI,~g awe time in.OiE."~ '. li'i'eeks. lUlQnt·hs ye&.r:s. ....mpcocrta:nt Wice.s

~ne l)'I1mibe.l'at :11

.r o)"mporta,nt


ops an db ot t ()ItI~ at the

T:he ,OPpP$ i tio1"il anR1.e. frail!! @8si; to west, equally lind J"a:l1i n1ncCt the.s e pri.t c t ops 0:1" 'bott. Dm2 • These 54·,. 55.1' 56,. 57, 7·S.}, 79"

'r.lgles 'b~c~Ml..sle €n.ua1s it


139 ..
i1Iemellilb8l'.,'II . When

'wi :11 nile t wi"tha ny r-e osbtanc e and ·n1!1.~e e r.!'I.tliliber....aT·18 '5, 7, 18 ~19.~ .::; . 31, 42 J' 4:; I0, 90, 91". 102, 1(113, 1141 115~ 126; 12'1, l3S,
baa ilHlved

di.vidinlO!;it ~is one of tn.'e v·ery ~tl'OP& one .,:,!1a1f. Any .sto,c.k!iJlo\1'in~ It:!) o:r .d.O'lt.D







the· sq'un r-e ,.

beginnfu\p}_; it l"eachestbe square of i tiS own pbc$J which ls the r ii'at stl"loog re s 1ats. nee ... \7hen 1to has moved. six !lecti.on scve~ ~ 1:t r~acbea the opPlosit:L.on,. 0'-1:'whet EI,quals tbe halt...;way.point et 1t~ ,O'Wn. pla.ce ;QndlIlse·ts st:1J.1 ;str,ongel' l"esb;ta:noe.. MO\1'~ ove:rnin'B p1acel! or sElctlcnsf':rom i.tacwnpl.ace~ it ~ea.c.hes the 3/4 ploin't, , a~otb,e;:square.. "be: eth. a,nd. 9th s·e·ct1.10Il.~ ar~ the Si:;):'OO,q.lss,t:1il.D.dhal"oest. points to' pa3~'I:leoa.u:se thi:s :is th.eude,at.h11 The nex,t 9:nd-still $;t.ronge,l' is 'bh8 }2thsect1on or· Qolumnwh1ch ends; at 144. .~ythin\g of tb1ssqua.l"eantl. s,ats a,s lD,uCh a.;~ ;; pomt;s into squ~l"e #2 I tha tb "blal{lng 14'7 ~ wi,ll indi o:a;t e much h':ts;hep..But tl£"t$.1" l-eaehing tb1~::I' it, .shouJld ;nlot ·ar"p 'b,e"ck to 14:1 or g'po,intslnto sqUril"e,
.mOV€i3 out


tl'l:!'ee, ~ect.1on:l..over



getting .into this sectIon meets the stl'Qnge,s,T, X'ssbt.ellice'but

once i,t.


'Whena ,~,toek get~ into the second srq:ual"eof ;;m,ove:;.I" ,am wben the ' 'tiu!e 0,):", 111J.:1:mber 0.'£ .months!'rom


;illt Ii) tbe Sec ondS' ttp and. dOWn..


1s ,llnlnd;1c a "'i,on,


bott,OliI. or 1': (1) (j,t 1'& 9terl!D~ve:;l ~

it ~s


t (lIthe ~ra,4th" Stlh ,iBnd ,B,th ,.Sq ua..l"e~• of 'the HJB.ste~ -112:,17 you. will t',ind that most ,of the biJ:t 'bUl'l and 'be9.l" ct't'ln,,ste" 'WhenlJ!e, c by montbs, e liib1cb detel"m1n'e!1! tbe ~ vis:! an .~s cc oo:-a' 1IlR to. t 1m e .. All of tU.. ,",'b.eothe.;r :rUle ~ ~1 ven. 'YOllt ·tca pply .to' .SjptIo.e :;l:DO'vemll!:nt s~, at n~es S;)'l·d M:,lIl-B~ ~n be u.sed '11\1'1. th the MBster 'ulSlttable $ '.'


Apply the "ame :rule


'ana 4thsquKl"'es



t 0 ~@a~m'8 pr."1ce move.m6n't~· a,nd l"fuiilst.a.nee levels

:r-epl."e.s.ents dBySiI' wee:ks,,, )!!:!onths andy€:e.l"s, ,and the :nH~a.sur,elDeln,t3 o.f Tnm in tbe squal"e cd' T\!i"elY,e or the squa:re of the Circle,; ab'Q u~ed

You have

.B..lJ:oeady bard the

}.W$.TER.S(l;UkRB OF' ".mELlE e:ri:lj1lill..1n.ed.t


,!be ,sQUJLJfE . OFNJ:NE ~5 v,er;y-i,mportan:t 'bs,ca\:Uie n.1nedi.g1t s are u'Sed 'in FOil.,SIU"1ng eve:nthin.8.\~e cannot go-beYond. 9 Without :stf.!..l'tin,g to repeat; 8ndu~:1nli; tb,e' 10. .Ii we Idivide, 3~;IO:Q 'by 9, we .get40" whlchl'ije.a s~e 54,0°,4 0 tn ont hs; .1/ 40' da ys ~ ~ 0' we.e'ks 1)1" 4 Omont'h.$ ~ and. ShOW5:liby bottOlillS; 8,n d top::!. 0,tt8.)). Gome 'out on. tbes.e Engles nmafisuree. 'by o:o'e-Rintb ot tile circle.. ".rhi,s i;:; \'ihy the 'cbl1.dl"en 'of Israel w,ere 40 ."e B:ra ~:ntbe \f11,df;:l"ne!u!.~


20"'y··eer period.,. at' '2:4'0 l:J;onths. ,bjl'S I lj'f@:; ~et 1:mport:i.»t an.r;:,le cd. 26-2/3°, in,Q,ntha: " d~ys 0)' weeks.. Nine times 9 'equalsel.~ \1)ji .. h comp;l:e'tE:l$ thBFiN:t c ;S,tjtHire of' )l';Lne. No,te thea n~le.s .and. 11m; they l'un t 1"019 ,the '~Bln cen.te':r'. The S e·c,cmd ,S9.. 2"!1! of Nin @ ~ s c omp Ie. t.e.da:t ua 1 ,ll2:~ Nate bow th1.s i ~in. opPo31tlanto the wa1.n ..The 'i'b1rd .i::l(]tHl.rc 01 lane is comrpl'l!$;ted at 24:3, whi,c:h wQul<l ~qtl!a·l 241,;3, ·mQl1.ths ·or S months over ",ill:" 20-yt:::ar our

11' 'We01 vide

l':! an

Fou.rth square

;per i ed a,nos' C:C orunt s foT' the. t irne ,Whi en ,c!lllul,g,e in 'the Oy,e;le :;;oometimea rllnningover ene ls:p~ ~':S be!'


~ 25} in.d 1e a.i;ing ~ ,q1Ul;r.e:s f'om' squares 01" N"in.e in worl.:ll1g c.:r:"epan (lies.

of Nine end!~ at

of' 19' times

the anJ1:1e:;; r 4,150,c,I'ossat o chan-Rein. .(::yol,e s, :b~X'~ ., To c'~ple te tbe3 6·00. :!:,€i,of Hitl,e and 3,6 over. No,tetlne,t561 equ31.s a 191'tllu.spl'·ovin8; the gl"(!aJ,t v~lu€, Qj[' the ,s.quare oc.t the ::I.!tD,pW"t;a;n't angl,es ana. pl'()ving up dis324 ~ llote

3> IT:ID'.I1t'fios; rno:re. oct'



~IJ_11 at the c .ant ~I' ~n ,ote how? 9:1,,43 I '73~ 111Jo 211" 2"15 and S!3 a.ll f aJ.l. on s .g,.fi,o angle.. Going the cthol' waY:I not.B.tMt 3.1.5, 31,~ 57,. 91, 133", 183,. 241". .am 307 fBl1 on. an


Be g1.nn.;tng. with

angl'El . of 456~ .Jle~em~el" th.e!l",e e.~e _a:lwB:i;S1'OUl!' wa:ys you.. can. '5,~~VSl a ce:n.te,i' fo11'OW1ng anangl'e of4B ;I (]'l":EI:.:n anp,le .cd' 180 0);' an .of 90Cl,'Wh:1.'(lill. B:tl about the, se.m-e whenl:!l!e~stU"ed on. a .f~t ~'tu:'.f~'ce·. NlOte thB::t 23, 461 77,. 116, 163" 2:19,., 281!\lnd.(5,s2 ,ar e 13.1.1 on .134:1. Ii!n.~,le .f;ro 'Oliilth8 ":me:. lucent a 1:80 no.t etha t -4 ~ 15 ~:;~ 1I 6:1, £l'(3~,J.39, 190 249~ and 31S,n:re (lin an.e:,rlSle from tb.e m®i.ln c'~nteF'.~ a'U ,01' the~e bed.nggreBtr6'iS.i~.'t·a:nc·e p~int3 ana, me6l:Hll".:ing .Qut


el" ;


t:1:meifl-c:t:ol"S a~d.'les,~


MAS!fER T~LVEs::nd

Stud:y thE .SQlJARE(IF" NINE very ...

CBAR~ ..


in cono€!,ct.ion



111WI10e:1"3.;. Tho Ph i5t is !r.:Jlual'e 01. N:ln.e l:"llmS i'"r om.l t (I 81.. EV'Gl'ytb1ng _rst bave a. 'b()ttOllil~ tcp~ and ~oUl'"sid'es to' be a eqUAI"e or cubs The first square l"'Wln:1ngu to Bl.l~ the bO"tto~~ bass,. tloOil' O'r "beg·bm.1ng point. sqt1a.l"€s. ~.3.:r 4,J' and ,5 SlI"El: tbefo' :sJ.des.1 l:lhich al'e equal ami oontainS]. numbers.~ The ,S:1xth .~,q\:lJa,re f ]lin,e: i.s the a topanrll!mlea:.nst:h;at it: is time.stim8 s asre.f'cne,d, te in. the Btb:Le. Ol:' ,ac thing. l'epl"QQu:cting 1.ta€ll.f by. behlg ~l.llJ.;t:ipled b::y itsel.t ~ ]line t ~2 is nine equals 8,1 nnd oS 1.A ,t ::t'Mes e;l, equn.1s ~ae • IJe cti:;n. ,~ls0 us e 9tim~s 8l~ which 'Weu).dequal '729. .





each eont.;ainingEll

Thre nw'bel" 5, btbe ltiIilCN!rt1ml)O:rt~,nt nUimbel" of thed.i,g1:t.s"becaU!l8 :it is t:hebalap;ce 01' Jila;Ln oenter. T'beree.:re :fom:"r.rlilmbe:lr~ on. .ea.Q.h, side: of' it:.. J Qt e bow it b ~lb,'O"vm8" 5 t,;!l.lancm~ Ql'c~nt. eol" n umb€:t' in tJ:ile ,sqWll' e of ltilJ:e~ \':e =:;qllla.T'e ~he Oirel~ byb<e p.;inn::tng ,at 1 ;.tn. thecen.b~.:l'" .and go:1'Og sl'ound until. we l'e:at(!h3'60. N,ote that-the $quar~ 01 Nine CIimlC:;i; out a:t3S1. The i'eB$'~ ;tor this is:: It: is Jl9 tim~~1'9.~ and t.he begin. ·\!i'.1tha.nU.1 OVf:l" 360 r,e}J\I:"if:lsEln:t the b(;;gfnnlng and end.ingpoints. 361 i$ l;!, t:randtiQ]l po1n.t sndoeg1.n:s the ne::ll::tcil"el.e.. Should,we leav-e th.e first b1ankol' ~k6 1:1:>~I O~I ~ theL'!we w¢lUldc.Qm,e QiU,t 8.1;360.. EV~:r:'Yth:1:n;g:n rnath.e,l7lat"ics must pr'ove.. 1 you can begin a.t the centsI' a.m'dork ,out."Q~b(;lgi.n at "b'he oute}" rim end wOl".k in to the ce:ptCI'..Begin at the 1eX't a.nd work l"'ight t.o, the (H;:,ntcr or ·to
theDut~rr:im begin

re ~

Note the: .Squal"e o.fN!ne 'Or' tbG S.qua.I'e of: thfl Oi~c.le, w'h(lr,E:Vle With land runltp·· the: sid.eo!' th@ ,e.o:lWl!l:l)·to 19 t.hen continue tCBQ acro~s ~t11 'we have mOlde 19 c'ol.~;::;, QUain the .sQnar-e crf' 19

-4by 19 ~_ Note how this }:lr-C:)1l>E:~ ttl' the Gil" C l-e. ~ Cne-hill!,oi the eire 1(:. is 1800• ~ote 'bha;t; in tb.e nt'O;nd-e,entel'~ wber~ a.ll angl,ea i''J'rQ(J)lI the fo,tlil" ·COl"ne.:;r.s and. from t:be;;" l1e:s;t t ~'o·f'th and 8oo,'th:r-e&ch gra vlty ce:nter, number 181aJl,pcal"~, 8hdWm,S tll:it s.t this point we arc el"o'ss1n~ tbe Rqus'tero.r' Gl"~vit7 cont-er and ar-e 3t6.);"tmfC (lllt.D'e otbe.r
'the c.1,l"'c:Ji!!:: .•


We h.~ve s..stl"on! end. mathemntical proof tlf the w1l,ys: and whel"ef'ore;s an.!;l, the en.u.Si.f} o;f t:be 0.1' ge:ometlrl.:cal. :o.:ng.les~ '1ih'en ),,'oQ, b;a.v6 made proer,e'S! l' l;1!ro'Ved yol.i:r-s&lf WOJi,ths ~.I\'Jill l1iv.e
10'1l '&l:ie M·u.t-ar- 'N\l!I:!i'bel' and 'als


'!ji:I.'I!it ~

:'Jord ..


dlfJtan~e bg,t.w€.en t."'he ang1,es of' 4$,0' nt'8 SCI !:B..l' :e;pa:l't 'that 'there b ~oth1n.s to, s~QPt:b~m alldt)1eir liI!IOV€:S are na;t!.U'lilly·:rap1,du:p' ~nd down ..


Since eV6l"J1:hinB. me,v,ss·in a eu'ole ;ana notbing lJ!'i')rv€:s stra~ l.mes .• this chll'rt :b to ::sn.ow you bcwthe an~l'l;!$ 1nrlu'~nce s:tocks at, very l,'owlev(lila:and Vfl~y lllF.;b '.\E;I'V'el~ and Whry ,st.ocks move r,8:::!,te:ro tbc higher get, 'b-ec:e.:us e 'theyha 'lie 2lmV!ed ,ott.t t'Q wllSl"B

'COlIIpl,e:tes the .:f1r,8t nexllgoll&nd "'$ this' -eqUfl.b .12'7 ;montbs.,shoW',$ l'thy .S·Qtl:II;;: cilmlpa.1gll:'l '1'1'1.11 run, 10, ye~rs to.n1 :s,e've:n. mont'~:II' Oil" u.~:ti~ i.bey l"eEl,cha s.qu.o,;r;8 'of' the H~:agon.i ,or tb·j3 l.mpOl"talil.t 1£;~ngle

1h the c,entt.'r and vm1.1e tb1.a ~ .3GOOj,U5t to'be ~:al!le:.~ W,ethen place ;acil'lclie o!' ~roUD,d th1:i: cil"cl.eand .six cl%'c'lo~ '(lmuplet.e . ths aeoond. oll"cl:e, mEkmSa gllin 01' ,6 oval" the .first lone~ en(}!ug the se,cQnd c:$,rC1e toi;, 7" ms.k1ng "I' ontb1san:~'l·c a ve)"Y 1.~,.. p,D'lttaut· tIlIcnth.. yea:r, alit w€:,ek a,s w,ell as d~'Y.1 t:bB: sElven,t;h dlD.}" betns, snc::red and aaal" of J"€:st.. The tchird c1.r,e:le:is cQmpla.t.ed at 19. , ~ha f'ourth c,lrcle az.'oWld i-s; ,e'Wlil.Pl~t(:a ,n:t SV ~B .sj;Abli. of J.:S 'OV·&11 th~ p,rev,1ous: cb'-Ql$. ~& :f1£'th ,cil'"cle 'is cQl!IIJ)letod at 6l.:rn gain 'Of 24 QV'e%l' tml· p'l"evloos elr,cle.. 'fbe s,uth Ci1"cl'E: is comp1B1t.ed ,at Sl~ ~'F:.$m or: 80, 'over t~e'pl"evious ci.l"'cle~ :fij,nd.these"'enth Q.1rcle et· 127t :n gain D.t' '56 over ,the hst c1ro.l,e.. )iote th.o.t from the t1l".:!rt tho ga.ln 1.5 6· eAch t.,ime 'We gO ar'ound.~ In othB;l" words. \.. hen we " haye' tir.avelLecl ~1:X t.::S.mesO::I."Qlmdlllle have ga:med 3,5~ Hote: tba-t th1.s

We beBin w,l.t,b, a. c1l"ele or eJ'nlJ" coot:a1n& 1~ ·yat. t,~ ,o,il'cle

4.6,0 ~


over the t;1r$t·"

t!,,:iiI!l,e,'actOl" t lIlM,th.. .Ol" .fol"

The: e1Rbt,h


d.,!)uble at, this

eU-cl.e tl,:I"Olmd is c,oJl'lp,lGted at 169,11, gain or 42 T».1s;s's a Y,f;'I'Y important &ngl,a cod an imp OO't ant l!n0l"tl: r(:'BSCtl:S t;,h.!l.n 'O~~ It :13 14 yt;ars£nQ one

Oycleo!' " yealr)!!. Impo.rt.tlnt- top.s end. b'Qtt.oJJ!S ang,le: 2:> you wil.l $(!~: ''bJr gQin8 over if0u.·['cbar·t-s ~

The 'rl,ln,th cil'cle 1~cQlBP,1'e~@-dt '217, ;a ~e1n 0.t48 O\1"IH" the a :pl"ev1on~ ClJ'cJ.e. The tenth 0 irc1·s 1a. e mlpleted at 21].1" Ia· g~in. ct6-4 .:N'otetbu't, 2t,?1 1,,:1 tll,fJi 'Sit,S' e 1:r,ele from. the first.~ '01" 15 tOil' third. SOil:. I!InS,l.e or a?' O~tl1:rce -:f cU,ll"'th:s 0:£ e eLl" cle.t ;Qvel'Y $ t ron.s pOint.. All tb isis con :t!l"1!l'tlC,by the Nfl s.t~l' lw(: 1ve Cbnl"t '" by the " !'Q'~r .S(!D:JIOfl::! and. by t.he Sq~J'E;O! Nine Oni£l.:r-t.. endub 0 C ont1r-we·d by t'be HE!X!l!gnJlChurt ~ show1,ng. t'bti.1;. m:c:: th6ta!':; p'r(lC)t'1~ :tIl.W~~3 S.l:;t!. e.t no ma\;tet' how )l!l&n':fVIa. y:5 01" .rr· OlD ""bllt d1re ,e. t ions you .Hgu,r e it.

ThBeleve"flthci:rc1.e i,~ clDrrnp3.otti(!. tlt 33:1, :u j'i'.~ in of 60iJv!';;;r t.h,~ Thetwel;fthci:~c:le is complctt.d ~,t 39'{,~~bic,hcornplct'C::;l ..he H,ex:~,gon1' mtlik:1ng [:,~:l1n In 11 e irclfis of t6,6:fl"o:mt.he bt.g1rlning. G~ >J:IontJ'Jl:Sl 0:1' .5 y~ars ~nd siX Illonths, mal'los tb!IJ eulrnino.-tioo of 'major c~mpfl ign5 ,b,5t; I) ck s .. J ot~ howof't en t,h~y (~ulmin"'tlc on~h c:, ,60th rnonth~thr.D ~V'e n !t',eo"c:t,:1oo,~ ,nd ~k(::: !1 $ f:::ConQ, t.op or bott~ U 1:~ the oloth JiIlonth... }.~otethe nUDibe:r 56 on the 1d,~ste.T' TWiEilve Ch~;t't.. Note it on the S,q,u;c.r"c00.' Nine :nn,dse,sth;nt. 6:5,QccuJr>s 'tm!l:.n !!n.q;;le ,of' 1,BOu tlh 't:ne He,:,:;:,a,gonCho.rt..O, 11 01' which e om ll'ms the is t~!:Jnf; :an gl,e e:t th.i~

1,ast (:i,~cle.,






tn be doti,bl-ystrong
CLown ..

an engle


tM39:! one oii e7i ~


=:nd 'b,ctton:lS





e,s" e oni'i:rm:!.ng


tbe l'l¥Ul'lber :5160 coo: the Eexilgm. GhnI't. It e O!D,!)lotes o.c1:rcl~ i'TOim·~ beginnin.g p,oint this t.:lOCU'r'5 fit an. angl.e of 10 00ontbe R€t,xfl,gtm ,Chart golnp;. nround,but. ~e.asUJ'inRfl"cm tb;iE.:o,en.t~:r"~. it w()uld, eqnt~:lD:n &.'n.~le 01: 900w 18.01')jl:l:i3.lting tbis!!. S:tl'OIl~ po1n't ~ lJ,lll'd :e.nd,d11"1'lcul't to pass"e.nd t.ho of QD(;. (J:iIlmpa:ign. end th~ of 56010.

"bagim:a:tng of' another.

J\,gai;n' wit;;h t~ .eenteF .00;'. 'tb~He~O;gon ICh!l.l't. at ~I )_ll ndt1!ce t.r.,at ''It 19,1!3,'9'" 51, 9:1,. 1.'27, 16,91'. 217;J '271" 531". end 39':ral:"8 oJl]. ,ontiliis db'6ct n:ngl.e tl,oo. f!:;r'6 i;,mpoi't~n.t pv.1n"b:sin t:.\ltI:e iilees'lU"ernent... Beginnl,ng ·.lth nl~t :fL:'Iltl. i'Qll.ow!r.u:;: the othel'" :nngle" note that 2" 9, 22, 4~~66., :B'i) U~'4 f 1 '77 ~ ?2,S JoBSl .land 54,2 aria nno'nti'l9 s~l!iellngle o.:f: g()Y~O'l" &nI2i.DSl.fil of' i60'i,J and. 2400 as lIIecsUi.l"ed lOy tbe !FI!£l"'Ia~on,C~l't .. G,o" OIV6t" tbis 'Cbal't t!,nd. the_ o;rt~,nt !ilngle~ (l''\?:'chw~7 Em.d. j"Ou:. ~cew'by l'c\s1:stnnc Ie 1;s met '0 on anys ~ ~el\',ks t months ~ Oil' ye,!1ll'S". :and Whys'toek~ :st.!;))) n:od}lJJake tops endborttoDI:Sa.t "these :.t::r-oog imp'O'l'te.:nt po~tB) cc. ord. il!lg t ctil:oo :Q;l'l,(3( pr ic e ~ will . l'!lb.enany staal! hc".s pDs:;;edou"t :libovc 120Q OJ:' e.spec1;;l,11:y::::.bove 1270 or 127 .plom'ts. 'c'ndgoue o'~t ioi'the .:;Jgu!!l',e .ofth,e first H'e:);.egoo., 1,t~ 1'1.tlO1&~tion3 w i11 be. m.Qr,e rn p'_a: .and.. 1twll1 movei'a,stCl" upcind' d.~n. li,~ti(ll~ n'~nT'tb~ CEmtkr tbst :in tf'~V'(,C$ ,5 to "1 it strik6:S "the a:n,p;leo.f, ,~,BOu ~, 909, cU't 1I'thEn tl1€i$toc'k~etsQO,t to 162" i,t em.n travel. u.p'to 1.69 "bL1'O)"o st1!"ikinsr,mot'hel" str-ong eng.le. 'That 1::0 11:,11.1 i·e is t· r.nOVG~OCCW' up :'!.nd d Ql';[n .'l! S a t (;I'ck 5 ,;et h1sp.t1l" n:fi1..dri];s

tbey mcrve ,:f:rcm

3:. yC',e;:rln


Ee:m~mber th~t f::vf:1'-yth1ng se.iI::lk$the! cent£:l" .;)!" g:p,f~vity c~d i1'llporto:nt.t ops a.nd 'b ot:t.oms Q~e;flJ, ~c cording, to cent e;r$ Qnd ml;lc'$W!'e:m)[illt::; Qf1;;imefr~ e e,entfil" ~ ~:sc .~ ' :po~.t f C!::I,.tJu.r top Q.rb,rQt'tom~ . ':Fh~ :ZOllgi(:s tOl"m€iC! Roina; !!l;trai~ht upandc,cros~, ~.~y :f (ll"m j u.s ttbE:: stl.lllIe ,Fl: ol:ngacl' 0:9£ ~ s th~:stock t:N'i,i!I~l s. 9\1"(:1" 1:01" ,0. ey S 1I:'N:;el<.~, no:nths or yCl6.r:s.~ r Thus.,. tl;, 5,t;(oCl-::. ~!jin g up t 0 22~ 'I'wu1d :;l:tr-iHo +:n~~j;le of" ~~~o .11' it M'QW8 O'V~l" 22i d,~y~ 2~H wl(;e'k;;;.1 (I;r' 22~ tlJQnths ~ itll':!'oulde Ls 0 stril-oo: en ah.,glc. ,of 22ib " end, the: hl,gher i't 1s '!i:'hhl tocs(l::!ngles El"E! :strockp.t1d t;b~ ongl.e i.t hit:. .t;Qing uJI t the g:reet.e:r the resis't3noet.obclmet~. Hc:vCl'ze tbJerult.i!:, .•


.h 'eonstru(lted.. It is just the sem·e n s C olJ;u:t:ru:ti:ngllbull.d t.ilS· 'il"stthe fcrtthdet!'on M~ to 'b·(:llli.d tI'na thE:n the iouI' ~i!lles have: to be c'ffiI'I,pleted and, 10lS:t, 'bu.t not le.&stoif nll;J tb,~ top, :b,as to bQ put On. ~ The eU.'bti,Ol'· hE::x~~on pl'ave,,9. e,;:,;:!.ctly the 1::1:'1'1 vlh1ch wo.rks bttc.~.Qse of time olJ'ld spa ee in. ' m.."!.rk,at.. ~''TJb.en Dull.,ding is put 1!lp,it is B



0. .S·Q1JliQF8 Ol' bext<.B;,on,.

s'1des:; A bottOlilil!

nnd. a top;

It hos f,o;i.1i" ..,:alls tll€ll"ei'o)re~' t t 1.s ;£1, c'uOle.

'OJ" f·oU!'

In w()l'klng ou.t 'tbe'20"1·eal'- cyclfJ In tb,Q~t,ooJ' l!Illl:l'k·~tr the ,i'il"s't 01"'5 yef9.l's, from: tbe b eg:ilming, f or:m,s theb ,ott om of theo\'.lbe. Tb,eseecnd 6'oP:!) l"1ilnn!:n~ 'to 1'20;- ·compl!O·tc:.sthe til".~:ttl.ngl.e 'Ol' t,be :r:1l"'st fond ;runs out the· 1.O'~:Y6'i:l!l~C:rc1e. The thi~6().o'r 00' the. second. ~idel' .e.oos ~5 jI',on:rs 01" 190°,. It '1::>1 've:l"y ~port;lnt beeeuse we hnvetbeb",~~~n~ hEtl;tcomple,te,d ~tl lIlD.ust.nac~t, the, s,tl"ongest ;resistnn.ce at this Jl.o1n:t. The 1ol.l!l'th. 60 , or the Emd ():f 20 ye~:I".s Qr240 ·nulnths,.:, cOilI]iletea hbe thir·d sia:'!'!;:. llle, :nre no"':' two-,thirds Pt'ound th,e ol,lilding,jl O,ve:ry strong bo1nt wldeh eul:mi.natcs· ~d c,cJ:a.pletes oW' 2:o.... year.· 0"01e'~ The fitt·b 600 I C'!" 3 00° p'oint, Q,:~:j"'i!l.~\'1'(; e·ks., or 1(i0nthtt "' _e lo:mpl~ til 2 5 ~:i!i. rs J e.r epe titi 0ll . of the l'irs t oS JeD.l'.s:~ 'bnt te !-tc,ompletes ..the .1'8'ilI"tll,S ide _ lOur building Gndis_ n vcry _i~P'OJ'tnnt ~g 1e.. The 6th 60 at" 360 _~ .0. Ol!iplf: ting the; c 1~c lli! aM ending liI) 718:1.1''.6 600' 1



oO'mplottHI again .•

~S·uli!lltl;&SitO'.ed 7b,y' ~i.U' ''!rime

the 'top.


This 1s a e ...;mpls -tae nbc, !:!:,nt!we ooginovcr th0 H~~f!gc n C):llQ; • rt





tin .nns:le


you .•

3t,ll:.d::y th:1 s :in. 0. Ofm(; ot1 00: 'With

ill he 1;p

• ,.-11'

k~.~·,m'!' ," ........


t"~~_J .oi!~~


~t~~n ,S~~~
7;iil'1.H 1':N'I. ""I:J!~


m '\~',ALI~ STTml~l' N'EWYUH)'{


)\,:1"''''11['':111' E:~~!JJ.~:.r~IC' ,;;.~ ..~~

:t.~~~ ~'Q~o;~u,: ,~e.n:iiT


5.I~~t~~ Oc. ' .... .

"''l'.)i~t.n "''' "'1"",,:1;.



C'~ ~tJ;, .A'pj;.:u~!IJ X;lI.:~1 '1~;~1Il~H.





IO'H!i.l!T {IF !SOo.

Thl~chaTt Deg~!!lla.t tllOI:l"e,nd l'uns·e.rQW'lC! the cit'cl.e to ~'360't, oJe :f:i"r:st M"Ii!ide by t:t~o ruldgd ]sOo: th~n dt'rid,!jl leJOby2: god ~/e g:eit 90'o~ the'Jl divide ~O',by 2,'l'indwe ~et 45~; t~~, dinde,4,5 cDy .~ gd 'oteRet 2~~ 22~ "by 2: 117e get lito.:: thrn ali'!"ide 11* 'b:Y' Z .a.nd "Wll gd 11.11 of wh$.ch,;['o:r.iIm. tb-lijI:1m~Q,rt~~lc::; grO~ the circ:le.


5~S'a,'O~ '..

1 have. only :shomn·e:Il the,' h,'p'o,rt~ ~le:!l; f'r~3~3/4 'to SeeP J.11 tille ~,e:;: d::re.'\\In .in '('ed b~ce:u5e tk~:r fl.TI~ "th!l!l m.po,rttm't; !l;lqui! :a£L~SS~ M'te'r d:i.v1d'l:c:lg the ciJC1011C: 'b7 2~ ~ next imPOl"tfm'tl:!r!.mibe!I' to dhid,e ~S" I1iridhl~ by 3;twrJ.get 12,Qo~ 240t# filld, 350°;) ~tho imporlw~ ~!~,l,=PQi11I:b;; 'I ~e tn,en as.ride 1.00 'by Z ca.d ,get theam;g:le.s at 160°" 1$0°11 -2100", ';'OOP' ~d~~Oo',"We d:lv:1d,t!! $0 "by :2 ~d! get the gngbl!i af 3.00 ·ft[lEJ. ·the5:J:' p1"'OT.:;Irli O:lJ;a'he P~:l' ill""ound.. !!'hen a~ndcS'Oby2 and. ~;et, the 1lin,f;le:s of lSo a:nd. proPOl't;i.o'J}a."i:,e engle:s uound the eireJi.e.Th,flln diy'w'.6 15 by' 2.llOOd we I! the rmgles :at 7~ aT(n:u:ult."e cirele.


M hoiilU"s :i':Ja.

a.aydbldea. 1ntQ the 'c.;iroc.:li.e:eq'1.1e.l.:::; lS'o tor 4.S dirldcnsott.he ,~h~lB ,of "l~,j' ~h:ach a.t"e ;iDpOT!:~
lltL'finthly periQ.d!s ...

,each :hoW-.

'meE:.~W'~g dny", 'IlY'!eklye:.l'.ld

,Studyt:he Uajor '(lhari; of 3600 (;ttt:'e.1'uHy nnd you lnll ::see why cyelc~ ~~F~e:t.1¥ne.n ~n~ he:.~ w·~'Ve lc,aup laOo, :i:t~te.:rts to gQ dQil~ to the Qr~o:site PQ~ ·itiIld e&c:h a~~le u.p ·to l800 i:sthe QPPQ5~i'I:;e Qlltne: other ;:1!3J~·Qf t.hle cirel~. Ths.t is why tOpSalli.d b(lH~~i;:OJ:;.e o'tld: nteonoh 'one or 'thue d~gl"$.e:!!i...Fo:rS:.nd1l.neeJj . tap, ,eomil:l:g 6llit at SOc or 90mon\h;s nt. one time win OCtiV sol;! ,or S'O montb:s' :span .~ 'then ' s i,ttdl:u- tops cauS ing: :rapid '!"lu,et,~tio~ fUl.d .fe-lit· ~o'Ve=>U'p ~nddOl'm bec~u!Set,h.:i;sE'.il:lgle:i:; ::so a,e,ut.~t:hll.i s" C£J;! ~O'h ,.~:in :ton,g 1:te:to t"e ~tU;rtin,g :;ip, t.h~ c;l-PPQ~!:t'E! ,di.:rect·ion.

or' when an le;~ n£}e Or' aI1!~g:le ~t!TE::.iiSh:t. up and down. :i.s l:'e:n,ched. !row rapid the JiWves acre "tben they ne.&r this ung:.le ~d hO" ., .f~t t.he!l{ ~e ... u:!',:and Q:OWJl ~. ho'" qU1cklyr.e'Vet';!i,e... it b tho ~ane Yl;i.:tbtbe .4500t" t:be U.S" I the 22:S°al'ld -tb~. Sl.,So ~gle'Ii' Hot,s nQ"1i'1' tbh p~Q"es the; i;.... . port:~t c~l?~iglJ; when 'ho,P$; aRd. 'bOltto~ WQTk ()!t:l'bi<!' regula.r:'ity 3.U ,e~ue.'l nl.mibe.~ of ):1:!onth~!';.p!ll:1I"t.. No<t$ ~e 2Zm-Q'Md 'then ;follo\':! th~ .. EOCt impo.rtD.:r!.t n Im~l.¢.,thle S:Q;O'~~l,~~. theil' tlle45 JO the:n Dlotl! th~.60 end' 61~oBr¢clos~ teg:ether "but both "erysu'corng ~,g1. e:::;. . Not!:. al.$ 0, 11 z:~o 8l:Id 120Q...Too't.'h .strongEndes~ ~nd. ,clo$·e. t,oietlu,t'~ ..
indien;b;;D,g ~mpQM:omttoF~ ~bot.t,olll.::i.. thel '~I!B:Y aro-J.ind •



culmilud::im."J.::S "thnifi,"O,eeUT


r.1lIC. 15 yea,,..!i;... l~O n.nths:"

1l.J)111:1cs clo~~ "tCi!i;ether,. in'diontinf.;inpo:rt2.4)t

... .5!;l! nob U


l500 157i(j~ nndi~ohl,orns...~~



;strOll!'; 9tI dl

f!'ne:lli t,.~ d..l e i~ dhid td by 21Uld 3 ,~r:d re,o:;'i..Yidei:i ~ '1'fe J;::-t th~: c ~o;rt~t nl:lFle~ ~~, rne.Oli.~\lJ'e:rJ.~nt;!>r time" o ,::;~flCC u.nd "\'ol.~2.:rQ'Im,d, the: oircle Qr !eoQ;~ fa!U~iuf:.

.as, 16~118~. 22-1/2, . ?'7~'~/fJ~ .~O" SS:3/4J. 3~~1/2~ 59-,3/8., 45~50 ... /s, 5 S6,..1/4~ ,510 Sl..7/s~ ~7-l/2" ....3-]/13, .. ' '_n>, "18-3/4/ a2..1/2~ 84 ..;~/B,~ .9C;oS'5 ... 1 01--1/.4; lOS,}.06-'1/e,. ll2-1f2j IlB-l/a.~ 120" :v.Z-S-3/4~ .129-3/8,,155,., 14CJ-S/S; ~H8-V4", 1$(1,'1." ~52-:118, 151-1/2, 16~1/6~, 'lSe;-3j~" 1'74-,2/8, 180, lS5~5/a~ Hll~1/41 19',6-7/13, 2, 02.. 20e-l/e, 2.1().;~13 ...3/4,.219-3/s,,225, 25C-S!S;)' 2M-l!4, 240. 241"'7/81 2.4'1-:1/2,. 253-1/8,. 25,8-5/4," 26"'-:5/8;.. 210, 275- 5/SJ 281-1/4~, 2e,6..7JS~, 292-1/2,. 2.96-1/19.., ~OO# " "30s...:.V4. . 309-3/8tS15~S2!O ...5/8.t 525-1/4," S30 331.-'1/8, 337... 34.3-1/S" M~3/4~ 3,54-5/8... 3130", which completes th,e ,ei'r,ele~

5-5/s~ 7~'l/e~."ll-J/4,




tht u pg,iDta are: all





Qf angl,es and are mU.$ure(i_:t:i~-:;:i::d;eent'h,t


m",;nt; Qt I;ti~~,~halt. Q'l:!;c~'third-l 'Oll'&-f"~' thiTtJ' ... e~o.nd·qdt1n.e-sii.Xty~i'o!nl"th~ ~ (h:ijn~UrI!!these p,oints With }finc; ChIu-t. ;Y<lurBexagonChart ~ m,w' they all com'ir:m. the ~'porlt=.nt


your angl

l!~zter Tlwel'Ve Cbart your Squ::lT',a; of b "fIDU 'i'iill -Bee Jb..jQl:" Ch:EI..rt at $60..





the number lit'll! being so important hl dlJ;t:ennul'ini the cullllina.t:i on in, dqts .. mDn:th!iflntl years;)" w,e, :mus~ di"llide the c:il'ole by , to ~tth-e impQ.:rtant p6int:;~, or theone',h points in, 'tl\a ,eirdlell' which are vital

and ~rtant


7M :i'tl'.:::;t ~e-ae:ventb., or. S!;lO eC;I.'JI!!Ll,s ,61-3/'1', the :tecond equlI.}$ 102-6/'1'" the,t!h1Td e~l.B l54~211," Ue ,to,~heq,m'l.l is ZIQ,S-:5!7.thJe :f'ifth . 2'5'1... the :sb:'bh e'~Qu:1s Wa-4/7 :ii..'ltdthe ~ @'\~mtn compl.,e:t:e:::s -the ,c'1:rcl~~ cquII.11wB: 360 de;p'ftEl3,Q,ayZ!, ween<j> lllClJl'tns or ye,u.lh If yDu. d:lVoidc ,e:aeh ot tneose po:ints by 2, you w:i,l.l e.l.8o&e-t other and. v&lU1:' anr;;les -wh]ic,h wiU cQm'ina and to tbe. otil,er o.ng1.e; m the: other charla ..


Oml:-~CTentth of

')iD.i)V,p.m.e:nts cullm,inat,e

7th 1I'lieak 'b:!i'01 very ~; the 'lth :yc'U',..

_ye:n:ro'r ,trne-,8eventh of Il oi:r1G1,j!shows vJby so ~ in the; -49th d.RY OT t:.he S2ndi day ana. why t:h-e iaI_portlUl'b m c·ulnD;n,t!i.tion.~ "'nil ~lsothQ 7th lOOnth B;,$ well

stron;, IU·Ound.th6.t. point .S'O< .POl'tgt. m .to!!" cui~

Ii- tbu

51-.S/7 e;q~s

77~1/ie: and,


ani!! Vlh:Y'the

t:iOD:s. -

"]'7th dll:lI'., 11th -

\'/,eO'i'i;:iIl1d. :

i;:'loe.. :o.n.iVe~a~'e$e very nth nlOD:th a:r-e

'Ihe :Muter 56<) Circle Cb~t -l'lnc'n sg1LJs:red..s 90 x 901 1:1.1'1'0. c,o.rlt:a:ins i ... ·6~1'OO 'cell$.# Zlont.!S or ,sp'lu:e ..... irb~'l'll!f'orcj tbl.'! squlI..rll! 'of 360-vdll cQll)tam 32 ..400 ~pa(,i'!:~'. !his ;1i'holtS YQIIl\mye. ~:tcc;'lc: flut:'t'\l,~.tos up ,nne t'!o~'Ill $0 ToI'i:.'f;(!{ ti:m~:> over' the ~:N:I'e ter~:s. te ry" 'b~c 1l..\l!S Ie it b \:;:'O;rkin& out t:t.iri,: nu:a'ber Qf ee lli!i1 or ,;,ib.F,a'tions ,o.J: ellen in fIi. .squ~:rc., :PCI' exm;:;pl.e = ~

90 cq:ual,:; 1/2 c.f' 90tl-~.uti.l.s 5/:4 Qi: 90 f!:'.5,o.f90 e~unls i/3ar' 90 (lo~ullls

llS of


2 ;02.5 4: '050 6,.0'115 2~100 5,400




Tbu:e l?oiut~


of 36Q cquab 2:1,6,00' __ so e 3/4. of 360 elJU'!I.:Jt~ '2~ , .,;rv ... of 360 i!'llul,l:; 28,350 very ilnporte.nt, to use

crt 360 cgu,u.b 15,200'

Qf ,~6Q C'aai.-o!i.l5 9',1;,,100 of ~60 el}iUab lO,S,6o.


.;!:.:;,.l~~ 6,1>

'!i<'ell. 8Dd pr;'ce=a:sm-l!lm!'ntl5.~

$:\ipptl:ie ::YQU wu.t to ~~!i'lt:h,e ~be:r o£ day,s, Tequ:ired. t.{l ~ill o'%'worl:: out the squ.ue, of .a.O~ '!here a;rlc3GS ~ ,me.. yeu. ZO yeal"s '!Will gi'V(l you '7,;roQ, dia.ys.. ~a in 90'u:Dt~ 'the leap 'YeaTS, 'liilill TUD, n, little O'Ve'r' this. i'liere!'or,e, e.'ocut:: 2a )'ea:rs,,,2, no,nth;:; :find 10 dlays nr(t i"eg;uil"ed to 'I'ilorlt D,ut reaoh "ri.'br:ation ''in the !'I,~u,a.l'e ot 910 ..


:re1ilillre"'" ,o,t t.en po,i!lta 1l,efc:r'c dT~ldJtgu...4,5° angl,B.: It ~l.d alGO 'that i;:he nook oouldi:moT'C b lime: a.'hect:ioo:t tell rnolIlh; 'IIitboutririld!::!.g
anytb.1n,g:,tc c;p;u:sefrtly Vf:.ry ,Gl"'~&l.t· r,eact1,0Il.. au

!:h.'EiSlliral Ch1:lrb repTiCil:$ eni:s ~8 cOn"ec'i!: pe, t..ime and rspaee of uythin~ tha't; bl!1;pns' SIt: zero and be'gi:i:i:; 'to ~ 'rol(l.!Dd, tlI. :r~d., b It· '~'ho;q: ju:d; eXD.O\ly how the muD.ber$. Ui.~relU! e as the sF,il"al ~'ve$ l'OlLmd and::roWld" ·and Why &toe1¢s ~ve f'a.~~p a.1i th;ey ,~ow 'tll-de:J;"; or :=;wim;, ZlI;I _th l:IIO'r,e ~d.l.y lUI t:fieFicc nr!.iGb,IiI.~ h'i.~'e1" l~~l.~.. ~t c:,e:nt;er~ be;:ima~, Pi(lib:'t:, ~.:;I"" UJ"Do, :it :re:qdtoes 450 -to i"le·Fe.m,mlt «»Ie' p¢b.t,~ liben the stoCk 'b:rB.Teled ".eve'll "hoes arounil 1'YOlii the cent,e,., it.'thq ~ieguS.red6'~'Voen 'points to sbilre 8. 4$,0 8lIi1!:le. 'When it ne.:5 tr:a'Vflle" :IU"OUll)i t.'ht: SpUiU twelve tim~l5,. 11: nll the'n

,"~ 45i1l1 GO, ~o"l20jl

2'10", 500" 315!lJ'liil 380 ,deg~ee 1!Mii{!::le;s~ 'f:l:iis shoWs tb.e d:$::v.is5.on ot "the ilii'xC.),.C!, lly 2" 4, and 8 .. end shlo'Sthe: O1l.e:-thiJ"d -point ·ana. ~e lh'lg...1;hirdil pOil.l:i.t; . 'being the wt&,l. :a.nd mo2l't i=,pClrlant g.~In:~ we pla~e tbe. ~'!l :you 'Gg ,;see ,nm't s.:p3e~ ,til' ti.mef:gak~s :rupid :f'lllctuni:.ions,.

135" lSO,


thi$ 'Chart, w;e ,ho:v,eonl1 $nO'!'Ol

'fbis 'Chnrt is a ,square (I,t 20., 01' 20 ~ &Ita. -:20 over. :making •. t'oto1 of "OO,.which.~s.n'CEIi '~sed to' -mC:il.iS''Ul"'e dr.,.:.. 1iI!'c;l ekiS, mo:!IJ,th;'or yca:rs",~d to de.te:T.Illhc whel:ll, top~ ~a ~QttQ~w:;ill O~ made lI,@;~mB't s'li:;J'1ong, :.il51e S I Qi;, e hd:i.'co..t.ed on. tM.:l<tC:l}lI.rl,. .




'l'lle:rl!l:fol"e". "i'Ia be:r;ma;t,


Fur exauq,le:-

1{ay 11" 1792:. 1 yeN" ol~ .. l,61:2 'Will~ome out ,

U O;f1,o:n

The: )l,ew'foo-k

8't.o'ckI::\l::cba. .. ~e wu

inoorp·ore.t,ed. May 17th., :1. "l 9:3 ends. on 1.. ~hen the



1832 on 40 16,52 on 60 18'i'2on 80

189:2 on.10ll U112" OD, 12.0




liob t,bp,tl,35!'. 'ct' ).931, :;.tr!l::e.:!it.he ~SO ang;;lt!:, .~nint fl'"o:RIl :20' QOWDiI" i.:ndthg,t ~hi.s :1$ in, the 7tli :,olie" o:t' 'thlC 7th,. which 1nClbntes that

1931 i:i the endi'Dl; ,or . , ber..r 'CQ.m,paip .. &lid the; ,:!;tIl.TtinL of I.';, bull liII1l~l::;e;t. ,But! 't"atc,h -out ;{',or 11, breal: ;a!"io'llnd lre:y and J\mQ,.1 1931t ,Jncn tni~ '1!.llll!:l.e ii!>

1822 on .30, the yeat' 1M2 OJ:! SO", the, :rellT' 1862. ·on '10;, l861~ wllJe'tl the Civ:il'lm't:'b'roke 01:l:t;~ m'!.S on the lil'l.1:l'i'bCT Qg~ 'wh1,eh i:; ~4\,5'"O 1IU:l;:Jle,. Then note tha:t 188,2, ended :5.:nNay on the 90° .Im.~,]ej a:nd at th~ 1{'2. PI!:lD't... J:80°a.ngle... ~:i:r!J,ghQI'i :;:;ontal3.;y Be.oS s .. bit

o~t Cl'D ]D;,- t'hcyeat' ~Q!t,~ that \ht'i;ye&:r

Iou l>'ill~o'HJC e the.:ttll;c: P1Llll'l'be::rs .\'bleh 'the ;!'N;i,uare :mt,oe~niEll p,~rt:. ~ a~,r¢$z lO.~ 50, SO, 70,. 90", lJ.O., .ei;¢"1 entlJ th&t the year . 1,S02 cO:!m~S

tbe ~5(1!ingle .• l


1902.. :l't

Wa.5 at



1/2 ;poh.t,*,IUlJi:l in lSD3c;nd. 1904,.

H~ tha:t theyss.'l':S 1900 .e.nd jJ121 .M.t 'the 45° angle on No.. },2:9 1lIId Ui2Z,iilis f,i;r::;t. :feu of: 'tha ibwl lIlRrke!t~ 'We.~ at 130' at the 1/2 poblit... }l,ote tha:.ii 1929'WB.S on 'the, 1.37th n~'bl!!';lr~ or: 137tih ]7iOni:hJ!' nnr. hit Iil!l ang,l.e ()!f 4&0, ~ thll~ the y.r;:ar 19 ::!iowa:> at tbel/2 pokt. QllJ. the 'th s~Me;,re" EJ;. s~rODf;il:e~:btlW.e¢ Po:b:d;:., Wh:IM hldiQsted :e; ;sbup' .• severe de,eline • • tg,ili~, 1~13b 18'3:5 ,d]'l. beau

the 1/2 poi:nt onth£! liaste:r 12Chall"t

141lm the a~ Zone., Sg;uare Oil: 20 .. tmda.tthe




l/Z ]o,mt

!~t' tne 20Q ~:e.ri,e::t' or

'!hBPo;r~ 19M ani 1955, enclling .in 1I'~",wil.l. be on 14~ and. 1,U" m4d 1935'rlll ·~roe·out. on the 4$° ~e a.t the ,:red. '~«nter ::5.ntbe SthZO'll!C and s:t t:be 'J:/z point. attha '2XId zq\UlJ"e, going to. 1/2 of' ':bh"e ·bo"tll.l ;!!;g:\]J.'I:re~'I'&iCh 'W'ill. mdicde a.. de,~lSn8a.t'1d bottom .t'Ol:" ~. ;eu:lVlmce to nmup :in l'5135.iwith 193,1 .str:il:D.& ;a.t.:D:45., wh,icb :is l/4t:hot 1:l:I.c(l.QlllJli!!D Qll the iYBy up hi. "Ie 1Sqlllii.l:"e.,
If ~,u Will st;ud.y the 'L'IfHllks", ~O!nth5,f' Il~well .f.~. tlie yeaTS, Rn.d ~&.ppl_y t.cthue imponf!.nt porntsl'Ill.dang;ie,$. yw.'I'i1'ill Se~ hQiWt.:hBY he.:ve d~te~ed 'i:h'C :bnporl:ant to:pISe:nd,'botto~ in the ,pe.:st 'c~igns. th~

Tbe; n~~,.



llI~ke up &re~ent S"lUBi:r.~ to'r 'United Stll.te~ st,e~l a:(:c,orodrng to it::; lIJecme~ nIl .rcquire 17 :x 17~ or lil iiqua'r'e Q,!: '2:89. 'The:l'etor,e. U.t, twh3i.chi::; i'~I!:Uy t::b;I!;: the lQwest PT:i'ClC' a;t....-t,lch st,e,el ever .sold b q iTo:pcrtW1.t point"

steel,. eo,n~'!!!m:; 1:7 1~tte'):"5.

':Fhe:t"e:fo'T,e, to


2S8.t 2;5.5~21:2:are all


Thl! pricesM,

sa, ,SEI, 8S, 10:2:, U.·9" 13G" impo.rt:ant be'C9.111S'~ t'bey:lt:rike I'1nd ml,g;les~ o.f :U.. 8. Bte el.

15J.~ 1701181

... 2D'.!,~~tU~ S::mrorh.nt "!i:\'ibrill,t~~:!lon

~lle'b~$ic ntml:b~T Or loot p~~t.~ :'ol'ex:J:T.lpltil 91' ~~ lQ!i\i'e;~d::.~.idt;= St.eel,. and ::its vibTt:ll'tiam :&¢Ii::o;, '!ho ihname, tin e:a.use sli!f;ht ~:i:~t:iQ.n$ Il:t t~~:s !',romothl!!,r ;Il:tQC:)C:s .. :bf'cs.'tl::s;eeaeh s--tQck:'iO'l(Irk~ s.ecordinA;: to, it:;: em ba:;,~~b~r;inn:ing po:in:tJ' n1.lilrlber-~;J,J:ld nm!'!:"



hC:U~e i.'b .d is:!~ ·~;!'5 tl:u·o'U;~h l'mi::h:b':!~=ti:261 ... ... which 1Q1I'i'e!!lt level ~

11", :S..Ste~l,



to tho :n~;t\n:·d. :ii'lgle ~ ·~"la~,:5te~ Ch::l..'I:: r out. an. e.7:":tI Cit 9 vi.bT3:tion:;llllthc"1:~y 'L'J.tJ.sZ8 :ni;ce: 11" a'm.its be,pTlJ'.I:in,g !Io:i»~t


1. ~:t.udy ot 811 t:nes.e i:¢ S1:5;tam;·e; 1.e;'!i1'lih.



wi'll Ml}) you to "ilind~:l'r~te.llld


lie \'iSS t11e :s:qufll'e of 7 tel' the U;:titt:d $t!&.te~ becm:u:s:e the :n~ or Jimel'ica clo·:ntains 7 letters.,.1UlA. t.his ~'qw¢e:5..s 49, lavery ir'-"P;()~"'hll~ and f'a;tal I:I1.mIbe.r ..

We beC;,i.;!. the t[:ttii'bed States Che.rt on O(lblloer 12""11,.1492~ N&ke up th~:s~ Squares ·of ''/ end put OIl tbe .ycnr8.You will note .b0R' ~his !ndi~e.teG 1=h~ ~,a~,'$c: ,.su.:; in thetJn:i1;;eQ s.te.::be= and th~·yes.:r,s (31 F'Q~P@:r1ty~ You em::! 801.:50' lettu5 ifi tm"DWd .oj' ;portfb1lt po,i;Qt{l w111e:n

_re ~

~s. ted

lHi:¢;&\i15,e tbTe·e

and! more Sm,portant points it you .lnak·e up t~ ;square :run 0U'b. -tc). 441. 'With 'the '3/2.. poil;nt. a.t 200~lJ2:.

td,m':ls'7 b

of' 21 x. 21,. 'i"hich is the n~r of' State,s of Amel'~cs... The,s e $llgl~s ~ ::sm.. com! out a.'bou'tth·e; :nime a.s "filum. we use .'~t':ics."


21~ lmwl!:'V'e!l"., ~ou mll ge.t sOlIlCi'itl'onge.:I;'

.of' Jl ."'2.1" whi<:h



ib.e liIOl'e you .study these Pe:nnanent. Charts 11 the mor:e you i1dll :e.PF~ciat'e their V'-'8&t. -m:lue., ana 'WiU. s;ee that numbers ,d.c determine. enrytbing in ':the .1'u\~ ... sma tha:t ,,~mutl"l!e:li.l e:ngl:es and ... t:k~l.t1otl:.l pc~:t,'S DeB.Sure, ,ewry iesbtAne'liI I.1llv.el.~~r.pncef :spaoeo!r volume·~

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