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the future of space conditioning

C a ra t Passive C hi l l e d B e a m s
application & design data

Australias most popular chilled beam system

Why Choose Carat? .................................................... 4 How does Carat Work? .............................................. 12 Design Data ................................................................ 14

Why choose Carat for Australia?

Frenger designed, supplied and installed the Worlds first chilled ceiling system in 1962; the 175,000 square meter Shell Centre in London. This installation is still operating after more than 40 years and is a testament to the integrity of the product and to Frengers design capability. Frenger supplied Australias first major commercial chilled beam project in 2003 / 2004 (the Bond in Sydney) and since then has supplied over 30 kilometers of passive chilled beams to projects throughout Australia. A few of the major Australian chilled beam projects supplied by Frenger are listed below.

30 The Bond, Sydney, 2004

Client Mechanical Consultant Scale Value Bovis Lend Lease Lincolne Scott 18,000m $700,000

City Central Tower, Adelade, 2005

Client Mechanical Consultant Scale Value Westside Mechanical Lincolne Scott 25,000m $1.3 million

500 Collins Street, Melbourne, 2005

Client Mechanical Consultant Scale Value Kador Umow Lai 23,000m $1.3 million

Parramatta Justice Prescient, 2006

Client Mechanical Consultant Scale Value Hastie-Triple M JVP Lincolne Scott 16,000m $750,000

London Circuit, Canberra, 2006

Client Mechanical Consultant Scale Value Benmax Lincolne Scott 11,000m $500,000

Project Tabitha, Sydney, 2007

Client Mechanical Consultant Scale Value Bovis Lend Lease Connell Wanger 35,000m $1 million

413 George Street, Sydney, 2007

Client Mechanical Consultant Scale Value J L Williams Bassett 17,000m $850,000

University of Sydney, 2007

Client Mechanical Consultant Scale Value Hastie Lincolne Scott 7,000m $450,000

The following pages summarise why we believe that Carat should be the obvious choice where passive chilled beams are selected

How does Carat differ from all other passive chilled beams?
There are essentially two types of passive chilled beams available; a traditional finned-tube battery (or battery beam) and Frengers Carat product. The cooling approach employed by Carat is unique to Frenger and offers the client and the installer many benefits when compared with traditional technology.

Finned-Tube Battery

Frengers Carat

The following pages summarise why we believe that Carat should be the obvious choice.

Carat will deliver more cooling capacity

The convective nature of a battery beam means that it delivers higher air velocities for the same cooling effect than would be realised by the radiant/convective Carat beam. Latest industry guidelines (REHVA Guidebook No 5 Chilled Beam Application Guidebook) recommend that the maximum cooling effect for a battery beam positioned in the occupied zone must never exceed 170 watts per meter. However, a Carat beam delivering more than 240 watts per meter will still provide a comfortable environment.


Height above FFL [mm]


Height above FFL [mm]

Velocity (m/s)

Velocity (m/s)









1300 1100


Finned-Tube Test Result

1300 1100


0.22 0.18

0.22 0.18

Carat Test Result

900 700

900 700

0.14 0.10

0.14 0.10







Distance [mm]







Velocity Topography at Y=4000

Distance [mm]







Velocity Topography at Y=4000

Comparative air velocity profile for Carat and Finned Tube Battery delivering 300 w/lm above a 33% free area ceiling tile. It goes without saying that higher performance equates to fewer beams, meaning lower supply and installation costs.

Carat delivers a more comfortable environment

The radiant cooling properties of Carat provide significant advantage when it comes to occupancy comfort. Carat is, in effect, a hybrid between a radiant chilled ceiling and a convective battery beam. Cooling by radiation is generally considered to be preferable to cooling by convection alone; perceived temperatures will be lower and air velocities will also be lower. Carat delivers the comfort levels associated with chilled ceilings at the lower cost of chilled beams.

65% Convection

99% Convection

Carat has 35% less air movement

For chilled beams delivering an identical cooling capacity (230 w/m in the case of the example illustrated above) then the carat beam will always deliver higher comfort levels than the battery alternative. This is because there will be 35% less air movement below the Carat beam..

No need for skirts

In an attempt to squeeze the maximum cooling capacity from a battery product it is often necessary to fit air-deflecting skirts from the sides of the chilled beam down to the rear of the ceiling tiles. These are unsightly, costly to install and a risk to system performance if they are not fitted exactly as required. This is not necessary with Carat; the product is designed for optimal performance without any additional skirts.

Carat is easier and cheaper to install

The heaviest Carat beam weighs just 5 kg/m, whereas a comparable battery beam will most likely weigh over 17 kg/m. The fact that the product is so much lighter means that it is easier and safer to transport, to distribute around site and to install. Furthermore, Carat can be installed with simple suspension wires (the type used to fix suspended ceilings) whereas a battery beam will require heavy-duty threaded rod hangers. It is estimated that, meter for meter, Carat will cost less than half the cost of installing a comparable battery beam.

Handling with ease a 3m long Carat H-84. Try this with a battery beam!

Hanging Carat with adjustable suspension wire

Carat suspension components are included in the price

It is not necessary to use threaded rod hangers to suspend Carat. As standard, Carat is supplied with lightweight adjustable suspension hangers; 4 pieces for beams below 3m long and 6 pieces for beams of 3m or longer. The suspension hanger is 3.2mm in diameter and is adjustable from 0.6m to 1m via a sprung butterfly clip. Cropping back the rod on site can accommodate shorter distances. Alternative hangers are available for suspension drops of 1.75m to 2m at a small additional charge. One pre-bent end of the rod is to be fed through a top fixing bracket and the other end through pre-punched holes in the Carat support bars. Top fixing brackets and fixings are not included as these are often project-specific.

Carat can be positioned directly over light fittings

Unlike a battery beam, Carat does not lose performance when placed above a ceiling-mounted luminaire. This means that the occupier or prospective tenant has maximum flexibility in terms of partition and luminaire location. See Page 24 for further information.

Frenger supplied the Worlds first chilled ceiling project in 1962 and the project is still operating perfectly well more than 40 years later. In fact, the only thing that can compromise the integrity of our chilled beams is the quality and velocity of the water that flows through the product. The patented technologies employed in the manufacture of Carat were originally developed for ultra-efficient solar collectors. The technology has proven extremely durable in this highly aggressive application, and as a consequence Frenger has no hesitation in advising extended life cycles for the Carat passive chilled beam.

25-Year Life Expectancy

Most air conditioning products available today will be offered with a 12-month or 2-year warranty. For major projects using Carat we can offer a 6-year replacement warranty as standard. Where required we can extend this warranty even further for a small cost the longest warranty that we have offered to date is 25 years. All we ask is that annually the water quality is proven to be appropriate for use with our products (see page 30).

Complete Support Service

For all of Frengers Australian projects the Company offers a full support service from system design, architectural integration and prototype testing to on-site assistance during the installation and commissioning phases. For most of our Australian projects we have conducted representative in-house testing of a typical building zone to determine comfort levels, air velocities, reaction times etc. This information enables us to provide solutions with a level of confidence unrivalled in our industry.

Canberra project prototype testing

Carat provides more architectural choice

Carat can be concealed above a suspended ceiling or can be left exposed as an architectural feature. Exposing the Carat beam means that it will deliver maximum cooling and also provides the occupant with an insight into the comfort cooling system that is being used. When positioned above a perforated metal ceiling Carat is usually finished with black powder-coat paint, meaning that the product is virtually invisible to the occupants. A battery beam, on the other hand, cannot be painted without a significant drop-off in performance and hence the highly reflective aluminum fins will be visible through the ceiling perforations.

Another important fact is that Carat can be used with ceilings that are perforated to far smaller perforation hole sizes and free areas. Carat can be used effectively with perforations as small as 2.4mm and with a free area of just 28%, whereas a battery beam is usually suspended above a ceiling perforated to 50% free area with a hole size of 5mm or larger - necessitating the blacking out of the ceiling void and service items. Of course, where smaller perforation patterns are selected so as to provide an enhanced aesthetic, then the beams will need to be longer if they are to deliver the same cooling capacity (it is not usually necessary to have extra beams and the cost increase for longer beams is relatively small). The table below illustrates the relative beam length and cost implication where a Carat H-84 beam positioned above different ceiling perforations - is to deliver a total cooling of 1000w at 8.5 dtK:
Ceiling Perforation 50 % free area 5 mm DIA hole Beam Length Relative Beam Cost 100 %

3.7 m Beam

40 % free area 4 mm DIA hole

3.9 m Beam

104 %

40 % free area 3 mm DIA hole

4.0 m Beam

106 %

30 % free area 3.3 mm DIA hole

4.1 m Beam

107 %

28 % free area 2.8 mm DIA hole

4.9 m Beam

116 %

It can be seen that the relative cost for chilled beams will increase as the ceiling perforation and hole size is reduced. However, provided the total number of chilled beams does not increase then the cost associated with installing the beams, piping them and controlling them will not alter.


Carat is far easier to clean

Albeit that passive beam systems do not require regular cleaning, cleaning of the beams will need to take place from time to time to prevent performance reduction. The smooth painted surfaces of Carat mean that it is many times easier, cheaper and safer to clean than a comparable battery product. Carat can be wiped over with a damp cloth in a matter of seconds, whereas a battery beam will require careful cleaning with a vacuum and brush attachment, taking care not to damage the fragile aluminum fins.

Carat is kinder to the environment

A Carat beam, when compared to an equivalent battery beam, will typically use 70% less aluminum, 60% less copper and none of the steel. Carat uses less energy to manufacture and uses less fuel to transport. The nett effect is significantly lower embodied energy and a product that is far more environmentally friendly.

Carat 5 kg/m Finned Tube Battery 16.6 kg/m

aluminium 2.3kg copper 2.7kg

steel 2.2kg copper 6.3kg aluminium 8.1kg

The relative weight of Carat H-84 and a typical 400mm x 120mm finned tube battery.

See page 31 for further information

Carat is safer and easier to transport and distribute on site

The w shaped profile of Carat means that it is usually packed in pairs one piece turned upside down and placed inside another, then wrapped in protective polythene. This means that two units will fit into a 180mm packing depth, so increasing transport utilisation. The product is contained within a purposedesigned crate (made from sustainable timber and fumigated to meet Australian regulations) and the crates and product have clear identification labels. Crates can be lifted by crane or forklift, although it is not possible to crane from a container. It is a simple process to remove the product from the crate and distribute around site the beams are lightweight, robust and can be handled without fear of injury (unlike battery products!).


How Carat Works

Carat is essentially a void-mounted heat exchanger that cools the air within space in a silent and efficient manner. Conditioned ventilation air will need to be introduced via another method (usually under-floor or ceiling-mounted swirl diffusers) and this in the vehicle for remote latent heat gains from the space. As cold water passes through the chilled beam (typically supplied at 14oC or 15oC) the warmer room air is cooled against the beams cooler surfaces. This cooled air, which is heavier due to its higher density, then streams through the punched louvres in the beam and percolates through the small ceiling perforations into the room space below. In this way air is circulated within the room, with warm air from the room being continually replaced by cooled air. In addition to this convective cooling process, the cold surfaces of the beam also absorb heat radiation from the building occupants and the warmer surrounding surfaces. Carats radiation quotient is approximately 35% of the total cooling effect (the other 65% of cooling being generated by the convective cooling effect described above). The efficiency of the convection process, coupled with the ability of the product to exchange energy by way of longwave radiation, means that Carat retains a high cooling effect even when the air temperature in the room is relatively low (e.g. at night or when the building is unoccupied). In this way large amounts of cold energy can be stored in the building structure during low load periods, and used to offset heat gains when the need arises.


What makes Carat so effective is the world-patented coldrolling process used to manufacture the heat-carrying profiles. The process fully encapsulates the water-carrying copper pipes within two thin aluminium heat absorbing sheets. The copper pipe is metallurgically united within the aluminium, ensuring that the transport of energy between the cooling surface and the water is optimised. This unique process ensures the highest cooling capacity at the lowest weight; Carat 84 weighs just 5kg per linear meter - just 25% of the weight (and materials usage) of a comparable finned tube battery beam! Carat is made of 100% recyclable materials. Furthermore, the technique of joining copper and aluminium metallurgically means that galvanic corrosion cannot occur.

Cross section of Frengers unique strip profile. The rhomboid shape provides efficient heat transfer and encourages turbulence at lower flow rates.

Building structure is cooled via radiant exchange

Chilled water passes through copper pipework


All the surfaces of the chilled beam are cooled down

4 5

Warmer room air is displaced upwards to replace the cooler air that has moved downwards (convective)

Ceiling systems below the chilled beam is cooled down by the air stream and via radiant exchange. Ceiling system is typically 2C - 3C lower than room temperature

Air local to the chilled beam is cooled down, becomes more dense and permeates download through the ceiling system


How much cooling can be delivered?

The total amount of cooling that can be delivered by Carat is determined by two major factors; the relative coolness of the chilled beam in relation to the desired room temperature (expressed as dtk) and the ceiling perforation above which the chilled beam is positioned. The cooling effect can be expressed in watts per metre of beam (Table 2), however the first step is to determine the maximum cooling that can be delivered via the selected ceiling perforation (Table 1):
Maximum cooling room temp. minus mean water temp 7.5 dtk 8 dtk 8.5 dtk 9 dtk 9.5 dtk Ceiling Perforated 5mm diameter hole, 46% free area 127 w/m2 136 w/m2 144 w/m 153 w/m
2 2

Ceiling Perforated 4mm diameter Ceiling Perforated 2.4mm diameter hole, 33% free area hole, 28% free area 96 w/m2 102 w/m2 109 w/m 115 w/m
2 2

75 w/m2 80 w/m2 85 w/m


90 w/m2 95 w/m2
Table 1

161 w/m2

121 w/m2

Having established that the ceiling perforation has the capacity to deliver the required cooling then it is a matter of dividing the total heat gains in the space (w) by the beam cooling capacity (w/m) - shown below in Table 2 - in order to establish the linear meterage of beams required. This linear meterage can then be divided by the preferred beam length (in the range 1.2m 5.8m).
Watts cooling per metre of Carat Beam (H-84) room temp. minus mean water temp 7.5 dtk 8 dtk 8.5 dtk 9 dtk 9.5 dtk Ceiling Perforated 5mm diameter hole, 46% free area (5046) 235 w/m 251 w/m 266 w/m 282 w/m 298 w/m Ceiling Perforated 4mm diameter Ceiling Perforated 2.4mm diameter hole, 33% free area (4033) hole, 28% free area (2428) 219 w/m 234 w/m 248 w/m 263 w/m 277 w/m 192 w/m 205 w/m 218 w/m 231 w/m 244 w/m
Table 2

There is one more factor that could potentially limit the capacity of the chilled beams and that is comfort levels; the greater the cooling duty delivered by the chilled beam then the higher the air velocities below the beam and the greater the risk to occupant comfort levels. The shaded cells in the above table represents levels of cooling that could potentially compromise occupant comfort and we recommend that you contact our Technical Services Department for further assistance where these levels of cooling are required.

A space requires perimeter chilled beam cooling of 120w/m2 and internal cooling of 45 w/m2 (the conditioned ventilation air will usually add an additional 8-12w/m2 cooling). With water supplied to the beams at 15oC and returning at 18oC and a design room temperature of 24oC (equating to 7.5 dtk) then a ceiling perforation of 5046 should be selected for the perimeter zone and 2428 or bigger for the internal zone. It is usually necessary to introduce a clear gap in the perimeter zones at the interface between the glazing and the ceiling system, to encourage the thermal plume produced at the faade into the ceiling void. The dimension and orientation of this gap/slot is dependant on the structural and thermal peculiarities of individual projects and we recommend that you contact our Technical Services Department for further assistance.



Design Data
Carat reaction time ......................................................................... 15 Chilled beams - How to prevent condensation ............................... 16 Operation below dew point ............................................................ 17 Precipitation formation on Carat passive beams ........................... 18 Increase In Extreme Day Temperature ............................................ 19 Carat cooling distribution ............................................................... 20 Chilled beam orientation ................................................................. 21 Supply air method .......................................................................... 22 Ceiling swirl diffusers ...................................................................... 23 Chilled beam above luminaire ......................................................... 24 Carat with in-tile insulation .............................................................. 26 Typical controls schematic .............................................................. 28 Reduced flow rate .......................................................................... 28 Chilled beam flexible hoses ............................................................ 29 Conditions for extended warranty .................................................. 30 Carat - Environmental product declaration ..................................... 31 Carat - Packing, off-loading & distribution ...................................... 32 Acoustic insulation ......................................................................... 34


Carat Reaction Time

For a passive chilled beam installation the building manager will very quickly develop an understanding of the necessary precooling period required for the system (that is, the time that should elapse between chilled-water flow and occupant arrival such that the room has cooled down to an acceptable level). However there may be less predictable scenarios that require answers; for example, if occupants arrive mid-morning during a sunny bank holiday and the room has reached 30oC then how long will it take for them to feel comfortable?


Nature of testing

Average reaction time values were measured during numerous project-specific tests carried out at Frengers iso-thermal test facility in the UK. The time required to cool down the occupied zone (0.1 to 1.1m above FFL) utilising the Carat Radiant / Convective chilled beams can be assessed using the chart below. The chart details the reaction time based on full load conditions (A), part internal load (B) and part internal / solar load (C). Only sensible gains are considered.
+11.0 +10.0 +9.0 +8.0 +7.0 +6.0 1

Temperature Deviation (C)

+5.0 +4.0 +3.0 +2.0 +1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0 -3.0 -4.0 C 0 5 10 15 20 20 Min 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Room Design Condition 2

Time (Min)
Reaction Time Analysis

Key: A 100% Internal Load / 100% Solar Load. B 60% Internal Load / 100% Solar Load. C 60% Internal Load / 60% Solar Load.


The time required to cool the occupied zone from 30.0C to the design condition of 24.0 C (i.e. + 6.0C to Room Design between points 1 & 2) is approximately 20 minutes. This assumes that the space is subject to a load representing 60% internal / 100% solar.


This data is intended for guidance only; it takes no account of the energy stored within the building / room fabric which would tend to increase reaction time and is necessarily building-specific.


Chilled Beams - How to Prevent Condensation

It is of course imperative that the system is designed to ensure that condensation does not precipitate from the distribution pipework or from the chilled beams. This means that the temperature of the surfaces of the chilled beams, associated pipework and valves must be maintained above the room dew point. Dehumidification of the supply air by the air handling plant is necessary to control humidity levels and avoid condensation. Dehumidification levels should be controlled using a combination of RH and temperature sensors. It is good practice that the supply-water pipework is insulated up to the chilled beam. It is not necessary to insulate the return-water pipes or indeed any control valves that are installed on this side of the chilled beam. Tests have shown that the supply water temperature can in fact be up to 1.5oC lower than the room dew point before water droplets start to form. However, we generally recommend that this be used as a safety margin for unexpected humidity loads or an unexpected reduction in the supply water temperature.

Condensation Sensors

Additional protection can be gained through the introduction of condensation sensors, such as Frengers Regula Secura. The Secura sensor should be fitted to the supply water pipe of the chilled beam (see Fig 1), ensuring that it is positioned so that it is subject to the room air. Secura is connected to the actuator (on/off type) on the control valve that is used to control water flow.

Figure 1. Sensors mounted on horizontal tube and held in place with cable ties

In the event of condensation on the supply water pipe, the "on/off" control valve temporarily stops the water flow through the chilled beam. Regula Secura offers very close control that provides optimal chilled beam performance, even allowing the system to provide effective cooling when it operates at more than 3oC below dew point (see page 17 fig 1). The Regula Secura sensors can either be fitted to each and every chilled beam, or to a single beam in control zone (usually on a beam at most risk). Using Regula Secura on all chilled beams increases condensation protection and ensures that the room is not deprived of cooling unnecessarily; only beams with moisture precipitation are shut down until the condensation has desiccated, leaving other beams functioning as normal. This is particularly beneficial in environments with varying temperatures or where there is a risk of outside moisture entering the room through open windows for example.

Function of Regula Secura

Regula Secura comprises of a sensor fitted to the supply water pipe of the chilled beam and a control module. When the sensor detects condensation on the pipe, Regula Secura closes the valve until the condensation has desiccated. Regula Secura is compatible with electronic controls such as Regula Mono, Regula Duo or any other equipment using on/off actuators, NC (normally closed) 24V AC. The NC function means that if there is a power cut then the valves are closed and further condensation risk is eliminated. For Regula Secura installation guidelines please refer to Frengers technical data sheet TDS54.


Operation Below Dew Point

The following concern is often raised by designers of chilled beam systems; "...if RH levels in the space increase for whatever reason - perhaps because of a window being opened on a humid day or by a failure in the dehumidification plant - and the moisture detector is activated then this will mean that the chilled beam is potentially switched off when we are in greatest need of cooling." A series of tests were conducted by Frenger to establish exactly what happens in these circumstances.

Nature of testing

Referring to figure 1 below: A) Water flows to the chilled beam approximately 4K below dew point. The on/off control valve maintains the design space temperature. Condensation is detected on the supply water pipe, the control valve closes and water flow to the beams is stopped. Space temperature increases by approximately 1.6K as a consequence. B) The chilled beam is effectively switched off for approximately 15 minutes in every hour. The moisture on the supply water pipes evaporates as the pipe temperature rises above the dew point. C) The supply water pipe is now free of moisture, the control valve opens and water flow commences. The beam very quickly reaches maximum capacity and the room temperature is brought down to the design conditions within approximately 25 minutes of the beam switching off. The beam operates for another 60-90 minutes before the cycle commences again.
Relative humidity


Temperature (C) / Relative Humidity (%)


Cooling duty

Room temp.


Dew point Operation below dew point Supply water temp.




0 00:00



Time (Hours) Figure 1. Test data strip chart



0 12:00


It can be seen that during our tests the beam operates effectively up to 4K below dew point whilst maintaining the desired space condition within a tolerance of +1.6K. This feature can be used to increase the relative cooling capacity of the product (operating the theroretical dew point and controlling on the moisture detector) or to provide a contingency against unexpected increase in RH levels (recommended).


Cooling Duty (W)



Precipitation Formation on Carat Passive Beams

Under normal operating conditions the Carat Radiant / Convective passive chilled beam operates with the chilled water controlled above that of the surrounding dew point to prevent precipitation. However, this often raises the question; how long does it take before moisture actually starts to drip from the beams? This information could be of interest to establish condensation risk where there is a compound failure of the dehumidification plant and moisture detectors. A test was carried out in 2005 to answer this question.

Nature of testing

The investigation was conducted at Frengers iso-thermal test facility in the UK and was completed by increasing the relative humidity within the enclosure and at the same time maintaining the chilled water flow temperature at 15.0C. During the investigation the fresh air supply and extract was isolated to maintain the level of humidity within the enclosure, the relative humidity was subsequently recorded adjacent to the Carat chilled water flow connection within the perforated ceiling system.

Photograph of RH measurement and condensation forming on the Carat cooling element

The graph below details the recorded measurement of Relative Humidity and also shows the elapsed time (illustrated in green) between the start of precipitation and the point of moisture falling.
80 Moisture forming on Chilled Beam 75


Relative Humidity (%)





45 Room temperature 22C Pipe temperature 15C 40 1 2 3 4 5

Time (Hours)

Chilled water temperature below dew point

Chilled beam saturation - Dripping Point

Graph to Show RH Vs Time for a Carat H84 Chilled Beam


Using psychometric charts it was determined that the calculated dew point exceeded the chilled water temperature after approximately 45 minutes, it then took a further 30 minutes before precipitation was visible on the Carat element. The recorded elapsed time between the formation of moisture on the Carat element and the point of dripping was approximately 2 hours; at the point of dripping the spatial RH had reached 70%. Therefore, total elapsed time between theoretical dew point and dripping point is approximately 2 hours.


Increase In Extreme Day Temperature

The Carat passive chilled beam system will be designed on the assumption of a particular maximum external temperature, or design day. This often prompts the question; what will be the increase of internal temperature if the design day temperature increases? Tests were carried out during 2006 / 2007 to answer this question.

Approximate Relationship

The approximate relationship between increased solar gain due to an extreme day condition and the expected increase in internal spatial temperature in the occupied zone (0.1 to 1.1m above FFL) has been investigated by completing various project specific tests; the average relationship can be seen below in figure 1.
6 Design Condition
8 dTK

5 Increase in Average Room Temperature (C)

10 dTK 12 dTK

Difference between external temperature and average room temperatures on the normal design day. 4

1 Assumes 60% Solar Gain 40% Internal Gain 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Increase in External Temperature above the normal design day (C)

Figure 1: Chart to Show Increase in Room Temperature due to Increased External Temperature

Typical Example

What would be the increased internal temperature if the current design day at 34C was increased to 38C based on a design room temperature of 24.0 C? On the normal design day (34 C external with 24.0 C internal temperature) the external to room temperature difference equates to 10 dTk. From the x-axis find the 4C increase measurement (increase in external temperature) and it can be seen that room temperature will increase by circa 2.0 C. Therefore the resulting average internal temperature due to the extreme condition would be circa 26.0 C. In this instance a 4C increase in external temperature translates to a 2C increase in internal temperature.


As heat gains increase, the chilled beams will work harder to control the space and therefore the increase in internal temperature will tend to be significantly less than the increase in external temperatures.


Carat Cooling Distribution

Where passive chilled beams are installed above a perforated ceiling system, the relatively low heat gains typical of an internal zone will dictate that the chilled beams be spaced relatively far apart from one another. This often prompts the question; is it possible to do this and still get an even distribution of the cooling effect? That is, will it be noticeably cooler below the beam and warmer away from the beam? Tests were carried out during 2007 to answer these questions.

Nature of testing

A 3.0m long Carat H-84 chilled beam was installed in our UK test laboratory and subjected to occupancy, small equipment and lighting gains. The test arrangement is shown below. The area of chilled beam represents less than 15% of the measurement area.

16.2m Measurement Area

2.52m Carat Area

The chilled beam was positioned above a 33% free area ceiling system (for clarity, tiles have been removed in the above graphic) and temperature measurements were taken at 108 separate positions within the space (36 locations and 3 different measurement heights). The topography graphs below illustrate the measured temperatures at different heights above finished floor level (AFFL).

0.36m AFFL 22 - 22.5 C 22.5 - 23 C 23 - 23.5 C

o o o

0.86m AFFL

1.56m AFFL


It can be seen that the temperature does not differ significantly across the measurement area, with the average deviation being less than +/- 0.5oC compared to the room average. On this basis the Carat beam distributes cooling in an extremely even manner with no perceptible hot or cold spots throughout the measurement area.


Chilled Beam Orientation

Perpendicular or parallel to the faade?
A number of factors should be taken into consideration before deciding whether to orientate the chilled beams perpendicular of parallel to the faade

Parallel to the faade

Beams can often be designed longer, reducing materials and installation costs. Arrangement will deliver optimal cooling.

Perpendicular to the faade

Beam arrangement can deliver more flexibility for future office partitions Distribution pipework runs and connections are simplified Arrangement will deliver relatively 5% less cooling


Supply Air Method

Should the ventilation air be introduced via the ceiling or the floor?
Ventilation air can be introduced at high level via ceiling-mounted swirl diffusers or at low level via swirl diffusers in a raised floor. The choice between these two approaches will often depend on market familiarity and cost (in Europe raised floors are quite the norm and therefore low-level air introduction is preferable, whereas in Australia it is rare to have raised floors and therefore high-level introduction usually offers best values). However, there are a number of design considerations relating to these two approaches:

Ceiling-mounted diffusers

Supply-air can be cooler (perhaps 13C or 14C) with a consequent increase in cooling capacity. Care should be taken to ensure that the introduction of air from the diffuser does not upset the air movement around the chilled beam with a consequent reduction in chilled beam cooling performance.

Floor-mounted diffusers

Supply-air will need to be warmer (perhaps 18C or 19C) to avoid draughts. Diffuser position does not need to be co-ordinated with the chilled beam location. Arrangement will deliver typically 5% more cooling.


It is usual that air is extracted at high level via centralised extract devices in the ceiling void. It is also usual to pressures the space slightly to reduce the possibility of ingress external conditions.


Ceiling Swirl Diffusers

Design Considerations
Through many years of conducting project-specific tests Frenger has developed considerable experience in the correct application of ceiling swirl diffusers with our Carat passive chilled beams. There is no substitute for conducting project-specific tests using the actual materials and design conditions specified on the project, however there are a number of lessons that can be learnt from our catalogue of tests:

Diffuser too close to beam

Chilled beam airflows are being disrupted

Good Design

Bad Design

The swirl diffuser should be spaced at a minimum distance of 1m from the edge of the chilled beam. The air should be introduced in a rotating manner and should not entrain to the ceiling. The air should not interfere with the air currents that drive the chilled beam. The diffuser should be sized at the lower end of its air-handling capacity such that air velocities are minimised.

Tested and Recommended

The Holyoake_Klima OD-9/KR/310 is one of the diffusers that have been proven to be appropriate for the use with our chilled beams provided that proximity and capacity guidelines are followed.

The Holyoake grille was installed in an aperture formed within a 1200 x 300mm module metal ceiling system, where Frengers Carat passive chilled beam system was installed within the ceiling void and in close proximity to the grille (1m distance). The diffusing nozzles were manually adjusted outwards to discharge air at a 45 angle to the horizontal, with all nozzles facing the same direction, and the unit was supplied with 30 l/s air at 14C. The test concluded that under the conditions tested, the adjusted grille proved to be appropriate for use with Frengers Carat chilled beam system.

2.7m 0.274m/s Max - 0.37m/s Min - 0.224m/s


0.193m/s Max - 0.282m/s Min - 0.128m/s 1.0m 0.142m/s Max - 0.183m/s Min - 0.097m/s 0.10m


Carat Chilled Beam above Luminaire

Where passive chilled beams are installed above a perforated ceiling system, it is recommended where possible for the beam to be positioned in a clear area to allow full cooling effect. However it may be unavoidable that a luminaire to be placed directly below the chilled beam itself. Is this possible whilst maintaining full cooling effect? And will the cooling from the beam have a negative impact upon the performance or longevity of the luminaire? Tests were carried out during 2005 to answer these questions.

Nature of Testing

A 4.3m long Carat H-84 chilled beam was installed in our 30m test laboratory and subjected to occupancy, small equipment and lighting gains. The luminaire was first positioned away from the chilled beam; a distance of 0.1m was maintained between the edge of the beam and the edge of the luminaire. Measurements were taken of the cooling effect delivered by the chilled beam.

The luminaire was then placed directly below the Carat H-84 and tests were conducted as before and measurements were taken. The results were then compared with standard product performance (that is, no luminaire in the ceiling plane and all heat sources equally distributed). A summary of the results is presented below:
Measured Cooling Effect With Luminaire Below 858W 98% Standard Performance 872W 100% Luminaire to Side 896W 103%


It can be seen that, when compared to standard catalogue data, the chilled beam cooling effect will be reduced by less than 2% where a luminaire is placed below the chilled beam. Cooling effect will increase slightly with the luminaire introduced into the ceiling plane and away from the chilled beam. Any change in environmental temperature within the occupied zone relevant to the 5% spread in cooling effect is considered to be imperceptible. Measurements were then taken within the luminaire where the luminaire is positioned directly below the chilled beam. The temperature within the luminaire was measured using 2 x PRT (Platinum Resistance Thermometers) positioned at each end of the luminaries and adjacent to the ends of the lamp. Measurements were taken during 3 different scenario mock-ups and the results are presented below:

Temp C Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 34.97C 33.19C 31.47C


The Carat beam demonstrated no noticeable loss in cooling effect when the luminaire is positioned directly below. The reason for this is that, albeit the convective transfer is reduced, the radiant transfer between the luminaire and the beam is increased due to the relatively hot surface of the luminaire (approx 35C) being in close proximity to the chilled beam and its relatively cool surface (approx 16C).

Manufacturers data for the T5 luminaires suggests an optimum lamp operating temperature of 35C. Our tests found that the cooling effect of the chilled beam above the luminaire produced a reduction in lamp operating temperature of approximately 3.5C.


From our tests we consider that the cooing effect of our Carat chilled beams is not sensitive to the position of luminaires; they can be placed directly below the beams or to the side. It is our understanding that the slightly depressed lamp operating temperature relevant to luminaires below beams will have minimal detrimental effect on the efficiency or longevity of the lamps. For further advice please contact the luminaire supplier. Important. The luminaire selected for the project should be constructed in such a way so as to prevent light spillage into the ceiling void, as any light in the void could seriously compromise the aesthetic of the installed system.


Carat with In-Tile Insulation

Where passive chilled beams are installed above a perforated metal ceiling system it is usual to remove all insulation materials from the ceiling tiles such that air movement to and from the chilled beam is not inhibited. However, it may be deemed advantageous to include in-tile acoustic insulation as close to the chilled beam as possible whilst maintaining full cooling effect. Tests were carried out during July 2007 to establish the correct extent of non-insulated tiles around the chilled beams. It is generally considered that the clear space around the chilled beam (free of insulation) needs to be of equal area to the area of the chilled beam. For example, for a beam of width 840mm then a spacing of 420mm either side of the beam was considered adequate. However the concern was that not all of the warmer air tracking across the closed ceiling towards the beam would be drawn up through the gap and therefore the cooling performance of the beam would be reduced.

Nature of testing

A 3.0m long Carat H-84 chilled beam was installed in our 30m test laboratory and subjected to occupancy, small equipment and lighting gains.


The design cooling duty of the beam was 219w per meter. The ceiling tiles to the sides of the chilled beam were inlaid with insulation tiles up to a measured distance from the sides and end of the chilled beam. Different distances were tested to establish the beams cooling performance under these conditions and the findings can be seen in the attached graph. The clear distance at either end of the chilled beam was maintained at 400mm.

Carat cooling effect (%)

Distances between ceiling insulation and Carat dim X (mm)


It can be seen that the testing determined an optimum clear space around the Carat H-84 beam (i.e. no insulation within the ceiling tiles) of approximately 780mm.


Our recommendation is that, where our Carat radiant/convective is used, the minimum clear space to either side of the chilled beam needs to be at least equal to the width of the beam in order that the beams cooling capacity is maintained (see below). We caution that this data will not be applicable for finned tube battery beams due to the fact that such convection-only products will have over 50% greater air movement for any given cooling duty and consequently the clear space around such beams will need to be increased significantly.


Typical Controls Schematic

The schematic illustration below represents a proposal where 4 Carat beams are to be installed into a single room.

A reverse-return pipework arrangement is suggested; all beams in this example have an identical waterside pressure drop and will therefore self-balance. We recommend a pipe-mounted condensation sensor (moisture detector) to each control zone to protect against the risk of condensation (see page 16 for further details).

Reduced Flow Rate

Percentage of Catalogue Cooling Performance (%)

The graph below identifies the cooling drop-off for our Carat range where water flow rate is below the minimum recommended. Minimum flow rates for Carat beams are identified on page 9 of our standard Carat trade literature.

Percentage of Minimum Mass Flow Rate (%)

Ensure that minimum flow rates are achieved during commissioning such that air can be removed from the chilled beam water circuit.


Chilled Beam Flexible Hoses

Generic Specification
EPDM rubber hose assembly with 304 grade stainless steel overbraid (according to ISO 10380), AISI 303 stainless steel crimped ferrules and brass nickel plated end fittings. Operating temperature range 20oC to +85oC.

Dimensions & Connections

One end of the hose will be supplied with a 12mm/15mm/22mm/28mm compression coupling (dependent on beam type) for fitting to the chilled beam, the other end will be supplied with BSPT (tapered) male thread for fitting to the distribution pipework by others.

EPDM hose is to be tested in accordance with BSRIA guide BG 4/2004 for Accelerated Ageing and Fatigue Tests; tested for 3,000 hours @ 125oC and 10 bar followed by fatigue test then a 20 bar pressure test. In summary; 10 bar working pressure and 20 bar test pressure (relevant to hose and supplied connections). All relevant test certificates to be produced upon request.



The manufacturer is to offer a 10-year guarantee against defects in materials or manufacturing when used in a normal chilled beam / ceiling system. Conditions of guarantee to be confirmed by the manufacturer. Hoses always to be installed and maintained strictly in accordance with manufacturers recommendations.

Chilled beam connection

Copper sleeves (supplied with beams) should be fitted to chilled beam pipe tails prior to affecting the flexible hose connection.


The manufacturer is to be a member of the Hose Manufacturers & Suppliers Association (HMSA), and to have experience of supplying products to be used in conjunction with chilled beam / ceiling systems. Frenger recommends Rectus-Tema and Hydraquip (

Example. Flexible hose with one end of the hose fitted with a 15mm compression coupling for fitting to the chilled beam, the other end with BSPT (tapered) male thread for fitting to your distribution pipework by others.


Conditions for Extended Warranty

Frenger can offer extended product warranty subject to a small additional cost. The following details summarise the typical terms of our warranty:
Frenger undertakes to supply the customer with replacement chilled beam components to replace those items previously supplied by Frenger under the above listed purchase order, where the detailed chilled beams are shown to exhibit water leaks. The cost of installation of replacement beams and removal/disposal of faulty beams to be borne by the customer. The warranty will only be valid if the following conditions are met.

Water system and water quality

The chilled water and LTHW system should be filled using potable water which complies with the EC Directive relating to the Quality of Water intended for Human Consumption 98/83/EC; in areas where the water is particularly soft with the PH towards the acidic side of neutral the water hardness must also be increased. Note hard waters may be softened to avoid excessive scale within the system however care must be taken as softened water is almost always more aggressive than raw water; should water softening be employed the minimum total hardness must be kept to a minimum of 60 ppm of CaCO3. The additional water specification requirements required for both the chilled water and lthw circuits above that of normal potable water (see above) are detailed in the following table:
Variable pH Oxygen Content* Water Velocity Acceptable Range / Maximum concentration 6-9 <1 ml <1.0 m/s

* Note: The Oxygen content must be kept stable at a value less than 1 ml/l as minor increases in Oxygen (e.g. an increase from 0.5 to 1 ml/l) will be detrimental to the system and therefore void any warranty. Any additive inhibitors / chemical treatments to help reduce oxygen content, microbiological contamination, scaling and prevent corrosion must be appropriate to use with copper and solder. It must be noted that any water treatment must be maintained within the inhibitor manufacturers specified control parameters as excess inhibitors can be as detrimental as too little. In order to ensure that the correct oxygen levels are maintained at the required level (less than 1 ml/l) without any increase and to ensure fouling due to debris does not occur the following points should be noted: If plastic pipe is to be utilised on the installation the pipe must be manufactured with a 100% oxygen barrier (usually aluminium is bonded between the two walls of the plastic pipe). Expansion vessel membranes must be charged using nitrogen gas. In-line strainers must be used to remove particles from the chilled water.

Water Evaluation

The customer should ensure that the correct water quality is maintained at all times; it is recommended that water quality is monitored and recorded bi weekly for the first 2 months of system start, then annually monitored and recorded subject to the water systems stability (all copies of water quality readings are to be forwarded to Frenger to keep on record).

Maintenance and Cleaning

A visual inspection of all product surfaces and connections is to be made by the customer on an annual basis. The inspection is to comment on the condition of all chilled beam connections, elbows and loops. A full report of this inspection to be submitted to Frenger for evaluation. All painted beams are to be cleaned with a damp cloth. Frequency of cleaning as necessary to prevent any build-up of dust that could impinge upon the chilled beams cooling capacity.

Guidelines for Installation

Connect the units using flexible connections with enough slack to take up expansion forces. Connect water using the supplied copper inserts with compression coupling or similar. Do not solder to the copper pipe tails. Do not lift the product from the copper pipe tails.


Carat - Environmental Product Declaration

The Product
This environmental product declaration refers to Frenger Systemss Carat chilled beam. This product is manufactured at the companys manufacturing facility in Scandinavia.


Carat is based on Frenger Systems strips. The strips consist of two aluminium strips, rolled together, with a copper pipe in between. The rolling procedure ensures that the aluminium is metallically joined to the copper pipe. The strips are then folded into a shape of serrated elements where all the surfaces are active. At the ends, copper connections are then soldered in place, selected for the correct pressure drop and flow (10, 12, 15 or 22 mm). The product is powder coated in the colour requested. Finally, the product is packaged and delivered to the customer by truck.

Materials included in a 4-meter Carat H-31

Aluminium Copper Solder Paint Packaging

Strips Cross brackets Strips Connection pipes Spelter solder (Sn97Ag3) Hard solder (Cu90Ag10) Powder coated Pallet Cling wrap Cellular plastic Screws Blind rivets Annat

GA 5050-02 SS 4104-06 SS 5015-02 SS5015-02 EN 29453 Epoxypolyester Wood Polyethlene Steel Aluminium Aluminium Total:

3.75 Kg 0.36 Kg 1.57 Kg 0.83 Kg < 1.5 g < 1.5 g 0.23 Kg

% of Total Weight
55.1 % 5.3 % 23.1 % 12.2 %

3.4 %

< 40 g < 50 g < 0.10 g 6.8 Kg

1.5 %


Carat is used for spaces which require cooling. During operation, the product does not produce any demonstrable chemical emissions. Carat is maintenance free, apart from normal cleaning. The product has a technical life of at least 25 years.

Utilisation of Recycled Materials

Frenger adopts a responsible procurement policy whereby 20% of the steel and copper and more than 50% of the aluminium used in the construction of the product is already recycled. Therefore, more than 37% of the finished product is derived from recycled sources. Furthermore, the company adopts a smart packaging policy that ensures that minimum amounts of plastic materials are used whilst ensuring product protection, and that all timber used in the construction of crates is derived from sustainable sources.

End-of-life Recycling

At the end of the products useful life the companys manufacturing facility accepts its own products in return, because nearly all of the materials can subsequently be recycled. Please contact Frenger Systems for instructions with regard to return transport and packaging.


Carat - Packing, Off-loading & Distribution

Packaging & Creating
Carat units are nested into pairs of similarly-sized product so as to reduce overall crate height. The pairs of product are then wrapped in low density polythene and packed into purpose-made wooden crates. The weight from the pairs of product is transferred directly to the wooden uprights of the crate (by use of wooden cross braces) such that there is no cumulative weight build-up. Polystyrene blocks are used to protect the product from the wooden cross braces and the finished crate is shrink-wrapped for additional integrity. The crates are suitable for lifting by pallet truck, fork truck and crane. Frenger has been involved in the export of chilled beams to Australia for many years and can arrange for the delivery of goods to port or directly to site. Where wooden pallets are used then they will be treated to prevailing Australian standards and we can also arrange for the payment of import duties if required.

L W H Longest product + 150mm Widest product + 150mm 2200mm (Maximum)


Carat 10, 12 or 15 mm manifold Carat 22mm manifold 21 pieces/Crate 11 pieces/Crate

Weights (Dry)
Carat H-58 Carat H-71 Carat H-84 Crate * Dry weight **Approximate 3.3Kg/m* 4.5Kg/m* 5.0Kg/m* 13Kg/m**

Example: A crate carrying 3m long Carat H-84 with 15mm manifold will be stacked 21 pieces high and the crate dimensions will be 3150mm (L) x 990mm (W) x 2200 (H). The product will weigh 315Kg in total and the crate will weigh approximately 39Kg equating to a combined weight of approximately 354Kg.

Container Packing

Whilst each overseas shipment is being loaded photographs are taken of each pallet inside and outside of the container. These photographs are then incorporated into a container checklist which details project/contact number, customer, order reference, the pallet number, the contents of each pallet and a picture showing the pallet before being loaded into the container and once loaded into the container. The checklist will also detail that the pallets have been checked for quality and that leak test certificates are available


Acoustic Baffle

For use with Frenger Carat passive chilled beams

It is usual to design a Frenger Carat passive chilled beam layout such that the beams are located within partition lines. However, it is sometimes the case that future fit-out requirements may determine that an acoustic partition needs to pass through a previously-installed Carat beam. Where this is the case then Frenger can offer a purpose designed acoustic baffle that nestles perfectly around the geometry of the beam to provide excellent room-to-room attenuation*. The acoustic baffle is constructed using a corrosion protected steel outer frame and shaped GRG (glass reinforced gypsum) baffles to both sides with shaped acoustic foam core. With this arrangement a beam straddling two offices individual room control is of course not possible however the beam will self-regulate to a large extent; offering more cooling to the office with the greater heat gain.

* The components used in construction of the baffle have the capability to deliver 40dB room-to-room sound attenuation when integrated within an appropriate partitioning system.


In accordance with our policy of continuous improvement, we reserve the right to amend any specification without prior notice. Details produced in this brochure may not be copied and are not drawn to scale. October 2007.

Frenger Systems Limited Delta House Shaftesbury Street South Derby DE23 8YH

+44 (0) 1332 295 678 +44 (0) 1332 381 054 e

Certificate No: FS 37431

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