Contract With State Overlords

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Elizabethagent and C.E.O.

(Queen) of CANADA company receives registered Notice,

for State Overlords Rothschilds and associates,

each of whom consents to contract,

as proposed by Entropid.
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Instructions to Governor General: As agent of Queen, your receipt of this email Notice constitutes lawful receipt by Queen. Please forward email directly to Queen preferably via the email Forward Button, or by digital copy to allow her to register fulfilment of her obligation. Instructions to QueenElizabeth: Your receipt of this document is also the lawful receipt by your principals, partners and agents. It is your responsibility and liability to appropriately reply via the email Reply Button and to digitally forward this email, to the appropriate people, preferably via the email Forward Button. Nature on Earth uses local subsystems of Laws of the Universe. Humans are part of Nature and are not above it. Societies generally developed similar Natural Laws directed towards achieving the Fundamental Objectives of providing a framework of safety, effectiveness and efficiency to benefit the continuing activities and long-term well-being of all members of the People of the society. Mans ability to recognize patterns and relate events to probable causes results from honest logic. Honest logic logic progressing from a honest perspective of reality to a more accurate, honest perspective of reality. Honest logic empowers man to be productive, creative and wise; it is what differentiates man from other species. The more mankind excels at honest logic, the better his wellbeing. The potential of man is only limited by lack of freedom to exercise honest logic over honest data and to effectively communicate the results. People lawfully draw their authority from their ongoing demonstration of honest logic and responsibility. Lawful government of People can only draw its authority from the same Peoples demonstrated exercise of honest logic and responsibility. Taking authority, without the concomitant taking of responsibility and liability, is the essence of crime? Present political and legal systems of North America dishonestly define authority as accompanying political or economic power; liability separately accrues to those with the least power. This nonsense is an attempt, by the principals of these systems, at self-protection by brainwashing. Secrecy (withholding data), censorship (distorting or falsifying data), brainwashing (limiting the intellectual development of man) are the methods of limiting the application of honest logic, the wellbeing and progress of mankind, and of providing a framework for also implementing physical crimes against mankind and against nature, which reinforces the ability to further limit the application of honest logic. Cooperation, honest logic, and open communication provide an environment for excelling. When mankind excels, he naturally limits his reproduction, pollution, and conflicts. Stealing, dishonesty and secrecy provide a very harmful environment for man. Lawful is that which is positive to the long-term benefit of mankind. Humans, organizations, entities that are in the business of diverting the earned benefits of others, to themselves or their associates or limiting the excellence of others, are acting unlawfully and injuring the said others and the People. Man has the ability to design systems. Systems perform as they are designed to perform; they are often designed to perform differently than we would prefer. I lawfully charge that the present political, judicial and economic systems are designed for a one-sided war (unprovoked terrorism) against People, humanity and nature. I offer the opportunity to rebut this conclusion by honest disclosure of accurate information and by honest logic. Nature is the owner of geographic Canada; the People (successions of competent adult people) of
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Canada, being the most able beings, are the trustees of the Trust of Nature in regards to Canada. Adult People of geographic Canada are the trustees of children of geographic Canada for similar reason. The competent adult People hold the highest offices of geographic Canada. Elected representatives are subsidiary trustees of regional groups of People of Canada. QueenElizabeth (and successors), could be further delegated as agent under these elected trustees or agents of People of geographic Canada, for benefit of People of Canada. No other possible lawful (honest, logical) role exists under this Trust of Nature. Fundamental Objectives, of providing a framework of safety, effectiveness and efficiency to benefit the continuing activities and long-term well-being of all members of the People of the society, create a clear transparent societal structure, which allow anyone to see, grasp and develop opportunities. Other laws (rules, acts, statutes, policies, regulations) must be tools to further enhance the Fundamental Objectives. The primary lawfully valid reason, for government creation, by People, is to provide a framework of safety, effectiveness and efficiency to benefit the continuing activities and long-term well-being of all members of the People. In other words, continuing People adults, of geographic Canada, hold in trust the territory and its Peoples wealth for long-term benefit to present and succeeding People members of geographic Canada and may organize and entrust governments, with ability to further delegate specific narrow powers, to assist this effort under the authority of said adult People. Local governments are the only governments reasonably effective and responsive to the needs of the People. State and federal levels of purported governments serve primarily the desires of psychopathic groups to rob and defraud the People. Albert J. Nock, in Our Enemy, The State referred to these state and federal contrivances as State, rather than government, because they are fundamentally antisocial with objective of accumulating authorities of society as their own, for use against society. State and its creations are always of increasing corruption and power at the expense of society which becomes weaker until it is too degenerate to support itself and its parasitic State. The international banking industry, being of a global scale and more aggressive than State, has generally become Overlord of State and is intent on elimination of the present illusion of Nation States with the fact of one global criminal banking empire. State has substantially become a tool of Overlord. QueenElizabeth family apparently was an original Principal of CANADA in cahoots with Rothschilds. Monarchs operated as sluggish, periodic taxing parasites, based on land and People control, via laws and regulation, backed by military force. Rothschilds and associates operated as a dynamic fine filamentary fungus-like parasite based on sucking a percentage of economic blood out of every economic transaction and interaction. As economic activity became more dynamic, the dynamic parasite quickly overwhelmed all and evolved a dominating overlord relationship with the State parasitic power. However, the only possible lawful role of either position is to work for the benefit of the People. Public Policy (public is owned by the State, Overlord) is unwritten but operates as the highest law and is ad hoc proclaimed operative against anything that may jeopardize State, Overlord system against the People. The Queen is instituted as C.E.O. of Government of CANADA (not Canadians), to orchestrate the thoughts and actions of distracting stooges, elected by the People. The prime dictate to Government of CANADA, provincial subsidiaries and courts is to protect and enforce the system of wealth and power extraction from the People to the Overlords. The People think that they
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are electing trustees of their interests and benefits; therefore, this is the electeds lawful paramount responsibility and liability. They are not elected to represent their queen, system, State or Overlords. Any action or lack of action, by Queen, by CANADA, by Government of Canada, or by any other sub-trustee or agent of People, which elevates any other people or entity above People of Canada, for primary long-term benefit of other than said People, is unlawful and invalid. Delegating, actively or passively, private control of money, wealth, land, policy of People of Canada, to others, for primary benefit of other than said People is unlawful and invalid. If a law or a court produces any impairment or limitation of the Fundamental Objectives, then it is invalid, because a system of imperfect laws eventually obfuscates the Fundamental Objectives. Either a law is a tool that only enhances the Fundamental Objectives or it is a tool against the Fundamental Objectives, against People and against all humanity. There is no tolerable gray zone between the 2 possibilities. Any court, and the people thereof, operating by undisclosed assumptions, undisclosed presumptions, undisclosed rules, undisclosed procedures, undisclosed interests, undisclosed objectives, undisclosed evidence or undisclosed testimonies are committing crimes against people, humanity and nature. Any court and the people thereof, operating by presumptions, words and procedures rather than facts and substance, is committing crimes against people, humanity and nature. Any court, and the people thereof, making laws or interpreting laws for its convenience, is committing crimes against people, humanity and nature. Any court, and the people thereof, not recognizing the Fundamental Objectives as the highest objectives, is committing crimes against people, humanity and nature. The ultimate Principals of the banking system, Federal Reserve, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, United Nations, international court systems along with other organizations and entities are substantially the same people and effectively constitute the highest global court. However, members of Peoples, are not lawfully or legally limited by rules of Principals systems; People are limited by the Fundamental Objectives. Principals ultimately control these organizations, set the objectives, policies of these organizations, and the subordinates control the routine activities of these organizations. The Principals of State, banking system and Overlord of State have taken the ultimate fiduciary duties of agent of the Peoples security and well-being. Authority and responsibility cannot be lawfully separated; Principals are ultimately liable for damages perpetrated under their laws. Principals are the ultimate source of the immense injuries to People of Earth. Agents and courts operating under laws or systems, contrary to Fundamental Objectives do not have the lawful authority equivalent to one man operating under the Fundamental Objectives. Dale Entropid Man, not consenting of State, Overlord of State, and being of the Fundamental Objectives, is lawfully above the authority of said judges operating against the Fundamental Objectives. It is the fiduciary duty of State, Overlord of State, and humans in ultimate control of these organizations to prove that they work primarily for the People and that the produced net results effectively and efficiently benefit primarily the People, in the long-term. It is the duty of Principals of these groups to prove their performance; it is the duty of members of Peoples to require this proof and to judge Principals performance. I judge Principals performance criminally inadequate, on the basis of available evidence and I offer the opportunity to controvert this open judgement, by rebutting this document within 14 days. QueenElizabeth has 14 days, after receipt of this document by Governor General of Canada, to elucidate and explain her roles, interests and authorities in regard to CANADA, People of geographic
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Canada, prove her acceptance of responsibilities and liabilities associated with any authorities she claims and to rebut the statements of this document, via Reply Button of this email. Otherwise, she automatically consents that said roles interests and authorities are invalid, agrees to contract below and consents that all agents, employees below her are without reasonable presumption of authority over the People of Canada and Dale Entropid Man in particular, unless specifically and clearly delegated written limited authority, by fully knowledgeable and understanding said people. Nonrebuttal is acceptance of the truth, lawfulness and legality of said statements and acceptance of the duty of QueenElizabeth (and successors), Government of Canada, subsidiaries and subordinates thereof to not hinder or oppose actions of Dale Entropid Man taken in substantial or essential congruence with this document. Each Principal of CANADA, Principal of banking system, Principal of State, Principal of Overlord State has 14 days, after initial receipt of this document, by Governor General of Canada, to declare his identity, his functions as Principal, to elucidate and validate his authority and to rebut statements and essences of this document, by Reply Button on this email. Principals have appointed themselves in roles that have the duty and liability to rebut the statements and essences of this document. Failure to do so can only be interpreted as demonstrated consent and agreement, by Principals, that said statements and essences of this document are true and valid and Principals consent and agree that Dale Entropid Man is empowered to exact relief and damages from Principals and that Principals are morally, legally and lawfully obligated to provide said relief, damages and do pledge all Principals (and successors) interests in financial benefits and assets to this end. In anticipation of Principals inability to rebut simple truths, I propound the following incontrovertible and un-alterable (unless explicitly consented to by Dale Entropid Man) rules of contract to correct the relationship between Dale Terence Carmichael and Principals, to ameliorate injuries to Dale Entropid Man and to chasten Principals. Principals, severally and jointly, irrevocably agree and contract (subject to unsuccessful, timely, substantial rebut of the statements and essences of this document via Reply Button of this email), to do the following: 1. Principals immediately buy and pay Dale Entropid Man face value of each monetary liability derived from any land, good, commodity, service, benefit, activity, to which Dale Entropid Man subscribes. 2. Principals promptly pay charges of each supplier of said land, good, commodity, service, benefit, activity (financial card may be issued, by Principals, to Dale Entropid Man, to facilitate this). In case of Dale Entropid Man paying supplier, due to payment not forthcoming from Principals, Principals agree to initially reimburse Dale Entropid Man 150% of said payment. 3. Principals pay a surcharge of 1% per day, on the unpaid balance of any payment delayed more than 7 days, to Dale Entropid Man. 4. Principals pre-authorize Dale Entropid Man to transfer to others, right of collection, on any above liability, or accruing liability, outstanding more than 90 days. 5. Principals, pre-authorize Dale Entropid Man or assignee thereof to seize property, of any person or entity of Nathan Mayer Rothschild descendant family organization, any entity controlled, partially or wholly, directly or indirectly, by, for benefit of, or associated with above Nathan Mayer Rothschild descendant family people or organization, to obtain value of payments outstanding longer than 90 days, along with associated increasing surcharges. 6. Principals pre-authorize Dale Entropid Man or assignee thereof to similarly do items 4, 5 in regard to any other family dynasty operating as one of said Principals. Invalidation, of one portion, does not invalidate any other portion of contract.
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P.S. I attach copy of outstanding mortgage liability to allow you the opportunity, while you are suitably focused, to develop and implement the procedures necessary for your timely fulfillments of this pending contract.

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