European Leaders

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European Leadership (Non-Royal)

Great Britain Sir Robert Walpole (1721-1742) First Prime Minister of UK Serves under George I Strongly criticizes War of Jenkins Ear

Winston Churchill (1940-1951) Serves under George VI Fights WWII Becomes unpopular afterwards

Margaret Thatcher (1979-1990) Serves under Elizabeth II First female Prime Minister

William Pitt the Elder (1766-1768) Serves under George III First Imperialist Creates British Empire, Defeats France

John Major (1990-1997) Maastricht Treaty Black Wednesday

Lord Frederick North (1770-1782) Serves under George III Loses in American Revolution

Tony Blair (1997-2007) Bush alliance

Gordon Brown (2007-2010) Successor of Blair

William Pitt the Younger (1804-1806) Serves under George III Creates Third Coalition

David Cameron (2010-) Forms coalition government against runner up Nick Clegg

Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington (1828-1830) Serves under George IV Better known for defeating Napoleon France First Republic

Benjamin Disraeli (1868, 1874) Serves under Victoria Ethnically Jewish

Maximilian Robespierre (1793) Reign of Terror

Napoleon Bonaparte (1799-1815) Second Republic Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte (1848) Provokes coup of 1851 Become Emperor Napoleon III Consulate Crowns self Emperor

Arthur Balfour (1902-1905) Serves Edward VII Balfour Declaration

Neville Chamberlain (1937-1940) Serves under George VI Peace in our time Munich Agreement

Third Republic Raymond Poincare (1913-1920) French State (Vichy) Marshal Philippe Petain (1940-1944) WWI Hero Later deemed a collaborationist Leader during WWI

Germany Second Reich Otto von Bismarck (1871-1890) Weimar Republic Gustav Stresemann (1923) Iron Chancellor of Germany Unification Kulturkampf

Fourth Republic (1947-1958) Fifth Republic (1958-) Charles de Gaulle (1958-1969) WWII Resistance leader Enjoyed early popularity Resigns in 1969 Third Reich

Oversaw Golden Years 1926 Nobel Peace Prize

Adolf Hitler (1933-1945) Federal Republic Nazi Germany

Georges Pompidou (1969-1974) Konrad Adenauer (1949-1963) Serves during Oil Crisis Dies of blood cancer in office Namesake Art Museum Founder Pro-Western policies

Ludwig Erhard (1963-1966) Economic miracle

Jacques Chirac (1995-2007) President during Iraq wars

Willy Brandt (1969-1974) Ostpolitik

Nicolas Sarkozy (2007-) Integrates NATO EU President

Helmut Kohl (1982-1998) Reunification of Germany

Angela Merkel (2005-) Current Chancellor

German Democratic Republic (East Germany) Erich Honecker (1971-1989) Led until 1989 revolutions

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