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Disease X: Stage 1

You gain the Minor Martial Arts skill. If you already have it; you gain the Major. If you have that, you do 2 point of damage. You must eat 2 food instead of 1, or suffer Humanity loss.

Disease Y: Stage 1
You must drink 1 nectar in place of 1 water, or suffer damage.

Disease X: Stage 2
You do 2 points of damage with your Martial Arts skill; if you already do 2 points, you now do 3. You must eat 2 food and 2 water instead of 1, or suffer Humanity loss.
Disease X: Stage 3 You cannot stand Lanterns or the light of day. During day and bright cycles, you must remain in a bunker or lose 1 humanity. During night cycles, you will not be attacked by monsters. You must eat 3 food and 3 water instead of 1, or suffer Humanity loss.

Disease Y: Stage 2
You must drink nectar in place of food and water, or suffer the effects of not eating / drinking. Regular food and water does nothing for you.

Disease Y: Stage 3

You must drink 3 nectar total in place of food and water, or suffer the effects of not eating / drinking. Regular food and water does nothing for you.

Disease z: Stage 1
You lose 1 point of Health.

Disease a: Stage 1
You may eat scrap or fuel in place of food or water.

Disease z: Stage 2
You lose 1 points of Health.

Disease a: Stage 2 You must eat scrap or fuel in place of food or water. You lose 1 Humanity, but do not gain 1 feral. If you have no humanity, you lose 1 feral but do not gain 1 humanity.
Disease a: Stage 3 You must eat 2 scrap and 2 fuel in place of food or water. If you cannot, you lose one humanity, but do not gain 1 feral. If you have no humanity, you lose 1 feral but do not gain 1 humanity. If you have no feral and no humanity, you lose 1 health every cycle.

Disease z: Stage 3
You lose 2 points of Health. This disease has run its course, and you are healed.

Disease b2: Stage 1

Disease b3: Stage 1

Disease b2: Stage 2

Disease b3: Stage 1

Disease b2: Stage 3

Disease b3: Stage 1

Disease c3: Stage 1

Disease xd: Stage 1

Disease c3: Stage 1

Disease xd: Stage 1

Disease c3: Stage 1

Disease xd: Stage 1

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