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STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION Choose the correct answer D. The reading of the book interested him


Calculus , ..elegant and economical symbolic system, can reduce complex problems to simple term. A. It is an B. That an C. An D. Is an

127.Our daughter and son-in-law visit my wife andevery month. A. Mine B. My C. I D. Me 128.If it rain tomorrow, well have a picnic. A. Wouldnt B. Doesnt C. Didnt D. Wont 129.You dont by your first name, do you? A. That I call B. To my calling C. For calling D. To calling 130.The situation had cure. A misunderstanding. A. For B. Of C. Because of D. Because

122.In cold weather, growers place wind machinesthe grows to keep the air circulating and to warm up the citrus corps. A. Near to B. Near of C. Next to D. Nearby 123.Most of the Caju French who live in Louisiana can neither readthe French variety that they speak fluently. A. Nor they write B. Nor write C. Or writing D. Neither write 124.The average temperature of rocks on the surface of the earth.55 degree F. A. Be B. Are C. Is D. Been 125.This old desk isnt to sell, but maybe we could give it to someone. A. Goodly enough B. Good enough C. Good as enough D. Enough good 126.After seeing the movie, . A. The book was read by him B. The book made him want to read C. He wanted to read the book

131... she left the ship, the purser signed out. A. And B. Since C. Before D. Because


The ship provisions officer.his supplies in large quantities. A. buy B. buys C. to buy D. buying


The new insurance plan is especially .... with employees who have families A. Popular B. popularized C. populated D. popularity The new waiter has not made any .. mistakes. A. fool B. fooled C. foolish D. foolishness


The brochures and the business cards . A. have been never printed B. never have printed C. have never been printed D. have been printed never


141. .... none of us were familiar with the city, Mr. Gutman drove us to the meeting. A. Although B. Because C. Therefore D. However 142.The purpose of our conference is to help employees .Our policies. A. understand B. understood C. understanding D. is understanding

135.A things from his or her staff. A. can sometimes learn B. sometimes learn can C. learning sometimes can D. sometimes can learning 136.The speaker has. .. his speech by two minutes. A. short B. shortage C. shortened D. shortening



Ms. Franklin directed a very. .. ... Project. A. Success B. successive C. successful D. successfully Most employees drive to work and .. the building from the parking lot. A. enter B. entered C. entering D. entrance

The receptionist receives packages and them until the proper department is nitified. A. hold B. held C. holds D. is holding


144.The trainers for the seminar had the crew . their equipment to the conference center. A. move B. moving C. mover D. moved


139. If our ship .. fewer passengers, the crew would not have to share rooms. A. had B. have C. will have D. would have

The operator. .Mr.Smith if she knew where to reach him. A. will call B. called C. would call D. had called

ERROR RECOGNITION Choose one word or phrase which is not appropriate for the standard written English.


Most private language school have excellent teacher for study, such as libraries and language laboratories. A B C D Foreign companies dont think what happens to China, they just want to make a quick buck. B C D The wealth so evident cities like Shanghai remains out reach for mostly of the population. B C D Neither the revolution in industry and that in agriculture could have produced without the progress C D




A B communication and transformation.

150. 151.

Disneyland was Walt Disneys special dream for more as years before it become a reality. A B C C Scientist have gained the great deal information about the large animals called dinosaur that lined A B C D

of years ago.


No longer is scientific discovery a matter of one person alone working. B C D Specialization in industries create workers lack who versatility in their ability to step into of her A B C D


154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159.

Knowledges about cultures provides insight into the learned behavior of groups. A B C D Never use a drug prescribed for someone else just because its sumptuous appear similar. A B C D Our company is most responsible than theirs in providing additional services after making sale. A B C D The person whom lost a briefcase may claim it at the registration desk. A B C D The Nall corporation has been a valued client of our law firm in many years A B C D The construction crew prepared to start work on Monday when the building project was canceled. A B C D


If Ms. Weiss has missed the last flight, she cannot got another until tomorrow morning. B C D The committee suggested to hire an outside consultant as advisor to the project. B C D Mr.Burks did not accept the job offer from Consolidated Mechanical although the salary was too A B C D




The service fee but monthly monitoring charge will be added to your account. B C D

164. 165.

The report that you are looking for it is on top of the file cabinet in the corner. A B C D A printed brochure makes a good impression than a brochure that is merely typed. B C D

READING COMPREHENSION Read the text carefully then choose the correct answer

Text 1

After two decades of growing students enrollments and economic prosperity, business school in United States have started to face harder time. Only Harvards MBA school has shown a substantial increase in recent years. Both Princeton and Stanford have been seen decrease in their enrollments. Since 1990 the number of people receiving master in Business Administration (MBA) degree, has dropped about 3 percents to 75.000, and trend of lower enrollment rates is expected to continue. There are two factors causing this decrease in student seeking an MBA degree. The first one is that many graduate do four-years college are finding that an MBA degrees does not guarantee a plush job on Wall Street, or in other financial district of major American cities. Many of the entry-level management are going to students graduating with Master of Art degrees in English and the humanities as well as those holding the MBA degrees. Students have asked a question ; is an MBA degree really what I need to be prepared for getting a good job? The second major factor has been the cutting of American payrolls and the lower number of entry-level jobs being offered. Business need are changing, and MBA school are changing to meet the new demands. 168.Which of the following business school has 166.What is the focus of this passage? NOT shown a decrease in enrollment? A. Job on Wall Street A. Princeton B. Types of graduate degree B. Harvard C. Changes in enrollment for MBA school C. Stanford D. How school are changing to reflect the D. Yale economy 169.The phrase trend of in paragraph 2 is 167.The word prosperity in line 1 could be best closest meaning to which of following replaced by which of the following A. reluctance of A. Success B. draw back to B. Surplus C. movement toward C. Nurturing D. extraction from D. Education

170.Which of the following descriptions most likely applies to wall street? A. a center of international affairs B. a major financial center C. shopping district D. a neighborhood in New York

Text 2
For about US $ 10, a cheap, acceptable hotel room can be found in most countries. In some countries you may be able to pay less. If you are traveling on a tight budget, it is a good idea to ask for a boarding house; they are normally to be found in abundance near bus and railway stations. Good, inexpensive hotels can also be found near truckers stops and service stations; they are usually secure. There are often great seasonal variations in hotel prices at resorts. Remember, cheaper hotels do not always supply soap, towels, and toilet paper, so carry these item with you. Book all hotels in advance by registered mail. If you receive no reply, do not worry; just ask the car rental agency employees at the airport for recommendations when you arrive. 171.For whom is this information intended? A. Travelers B. Realtors C. Hotel managers D. Car rental agency employees 172.Where would one find boarding houses? A. Near a bus station B. Near a truck stop C. Near an airport D. Only in certain countries 174.What is the best way to get a hotel room? A. Get information at your embassy B. Find one when you arrive C. Book one through your travel agent D. Reserve one in advance by registered mail.


173.What may cause changes in hotel prices? A. The seasons B. Employee costs C. The type of resort D. Increases in travel costs Text 3 Fill in the blank with the correct word As time goes by, more and more crimes and accident are caused by. 176. In Britain the government has long been aware of this problem. As far back as 1925 laws to control drinking and driving were introduced. In the 1960s the power of the police was177..strengthened and far higher penalties and punishment for drunken driving were introduced. However, none of them178. proved effective. As long as people remain within the bounds of man-made laws they can destroy their lives through alcohol. 179, Moslems have a divine law-godly law .180. them away from touching a single drop of alcohol. 177.A. consider B. considerable C. Considerably D. consideration 178.A. has

They are usually secure. The word they refers to.. A. Truckers B. Hotels C. Stations D. Service

176.A. traffics B. alcohol C. machine D. human

B. have C. to have D. it has 179.A. Like wise B. In contrast C. In addition D. As a result

180.A. guide B. guides C. guided D. to guide

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