ILSA - Application Note V1.0: Product Support Group P-TN-010-DO-001

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Copyright 2001 AIRCOM International Ltd

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ILSA - Application Note V1.0

Product Support Group P-TN-010-DO-001

1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 3 2 FREQUENCY PLANNING .......................................................................................... 3 3 ILSA - PROCESS AND DATA FLOW......................................................................... 3 3.1 3.2 HIGH-LEVEL ILSA PROCESS ........................................................................................... 3 DATA INPUTS TO ILSA ................................................................................................... 5

4 STEPPING THROUGH THE ILSA PROCESS ........................................................... 5 4.1 ANALYSIS OF THE EXISTING FREQUENCY PLAN .............................................................. 5 1.2 PREREQUISITES ............................................................................................................... 6 1.2.1 Propagation Model, Predictions and Best Server Array ....................................... 7 1.2.2 Available Frequencies and Frequency Allocation Strategy ................................ 10 1.2.3 Current Frequency Allocations ........................................................................... 12 1.2.4 Neighbour Lists and Exceptions .......................................................................... 12 1.2.5 Traffic Information / Required Number of Carriers ............................................ 14 1.2.6 Interference Table................................................................................................ 16 1.3 SETTING UP THE PLAN .................................................................................................. 18 1.3.1 ILSA Options Page .............................................................................................. 19 1.3.2 ILSA Plan Type Page........................................................................................... 20 1.3.3 ILSA Interference Table Page ............................................................................. 21 1.3.4 ILSA Frequency Hopping, DTX and Group Planning Page ............................... 23 1.3.5 ILSA Cost Matrix ................................................................................................. 24 1.3.6 ILSA Plan List Page ............................................................................................ 34 1.4 VIEWING THE PLANNING PROCESS................................................................................ 35 1.5 STARTING PLANNING AND VIEWING PROGRESS ............................................................ 36 1.6 ANALYSING ILSAS RESULTS ....................................................................................... 38 1.6.1 Carrier Statistics.................................................................................................. 39 1.6.2 Carrier Statistics.................................................................................................. 39 5 ALGORITHM DESCRIPTION ................................................................................... 41 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 PROBLEM DEFINITION................................................................................................... 41 SEARCH ALGORITHMS .................................................................................................. 42 ILSA SEARCH STRATEGY ............................................................................................. 43 COST FUNCTION DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................... 43

APPENDIX A - FREQUENCY PLAN EXAMPLE........................................................... 45 A.1 SCENARIO DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................... 45 A.2 INITIAL NETWORK CONFIGURATION ............................................................................. 45 A.2.1 Network before Site Reconfiguration................................................................... 45 A.2.2 Worst Interferer Array Statistics.......................................................................... 47 A.2.3 Average Connection Array Statistics ................................................................... 48 A.3 NETWORK RETUNE ....................................................................................................... 48 A.3.1 Network after Site Reconfiguration ..................................................................... 48 A.3.2 Frequency Planning Process............................................................................... 49 A.3.3 Worst Interferer Array Statistics.......................................................................... 51 A.3.4 Average Connection Array Statistics ................................................................... 52 A.4 PLANNING SUMMARY ................................................................................................... 53

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APPENDIX B - TABLE OF FIGURES............................................................................55 APPENDIX C - TABLE OF FAQS..................................................................................57 APPENDIX D - GLOSSARY OF TERMS ......................................................................59


P-TN-010-DO-001 Commercial-in-Confidence

This application note describes in detail the ILSA automatic frequency planning tool, its use within the ENTERPRISE planning system and example planning scenarios.

In essence, a frequency plan can be defined as carrier assignments to TRX. There are too many possible carrier permutations to ever manually determine the best frequency plan when you consider the capacity requirements and consequent number of TRX found in networks today. Consequently, a method must be chosen that provides an acceptable solution within the constraints of time whilst intelligently observing the defined quality objectives. Older, more traditional frequency planning techniques have relied on the ability of engineers to manually allocate from carrier groups. But with the conflicting pressures of larger networks, greater traffic capacity while minimising infrastructure costs, manual planning can no longer be seriously considered. Automated tools, in general, are not without their own problems. If an automated method is unable to take into consideration the current plan, the results will most likely require a complete reconfiguration of the network something that loses operator revenue when inevitable mistakes occur. Fortunately ILSA, ASSETs frequency planning tool, uses an algorithm that constantly searches for improvements. Changes are therefore incremental, steered by penalties associated with the changes the algorithm can make. By choosing the penalties carefully, the desired goals can be achieved.


The secrets of generating a good frequency plan with ILSA can be summarised as: understanding how to perform the procedural steps involved understanding what inputs are required and whether they are mandatory or optional understanding what outputs you can expect and how to interpret them



The list and diagram below describes the high level procedural steps. The sections later in this document provide more details of the sub tasks involved.

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Steps: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. analyse the existing frequency plan create the prerequisites set-up the cost matrix run ILSA analyse the results decide whether the plan is acceptable


Analyse Existing Plan

Worst Interferer Statistics Average Connection Statistics Frequency Plan Report

Create Prerequisites

Carriers Required Interference Table Neighbours and Exceptions

Setup ILSA/Cost Matrix

ILSA Setup Cost Matrix Setup


Analyse Results

Worst Interferer Statistics Average Connection Statistics Frequency Plan Report

Acceptable Improvement?

Yes Finish

Figure 1 - Highlevel Flow Chart of ILSA Planning Process

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The many inputs to ILSA are shown in the picture below. Some of the inputs are mandatory and others are optional but recommended (shown with an asterisk).

Site Database

Propagation Model Editor

RF Parameters

Propagation Model

Forbidden Carriers * Neighbours *

Exceptions * Fixed Carriers*

Cell List

Coverage Predictor

Terminal Types


Traffic Spread

Array Creation

Traffic Raster Wizard

Cost Matrix Wizard

Current Freq Plan * Required Carriers FH Settings DTX Settings Carrier Layers Best Server Array Traffic Raster *

Separation Costs

Carrier Costs

Interference Table Wizard


Interference Costs *

Frequency Plan

Figure 2 - Flow of Data within the ILSA Planning Process (Neglecting Neighbour Generation)



An important part of the frequency planning process is the verification of improvement. It may be that the current frequency allocation is close to optimal, and that other optimisation techniques need to be employed before a significant improvement can be made. Alternatively, the level of improvement may not be sufficient to justify a retune, and other frequency planning strategies may need to be employed.

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The current frequency allocations should be loaded into the site database and interference arrays generated and analysed statistically. Additionally, it can prove useful to create an interference table and use it to create a frequency plan report. A number of different interference arrays can be used to analyse the plan, both visually and statistically, and the Frequency Plan Reporter can be used to detail the separation constraints that are broken within the current plan.

Array Worst Connection

Description The Worst Connection array gives the total level of interference on the worst connection within the pixel - detailing the connection (the connection can be regarded as either a carrier or frequency hopping group, as appropriate), and the C/I level in dB. The Average Connection array averages the total level of interference across all serving connections at the - detailing the C/I level in dB. The Worst Interferer array gives the individual worst interferer at the pixel - detailing the C/I level in dB, the interfering cell and the carrier. The Total interference array gives the ratio of the total signal strength within the pixel to the total interfering strength in dB.

Average Connection

Worst Interferer

Total Interference


The arrays calculate the average values of C/I within the pixel, derived from the predictions for the serving cell and for the interferer. As the predictions are subject to a statistical distribution, so are the C/I values derived. If we assume that the predictions follow a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation (dB) then the standard deviation of the C/I should be 2 (dB). Using this information, appropriate C/I thresholds can calculated, according to the probability of meeting a given real C/I within a pixel.

The arrays can be analysed both visually, by making plots of the area to be planned, and statistically, using the Coverage Statistics dialog box. It is possible to create arrays statistics over polygons, for example enclosing an urban area. The reports generated detail the proportion of interference worse than an interference threshold over the area analysed as a whole, as well as a breakdown by clutter type and by cell. The Frequency Plan Reporter generates a report detailing all of the separation constraints broken over the filter of sites analysed. If an interference table is in memory then the levels of interference caused by each allocation are also detailed.


The following sections describe the prerequisites for the frequency planning process. It is vital that the prerequisites are correctly set up and checked before starting to plan since if the inputs are poor quality then it cannot be expected that the outputs will offer an improvement in the performance of the network!

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It is expected that users follow sensible procedures while editing the site database to ensure the integrity of the information it contains. If this is carried out correctly it removes the requirement for laborious checking every time the tool is used. The following sections also provide a description of how to generate the prerequisite (if applicable), a number of FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) and a section detailing the site database parameters that will affect the validity of that prerequisite.


Propagation Model, Predictions and Best Server Array

An important prerequisite is to have a propagation model of known accuracy, and to have calculated predictions of all the sites that will be planned. The predictions should be at an appropriate map pixel resolution and range for the problem considered. The propagation model is used to predict the coverage of cells, in conjunction with the RF parameters that are stored within the site database and the mapping data used. The predictions in turn can be used to create arrays, including the best server array, which is an important input into the generation of a number of the other prerequisites for ILSA. It is a good idea to create and display coverage arrays (or to display service areas) to check that none of the predictions are clearly incorrect, i.e. all sites give some coverage and none are dominating areas that they clearly should not. Common errors found in the coverage array are typically simple to resolve, although a combination of factors may be the root cause. Individual factors may include: Assigning an invalid model (e.g. a microcell model to a macrocell) Not assigning a slot to a sub-cell Incorrectly specifying the PA output power (e.g. 300.0 instead of 30.00)

The best server array itself is a possible input into the generation of many of the prerequisites to ILSA. A best server array is required to generate: Neighbours, if using the Neighbour Wizard Traffic raster, if using the Spread Live Traffic option Carriers required, if using the Traffic Analysis Tool Interference tables using the Interference Table Wizard

The best server array should be generated to the resolution of the predictions created, over an area that covers all of the service areas of the cells being planned. It is important that the Filter used to create the array includes all the sites to be planned.

FAQ 1 - Which propagation model should I use?

There are two propagation model styles provided with the basic version of ASSET. These can be used to calibrate accurate propagation models for different situations, which can be used to create predictions for use with ILSA. Each propagation model style has a number of different characteristics:

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Characteristic Map Data Required

Standard Macrocell Clutter and Height of same resolution(s) no minimum resolution. Above roof height macrocells. Cell radius 500m or greater. Yes, typically to 8dB standard deviation.

Microcell Clutter and Height of same resolution(s) minimum resolution 5m. Building Vector Data. Below roof height urban microcells. Yes, typically to 8dB standard deviation.

Application Calibration

FAQ 2 - How can you tell if the wrong model has been added to a site?
If the wrong model is allocated to a site then the prediction will be incorrect, causing any analysis based upon the predictions to be incorrect. The following are likely symptoms: Symptom The cell the model is allocated to may have far better coverage than it should, dominating over correct cells. The prediction may show a distinction in coverage between areas enclosed by building vectors and those not. The prediction may be very small and should not show a distinction in coverage between areas enclosed by building vectors and those not. Cause Microcell model on macrocell Microcell model on macrocell Macrocell model on microcell Condition no building vectors

building vectors available -

FAQ 3 - What in the ILSA Planning process will be affected by the accuracy of the propagation model?
The accuracy of the model affects the accuracy of the following: Accuracy of the Model Affects Service area calculation In This Way This has implications for the spreading of traffic within cells. Typically for a densely planned area of the network the accuracy of the model will have minimal impact on this calculation of service area. For a less densely planned network, where cell service areas are limited by minimum signal thresholds, inaccuracies in the model will have a greater effect. Typically for a densely planned area of the network the accuracy of the model will have minimal impact on this calculation of nearest neighbours. For a less densely planned network, where cell service areas are limited by minimum signal thresholds, inaccuracies in the model will have a greater effect upon the calculation of neighbours. The greatest effect of accuracy of the model is in the interference table generation process. If, for example, the propagation model is accurate to 8dB standard deviation, then for each individual C/I calculated the standard deviation will be 11.3dB. If the model is accurate to 10dB standard deviation, the standard deviation of the C/I will be 14.1dB. The accuracy of an uncalibrated model may be significantly less than this.

Neighbour analysis

Interference table generation

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FAQ 4 - What action can be taken if you have no confidence in your current propagation model?
Even if you have little or no confidence in the propagation model that you have, for example if the model tuning process is still being carried out, ILSA can still be used to develop a frequency plan. This can be achieved by: 1. 2. 3. Manually entering the carriers required Manually entering the neighbour lists (by importing or directly into the site database) Disabling the interference table (see below) and allowing ILSA to work solely on separation constraints that you have entered into the cost matrix

While this is possible it is not necessarily desirable.

FAQ 5 - What resolution and radius of predictions should be used with ILSA?
The resolution and radius of the predictions that you should use are dependent upon a number of issues. There is a compromise that must be made between the accuracy of the prediction and the amount of information that must be manipulated and stored. As a rule, you should try to use the highest resolution mapping data available, with which it takes a sensible amount of time to create the predictions to the required radius. The radius used should be such that the predictions hold the information about the entire area of coverage which is 20dB below the minimum service threshold. This should ensure that all pixels that might contribute as interferers are included in the predictions. To work out the area of coverage it is advisable to create low resolution predictions over a very large radius, before creating higher resolution predictions over a more restricted range. Note: It may be the case that you have a number of sites in your network, which pollute a much larger area than others. If this is the case it is perfectly sensible to create much larger predictions for these sites.

FAQ 6 - How should I set up my best server array for the ILSA planning process?
When creating your best server array for the ILSA planning process, there are a number of important considerations: 1. 2. All of the sites to be included in the ILSA frequency planning process must be included in the array, by using a filter including all of them. Live sites / sites on the fringes of the region to be planned should be included in the filter used to create the best server array. These sites will affect the service areas of cells in a realistic manner. This will increase the accuracy of the Neighbour Wizard, Traffic Raster Wizard, Traffic Analysis tool and Interference Table Wizard. Candidate and nominal sites that are not being frequency planned should not be included in the filter used to create the best server array. Including these sites will adversely affect the accuracy of the Neighbour Wizard, Traffic Raster Wizard, Traffic Analysis Tool and Interference Table Wizard. The best server array should cover the entire service area of all the sites to be frequency planned.



FAQ 7 - What parameters in the site database affect the predictions from a site?
The following is a list of parameters in the site database that affect the predictions from a site.

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Site Object Property Location Actual Ground Height Prediction Radius Cell Object Property Prediction Model Allocated Slot Antenna Type Antenna Azimuth Antenna Downtilt Antenna Height Antenna Correction Factor Antenna Location Feeder Type Feeder Length Cell Equipment Type Cell Equipment Correction Factor Sub-cell Object Property Signal Offset Signal Threshold Description The Signal Offset of the sub-cell within its cell layer. The Signal Threshold of the sub-cell. Below the threshold lower priority sub-cells will serve the traffic, if they are available. If no lower priority sub-cells are available then the sub-cell will serve traffic down the minimum signal threshold held within the Array Creation dialog box. The Timing Advance threshold for the sub-cell. Further out than this Timing Advance lower priority sub-cells will serve the traffic. If no lower priority sub-cells exist then the sub-cell will serve the traffic down to the Maximum Timing Advance set within the Array Creation dialog box. Override to enable multiple model types within a cell. Default disabled uses model defined in cell. Model as defined in the propagation model editor. Slot for use on sub-cell The PA Power output for use on sub-cell. The EiRP is derived from this value, taking into account losses and gains from the antenna, feeder, and cell equipment. (Units: dBm) Description Prediction model to use on cell, as defined in the Propagation Model Editor. One cell configuration per slot, all antenna, feeder and cell equipment configuration on a slot by slot basis. The antenna for use on slot as defined in the equipment database. (Units: degrees) Downtilt positive, Uptilt negative. (Units: degrees) (Units: metres) An additional gain/loss for fine tuning. A negative value implies a loss, a positive value implies a gain. (Units: dB) The absolute antenna location, or that relative to the site. The feeder type for use on the slot, as defined in the equipment database. (Units: metres) The cell equipment type for use on the slot, as defined in the equipment database. An additional gain/loss for fine-tuning. A negative value implies a loss, a positive value implies a gain. (Units: dB) Description Physical location of site. Surveyed ground height at site. If the default value of 0 is entered ASSET assumes the DTM height. (Units: metres) The default radius for predictions from this site. (Units: kilometres)

TA Threshold

Enable Model

Slot Allocation PA Output Power


Available Frequencies and Frequency Allocation Strategy

Before beginning the planning process you must decide upon your frequency allocation strategy and create the appropriate carrier layers and cell layers. All frequencies to be used should be entered into the system carriers list in the tool.

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Once the available frequencies have been identified within the tool, the frequency allocation strategy must be decided. Typically this would include: Deciding if, and how, to use HCS, dual band frequency allocation and MRP Allocating carriers to BCCH, TCH, and other, carrier layers Deciding if and how FH and DTX are going to be used Identifying frequencies that should not be allocated in areas of the network, on an individual site (using forbidden carriers in the site database) or regional basis (using additional carrier layers with appropriate carriers removed). These might be caused by cross border separation agreements or geographical considerations.

These carriers can then be split into subsets (carrier layers), to help define the frequency plan. These carrier layers can then be allocated to cell layers in the cell layers dialog box. Cell layers then can be instantiated as sub-cells to cells. Within the sub-cell object in the site database it is possible to allocate the individual carrier layers for use. This is necessary as it is possible to allocate more carrier layers to a cell layer than are used. For example it is possible to allocate two carrier layers to supply the BCCH carriers perhaps BCCH and BCCH_border. If DTX is to be considered by ILSA, then the cells at which it is enabled need to be indicated in the site database, and the appropriate Voice Activity Factor (VAF) assigned. VAFs are typically considered to be in the range 0.2 to 0.4. If frequency hopping is to be considered by ILSA, then the sub-cells at which it is enabled need to be indicated in the site database. A choice needs to be made between synthesiser and baseband hopping. If synthesiser hopping is enabled then it is possible to indicate that more carriers are required than TRXs. This is not the case for baseband hopping where the number of carriers and TRXs must be identical. Finally FH must be enabled on a carrier layer basis, on the carriers page of the sub-cell. It is not possible to allocate FH to a control carrier layer.

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FAQ 8 - What Parameters in the site database affect the frequency allocation strategy?
Cell Object Property Enable DTX Voice Activity Factor Sub-cell Object Property Enable Frequency Hopping Baseband / Synthesiser Hopping Description This allows the user to enable frequency hopping on the individual carriers on the carriers page. Enables the choice between Baseband and Synthesiser hopping on the sub-cell. With Baseband Hopping the number of frequencies required is equal to the number of TRX required. With Synthesiser Hopping more frequencies than TRX can be allocated. Only those carrier layers allocated Used will be considered by ILSA. The hopping column indicates whether an individual carrier layer uses frequency hopping. Even if Frequency Hopping is enabled on the General page of the sub-cell then if this column is not allocated, then no frequency hopping will be considered by ILSA. Description Choose to enable DTX on the cell. VAF for the cell which indicates the factor by which the interference is reduced.

Carrier Layers Used Carrier Layer Hopping


Current Frequency Allocations

The current frequency allocation, including Fixed and Forbidden carriers, may be used as inputs into the cost matrix and ILSA itself.
Sub-cell Object Property Allocated Carriers Forbidden Carriers Description The currently allocated carriers. If improving a current plan, ILSA will take these allocations as the initial state of the frequency plan. The carriers that are forbidden from this site. If improving a current plan, ILSA treats these carriers as subject to the forbidden carriers cost, as generated within the cost matrix. The carriers that should be fixed to the site. If improving a current plan, and the retuning of these carriers is allowed, ILSA makes a different carrier subject to the retune cost, as generated within the cost matrix

Fixed Carriers


Neighbour Lists and Exceptions

To allow ILSA to make fast initial progress with the frequency allocation problem, the neighbours and exceptions present in the network should be known. Either the optimised neighbours from the real network can be entered into the site database, or Neighbour lists can be generated using the Neighbour Analysis Tool. Exceptions can be entered manually within the tool.

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The neighbours are used to generate separation costs within the cost matrix and can be generated in a number of ways as shown below:
Start Start Start

Input Known Neighbour Relationships into Site Database

Input Known Neighbour Relationships into Site Database

Complete Neighbour Generation

Generate Best Server Array

Generate Best Server Array

Neighbour Update

Analyse Neighbour Relationahips using Neighbour Wizard

Analyse Neighbour Relationahips using Neighbour Wizard

Update Database

Update Differences to Database




Figure 3 - Flow Charts Showing Possible Routes for the Generation of Neighbours The first method of neighbour generation is to create a best server array and generate neighbour relationships using the Neighbour Wizard. These are then applied to the site database using the Neighbour Analysis Tool. The advantage of using this method is that it allows a quick first approximation of the neighbour relationships within the network. The disadvantages are that this may not align with the current neighbours set up within your network, and that it will not produce neighbours with the same accuracy as a well optimised network. The neighbour wizard create neighbours when the number of pixels at the equal power boundary of the two cells exceeds a specified threshold. The second method of neighbour generation relies upon direct input of neighbours into the site database. This could either be manually, site by site, or by using the import functionality within ASSET. The advantage of this method is that it can directly reflect the settings within the optimised network. The disadvantage of this method is that it will not account for new sites or cell-splitting, unless these are added manually which is a time consuming process. The third method is a combination of the previous two. As in the second method, known neighbour relationships are added directly into the database by hand or by importing. A best server array is then generated and the Neighbour Wizard is run. However during the neighbour analysis, only the relationships within the immediate vicinity of new sites or modified sites should be updated. Exceptions can also be used to generate separations within ILSA. For each site an Exception list can be entered into the cell page of the site database, either manually or by importing. Exceptions represent a list of other cells which should not be allocated cochannel carrier assignments, but which are not neighbours. P-TN-010-DO-001 Commercial-in-Confidence Page 13

Sub-cell Object Property Neighbour List Description The neighbour list for a cell affects the separations created in ILSAs cost matrix. Neighbours can either be entered manually or created using the Neighbour Wizard. The exception list for a cell indicates the cells for which co-channel allocations should not be made but which are not neighbours.

Exception List


Traffic Information / Required Number of Carriers

Two forms of information about traffic are required in the ILSA frequency planning process: A traffic raster for generation of the interference table The required carriers for every carrier layer of every sub-cell, to allow ILSA to allocate the correct number of carriers The required carriers can be entered directly into the site database from known/predicted network statistics, and these can then be used to generate a traffic raster using the spread traffic from sites option in the Traffic Raster Wizard. The traffic raster can be generated first, using the approximated traffic spreading set within the Terminal Types dialog box, using the Traffic Raster Wizard, and then using the Traffic Analysis Tool to calculate the required carriers per carrier layer.

Either of these two inputs can be generated first: 1. 2.

If the required carriers are to be generated from a traffic raster, it is important that the correct channel to carrier map is allocated to the cell layer. The map defines the relationship between the number of TCHs available for a specific number of installed TRX. Only a single channel to carrier map can be allocated per cell layer although five maps are supplied with ASSET. If the maps supplied do not match the configuration of your carriers it is possible to add your own. ILSA requires that the site database contain the required number of carriers in each carrier layer for the frequency plan. Also, to generate the interference table a traffic raster is required.

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These two inputs can be generated as shown in the flow chart below:
Start Start

Set Up Channel to Carrier Map

Generated Required Number of Carriers

Set Up Terminal Types

Set Up Terminal Types

Directly Input Required Number of Carriers

Input Required Carriers to Sites Database

Create Best Server Array

Create Best Server Array

Spread Traffic Raster

Spread Traffic Raster

Capture Traffic

Calculate Required Carriers



Figure 4 - Flow Charts Showing Traffic Raster and Required Carriers Generation The first method (left flow chart) can be simply described as generating a traffic raster, and then from the traffic raster to calculate the required number of carriers. Note: If you have a small number of cells that have a very high control overhead it is possible to manually edit the required number of carriers at these sites in the site database, after the new required carriers values have been applied by the Traffic Analysis tool. This may be preferable to creating a new cell layer with a different Channel to Carrier map.

When setting up Terminal Types you are defining how the traffic is spread within your network. Each Terminal Type can be associated with one or more cell layers. This makes it possible to separate GSM900 and GSM1800 traffic. Also held within the Terminal Type are the details of how the traffic associated with it is spread.

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The second method (right flowchart) may simply be described as entering the required number of carriers and then using them to generate a traffic raster. The table below details the database objects involved:
Sub-cell Object Property Carried Traffic Carriers Required TRX Required Description The traffic carried by a cell affects the creation of the interference table and can affect the generation of the required carriers The required number of carriers can be entered manually or allocated by the Traffic Analysis Tool The required number of TRX will be different from the carriers required in a synthesiser hopping network


Interference Table
An interference table allows ILSA to attempt to minimise the interference generated by the frequency plan. The interference table in ASSET details the effect of interference for every pair of sub-cell/carrier layer combinations in the network whose predictions overlap. It gives the effect of interference in terms of both area and traffic affected by interference. The area/traffic affected by interference is calculated to be that area which is defined within the interference weights table for a mean C/I. The interference table is defined on a cell layer basis. Only a single interference table can be assigned to a cell layer.

Generate Best Server Array

Generate Traffic Raster

Generate Interference Table Using Interference Table Wizard


Figure 5 - Flow Chart Showing Interference Table Generation Process

FAQ 9 - How is the mapping between the average C/I and the percentage traffic/area affected stored?
The mapping is stored in the Interference Weights tables. To generate an interference table, you must allocate an interference weights table to the cell layers to be analysed. A single interference

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weights table can be assigned to a cell layer. The default interference weights table within ASSET appears as follows:

Default Interference Weights

Co-Channel 100% Proportion of Interference (%) 75% 50% 25% 0% -20 -10 0 10
Average C/I (dB)

Adjacent Channel




Figure 6 -

Default Interference Weights

This default interference weights table has been generated assuming that a co-channel C/I of 9dB is that where the quality of a connection begins to be adversely affected, and that the C/I follows a Gaussian distribution about the calculated mean, which has a standard distribution of 7.8dB.

FAQ 10 - How does the Interference Table Wizard generate the adjacent channel interference weights?
The adjacent channel curve used by the Interference Table Wizard is implied directly from the specified co-channel curve by applying an offset specified on the Interference page of the Array Creation dialog box. The default offset is -18dB.

FAQ 11 - What values can the Interference Weights table have?

It is not necessary to stick to a Gaussian distribution, or a maximum of 1, the table can be assigned any values to reflect the distribution/severity of interference in the network. For example, consider a network where The propagation model was known to be accurate to a standard deviation of 8dB, and the C/I assumed to be accurate to 11.3dB standard deviation. The required C/I for acceptable operation were 9dB. The network target was for less than 10% of the traffic to be operating in unacceptable interference.

A C/I curve could be generated to measure the probability of the C/I being worse than 9dB, using simple Gaussian statistics. However this does not bias the ILSA significantly against making assignments where a C/I of 9dB is possible. Alternatively you could create a curve to measure the probability of the C/I of being worse than a value that, if it were the average in the network, result in only 10% of the real C/Is being 9dB or worse. This target value of C/I would actually be approximately 23dB if this were carried out. A third option could be to alter the curve centred targeting 9dB in such a way that:

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If an allocation would result in more than 10% C/Is being worse than 9dB the cost would be increased If less than 10% C/Is being worse than 9dB the cost would be decreased.

For example, you could square the probability according to the first option and multiply by 10. This would result in the graphs shown below:

Interference Weights - 9dB Rejection

11.3dB Standard Deviation
Proportion of Interference (%) 1000% 800% 600% 400% 200% 0% -20 -10 0 10 Average C/I (dB) 20 30 40

>10% Interference Rejection

Figure 7 -

Interference Weights 9dB Rejection

Interference Weights - 9dB Rejection (Close Up)

11.3dB Standard Deviation
Proportion of Interference (%) 100% 75% 50% 25% 0% -20 -10 0 10 Average C/I (dB) 20 30 40

>10% Interference Rejection

Figure 8 -

Interference Weights 9dB Rejection (Close Up)

These are only suggestions of how the problem might be approached. Other solutions may present better results.



Once the prerequisites have been generated then the plan needs to be set up within the ILSA tool itself. A number of pages allow you to create a plan to suit your needs

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ILSA Options Page

The ILSA Options page allows the user to set the display options for use with ILSA.

Figure 9 - ILSA Options Page The ILSA Options Page allows the setting of:
Property Refresh Rate Description This parameter indicates how quickly the AFP panel refreshes itself. A setting of 1 is the fastest, and a setting of 10 is the slowest. Setting a fast refresh rate will update the cost in the ILSA dialog box as soon as an improvement to the plan is made. Setting a slower refresh rate may mean that the AFP makes several improvements to the plan before the improved cost is updated. Log Results in Message Log Checking this option writes the current cost to the message log every 1 minute.

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ILSA Plan Type Page

The ILSA Plan Type Page allows the user to choose to either create a new plan or to load the initial carrier assignments from the site database.

Figure 10 - ILSA Plan Type Page The ILSA Plan Type page allows you to choose to:
Action Create New Plan Load Plan From Database Description Selecting this option will start ILSA planning with an entirely random frequency plan. Selecting this option will start ILSA with the current plan applied in the database. This may retain a larger number of the original channel allocations.

FAQ 12 - When should you create a new plan and when should you load the existing plan from the database?
If you are creating a frequency plan for a new network, carrying out a complete regional retune or implementing a new technique, such as FH, then you will probably wish to create a new plan. This randomises the initial assignments and so will take slightly longer to reach an acceptable result, however it does ensure that any minimisation dead-ends reached after prolonged optimisation followed by a change in planning strategy are avoided. If you are adding a small number of new sites to an existing network, then it is highly desirable to minimise the number of changes that the frequency planner makes. Consequently, you would choose to load the existing plan from the database as the starting point. The default is to load existing plan.

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ILSA Interference Table Page

The ILSA interference table page allows you to choose how to use any interference table that you have loaded into memory. It is possible to select not to use the table, and how to minimise interference, either by area or traffic or by a combination of both.

Figure 11 - ILSA Interference Table Page The ILSA interference table page allows you to define how ILSA will use the interference table:
Action Current Interference Table Description This field indicates the name of the current interference table. If there is no interference table loaded then ILSA will indicate No Interference Table. If the interference table has not been saved to file ILSA will indicate Newly Created Interference Table: Not Saved to File, if this is the case then it is probably sensible to save the interference table to file for later reference. If the interference table has been generated without a Traffic raster, then there will be (no traffic) added to the end of the text. If this option is selected then ILSA will use the interference relationships in the current interference table as inputs to the Cost function. If the option is not selected then ILSA will not take interference into account and the only inputs to the cost function will be the carrier and separation costs specified within the cost matrix. If there is no interference table loaded then the option to use an interference table will not be available. Minimise Interference by Traffic If this option is selected then the Cost Function will take the value of the traffic affected due to an allocation from the interference table as an input. The Cost of an allocation breaking a co-channel or adjacent channel constraint is the amount of traffic, in mE, indicated in the interference table multiplied by a factor of 2. If the interference table has been generated without a Traffic raster then this option will not be available.

Use Interference Table

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Action Minimise Interference by Area Minimise Interference by Combination

Description If this option is selected then the Cost Function will take the area affected due to an allocation from the interference table as an input. The Cost of an allocation breaking a co-channel or adjacent channel constraint is the area, in km2, indicated in the interference table multiplied by a factor of 200. If this option is selected then the Cost Function will take a combination of the traffic and area affected from the interference table as an input. The ratio of traffic vs. area should be entered, 0 indicates that only area will be used and 100 indicates that only traffic will be used. If the interference table has been generated without a Traffic raster then this option will not be available.

FAQ 13 - When should you not use the interference table?

It is generally advisable to use an interference table with ILSA. However it may be the case that you have little confidence in the propagation model that you are using. In this case the interference table may be unreliable and you may wish to use ILSA with separation and carrier constraints alone.

FAQ 14 - When should you use traffic to plan with, when area and when a combination of the two?
You should plan using traffic if you have a reasonable to high level of confidence in the traffic statistics that you have used to generate the interference table. This will make ILSA pay more attention to high traffic areas in the plan when reducing interference. If you have no confidence in the traffic statistics that you used to generate the interference table, or if you did not use a Traffic raster to create the interference table then you should/must select to minimise interference by area. If you have only partial confidence in the traffic statistics, or if you wish to bias the plan towards the urban areas while trying to maintain a reasonable quality across the network, then you may with to consider using a combination of both traffic and area.

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ILSA Frequency Hopping, DTX and Group Planning Page

This page allows the user to select to use FH, DTX and Group Planning options.

Figure 12 - ILSA FH, DTX and Groups Page The ILSA Frequency Hopping, DTX and Group Planning Page allows you to set up ILSA to take into account the aforementioned
Action Use Frequency Diversity Gain Use DTX load factors as set in the site database Use Group Planning Description If frequency hopping is enabled on your sub-cells, then it is possible to let ILSA consider this during the plan optimisation stage. Selecting this will reduce the interference caused by sub-cells with DTX set. The weighting of the cells on which DTX is enabled is multiplied by the VAF set in the site database. Selecting this option will cause ILSA to allocate frequencies according to the group planning pattern allocated to the cell layer. Note: ILSA only maintains group planning patterns on a cell basis, not on a site basis. E.g. within every cell the all the carriers will be a member of a single group such as A1 or B1, but the groups allocate to a site will not necessarily maintain the group pattern, that is groups A1 and B1 might be allocated to cells on the same site.

FAQ 15 - When should Frequency Diversity Gain be used?

Frequency diversity gain should be enabled if the site database indicates that frequency hopping is enabled on particular sub-cells and you wish to create a plan that considers the reduction of interference that this strategy provides. You would disable the frequency diversity gain if

your plan does not use frequency hopping you want to determine what could be achieved not using frequency hopping but without modifying every sub-cells frequency hopping settings

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FAQ 16 - How is the frequency hopping gain calculated and considered with ILSA? What is the difference in gain between base-band and synthesised hopping?
ILSA currently uses an internal lookup table to determine what gain is provided for a particular number of hopping carriers. Number of Hopping Carriers <=1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >=11 Frequency Diversity Gain 0.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.3 6.5 6.8 6.9 7.0

ILSA does not distinguish between the hopping strategy used other than the gain provided by the potentially greater number of frequencies that synthesised hopping provides.

FAQ 17 - When should DTX load factors be used?

DTX load factors should be enabled in ILSA to plan for networks where some or all of the BTSs have DTX enabled. Note: DTX cannot be enabled on the BCCH carrier. This means that some carrier allocations within the network will have DTX enabled, and others will not. The carrier allocations without DTX enabled need to be planned more carefully than allocations with DTX and so setting up DTX for use within ILSA allows you to discriminate between the two settings.

FAQ 18 - When should Group Planning be used?

If you want to ensure that only carriers are allocated from frequency groups that tick the group planning button. However, it is recommended that for better frequency plans that ILSA is given free reign to minimise the interference by assigning carriers in any fashion rather than restricting it to rigid groups.


ILSA Cost Matrix

The cost matrix within ILSA allows you to define the rules within which ILSA operates. It allows you to choose which sites to plan, the separation constraints, and the desirability of the constraints being met.

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To create a cost matrix you must select the Create Cost Matrix button on ILSAs cost matrix page.

Figure 13 - ILSA Cost Matrix Page The ILSA cost matrix page allows you to set up a the costs and constraints to be used by ILSA:
Action Current Cost Matrix Description This field indicates the name of the current cost matrix. If there is no cost matrix loaded then ILSA will indicate No Cost Matrix. If the cost matrix has not been saved to file, ILSA will indicate Newly Created Cost Matrix: Not Yet Saved to File, if this is the case then it is probably sensible to save the cost matrix to file for later reference. Selecting this option will launch the Cost Matrix Wizard to create a new cost matrix. It is not possible to edit an existing cost matrix after being created. Selecting this option opens the Edit Carrier Costs dialog box, allowing you to edit and view the carriers costs (i.e. costs associated with a single carrier on a single carrier layer of a single sub-cell). Selecting this option opens the Edit Separation Costs dialog box, allowing you to edit and view the separation costs (i.e. costs associated with a pair of allocations between two carrier layers). This option allows you to load a previously saved cost matrix. This option allows you to save the current cost matrix.

Create Cost Matrix

Edit Carrier Costs

Edit Separation Costs

Load Save Cost Matrix Wizard Page 1 On the first page of the Cost Matrix Wizard you can select the filter(s) to include in the plan. For each filter selected it is possible to select to include or ignore cell layer/carrier layer combinations.

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Cell layer/carrier layers combinations can be assigned a weight, to multiply their importance within ILSA meaning that the effect of breaking a separation constraint, or the effect of interference on that carrier layer is made more significant than the equivalent on a non weighted carrier layer. Typically you would weight BCCH layers higher than TCH layers. You can also decide if fixed carriers can be re-tuned, and if they can, at what cost.

Figure 14 - Cost Matrix Wizard Page 1 The Cost Matrix Wizard contains of a number of pages that allow you to set up a basic cost matrix. The first page consists of: Filter List This list indicates which filters are included within the cost matrix. The properties of sites which belong to multiple filters within the list are determined by the order of the filters within the list. The properties of the top filter in the list have precedence.
Action Add/Remove Up Description This field opens a dialog box to allow you to add and remove filters to and from the Filter List. Selecting a filter and pressing this button will move the filter up the list. If the filter selected is at the top of the list, or if there are no filters selected, then this button will be disabled. Down Selecting a filter and pressing this button will move the filter down the list. If the filter selected is at the bottom of the list, or if there are no filters selected, then this button will be disabled.

Filter List This list will show the cell layer and carrier layer combinations contained within the presently selected filter in the Filter List.
Action / Property Description

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Action / Property Include Ignore Allow Retune of Fixed Carriers

Description This option includes the filter/cell layer/carrier layer combination in the cost matrix. This option ignores the filter/cell layer/carrier layer combination from the cost matrix. If this option is selected then ILSA is allowed to retune fixed carriers within the Filter/Cell Layer/Carrier Layer combination selected. Generally, you would want to deselect Allow retune unless you really want to enable the retune to take place. Ticking this value essentially provides a cost of 100,000 and so could theoretically still be re-planned. However, if this does occur then in all probability there is something amiss in the network design that means that the inclusion of this cost makes an improvement to the overall plan.

Retune Cost

This option indicates the cost of retuning a fixed carrier within the Filter/Cell Layer/Carrier Layer combination selected. The range of permissible values is between 0 (no cost) and 50000.


The weight option is used to increase the importance of Filter/Cell Layer/Carrier Layer combinations relative to each other. The weighting only applies to separation costs, not to carrier costs. The range of permissible values is 1 (default) to approximately 999999. Typically you would use low weightings between 1 and 10.

FAQ 19 - What happens if a site is identified by multiple site filters?

Should a site be present in the results of more than one filter then the settings that are used are the first that are assigned. Consequently, the order of the filters in the list is important and can be modified by using the up and down buttons.

FAQ 20 - How would I re-plan in a localised area?

For example, take the case when adding a new site to an existing design. In this case, you would

expect to have to re-plan the immediate cells surrounding the new site be reluctant to re-plan cells more than a neighbour relationship away, but if the plan was significantly better then you would accept minor changes want the majority of the existing design to be read-only

To achieve this create three dynamic filters based on polygons named Area for new site, Border around new site and Rest of plan. To ensure that carriers are re-planed in the border region only if a significant improvement is made, perform a global edit on the filter to fix the carriers currently assigned. Then in the cost matrix wizard add the three filters to the filter list and order them so that Area for new site is at the top and Rest of plan is at the bottom. For the cell layer/carrier layer combinations for the Border around new site choose the Allow retune of fixed carriers option and choose an associated cost of performing the retune. The retune cost to use really depends on how critical it is to you that the number of changes should be minimised the more important, the higher the cost. It may take a couple of iterations (without applying the changes to the database!) before the optimal retune cost is found.

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The Rest of plan filter should be made read-only in the ILSA plan list tab.

FAQ 21 - When to include/ignore filter/cell layer/carrier layer combinations?

When planning the complexity of the cost matrix can severely impact the speed at which a solution is reached. If due to the nature of the frequency banding technique chosen, you can disregard a particular carrier layer since this is no possible impact on the others, it is advisable to ignore the layer completely. This would happen when considering a dual-band network and only planning the 900MHz layer. In this case the 900MHz layer and 1800MHz layer can be considered independent of one another.

FAQ 22 - When to allow the re-tuning of fixed carriers?

Fixed carriers can be used in two ways: 1. 2. Truly fixed carriers which cannot be retuned. For example if adding a new cell, it may be that carriers can be found to meet acceptable interference criteria without changing any of the current allocations. Carriers which can only be changed at a cost. This option can be used to try to maintain a majority of the current frequency plan, when adding a few new cells to the network. Instead of retuning every cell within the region, it is best to change just enough to meet acceptable interference criteria. This can be used to give ILSA slightly more flexibility than completely fixing the carriers.

FAQ 23 - When to use weightings?

Weightings can be used on a carrier layer by carrier layer basis to increase the importance of any interference or separation breaking on those carrier layers. For example, interference on the BCCH carrier is regarded as more important than interference on the TCH carriers, and so the weighting on the BCCH carrier layers would be higher than the weighting on the TCH carrier layers.

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P-TN-010-DO-001 Commercial-in-Confidence Cost Matrix Wizard Page 2 The second page of ILSAs Cost Matrix Wizard allows you to set the cost of breaking a separation constraint (the constraints themselves are set on the next page). The cost of breaking a constraint is a measure of how bad the effect of breaking a constraint is. For example the cost of breaking a cell separation constraint is more than the cost of breaking a neighbour separation constraint as breaking the constraint within a cell is considered worse than breaking the constraint between two neighbours.

Figure 15 - Cost Matrix Wizard Page 2 The second page of the Cost Matrix Wizard details separation costs to be included in the cost matrix of:

Cost Cell Site Neighbour 2 Order Neighbour


Description This is the cost of breaking the Cell separation constraint. The default value is 100000. This is the cost of breaking the Site separation constraint. The default value is 75000. This is the cost of breaking the Neighbour separation constraint. The default value is 50000. This is the cost of breaking the 2nd Order Neighbour separation constraint. The default value is 10000. This is the cost of breaking the Exception constraint, for exceptions that are indicated in the site database. The default value is 20000. This is the cost of allocating a carrier that has been forbidden in the site database. The default value is 10000.


Forbidden Carrier

In all cases the minimum value is 0 and the maximum is 9,999,999,999.

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FAQ 24 - Why are the costs so high?

The costs are high to make them significantly higher than the cost due to interference. The costs due to interference can be expected to be up to the order of 104 if using traffic or area in the interference table. The default costs are of the order 104 or greater.

FAQ 25 - Should the costs change in different circumstances?

Costs should change according to the different levels of importance that you assign to the different separations in the network, and to the level of constraint that you decide to use. What is important is that the cost of a cell co-channel separation is greater than the cost of a site co-channel separation, which in turn is greater than the cost of a neighbour co-channel separation, and so on. If your initial costs for just interference alone are significantly different from 104 then the defaults should be revised. Basically the minimum separation cost must be of a similar order to that of the highest interference cost obtained from the View Interference Table results.

FAQ 26 - How were the default costs arrived at?

Since typical interference costs are of the order of 104 without considering separation constraints, the costs were given values of similar or higher orders than 104. Things that were considered to be more important that others were given larger cost values. Cost Matrix Wizard Page 3 The third page of ILSAs Cost Matrix Wizard allows you to set the level of separation that ILSA should aim towards. A separation of 0 corresponds to a co-channel allocation, 1 an adjacent channel allocation and so on. It is also possible to set a preference for the separation to be one greater than the minimum, with an associated cost for breaking the preference.

Figure 16 - Cost Matrix Wizard Page 3 When the cost matrix is finished there is the possibility to save the cost matrix to file. You can also manually edit either carrier costs or separation costs on an individual site basis. Carrier costs are the cost of either retuning a Fixed carrier or making a Forbidden carrier allocation. Separation costs are the cost of making close allocations to two separate carrier layers within a sub-cell or between sub-cells. Page 30 P-TN-010-DO-001 Commercial-in-Confidence

The third page of the Cost Matrix Wizard details separation costs to be included in the cost matrix of:
Type Cell Layer Carrier Layer Separations Minimum Preferred Description The cell layer for which you wish to set the separations The carrier layer for which you wish to set the separations The Separations section allows you to set the separation constraints for Cell, Site, Neighbour and 2nd Order Neighbour allocations. The minimum required constraint. The preferred constraint. This may be one greater than the minimum constraint. The preferred constraint is activated if the cost of the preference is raised above 0. Cost of Preference This option allows you to set the cost of breaking a preference. The minimum cost is 0 indicating no preference, and the maximum is 5000.

FAQ 27 - If a constraint is broken by more than one what is the cost?

If a constraint is set to a minimum separation of 3, with and cost of breaking it of 100000, and with a preference separation of 4, with a cost of breaking it of 5000, the following costs apply: Separation 4 or greater 3 2 1 (Adjacent Channel Allocation) 0 (Co-Channel Allocation) Cost 0 5000 100000 200000 + adjacent channel interference 300000 + co-channel interference

As can be seen the cost is cumulative, being added again for every reduction in the separation. However the preference cost only applies if the preference separation is broken by one.

FAQ 28 - What are the separation constraints between exceptions?

The separation constraints between exceptions cannot be manually edited in the Cost Matrix Wizard instead they should be edited in the site database prior to running the cost matrix wizard. As a default they are set to a separation of 2. For example with the default Exception Cost of 20000, the following costs would apply: Separation 2 1 (Adjacent Channel Allocation) 0 (Co-Channel Allocation) Cost 0 20000 + adjacent channel interference 40000 + co-channel interference

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FAQ 29 - What is the cost if more than one constraint applies to a separation?
If more than one constraint applies the costs of breaking the constraints are cumulative. For example site and neighbour constraints might co-exist. In this case the Neighbour constraint is 1, with a cost of 50000, and the site constraint is 2 with a cost of 75000. Separation 2 or greater 1 (Adjacent Channel Allocation) 0 (Co-Channel Allocation) Site Cost 0 75000 150000

Neighbour Cost 0 0 50000

Total Cost 0 75000 + adjacent channel interference 200000 + co-channel interference Carrier Costs The Carrier Costs dialog box is shown below.

Figure 17 - Carrier Costs dialog box If the user chooses to edit the cost matrix using the Carrier Costs dialog box then the following options are available:
Property Filter Cell Cell Layer Carrier Layer Carrier Costs List Weight Description The Filter for which you wish to edit the carrier costs The cell for which you wish to edit the carrier costs. The cell layer for which you wish to edit the carrier costs. The carrier layer for which you wish to edit the carrier costs. A list of current forbidden carrier costs, giving the carrier and the cost The weight of allocations to the filter/cell/cell layer/carrier layer combination, as applied in the cost function to separation costs and interference table costs. The cost of retuning the fixed carriers on the cell Sets any changes made to the cost matrix

Retune Costs Set

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FAQ 30 - Why Edit the Carrier Costs?

It is desirable to edit carrier costs on a site by site basis if the undesirability of making forbidden carrier allocations varies significantly between sites. It may be that for some sites making a certain allocation is undesirable, while for other sites it is absolutely imperative that the allocation is not made. Within the site database both of these situations can be considered as Forbidden carriers, and the same cost allocated to them. This can be edited within the carriers database to fine tune how ILSA deals with the allocations at these sites.

FAQ 31 - Why are Weights included in the Carrier Costs dialog box when they only apply to separations?
The ability to edit weights is included in the Carrier Costs dialog box despite the fact that they only apply to separations. However, weightings apply to individual sites, rather than pairs of sites. Since Carrier costs also apply to individual sites, it is appropriate that the ability to edit the Weighting is included within the Carrier Costs dialog box.

FAQ 32 - Why cant I assign a carrier cost to all the possible carriers?
Only forbidden and fixed carriers are listed in the carrier costs dialog box. Separation Costs The Separation Costs dialog box is shown below.

Figure 18 - Separation Costs Dialog box If the user chooses to edit the cost matrix using the Separation Costs dialog box then the following options are available:

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Property Filter Cells Cell Layers Carrier Layers Separation Costs List

Description The Filter for which you wish to edit the separations The two cells for which you wish to edit the separations. The two cell layers for which you wish to edit the separations. The two carrier layers for which you wish to edit the separations. The separation costs between the two cell/filter/cell layer/carrier layer combinations defined. Every level of separation that has a nonzero cost is listed. The cost of the selected separation level from the Separation Costs List If you wish to edit the separation cost in the Cost of Selected Separation field, pressing this button will set the change. This option enables you to add a separation cost to the lowest level of separation whose cost is currently zero. For example if there are non-zero costs for separations of 0 and 1, pressing this button will create an item in the separation costs list to allow you to add a cost for a separation of 2.

Cost of Selected Separation Set Add Separation Cost

FAQ 33 - Why edit Separations?

The ability to edit separations allows the user to account for known trouble spots in the network. For example, some exception separations may be more serious than others, in which case it is desirable for the cost matrix to include a higher cost for the more serious exceptions.


ILSA Plan List Page

After a cost matrix has been created then a plan list can be displayed. For each Filter/Cell Layer/Carrier Layer combination you can choose to either plan, read only or to ignore the sub-cells included in the list.

Figure 19 - ILSA Plan List Page

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The Plan List page only becomes useful once a cost matrix has been created, defining the filter/cell layer/carrier layer combinations that are to be considered by the plan. The items that are available on the Plan List page include:
Option Plan List Plan Description The Plan List is a list of all the filter/cell layer/carrier layer combinations that the cost matrix includes. There are three options for each item. The plan option enable ILSA to plan the carriers required within sites satisfying the filter/cell layer/carrier layer criteria. The carrier allocations can be modified and are considered by other carrier allocations as interferers. The Read Only option disables ILSA from planning the carrier allocations required within sites satisfying the filter/cell layer/carrier layer criteria. The current carrier allocations can still be considered as interferers by ILSA when planning other carrier allocations. This option ignores sites satisfying the filter/cell layer/carrier layer criteria.

Read Only


FAQ 34 - When would you use the plan/read only/ignore options?

If you wish to plan sites then it may be important to take into account frequency allocations in neighbouring regions. In this case the filter/cell layer/carrier layer combinations describing the neighbouring regions should be assigned the read only option. It may also be that there are combinations within the plan list that you neither wish to plan nor take account of. These combinations should be set to ignore.



Once ILSA has been set up and a cost matrix created it is possible to start planning simply by pressing the Start button. Once this has been carried out ILSA will begin to initialise, in its Initialisation phase, making first-pass frequency allocations to all subcells. After this is complete ILSA passes into the Reducing Network Interference phase where it attempts to meet all the rules that have been created in the cost matrix, and simultaneously reduce the average level of interference per carrier.

Figure 20 - ILSA Run Time Display

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When ILSA begins planning a number of new items of information become available. The Start Time, Plan ID and number of Carriers to Plan are shown for reference. The initial cost of the plan after the Initialisation phase is shown, and the cost of the Current best plan. Also shown is the number of iterations that have been completed. The interference panel allows you to show both the average interference per carrier (in milli-Erlangs) and the worst case interference for a carrier (again in milli-Erlangs). A final option during run time is to display a graph showing the cost of the current best plan (red), the average interference (green) and the worst interference (blue).

Figure 21 - ILSA Run Time Graph



The Main ILSA dialog box contains a number of fields and dialog boxes that enable you to judge the progress of the plan.
Action / Property Start Planning Description This button starts a new plan. If you press the button while there is still a frequency plan in memory then ILSA asks you whether you wish to discard the current plan. This button has three states. If there is no current plan in memory then the button is greyed out. If a frequency plan is in progress then the button becomes enabled as a Stop button, pausing ILSA. If a plan has been stopped and is still in memory then the button becomes a Continue button allowing you to restart ILSA on the current plan. The Plan field gives details of the current plan. The information given includes the date started and the time started, for example New Plan Started 10/9/99 15:41. The Start Time Field gives the time started to the nearest second.



Start Time

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Action / Property Status

Description The Status field gives the status of the current plan. This may be: Initialising, indicating that ILSA is in the initialising phase of the current plan. Reducing Network Interference, indicating that ILSA is in the reducing network interference phase of the current plan. Finished with Zero Cost, indicating that ILSA has achieved a cost of 0 with the current plan.

Carriers to Plan Initial Cost

The number of carrier allocations that ILSA must make to satisfy the current plan. The cost of the initial allocations that ILSA makes within the Initialising phase. If a new plan is being created then this will be the cost of an effectively random allocation. If the initial plan is being loaded from the database, this is the cost of the current plans allocations. The cost of the current best plan that ILSA has discovered. The number of iterations that have been carried out. Note that the iteration number refers to the number of times that the screen has been refreshed rather than the number of loops of the algorithm. Checking this box enables the worst interference for an allocation and the average interference per allocation to be displayed, both textually in the ILSA dialog box and in the ILSA graph. The average interference per allocation. The worst interference for a pair of allocations. Pressing this button opens the ILSA graph. The ILSA graph shows the progress of the algorithm, in terms of reducing cost (Red Line). If the Show Interference option is enabled, then the interference is also displayed, the average interference as a green line and the worst interference as a blue line. The Cost scale is shown as the left Y-axis and the Interference scale is shown as the right Y-axis. This option draws a new section of graph when an improvement has been made to the cost of the frequency plan. This option draws a new section of graph at steady intervals in the number of iterations.

Cost of Current Plan Iteration

Show Interference

Average (mE) Worst (mE) Show Graph

X-Axis Iteration X-Axis Steady Increment

Remember too, that the iteration count just displays the number of times that the plan details have been displayed in the ILSA window. If the refresh rate is not equal to one, then the total number of plans considered must be calculated by multiplying the iteration count by the refresh rate. Note: It is not necessary to apply the plan to the database before viewing the assignments that ILSA has made.

FAQ 35 - Why would ILSA stop of its own accord?

ILSA only stops when the cost of the plan reaches zero. This is really only possible when the planning constraints were really very easy to satisfy which is unlikely in a real network design. An example might be planning a small network of 10 sites with a full GSM band of carriers!

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FAQ 36 - Why does the Worst Interference sometimes increase with time?
It is possible for an average improvement in the level of interference within the plan to be coexistent with a worsening of the interference between one or more carrier allocations. Since an average improvement in the level of interference results in a lowering of the cost of the plan, then it is possible for the worst case interference to increase occasionally with time. It is not possible to prevent the worst interference increasing since it is the average interference that ILSA tries to minimise.

FAQ 37 - How long should ILSA be left running?

ILSA should be left running until there has been a considerable period of time with no improvement. The time that ILSA takes to find the optimum plan will depend upon the number of allocations that are required, and the number of frequencies available. The stability of the improvement is best judged by using the ILSA Graph function. If the cost matrix is large, ILSA may have to be left running for several hours at a time. However, remember that the rate of improvement decreases with time so vast improvements are made within a relatively short period and only modest (but potentially beneficial) improvements can be made over many hours. The decision of how long to leave ILSA running ultimately depends whether you just wish to satisfy a quality threshold or whether it must be a good a possible.



Once ILSA has been stopped, using the Stop button, it is possible to view the allocations that have been made in the current best plan, by selecting the View Assignments dialog box.

Figure 22 - ILSA Carrier Assignment Page The Carrier Assignments dialog box allows you to view two main items:

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Carrier Statistics, in terms of the number of allocations per frequency, and the minimum reuse distance. Cell Statistics, in terms of the interference on each allocation that is made.

If the statistics are acceptable then when you close the dialog box you can Apply the plan to the database. Alternatively if the statistics are unacceptable, for example if BCCH carriers are experiencing worse interference than TCH carriers, then it is possible to continue the plan. Restarting planning after applying the plan to the database is another option that can improve the quality of the plan, due to a random element within the ILSA algorithm. All of the columns within the carrier assignments dialog box can be ordered by clicking on the column heading. Three combo-boxes allow the statistics to be summarised based on the following categories:
View Filter Cell Layer Carrier Layer The Filter whose carrier assignments are to be viewed The cell layer/all cell layers to be viewed The carrier layer/all carrier layers to be viewed


Carrier Statistics
The Carrier Statistics section provides an analysis of the individual carriers that have been allocated to the selection of filter/cell layer and carrier layer.
Heading Total Assignments Carrier Allocations Minimum Reuse (km) Description The total number of carrier assignments made for the selection. The carrier whose analysis is detailed in the row The number of allocations of the carrier The minimum distance between sites where allocations of the carrier have been carried out.


Cell Statistics
The cell statistics section provides an analysis of the individual carrier allocations that have been made within the selection of filter/cell layer and carrier layer.
Heading Total Sites Total Cells Worst Interference Average Interference No. Cell Cell Layer Car. Layer Carrier Interference Description The total number of sites within the selection The total number of cells within the selection The worst calculated cost of an allocation. The average calculated cost of an allocation. The number of the allocation. The cell at which the allocation occurs. The cell layer within which the allocation occurs. The carrier layer within which the allocation occurs. The carrier allocated The cost of the carrier allocation

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Once a plan has been applied to the database, the same analysis as carried out on the original frequency plan should be carried out to verify that an improvement has been made.

FAQ 38 - Why have only alternate carriers been assigned even though I have a contiguous band of carriers?
This is an indication that the adjacent interference is more dominant than co-channel which is incorrect. The most common reason for this is that the C/I adjacent offset has the wrong sign. It should be negative the default being 18db.

FAQ 39 - What carrier allocation distribution should I expect?

ILSA attempts to minimise the cost of the plan continuously. There is not fixed carrier allocation strategy but typically there is a fairly uniform distribution.

FAQ 40 - How do I interpret the interference values?

The interference value is the summation of all the associated costs of making that assignment. If this number is less than the minimum separation/retune cost then this is purely an interference cost. Clicking on the interference column heading allows you to toggle which assignments caused the most and least cost to the plan. If a large number of assignments have high costs then the constraints are proving hard e.g. too few carriers or too great separation requirements for the neighbours or second order neighbours. A good plan is achieved if the resultant cost is less than the minimum separation cost since all the separation constraints were met and the plan is just based on interference.

FAQ 41 - My plan uses frequency hopping but when I create the interference array, my results arent as good as Id expected why?
To analyse a plan that uses frequency hopping, you must choose a connection type array since these are the only ones that consider hopping carriers.

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This section of the application note gives detail about the ILSA algorithm itself, briefly describing the nature of the problem, the solution type and the cost function of the algorithm.


Before we describe the ILSA algorithm it is sensible to consider the size of the problem that we are attempting to solve. Consider a small example network. Its characteristics are as follows:
S = Number of Sites Number of Cells Number of Carrier Allocations Required Number of Available Frequencies = = = = 10 30 60 20 = = 3 cells / site 2 carriers / cell C = A = F =

Assuming all carriers can be allocated to all carrier allocations, then the number of possible carrier allocations is given by:
NumberPlans = F A = 20 60 = 1.15292 *10 78

If we assume that there are no permissible co-channel allocations within a cell then this value is reduced:
F! NumberPlans = F A ! C

20! = 60 20 ! 30 = 2.47462 *10 77


Even if we assume that there are no co-channel allocations within sites, and there is a larger reduction in the number of possible plans, there are still:

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F! NumberPlans = A F ! S

20! = 20 60 ! 10 = 2.86525 *10 74


Clearly checking every possible frequency plan for a reasonable size network would take a prohibitive period of time, even if the period of time taken to check a plan were only of the order of 1milli-second. This being the case, algorithms need to be developed to focus processing power on high probability solutions. These algorithms are generally known as search algorithms.


Search algorithms specialise in looking for solutions to problems that have too large a solution space (i.e. too many possible solutions) to allow a simple solution. There is a vast body of both popular science and technical literature describing search algorithms, but below is a simple description. Search algorithms can be visualised as a person moving through a maze. Every time the person arrives at a junction, they are presented with a number of paths leading to other junctions. They choose their path depending upon a choice of strategy, for example keeping their left hand on the wall (always taking the path furthest to the left), or choosing the path that looks the most promising. If they find themselves at a junction that they have been to before, then they have a strategy to prevent themselves travelling in circles, for example back tracking and taking another route. If the person comes to a dead end they may turn around and continue from a previous junction. Eventually the person will solve the maze. If it is a large maze, with lots of junctions, then this may take a very long time. However different strategies may result in the solution being found more quickly than others. Similarly a search algorithm moves through a series of states. At each state it is possible to move to a number of other states. The search algorithm makes a decision as to which state to move to according to a strategy. If the search algorithm finds itself at a state that it has been at before, then it has a strategy to prevent it looping. If there are no new states that the search algorithm can move to, then it has a strategy to move back and continue the search from a previous state. Eventually the search algorithm will solve the problem. However if it is a very large problem, with lots of states, this may take a very long time. Again different strategies may result in the solution being found more quickly than others. Some search algorithms have very simple strategies. Examples of these are depth first and breadth first algorithms. The depth first algorithm is the algorithmic equivalent of always taking the left most paths in the maze. The breadth first algorithm is the algorithmic equivalent of checking every junction off your starting position, and then every junction off these junctions.

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More advanced search algorithms use the algorithmic equivalent of taking the path that looks like the best one. Search algorithms that take this approach are known as heuristic search algorithms. These algorithms use a cost function, to determine the most desirable next state. Typically this will be the state with the lowest cost. The effectiveness of these algorithms depends largely upon the applicability of the cost function to the problem, and also to refinements to the search strategy to allow backtracking from dead ends and loops.



ILSA is an advanced heuristic search algorithm, taking into consideration the latest techniques in combinatorial mathematics. ILSA initialises with a random frequency plan (if it is chosen not to load the current plan from the database). This means that for any two runs of ILSA the results may not be the same. Indeed it is true that certain starting frequency plans can allow ILSA to make either more rapid initial improvement or allow a much better plan to be found within a reasonable period of time. The Local Search element of ILSAs name indicates how ILSA reduces the number of options it has for new states derived from a current state. ILSA pays special attention to areas of high cost within the network (analogous to areas of high interference), temporarily ignoring lower cost areas. This allows ILSA to make very rapid initial progress. For example, if ILSA is attempting to plan for a network requiring 60 carrier allocations, with 20 available carriers, and identifies a subset of 10 high cost carrier allocations, then the maximum number of new states that ILSA needs to consider has been reduced from 3.8*1025 to 6.1*1012. Random changes can be made by ILSA if only low improvement rates are being achieved, or if a dead end is reached.



The principle behind the algorithm used in the planning tool is that a single number, the cost, measures the effectiveness of any particular frequency plan. The algorithm then tries to minimise the cost over the set of all possible frequency plans. ILSAs cost function measures how much interference there is in the network, what separations have been broken and also allows for the different weights that the user may have imposed to different sub-cells depending upon their importance.

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For a given frequency plan the value of the cost function is given by the formula:
Cost = wi i j f =f i + sij + r i aij j j f = f 1 j i

cij +

aij cij fi i,j ri sij wi = The adjacent channel interference caused on allocation i by allocation j (Units: 2*milli-Erlang or 200*km2) = The co-channel interference caused on allocation i by allocation j (Units: 2*milliErlang or 200*km2) = The frequency allocated at allocation i = Members of the set of all frequency allocations = The retune cost or the forbidden carrier cost associated with allocation i = The separation cost associated cost associated between allocations i and j = The weighting factor applicable to carrier allocation i

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Appendix A - Frequency Plan Example

A.1 Scenario Description
The exercise explained below details the complete regional frequency retune of a 34 site network. The retune is carried out with the four aims of: Decreasing the overall level of interference. Adding an additional site for coverage. Allowing sectorisation of 6 existing sites. Allowing for an increase in traffic of 20%.

The individual sites are either omni-directional or tri-sectored, with appropriate antennas allocated. It is important to note that the sites detailed are an approximation of a network they are not real sites! Thus no detailed site optimisation has been carried out. They are all 25m high with all the Power Amplifier (PA) output settings identical, and a maximum Timing Advance (TA) of 63 GSM bit periods. This example assumes that the network belongs to a GSM900 operator and hence only GSM900 frequencies are considered. FH and DTX are not in use, and the original frequencies were planned by hand using traditional group planning techniques and a 3*9 reuse pattern. As this is an exercise 50m resolution predictions are used, with a radius of 50km. In this example 60 frequencies are assumed to be available (1-30, 32-61) and split into two carrier layers: 1. 2. The BCCH carrier layer contains frequencies 1-18 that are dedicated for use as control carriers. The TCH carrier layer contains frequencies 19-30 and 32-61, for use as other carriers.

A single cell layer was used with no MRP, FH or DTX. No forbidden frequencies were considered.


Initial Network Configuration

The following figure shows the best server array for the initial network configuration:

A.2.1 Network before Site Reconfiguration

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Figure 23 - Initial Best Server Coverage The initial frequency allocations for the example were made using a simple 3*9 reuse pattern roughly applied to the sites in the network. The statistical reports detailing the performance of this allocation are shown in the following section. In summary: 11.45% of the area covered has a mean C/I of less than 12dB due to the worst individual interferer on the worst carrier.

Figure 24 - Initial Network Configuration

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7.24% of the area covered has a mean C/I of less than 12dB on an average connection, interference averaged across carriers.

Figure 25 - Average Connection Before ILSA planning Note: For a mean C/I of 12dB with a model of standard deviation 8dB one could expect 40% of calls to experience a C/I of worse than 9dB. A C/I is of 9dB is specified level for acceptable quality, as detailed in the ETSI GSM Standards.

A.2.2 Worst Interferer Array Statistics

Statistics shown are for interference levels greater than or equal to: [12dB].
TOTAL AREA (km): POOR QUALITY AREA [< 12 dB] (km): POOR QUALITY AREA [< 12 dB] (%): GOOD QUALITY AREA [>= 12 dB] (km): GOOD QUALITY AREA [>= 12 dB] (%): 5118.29 586.26 11.45 4532.03 88.55

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CATEGORY Industrial area Dense urban Urban Dense suburban Suburban Rural / Village centre Agricultural land Non agricultural land Semi natural vegetation Water features Wetlands Deciduous wood/forest Coniferous wood/forest Mixed wood/forest Isolated high-rise buildings Road/motorway junctions NO_CLUTTER

TOTAL AREA (km) 40.18 0.00 4.00 29.71 286.55 112.95 2395.81 110.61 98.22 1152.08 8.56 122.98 300.66 67.70 0.28 0.00 387.98

POOR QUALITY AREA (km) 0.73 0.00 0.12 0.71 17.98 9.35 226.06 3.98 5.33 201.96 0.26 9.20 26.11 5.20 0.01 0.00 79.25

POOR QUALITY AREA (%) 1.82 0.00 3.00 2.40 6.28 8.28 9.44 3.60 5.43 17.53 3.01 7.48 8.68 7.68 3.57 0.00 20.43

A.2.3 Average Connection Array Statistics

Statistics shown are for interference levels greater than or equal to: [12dB].
TOTAL AREA (km): POOR QUALITY AREA [< 12 dB] (km): POOR QUALITY AREA [< 12 dB] (%): GOOD QUALITY AREA [>= 12 dB] (km): GOOD QUALITY AREA [>= 12 dB] (%): 5118.29 370.63 7.24 4747.66 92.76

CATEGORY Industrial area Dense urban Urban Dense suburban Suburban Rural / Village centre Agricultural land Non agricultural land Semi natural vegetation Water features Wetlands Deciduous wood/forest Coniferous wood/forest Mixed wood/forest Isolated high-rise buildings Road/motorway junctions NO_CLUTTER

TOTAL AREA (km) 40.18 0.00 4.00 29.71 286.55 112.95 2395.81 110.61 98.22 1152.08 8.56 122.98 300.66 67.70 0.28 0.00 387.98

POOR QUALITY AREA (km) 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.15 8.12 5.04 108.59 1.02 1.65 147.71 0.23 4.49 12.17 2.17 0.00 0.00 78.97

POOR QUALITY AREA (%) 0.74 0.00 0.06 0.50 2.83 4.47 4.53 0.92 1.68 12.82 2.72 3.65 4.05 3.21 0.00 0.00 20.36


Network Retune
The figure below shows the coverage for a small part of the region after the new sites have been added and sectorisations carried out. No predictions are missing and the coverage from the all the sites is sensible.

A.3.1 Network after Site Reconfiguration

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Figure 26 - Best Server Coverage after Additions/Sectorisations

A.3.2 Frequency Planning Process

Creating the Prerequisites The propagation model had already been tuned, predictions existed for the sites involved and a best server array created. The available frequencies and frequency allocation strategy had been set-up according to the multiple carrier layer and frequency banding technique previously described. The current frequency allocations were not actually required since we are creating a completely new plan. The neighbours were generated with the Neighbour Analysis tool. They were examined and are assumed to be correct. No exceptions were used. A traffic raster was generated and the Traffic Analysis tool used to calculate the required number of carriers. 1200 Erlangs were spread over the region considered, and a total of 274 carriers were calculated to be required over the 34 sites an average of 3 per cell (between 1 and 7 carriers were required per Sub-cell). The Channel to Carrier map used was the Standard_GSM mapping, provided with ASSET. The Interference Table Wizard was then used to generate an interference table. This table assumed that a real C/I of 9dB corresponds to the point when interference becomes significant, and that the C/I is subject to a Gaussian distribution with a standard deviation of 7.8dB. Setting Up the Plan Since the aim is to create an entirely new retune of the region, create new plan was selected in the ILSA plan type page. Using the Cost Matrix Wizard, a cost matrix was created using the following settings: P-TN-010-DO-001 Commercial-in-Confidence Page 49

The All Filter was selected to plan all the sites within the database Both the BCCH and TCH carrier layers of the GSM900 cell layer were included in the plan Since a completely new plan was required the retune of fixed carriers was allowed with a cost set to 0 Finally a weight of 3 was assigned to the BCCH carrier layer, as opposed to 1 for the TCH carrier layer

In this example the values used are the default values for the separation costs, except for the forbidden carriers cost. As we want an entirely new plan this has been set to 0. In the example the cost matrix was set to aim for a minimum separation of 3, 2, 1 and 0 respectively for cells, sites, neighbours and 2nd order neighbours, for both BCCH and TCH carrier layers. Preferences were allocated as above for the BCCH carrier layer, and a preference for a carrier separation of 1 between 2nd order neighbours was set in the TCH carrier layer, broken at a cost of 50. In the example no manual editing of costs was carried out. We also chose to minimise the interference by traffic only. This should enable the tool to pay additional attention to high traffic areas, i.e. urban areas will be more important than rural areas. In the example ILSA was allowed to run for approximately 4000 iterations, until the cost of the plan had become approximately stable. It is interesting to note from the graph how steep the initial improvement is in the cost, as the separation constraints are swiftly solved. The statistics were deemed acceptable, and the plan Applied to the database. The statistical analysis of the frequency plan from the example are given the following section.

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In summary: 3.66% of the area covered has a mean C/I of less than 12dB due to the worst individual interferer on the worst carrier.

Figure 27 - Worst Interferer Array after ILSA Planning 0.29% of the area covered has a mean C/I of less than 12dB on an average connection, averaged across carriers.

Figure 28 - Average Connection After ILSA Planning

A.3.3 Worst Interferer Array Statistics

Statistics shown are for interference levels greater than or equal to: [12dB].

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TOTAL AREA (km): POOR QUALITY AREA [< 12 dB] (km): POOR QUALITY AREA [< 12 dB] (%): GOOD QUALITY AREA [>= 12 dB] (km): GOOD QUALITY AREA [>= 12 dB] (%):

4774.77 174.67 3.66 4600.10 96.34

CATEGORY Industrial area Dense urban Urban Dense suburban Suburban Rural / Village centre Agricultural land Non agricultural land Semi natural vegetation Water features Wetlands Deciduous wood/forest Coniferous wood/forest Mixed wood/forest Isolated high-rise buildings Road/motorway junctions NO_CLUTTER

TOTAL AREA (km) 38.67 0.00 4.01 29.09 278.49 105.35 2300.15 107.92 92.06 1044.54 8.05 119.96 316.73 62.32 0.27 0.00 267.15

POOR QUALITY AREA (km) 0.09 0.00 0.01 0.01 1.39 1.14 34.41 0.52 0.67 126.43 0.00 1.40 6.98 1.62 0.00 0.00 0.00

POOR QUALITY AREA (%) 0.24 0.00 0.12 0.03 0.50 1.08 1.50 0.48 0.73 12.10 0.00 1.17 2.20 2.61 0.00 0.00 0.00

A.3.4 Average Connection Array Statistics

Statistics shown are for interference levels greater than or equal to: [12dB].
TOTAL AREA (km): POOR QUALITY AREA [< 12 dB] (km): POOR QUALITY AREA [< 12 dB] (%): GOOD QUALITY AREA [>= 12 dB] (km): GOOD QUALITY AREA [>= 12 dB] (%): 4774.77 14.01 0.29 4760.76 99.71

CATEGORY Industrial area Dense urban Urban Dense suburban Suburban Rural / Village centre Agricultural land Non agricultural land Semi natural vegetation Water features Wetlands Deciduous wood/forest Coniferous wood/forest Mixed wood/forest Isolated high-rise buildings Road/motorway junctions NO_CLUTTER

TOTAL AREA (km) 38.67 0.00 4.01 29.09 278.49 105.35 2300.15 107.92 92.06 1044.54 8.05 119.96 316.73 62.32 0.27 0.00 267.15

POOR QUALITY AREA (km) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.06 2.29 0.01 0.02 10.47 0.00 0.05 0.74 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00

POOR QUALITY AREA (%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.06 0.10 0.01 0.02 1.00 0.00 0.04 0.23 0.49 0.00 0.00 0.00

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Planning Summary
The following table indicates the frequency plan performance before and after running the frequency planner. Description Worst Interferer Good Quality Area Worst Connection Good Quality Area Before 88.55 % 92.76 % After 96.34 % 99.71 % Improvement 8.8 % 7.5 %

These results indicate a significant improvement especially considering only 4000 iterations of the AFP were needed.

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Appendix B - Table of Figures

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 12 Figure 13 Figure 14 Figure 15 Figure 16 Figure 17 Figure 18 Figure 19 Figure 20 Figure 21 Figure 22 Figure 23 Figure 24 Figure 25 Figure 26 Figure 27 Figure 28 Highlevel Flow Chart of ILSA Planning Process........................................................4 Flow of Data within the ILSA Planning Process (Neglecting Neighbour Generation) .................................................................................................................5 Flow Charts Showing Possible Routes for the Generation of Neighbours ................13 Flow Charts Showing Traffic Raster and Required Carriers Generation ..................15 Flow Chart Showing Interference Table Generation Process....................................16 Default Interference Weights ....................................................................................17 Interference Weights 9dB Rejection ......................................................................18 Interference Weights 9dB Rejection (Close Up).......................................................18 ILSA Options Page ...................................................................................................19 ILSA Plan Type Page................................................................................................20 ILSA Interference Table Page...................................................................................21 ILSA FH, DTX and Groups Page .............................................................................23 ILSA Cost Matrix Page.............................................................................................25 Cost Matrix Wizard Page 1....................................................................................26 Cost Matrix Wizard Page 2....................................................................................29 Cost Matrix Wizard Page 3....................................................................................30 Carrier Costs dialog box ...........................................................................................32 Separation Costs Dialog box.....................................................................................33 ILSA Plan List Page..................................................................................................34 ILSA Run Time Display ...........................................................................................35 ILSA Run Time Graph..............................................................................................36 ILSA Carrier Assignment Page.................................................................................38 Initial Best Server Coverage .....................................................................................46 Initial Network Configuration...................................................................................46 Average Connection Before ILSA planning .............................................................47 Best Server Coverage after Additions/Sectorisations................................................49 Worst Interferer Array after ILSA Planning .............................................................51 Average Connection After ILSA Planning................................................................51

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Appendix C - Table of FAQs

FAQ 1 FAQ 2 FAQ 3 FAQ 4 FAQ 5 FAQ 6 FAQ 7 FAQ 8 FAQ 9 FAQ 10 FAQ 11 FAQ 12 FAQ 13 FAQ 14 FAQ 15 FAQ 16 FAQ 17 FAQ 18 FAQ 19 FAQ 20 FAQ 21 FAQ 22 FAQ 23 FAQ 24 FAQ 25 FAQ 26 FAQ 27 FAQ 28 FAQ 29 FAQ 30 FAQ 31 FAQ 32 FAQ 33 FAQ 34 FAQ 35 FAQ 36 FAQ 37 FAQ 38 FAQ 39 FAQ 40 Which propagation model should I use? .....................................................................7 How can you tell if the wrong model has been added to a site?..................................8 What in the ILSA Planning process will be affected by the accuracy of the propagation model?.....................................................................................................8 What action can be taken if you have no confidence in your current propagation model?.........................................................................................................................9 What resolution and radius of predictions should be used with ILSA?.......................9 How should I set up my best server array for the ILSA planning process?.................9 What parameters in the site database affect the predictions from a site? ....................9 What Parameters in the site database affect the frequency allocation strategy?........12 How is the mapping between the average C/I and the percentage traffic/area affected stored? .........................................................................................................16 How does the Interference Table Wizard generate the adjacent channel interference weights? ................................................................................................17 What values can the Interference Weights table have? .............................................17 When should you create a new plan and when should you load the existing plan from the database? ....................................................................................................20 When should you not use the interference table? ......................................................22 When should you use traffic to plan with, when area and when a combination of the two?.....................................................................................................................22 When should Frequency Diversity Gain be used?.....................................................23 How is the frequency hopping gain calculated and considered with ILSA? What is the difference in gain between base-band and synthesised hopping? ....................24 When should DTX load factors be used?..................................................................24 When should Group Planning be used? ....................................................................24 What happens if a site is identified by multiple site filters?......................................27 How would I re-plan in a localised area? ..................................................................27 When to include/ignore filter/cell layer/carrier layer combinations? ........................28 When to allow the re-tuning of fixed carriers?..........................................................28 When to use weightings? ..........................................................................................28 Why are the costs so high?........................................................................................30 Should the costs change in different circumstances? ................................................30 How were the default costs arrived at? .....................................................................30 If a constraint is broken by more than one what is the cost? ..................................31 What are the separation constraints between exceptions?.........................................31 What is the cost if more than one constraint applies to a separation? .......................32 Why Edit the Carrier Costs? .....................................................................................33 Why are Weights included in the Carrier Costs dialog box when they only apply to separations? ..........................................................................................................33 Why cant I assign a carrier cost to all the possible carriers? ...................................33 Why edit Separations? ..............................................................................................34 When would you use the plan/read only/ignore options?..........................................35 Why would ILSA stop of its own accord? ................................................................37 Why does the Worst Interference sometimes increase with time? ............................38 How long should ILSA be left running? ...................................................................38 Why have only alternate carriers been assigned even though I have a contiguous band of carriers? .......................................................................................................40 What carrier allocation distribution should I expect? ...............................................40 How do I interpret the interference values? ..............................................................40 Page 57

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FAQ 41 -

My plan uses frequency hopping but when I create the interference array, my results arent as good as Id expected why? ...........................................................40

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Appendix D - Glossary of Terms

AFP TA BCCH C/I CW DTX EiRP FH GSM ILSA MRP PA VAF TCH TRX Automatic/Advanced Frequency Planning Timing Advance Broadcast Control Channel in this context referring to the entire carrier containing the BCCH Carrier to Interferer ratio in this case the interference is considered as either cochannel or adjacent channel (which has been offset to co-channel equivalence) Carrier/Continuous Wave Discontinuous Transmission Effective isotropic Radiated Power Frequency Hopping Global System for Mobile communications Intelligent Local Search Algorithm Multiple Reuse Patterns Power Amplifier Voice Activity Factor Traffic Channel in this context referring to carriers not containing the BCCH Transmitter / Receiver

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