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Two Year Full-Time Post Graduate Diploma in Management Trimester V Course Code: 511 Academic Session: 2010-2011 Course Title: Total Quality Management & Six Sigma Instructor: Prof. S. K. Jain

COURSE CONTENTS: Module No.Sessions 1 1-3 Topic & Reading/s Conceptual Framework 1. 2. 3. 4. Cases: Chaotic Management, & Blind Alley of a CEO, Total Quality Management, S.K. Mandal Building quality through Quality at Gerber TQM By James R. Evans Quality as a management Philosophy. Concept of Customer Driven Quality. Employee Involvement. Customer satisfaction. Supplier Partnership Leadership concepts The 7 Habits of Highly effective people By Stephen R. Covey Barriers to TQM

Readings: Total Quality Management, Dale H. Besterfield, Carol Basterfield-Michna Editon 2003 (reprint 2010) Published by Pearson Education Part 1 nd Total Quality, James R Evans, 2 Indian Ed. 2005( Reprinted 2010), Ch 1, pp 129. Operations Management, Chase, Aquilano & Jacobs, Ch 6 Total Quality Management, R. Rama Krishnan Why Total Quality Management Programs Do not Persist: The Role of Management Quality and Implications for Leading a TQM Transformation; Michael Beer, Decision Sciences, Volume 34 Number 4, Fall 2003. Too Much or Too Little Ambiguity: The Language of Total Quality Management, Mihaela Kelemen, Journal of Management Studies 37:4. June 2000, 0022-2380.


Evaluation of Quality Management & Quality

Gurus, Deming, Juran

1) National and International Quality Awards. Deming 14 points, Juran Triology, The Deming Cycle. 2) PDSA cycle 5S, Kaizen concept & Methdology. 3) Improvement as management function. Innovation, Kaizen. Concept of Continuous Improvement, Quality Circles, Total Quality Control, JIT and other process improvement systems. Case Discussions. Cases: Readings: Art of Managing By S.K Mandal For whom the Bell Tolls! Case of the Rotary Compressor By James R. Evans

The Management and Control of Quality, James & William, Ch 3, Ch 4 Management Guide to Quality and Productivity, John Bicheno, Pt_1 OM Chase and Aquilano Ch 6, Ch. 4 MIT Sloan Management Review Summer 2001, Pg 20

A Team approach to Kaizen, Journal of Industrial Technology, Glenn Gee, Phil Mc Grath and Mahyar Izadi, (Fall 1996): pp 45-48.


Setting Quality Standards 8. 9. 10. Readings: Performance Measures, Benchmarking for Continuous Improvement, Reengineering ISO 9000 & 14000 Standards Case Discussions

TQM, Dale H Besterfield, Part 2 Ch 10, 18 OM, Chase & Aquilano Ch 6 Total Quality Management, R. Rama Krishnan Productivity and Quality, V. Upadhyay and others.


Measuring and Reinforcing Quality 11. 12. 13. 14. Concept of Statistical Quality Control and its usages in controlling quality. Flowcharts, Histograms, Pareto diagrams and Ishikawa Diagram, Poka- Yoke. X bar charts, R charts and there usage and controlling quality. Interpretation of these charts. Basic understanding of Process capability as related to statistical process control.

Case Discussions 1. Statistic in Practice 1 & 2, Total quality Management, S. K. Mandal

Exercises: Exercises on SPC, X bar and R Charts, P Charts Readings:

Management and Control of Quality, James R Evans, Ch.13 OM, Roberta & Bernard Ch. 15 Quality Management, Howard Gitlow Part III, Ch. 5, 6, 7 & 8 Total Quality Management, R. Rama Krishnan Implementation of TQM in the Service Sector. Case Study, TQM by P N Mukherjee, pp 380 Sullivan, L.P. (1984), Reducing Variability: A New Approach to Quality: Quality Progress, July, pp 15-21.


Six Sigma Systems 15. 16. 17. Introduction to six sigma and its Benefits. Infrastructure of six sigma Process power: the five steps of Six Sigma. Process management, the infrastructure for six-sigma leadership. 18. 19. Readings: The Ultimate Six Sigma: Keki R Bhote, 1 Ed. 2007, PHI.

Putting people power into practice. Preparing Black Belt and other key roles Advanced six sigma Quality tools, QFD, SPC, Six sigma DMAIC Methodology

The Six Sigma Way Peter, Robert, Roland and Cavanagh (Pg: 11-13, 35-36, 41-48, 51-65, 117-129, 335) Design for Six Sigma, C M Creveling, Slutsky and D Antis Total Quality Management, R. Rama Krishnan Quality Function Deployment- A Practitioners Approach, Brosset L James, and Milwaukee, WI: ASQC Quality Press, 1991. The Power of Six Sigma, Subir Chowdhury; Pearson Education (Singapore) Pte. Ltd 2001.

Cases: Statistics in Practice 1. M/S REC Refrigeration Manufacturing Company PEDAGOGY: Besides Lectures, the concepts shall be reinforced through class discussions of the assigned Cases / Readings/ Articles listed above. All students are required to read them in advance and come prepared for active participation and constant evaluation. Teaching shall be supplemented by Individual / Group assignments. Live project shall be assigned to each group to experience real life situation. All group assignments / Projects shall be presented to have the benefit of knowledge sharing.

EVALUATION PARAMETERS: End Term Examination Assignments, Case discussions, test, and participation 10 10 10 60% 40%

Individual / Group Assignments Class Participation / Attendance Case Discussions / Mid-Term test 10 Live-Project LEARNING RESOURCES: 1. Recommended additional readings:

Total Quality Management: Dale H Besterfield, Glan and Mary, 3rd Asian Ed. 2004, Pearson Education. Total quality management, S. K. Mandal Total Quality Management, P N Mukherjee, 1 Ed. 2006, PHI. Total Quality, Management, Organisation and Quality, 2
nd st

ED. 2006, Thomson Pub.


Total Quality Management, Principles and Practice, Dr. S K Mandal, 1 Ed. 2005, Vikas Pub. House Ltd. Quality Management, Tools and Methods for improvement, 2 Oppenheium, Irwin
th nd

ed. Howard Gitlow, Alan Oppenheium, Roso

The Management and Control of Quality, 4 ed., James R Evans, William M Lindsay, South Western College Pub. The Ultimate Six Sigma: Keki R Bhote, Indian reprint 2007, PHI. The Six Sigma Way, Peter S Pande, Robert P Neuman, Roland R Cavanagh, McGraw Hill Pub. Design for Six Sigma, C M Creveling, J L Slutsky, D Antis Jr., Pearson Ed.

Total Quality Management , Second Edition, Nagrajan R.S, Arivalagar A.S.- Published by New Age International (p) Ltd. 2. Handouts and other reading materials will be provided as and when required.


Two Year Full Time Post Graduate Programme in Management Trimester - IV Course Code: 513 Academic Session: 2010-11 Course Title: Supply Chain Management Faculty : Prof. S.K. Jain

. Topics

Number of Session

Module-1 Introduction Nature, Evaluation, Concepts of Supply Chain Management and its Contribution 2 Sessions D.K Agrawal., Edition 2010, Mcmillan Publishers Sunil Chopra, Peter Meindl, D.V Kalra By Pearson, 2006 Edition (Reprint 2009) Supply Chain Management By Janat shah By Pearson Education Article review: Sengupta, (2004), The top Ten Supply Chain Mistakes, Supply Chain Management review, July Project: Constitution of groups and finalization of real life project Module-2 Strategic Role of Supply Chain Management and its Perspective as a Value Chain, Supply Chain Effectiveness and Indian Infrastructure 2 Sessions Article Review: ANDERESON, BREITT, and FAVRE,(1997) The Seven Principles of Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Management Review, April Module-3: Customer value, Customer services, Push Pull Strategy and Gap analysis and Measurement of customer service 2 Sessions Case Study: Reseller service standard in the automobile industry, Supply Chain management, D.K. Agarwal Article Review: Haeckel and Nolan, (1996), "Managing by Wire: Using IT to Transform a Business from "Make-and-Sell" to "Sense-and-Respond, " Competing in the Information Age: Strategic Alignment in Practice, edited by Jerry N. Luflman, Oxford University Press, Inc. New York.

Madule-4 Inventory management 3 Sessions Characteristic and function of inventory in SCM, EOQ, ABC & VED analysis. Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) Bullwhip Effect, Effective demand forecasting and demand management including, JIT system, Reverse Logistics : Simchi-Levi et al Chopra & Meindl: D..K Agrawal Janat Shah Article Review: I. Abernathy, Dunlop, Hammond, and David, (2000), "Control Your Inventory in a world of Lean Retailing" Harvard Business Review, November-December. 2. Lee, Padmanabhan and Whang (1997), "The Bullwhip Effect In Supply Chains, " Sloan Management Review/Spring.

Module-5 Sourcing Strategies and Vendor Evaluation, Vendor Risk Portfolio, Vendor Rating, Development, Procurement management Tendering process and Transportation Article Review: "Strategic Supplier Segmentation: The Next Best Practice in Supply Chain," California management Review, October, 1998.

3 Sessions

Module -6: Warehousing and Transportation Chapter7,8 Supply Chain Management By D.K Agrawal

2 Sessions

Module-7: Supply Chain Integration and Synchronization using Information Technology Flow of information, goods and value across value chain; SCM system components; Coordinated product and supply. chain design; Role of supply chain information technology; IT infrastructure; Integrating supply chain information technology. Case Study: Integrated logistics management system, Page 590, Supply chain management, Sunil Chopra, Peter meindl Article Review: 1. Lee, (2000), "Creating Value through Supply Chain Integration," Supply Chain Management Review, September 2. BOWERSOX, CLOSS, and DRAYER, (2005) "The Digital Transformation: Technology and Beyond," Supply Chain Management Review January Case: Global capacity expansion of two Korean car makers

2 Sessions

Module-8 Introduction, Dimension, and Tools of performance measurement, SCOR Model, Impediments to improve performance 2 Sessions

Efficient consumer response; Demand chain management; Article Review: 1. POIRIER and QUINN, (2003), "A Survey of Supply Chain Progress," Supply Chain Management Review September. 2. POIRIER and QUINN, (2004), "How Are We Doing?: A Survey of Supply Chain Progress," Supply Chain Management Review, November. Presentation of Real Life project Public Distribution Supply Chain of cereals of Government of India (2 session)

Cases from Supply Chain Management by D.K Agrawal 1. Strategic Supply chain Management in Dynamic and emerging Business Scenario 2. Benchmarking Supply Chain practices in FMCG Industry 3. Is Retail Romance over? 4. Customer serviced strategy: An Audit of Indian Consumer durable Industry

5. Supply chain Management in Indian Auto Component Industry 6. Kurlon Limited 7. Vehicle Routing at Baroda Union 8. Managing Tendupatta Collection operations 9. Supply chain management at Dalmia Cement Ltd. 10. Marico Industries: mySAP Supply chain Management 11. Subhiksha : Managing Store operations

PEDAGOGY: Besides Lectures, the concepts shall be reinforced through class discussions of the assigned Cases / Readings/ Articles listed above. All students are required to read them in advance and come prepared for active participation and constant evaluation. Teaching shall be supplemented by Individual / Group assignments. Live project shall be assigned to each group to experience real life situation. All group assignments / Projects shall be presented to have the benefit of knowledge sharing.

EVALUATION PARAMETERS: End Term Examination Assignments, Case discussions, test, and participation Individual / Group Assignments Class Participation / Attendance Case Discussions / Mid-Term test Live-Project 10 10 10 10 60% 40%

The Teaching Methodology is blend of the following approaches: 1. Interactive lectures 2. Case Studies 3. Assignments (Individual as well as Group) 4. Project* 5. Article review** * Real life project would be given at the start of the trimester. In the project, groups are required to study supply chain strategies and practices, process integration, relationships with supply chain participants and extent of use of infonnation technology. And all group assignments should be submitted with reference to the company under project study. Assignments will be submitted by participants in the first class of next module or as per schedules announced by the faculty. Projects will be colleted a week before the close of the trimester following viva-voce. Every class would start with question session on earlier discussions for about 10 minute. ** Seven research articles would be given during the trimester for review Apart from the topics outlined in the course content, there is profound emphasis on: . Awareness about recent trends in the supply chain management Scenario . a constant watch on Journals, Business Magazines etc.

Evaluation 1. End Term Written test 2. Class Term Test 2. Individual Assignments 3. Project 4. Active Class participation& attendence 6. Case Study TOTAL

Marks 60 5 5 15 10 5 100

Recommended Reading 1. Simchi-Levi, David et al (2007), "Designing & Managing the Supply Chain"Tata McGraw-Hill, Delhi . 2. Sunil Chopra & Peter Meindl, (2003) "Supply Chain Management" Pearson Education. 3. D.K. Agrawal, (2003) "Logistics & Supply Chain Management" MacMillan India Ltd. . 4. Arjan J Van Weele, (2000) "Purchasing & Supply Chain Management:Analysis, Planning And Practice" Thomson Learning, Vikas Publishing House 5. Westland & Clark (2001), "Global Electronic Commerce" Universities Press, Hydrabad. 6. Coyle, Bardi, Langley, The Management of Business Logistics, Thompson, 2006 7. Kim Bowon, Mastering business in Asia Supply Chain Management, John Wiley, 2005

8. Shapiro Jeremy, Modelling the supply chain, Thomson, 2007 9. Bowersox, Closs, Cooper, Supply chain logistics management, McGraw Hill 2008 10. Deshmukh and Mohanthy, Supply Chain Management theories and practices Bitzantra, 2005

Supply Chain Management Readings 1. New prospects for corporate customers. By: Bielski, Lauren. ABA Banking Journal, Jan2008, Vol. 100 Issue 1, p41-43, 3p, 2c; (AN 28459392) 2. Balanced and synchronized ordering in supply chains. By: Ki Ling Cheung; Sheng Hao Zhang. IIE Transactions, Jan2008, Vol. 40 Issue 1, p1-11, 11p, 6 charts, 2 diagrams; DOI: 10.1080/07408170701245338; (AN 27394985) 3. LEVERAGE SUPPLY CHAIN INNOVATION. By: Krabbe, Mike. Industrial Engineer: IE, Dec2007, Vol. 39 Issue 12, p26-30, 5p, 5c; (AN 27583732) 4. Supply Chain Relationships and Contracts: The Impact of Repeated Interaction on Capacity Investment and Procurement. By: Taylor, Terry A.; Plambeck, Erica L.. Management Science, Oct2007, Vol. 53 Issue 10, p1577-1593, 17p, 2 graphs; (AN 27051328) 5. The Emerging Global Direct Distribution Business Model: Industry and Research Opportunities. By: Shong-Iee Ivan Su. Transportation Journal, Fall2007, Vol. 46 Issue 4, p58-65, 8p; (AN 27465060) 6. Supply Chain Issues in Knowledge-based Service Industries: Discussion. By: Shah, Janat. IIMB Management Review, Jun2007, Vol. 19 Issue 2, p173-188, 16p, 2 charts, 5 diagrams, 1 graph; (AN 25555337) 7. Optimal model for warehouse location and retailer allocation. By: Gill, Avninder; Ishaq Bhatti, M.. Applied Stochastic Models in Business & Industry, May/Jun2007, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p213-221, 9p, 2 charts, 2 diagrams; (AN 25200715) 8. Strategic Spot Trading in Supply Chains. By: Mendelson, Haim; Tunca, Tunay I.. Management Science, May2007, Vol. 53 Issue 5, p742-759, 18p, 1 diagram, 3 graphs; (AN 25049885) 9. The Strategic Perils of Delayed Differentiation. By: Anand, Krishnan S.; Girotra, Karan. Management Science, May2007, Vol. 53 Issue 5, p697-712, 16p, 9 charts, 4 diagrams, 4 graphs; (AN 25049635 10. HOW SOX and C-TPAT Impact Global Supply Chain Security. By: McGhee, Mitch; Giermanski, Jim. Strategic Finance, Apr2007, Vol. 88 Issue 10, p33-38, 6p, 1 chart; (AN 24481988) 11. The Horizontal Scope of the Firm: Organizational Tradeoffs vs. Buyer-Supplier Relationships. By: Chatain, Olivier; Zemsky, Peter. Management Science, Apr2007, Vol. 53 Issue 4, p550-565, 16p, 6 charts, 3 graphs; (AN 24697682) 12. THE IMPACT OF CULTURE ON THE GENERATION OF TRUST IN GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN RELATIONSHIPS. By: Ueltschy, Linda C.; Ueltschy, Monique L.; Fachinelli, Ana Christina. Marketing Management Journal, Spring2007, Vol. 17 Issue 1, p15-26, 12p; (AN 25657488) 13. COMBINATORIAL AUCTION BASED COLLABORATIVE PROCUREMENT. By: Jin Ho Choi; Ingoo Han. Journal of Computer Information Systems, Spring2007, Vol. 47 Issue 3, p118-127, 10p; (AN 25144342) 14. Demand network alignment: aligning the physical, informational and relationship issues in supply chains. By: Kehoe, D. F.; Dani, S.; Sharifi, H.; Burns, N. D.; Backhouse, C. J.. International Journal of Production Research, 3/1/2007, Vol. 45 Issue 5, p1141-1160, 20p, 1 chart, 5 diagrams; DOI: 10.1080/00207540600635219; (AN 24155414)


By: Garca-Dastugue, Sebastiin J.; Lambert, Douglas M.. Journal of Business Logistics, 2007, Vol. 28 Issue 1, p57-81, 25p; (AN 25259815) 16. Pushing Quality Improvement Along Supply Chains. By: Kaijie Zhu; Zhang, Rachel Q.; Fugee Tsung. Management Science, Mar2007, Vol. 53 Issue 3, p421-436, 16p, 1 diagram, 10 graphs; (AN 24444798) 17. A New Framework for Service Supply Chains. By: Baltacioglu, Tuncdan; Ada, Erhan; Kaplan, Melike D.; Yurt, Oznur; Kaplan, Y. Cem. Service Industries Journal, Mar2007, Vol. 27 Issue 2, p105-124, 20p, 3 diagrams; DOI: 10.1080/02642060601122629; (AN 24325582) 18. SUPPLY CHAIN COORDINATION WITH CONTRACTS GAME BETWEEN COMPLEMENTARY SUPPLIERS. By: DING, DING; CHEN, JIAN. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, Mar2007, Vol. 6 Issue 1, p163-175, 13p, 1 chart, 3 diagrams, 1 graph; (AN 24498516) 19. <i d="buh" i="245 Strategic Outsourcing Decisions for Manufacturers that Produce Partially Substitutable Products in a Quantity-Setting Duopoly Situation. By: Xiao, Tiaojun; Xia, Yusen; Zhang, G. Peter. Decision Sciences, Feb2007, Vol. 38 Issue 1, p81-106, 26p, 6 charts, 3 graphs; DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-5915.2007.00149.x; (AN 24500761) 20. <i d="buh" i="245 The Severity of Supply Chain Disruptions: Design Characteristics and Mitigation Capabilities. By: Craighead, Christopher W.; Blackhurst, Jennifer; Rungtusanatham, M. Johnny; Handfield, Robert B.. Decision Sciences, Feb2007, Vol. 38 Issue 1, p131-156, 26p, 2 charts, 2 diagrams; DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-5915.2007.00151.x; (AN 24500759) 21. Dynamic Assortment with Demand Learning for Seasonal Consumer Goods. By: Caro, Felipe; Gallien, Jrmie. Management Science, Feb2007, Vol. 53 Issue 2, p276-292, 17p, 5 charts, 1 diagram, 1 illustration, 1 graph; (AN 24272627) 22. Supply chain management and environmental technologies: the role of integration. By: Vachon, S.; Klassen, R. D.. International Journal of Production Research, 1/15/2007, Vol. 45 Issue 2, p401-423, 23p, 5 charts, 1 diagram; DOI: 10.1080/00207540600597781; (AN 24155432) 23. INTRA-ORGANIZATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON IT-ENABLED SUPPLY CHAINS. By: Singh, Nitin; Kee-hung Lai; Chen, T. C. E.. Communications of the ACM, Jan2007, Vol. 50 Issue 1, p59-65, 7p, 1 diagram; (AN 23617901) 24. Piloting RFID Along the Supply Chain: A Case Analysis. By: Loebbecke, Claudia. Electronic Markets, Jan2007, Vol. 17 Issue 1, p29-38, 10p, 1 chart, 3 diagrams; DOI: 10.1080/10196780601136773; (AN 24153807) 25. Establishment of a customer-oriented model for demand chain management. By: MingHon Hwang; Hsin Rau. Human Systems Management, 2007, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p23-33, 11p, 4 charts, 2 diagrams; (AN 24417917) 26. Customer satisfaction measurement with neural network. By: Yao-Hung Hsieh; Lin, Chiuhsiang Joe; Chen, James C.. Human Systems Management, 2007, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p47-52, 6p, 7 charts, 1 diagram, 3 graphs; (AN 24417915) 27. A real-time mobile GIS based on the HBR-tree for location based services. By: Yun, JaeKwan; Kim, Dong-Oh; Hong, Dong-Suk; Kim, Moon Hae; Han, Ki-Joon. Computers & Industrial Engineering, Sep2006, Vol. 51 Issue 1, p58-71, 14p; DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2006.06.013; (AN 22581567) 28. INTEGRATING SUPPLIERS INTO NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT. By: Handfield, Robert B.; Lawson, Benn. Research Technology Management, Sep/Oct2007, Vol. 50 Issue 5, p44-51, 8p; (AN 26482241) 29. <i d="buh" i="251 Entrepreneurial Purchasing. By: Coulson-Thomas, Colin. Management Services, Spring2007, Vol. 51 Issue 1, p14-16, 3p; (AN 25188166)

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