Q.3) A. What Are Different System Architecture Types? Ans. 1.minicomputer Model

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Q.3) A. What are different system architecture types? Ans. 1.

Minicomputer Model:

-The minicomputer model is required when sharing of resources with the users who are remotely located, is desired. -It may be thought of as an extension to the centralised time showing system. -Each of the minicomputers has different users working simultaneously on it. This is done by using different terminals on the same node i.e. one node has multiple nodes. -In this scenario, each of the users logged on a specific node can access to another node to use or share the remote resources.

2. Workstation Model: -The workstation model for distributed computing system consist of various workstations. These workstations are interconnected by a communication network.

-It consists of N workstations interconnected by a communication network. Each workstation has its own disk, own CPU, and resources. -The workstation model is suitable for offices, companies, MNCs, universities, colleges or any organisation which has several workstations scattered throughout a campus. -The main idea behind workstation model is to interconnect all these workstations via a communication network or a high speed LAN so that a user can process his job on any idle workstation along with his own workstation to complete the work efficiently and effectively. -In this model, large amount of waste CPU time may be exploited effectively. -Examples of this model are sprite system, Xerox PARC experimental system.

3. Process Pool Model:

-Process pool model used when a user needs a very large amount of computing power for a short time. Example: recompiling a program consisting of large number os files. -In this model processors are pooled together to be shared by the user as and when needed. -A special server called Run server manages and allocates the processors to different terminals as and when needed. -No processor in the pool is directly attached to terminals. But the user accesses these processors from the terminals through some diskless workstations or graphic terminals. -The user submits the job, the run server assigns the required number of processors to the job submitted. When the job is completed, the processors are returned back to the pool for further use. -In this model there is no concept of home workstation. The user has the whole system, not the individual processors. -Examples of this model are Amoeba and the Cambridge distributed system.

Q.3)B. Describe bully & ring algorithm. Derive best and worst time complexities for both. Ans. Bully Algorithm: -Assumptions Each process knows the ID and address of every other process Communication is reliable -A process initiates an election if it just recovered from failure or it notices that the coordinator has failed. -Three types of messages: Election, OK, and Coordinator -Several processes can initiate an election simultaneously Need consistent result - Any process P can initiate an election - P sends Election messages to all process with higher Ids and awaits OK messages If no OK messages, P becomes coordinator and sends Coordinator messages to all processes with lower IDs If it receives an OK, it drops out and waits for an Coordinator message -If a process receives an Election message Immediately sends Coordinator message if it is the process with highest ID Otherwise, returns an OK and starts an election - If a process receives a Coordinator message, it treats sender as the coordinator.

Ring Algorithm: -Processes are arranged in a logical ring, each process knows the structure of the ring -A process initiates an election if it just recovered from failure or it notices that the coordinator has failed -Initiator sends Election message to closest downstream node that is alive Election message is forwarded around the ring Each process adds its own ID to the Election message

-When Election message comes back, initiator picks node with highest ID and sends a Coordinator message specifying the winner of the election Coordinator message is removed when it has circulated once. -Multiple elections can be in progress.

Comparison of Bully and Ring Algorithms: -Assume n processes and one election in progress -Bully algorithm Worst case: initiator is node with lowest ID -Triggers n2 elections at higher ranked nodes: O(n2) messages Best case: initiator is node with highest ID -Immediate election: n1 messages -Ring algorithm 2n messages always

Q.4)A. Difference between distributed OS, network OS & middleware. Ans. Item Degree of transparency Same OS on all nodes Number of copies of OS Basis for communication Resource management Scalability Openness Distributed OS High Yes N Messages Global, Distributed Moderately Closed Network OS Low No N Files Per node Yes Open Middleware High No N Model specific Per node Varies Open

Q.4)B. What are different types of architectural models? Ans. 1.Client Server Model: -Following fig. Illustrates a simple structure in which client process interacts with server process.

-A client interacts with individual server processes to access the shared resources. -The servers may be the clients of other servers. For Example, a web server is a client of a local file server. Also web servers and other internet services are clients of the DNS service.

2.Multiple-Server Model: -In this model services may be implemented as several server processes to provide a service to client processes as shown in fig.

-Several server processes interacting with each other to provide a service to the clients request. -The request is distributed among different servers, each execute the part of the request and interact with each other to produce a combined result. -For example Google search engine processes the user request and map on to several servers that have the database and then the combined result is represented to the user.

3.Web-Proxy Server: -In this model, cache is used that stores recently used objects. Whenever a new object is received at a computer, it is added to the cache. When the cache is full, the old object may be replaced by the new object based on some page replacement strategies. -When an object is needed by the client, the processor checks the cache memory and the object is supplied. If the object is not present in the cache, then the latest copy is fetched. -The web browser maintains a cache of recently visited web pages and the resources.

-The purpose of proxy servers is to increase availability and performance.

4.Peer Processes : -In this model there is no distinction between clients and servers. All the processes interact and cooperate each other as peers to perform any activity. -The code in the peer processes maintains consistency and synchronization as shown in fig.

-In the above architecture, three peer processes are shown. In general n number of peer processes can be interconnected so that they can interact with each other.

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