Green and Blue Newsletter Volume 2

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Talk given at PLKN Rawang


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The Nasi Lemak Bungkus Tale - Environmental Talk at National Service Camp, Rawang
Ever thought of how the story of Nasi Lemak can be a theme to talk about? Well, the Green and Blue Group has a way with and trainees of NS at Rawang were much indulged in the tale of Nasi Lemak bungkus. Dont simply throw the Nasi Lemak away if you were unable to finish the food, as the leftover would contaminate those recyclable items in the rubbish bins which increase the difficulties for the cleaners to do the separation job. On this day, our speakers Mr. Ng Chee Guan and Jaron Keng shared thoughts on sustainable development of urban life and how it link to our daily life. Apart from giving their precious views, both speakers also shared with trainees on the living condition of the Philippines who lived in landfills and also how the practice of waste separation helped people to make a living from recyclable resources. At Green and Blue, we are indeed proud to be minds openers of youth in practising waste separation at home. Wait no more, start today. You too make a difference. Great things start with a simple gesture and from a place you called home!

To promote a cleaner, healthier and sustainable urban living.

Green News


& Blue

The Green & Blue News Vol. 2/2012

Editors Note
by Choy Kim Lee Assistant Secretary

Dr. Wong Ruen Yuan President Ng Chee Guan Vice President Keng Zi Xiang Secretary Mandy Ong Treasurer Phoebe Lim Mei Yee Asst. Secretary Choy Kim Lee Asst. Secretary

Finally we have come to a conclusion session for the month of January, February and March! We have been receiving encouraging responses from the public who were aware of the nature of our NGO. Thus far, we have cooperated with Mr. Goh Hwee Hwa, the head of training instructor of National Service Camp in Rawang which houses 400 trainees. Besides that, we have also inspired the younger generation to practice waste separation at source in a local Tamil school in Kepong in a recent 3R talk. We hope to get in touch with more people and let them know about the environmental issues in Malaysia. This year, well focus on the issue of solid waste management and public awareness. Stay tune with our next volume, we have more interest topics to talk about! Hereby I would like to thank Irene Chua Teng Teng for dedicated her time to make the volume 2 to be produced attractively. Our Earth, Our Home.

Table of Content :
Editors Note

GnB Exhibition Booth at MSWME Seminar 3R at School GnB Event Calendar SPOT US!

2 3 4 5 6

Jean Wong Committee Member Irene Chua Teng Teng Member of Editorial Board

Exclusive Interview with DJ Athena, FM98,8

The Green & Blue News Vol. 2/2012

Do you know...
Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Act 2007
The New Policy
The Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Act was enforced since 1st September, year 2011. The main provisions under the Act are approval, licensing, charge, enforcement of any activity of controlled solid waste management and reduction and recovery of waste. At the moment, PPSPPA (Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Corporation) is carrying out monitoring and enforcement on the three waste concessionaires based on KPI. When the service provision by the waste concessionaires is upgraded to a certain level, new regulations will be introduced to the public with enforcement by PPSPPA. The roles of JPSPN include approval for the construction, alteration and closure of any waste treatment or disposal facility, issues license, introduction rules and regulations under the new Act and impose penalty/charge. Prior to any approval of new facilities, the proposal will undergo evaluation by a committee of technology assessment.

Jaron (left) is explaining the idea of waste separation project in University of Malaya

GnB Exhibition Booth at MSWME Seminar

In conjunction with the second Annual General Meeting of Malaysian Society of Waste Management and Environment (MSWME), the Green and Blue Group was invited to participate in the special seminar on Implementation and Challenges of Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Act 2007. Challenges The coverage for urban and rural areas are not balanced as services under the Act only focuses on the urban area. For rural area, communal bins are provided for the disposal of waste by bring collection system. Besides, the three waste concessionaires under the privatization scheme are responsible for household (residential waste only). The collection of other municipal solid waste (MSW) such as commercial waste, institutional waste, public area waste, etc is not included in the privatization scheme. On the other hands, the privatization scheme is only applicable for the collection of residential waste in all states in Peninsula Malaysia except Selangor, Penang and Perak. Operation of any waste disposal or treatment is hence not included in the privatization by monitored and regulated under the Act.

A group photo with Datuk Nazri

Bins: Waste Separation

The National Solid Waste Management Department (JPSPN) has recently promotes the notion of waste separation at source by distributing free 120L MGB to household in Kuala Lumpur. Since the Act fully enforced, JPSPN is adamant on implementing waste segregation at source system. A new waste collection system of 2+1 was proposed and is in trial in about 400 households in Putrajaya. The 2+1 collection system has two times collection of residual waste and one time collection of recyclable materials in a single week.

Moreover, there is a lack of waste disposal or treatment facilities which can lead to illegal dumping. In conclusion, solid waste management is a current social and environmental issue in Malaysia. The partial privatisation of MSW collection is important to improve the services provision and federalisation to regulate the entire management sector. JPSPN needs more multi disciplinary waste expertise to solve the outlined problem and challenges faced. The GnB as an environmental NGO has its role to play in disseminating correct information to public as mass.

The Green & Blue News Vol. 2/2012

Students enjoyed the story tell ing by Ng ver y much.

3R at School
Garbage, rubbish or waste has always been the evergreen topic to be shared, talk about when it comes to going green. Since our early young days as children at school, we were made well known and taught to not be a litterbug. Everyone is well aware that litter goes to the rubbish bin. Right? Recently, during the talk session with kids at SJK (T) Ladang Edinburgh, Kepong, the Green and Blue Group gained massive interest and response from the students to participate in the waste separation movement. Students of the school were responsive. T h ro u g h o u t t h e s e s s i o n , students were reminded of the 3R concepts. Reuse- reusable items. Reduce and minimize waste generated at home, and practice source separation at home. Speaker, Mr Ng suggested that school should only have 2 bins in each floor instead of 1 bin in each classroom. Let the 3 colour b i n s b e u t i l i z e , e n c o u ra g e students participation in practicing source separation in daily life. This awareness event was coorganised with Sathya Sai Baba Bhajan Kepong Unit.

Mr. Ng Chee Guan, the speaker.

The 3 colours bins have been promoted by the government to encourage the 3R Campaign since 10 years ago. Rather than putting it in some compounds as decoration, everyone should take a role in making use of these bins by doing separation at home, schools and public area.

The Green & Blue News Vol. 2/2012

GnB Events
Keep you updated with our activities

January 7
1st Monthly Meeting 5.30pm Location DWP Dental Surgeons

February 4
2nd Monthly Meeting 5.30pm Location DWP Dental Surgeons

March 3
3rd Monthly Meeting 5.30pm Location DWP Dental Surgeons

GnB Exhibition Booth at MSWME seminar on Solid Waste Management

Environmental Talk at PLKN 9am-11am Location: Rawang PLKN, Templers Park

Interview with FM98.8 Recipient of Like Award year 2012

Environmental Talk at SJK (T) Ladang Edinburgh 12.30pm-1.30pm Location: Kepong

Earth Hour

The Green & Blue News Vol. 2/2012

The GREEN facts


Sustainability is defined as Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs. Sustainability has 3 pillars: Environmental protection, economic development, and social equity. - Brundtland Report 1987, United Nations


Environmental Talks to Kids and Youth
The GnB visited the kids at a Tamil School and youth at National Service camp to give a talk on environmental issues...

MSWME Exhibiton
The GnB attended a seminar on S o l i d Wa s t e M a n a g e m e n t addressed by Datuk Nazri, the Secretary General of JPSPN...

Contact Us:

Interview session with DJ Athena

You liked us and heard us and YES we were on air...! The Green and Blue Group has been invited for an exclusive interview with Malaysias top chinese radio station FM98.8 to receive the Like Award 2011! Thank you, 98.8 and listeners! Missed this on the radio? Fret not! Spot us via video and podcast from our official website at



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