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Srishti Innovation (P) Ltd.

Total marks : 50 Max hours : 1 hrs

Multiple Choice
1. Every statement in C++ is terminated by a ____________ (a) : (b) ; (c) . (d) None of these (b) James Gosling (b) Array (c) Structure (c) Patric Naughton (d) Group (c) both (c) stdlib.h (c) stdlib.h (c) roll_no (c) high (d) 50 (d) 2 byte (d) 8 byte (d) low (d) None of these (d) process.h (d) None of these 2. C++ was developed by _______________ (a) Dennis Ritchie (a) Union 3. __________ is a collection of similar datatype elements. 4. C++ is a _____________ Language. (a) Procedure Oriented (a) iostream.h (a) stdio.h (a) 3a (a) medium (a) 32 (b) 42 (b) Object Oriented (b) conio.h (b) conio.h (b) roll no (b) short (c) 48 (c) 32769 (c) 4 byte 5. _______ is a header file included when using cout and cin 6. _________ is the header file included when using getch() and clrscr() (d) process.h (d) float 7. ________ is a valid variable name. 8. _________ is a keyword 9. In C++ language there are _________ keywords. 10. Maximum value that can be stored in an integer variable is _________. (a) 32767 (b) 32768 (a) 1 byte (b) 2 byte 11. _________ byte of memory is allocated when a float is declared.

12. Which is an exit controlled loop (a) for loop(b) while (a) 8 and 9 (b) 9 and 8 n=10; while(n>=0) n--; (a) 0 (a) CPP (b) 01 (c) 10 (d) none of the above (d) CLanguage 15. ________ is the extension of C++. (b) C (c) CLA 16. __________ mode is used for writing to a file. (a) ios::in (b) ios::out (a) pointer (b) structure (a) compiler (a) = (a) && (b) && (b) == (c) ios::app (d) none of these (c) array (d) union 17. _________ is used to store address of a variable. 18. __________ is used to translate high level language to machine language. (b) assembler (c) interpreter (d) none of these (c) == (c) ! (d) || (d) ! 19. __________ is a relational operator. 20. which is not a logical operator. (c) do while (c) 9 and 9 (d) switch (d) 8 and 8 13. if j=8 and k=j++ what will be the value of j and k 14. What will be the value of n.

Fill in the blanks

21. a=a+4 can be written as ________ 22. value of 4/5 is ________ 23. what will be output of the following code. int f=1;n=5; for (i=1;i<=n;i++) f=f*i; cout<<i;

24. What will be output of the following code. int x=1; while (x>=0) { x++; } Cout<<x; 25. what will be output of the following code. int n=23,r=0; while (n>=0) { r=r*10 +n%10; n=n/10; } Cout<<n; 26. __________ holds relative data elements together under a common name. 27. Last index of an array of n elements is _________. 28. In array datas are stored in _________ memory locations. 29. Structure members are accessed using ________________ operator. 30. for (i=1;i<=n;i++) f=f*I;cout<<f; What will be the value of f? 31. Strings in C++ are represented by array of ____ 32. _________ type of variable cannot be used in switch statement. 33. 1%5=___ 34. 2+5/2+3=___ 35. (287/300)*100 = ______ 36. If both conditions are true then true is returned using && operator. 37. Every statement in C++ is terminated by colon. 38. Advantage of using function is that code can be reused. 39. A character type data consumes 1 byte of memory. 40. = is a relational operator.

Communication Skills
41. What is next in the series . ABC, FGH,KLM, ____,UVW 42. This is ___ elephant (a/ an) 43. She went to school, ______ ( add proper question tag) 44. We prefer coffee ___ tea (to/than) 45. His Character and conduct ___ good (is/are).

Aptitude Question
46. If x=y=2z and xyz = 256 then what is the value of x? (a) 12 (b) 8 (c) 16 (d) 6 47. Pipe A can fill in 20 minutes and PipeB in 30 mins and Pipe C can empty the same in 40 mins. If all of them work together. Find the time taken to fill the tank. (a) 17 1/7 mins (b) 20 mins (c) 8 mins (d) None of these 48. Thirty men takes 20 days to complete a job working 9 hours a day. How many hour a day should 40 men work to complete the job? (a) 8 hrs (b) 7 hrs (c) 7 hrs (d) 9 hrs 49. A boat travels 20 kms upstream in 6 hrs and 18kms downstream in 4 hrs. Find the speed of the boat in still water and the speed of the water current? (a) kmph it can graze? (a) 38.5 sq.m (b) 155 sq.m (c) 144 sq.m (d) 19.25 sq.m (b) 7/12 kmph (c) 5 kmph (d) none of these 50. A goat is tied to one corner of a square plot of side 12 m by a rope 7 m long. Find the area

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