UBS Global Emerging Markets One-on-One Conference: November 2011

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UBS Global Emerging Markets One-on-One Conference

November 2011


This presentation may include declarations about Mills expectations regarding future events or results. All declarations based upon future expectations, rather than

historical facts, are subject to various risks and uncertainties. Mills cannot guarantee that such declarations will prove to be correct. These risks and uncertainties include factors related to the following: the Brazilian economy, capital markets, infrastructure,

real estate and oil & gas sectors, among others, and governmental rules, that are
subject to change without previous notice. To obtain further information on factors that may give rise to results different from those forecast by Mills, please consult the reports filed with the Brazilian Comisso de Valores Mobilirios (CVM).


Executive Summary Mills divisions

Financial performance

Growth plan

Mills at a Glance
Uncontested market leader in providing temporary concrete formwork and tubular structures in the Brazilian market One of the major players in the industrial services and motorized access equipment Long-term relationship with the major companies in the sector

Superior capacity and scale, scope of services and market coverage

4 divisions: Heavy Construction Industrial Services



Mills Financial performance per division

3Q11 LTM1 Financial highlights per division
R$ million
% Total


EBITDA Margin (%)

ROIC (%)






% Total



21% 37% 12% 26%


11.0% 13.7%





1 3Q11

LTM Last twelve months ended September 30, 2011


Executive Summary Mills divisions

Financial performance

Growth plan

Heavy Construction Division

Piloni Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Heavy Construction division

Focus on large and complex infrastructure projects Products: Engineering solutions and equipment rental: formwork and shoring Planning, design, technical supervision, equipment and related services Market leader Extensive track record with 59 years of experience

Critical success factor is reliability

Main clients are the Brazilian largest contractors, such as
So Paulos Subway Yellow Line

Santo Antonio Hydroelectric Power Plant

Dutra Highway Overpass (So Paulo)

Heavy Construction market outlook

Unparalleled infrastructure investments are expected for the next few years reinforced by major world events. Investments in Brazil should amount R$ 3.3 trillion in the 2011-2014 period Industry: R$ 1.0 trillion, growth of 170% compared to the 2006-2009 period Infrastructure: R$ 401 billion, growth of 62% compared to the 2006-2009 period Other sectors: R$ 1.9 trillion
Industry investments 2011-2014 R$ 1,047 billion Oil & Gas 378
Others 493

Infrastructure investments 2011-2014 R$ 401 billion Ports 18

Roads 51

Others 20

Energy 139

Mining 72

Railroads 60 Sanitation 41 Telecom 72

Pulp & Paper Chemical 28 40

Steel 36

Source: BNDES - Viso do Desenvolvimento Report No 95, June 20, 2011

Investments in infrastructure
To ensure its competitiveness in the global scenario and sustainable growth rates, Brazil will have to invest strongly in infrastructure in the coming years
Infrastructure deficit
USA Index = 1.0, Index 2011-2012

Source: The GlobalCompetitiveness Report 20112012 , World Economic Forum


Large project pipeline remains robust

Curitiba Stadium Porto Alegre Stadium Cuiab Stadium Natal Stadium Amaznia Stadium Fortaleza Stadium Recife Stadium Salvador Stadium Braslia Stadium Transoeste Belo Horizonte Stadium So Paulo Stadium Rio de Janeiro Stadium Highway Arch - RJ Transcarioca Highway Transolmpica Highway Monorail Line 17 Gold - SP Au Superport Beltway - Eastern Section Subway Line 4 - RJ Carajs Railroad West-East Railroad Transordestina Railroad Beltway - Northern Section North - South Railroad Subway Line 5 - SP Hydroelectric Powerplant Jirau Hydroelectric Powerplant Santo Antnio Premium 2 Cear Refinery Abreu e Lima Refinery - PE Hydroelectric Powerplant Belo Monte COMPERJ Refinery - RJ Premium 1 Maranho Refinery

0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.9 0.9 1.2 1.3 2.2 2.9 3.4 4.0 4.0 4.5 5.3

In R$ Billion

Mills presence

6.1 6.7

13.1 16.0

25.7 26.2 29.2 40.2 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Scheduled dates for start and end of construction jobs


Source: Anurio Exame 2011-2012 - Infraestrutura


The evolution of the work from the contracts signed in 1H11 and the new contracts will contribute to the growth of the utilization rate in the coming months
Important contracts per stage in the evolution of the monthly revenue from the Heavy Construction works
(Basis 100= Maximum monthly revenue in the life of construction)

Newly hired

Contracts with growing equipment volumes

Contracts with high volume of equipment

Contracts in the demobilization process

Source: Mills

Alcantara Launch Center Jac Pessego Expansion EMBRAPORT So Paulo Beltway - Eastern Section

Revenue Index

Hydroelectric Powerplant Jirau Comperj Refinery Man Garrincha Stadium Maracan Stadium Fonte Nova Stadium Recife Stadium

So Paulo Monorail Line 2 Suape Petrochemical Abreu e Lima Refinery Transnordestina

BR 448 Cable-Stayed Bridge (RJ)



Heavy Construction division Financial performance

* ex ADD: Excluding the Allowance for Doubtful Debts effect of R$ 5.8 million.

ROIC: Return on Invested Capital. Until 4Q10, ROIC was calculated considering the effective income tax rate for the period, while in 1Q11 onwards ROIC was calculated considering a theoretical 30% income tax rate.


Jahu - Residential and Commercial Division

Diviso Construo

Commercial building in downtown So Paulo, SP


Jahu Residential and Commercial division

Focus on residential and commercial construction Products: Engineering solutions and equipment sales and rental: formwork, scaffolding and shoring Market leader with strong brand name: Jahu Business acquired in 2008 Innovative product - Easy-Set aluminum formwork - to serve low income housing construction Main clients are the Brazilian largest real estate companies, such as


Residential and Commercial market outlook

Governmental programs and the increasing penetration of real estate financing indicate solid growth potential for the residential and commercial real estate segment Brazilian housing deficit is of at least 7.2 million houses New 700,000 units per year are required to couple with the demographic growth of the Brazilian families

Housing financing has increased 5x in the last five years, driven by credit availability, lower inflation and
lower interest rate Housing financing is very small compared to other countries. In 2009, the Brazilian total housing financing/GDP was 3%, compared to 77% in England, 68% in USA, 28% in France and 20% in Chile. In 2010, the Brazilian total housing financing/GDP was 4% and it is expected to reach 11% by 2014. Government program for low income housing, Minha Casa Minha Vida, targets investments of R$ 278 billion in the 2011-2014 period. Lack of labor, higher labor costs and need to shorten construction cycle will demand more industrialized processes in the Brazilian residential and commercial construction market.
Source: Brazilian Central Bank , ABECIP Associao Brasileira das Entidades de Crdito Imobilirio e Poupana and PAC2 Report


The use of industrialized building processes in construction projects is still limited

89% of companies from the construction industry stated that lack of qualified labor is a problem for the company 94% of companies from the construction industry facing shortages of skilled manpower have difficulty finding workers for basic construction activities, such as bricklayers and laborers Only 7% of companies from the construction industry plan to deal with the shortage of skilled labor by changing the building process to an industrial assembly model

Company facing lack of skilled labor?

no 11

yes 89

Source: Sondagem Especial Construo Civil, April 2011, CBIC and CNI

The percentages do not sum 100% because each entrepreneur could choose up to three options


Real estate launches showed growth of 16% in relation to 9M11, indicating continuous strong demand in the residential and commercial construction market in 2011



Source: reports from 14 public real estate companies and Mills analysis


Jahu Residential and Commercial division Financial performance

ROIC: Return on Invested Capital. Until 4Q10, ROIC was calculated considering the effective income tax rate for the period, while in 1Q11 onwards ROIC was calculated considering a theoretical 30% income tax rate.


Industrial Services Division

Paul Wolff Plataform, Estaleiro Mau (shipyard) Niteri, RJ


Industrial Services division

Focus on large industrial plants, both on construction and maintenance phases Products offered during construction and maintenance: access structures rental and erection/dismantling services industrial painting and surface treatments thermal insulation Cross-selling with Heavy Construction division Recurring and less volatile revenue base Labor intensive, instead of capital intensive, as the other divisions Industries served: oil & gas, petrochemicals, pulp & paper, steel, among others Unique exposure to Brazilian industrial capacity growth and oil & gas industry


Industrial Services market outlook

Recent oil field discoveries have taken Brazil into a new level within the Oil & Gas scenario, while other basic industries are also due to receive significant new investments Driven by the recent pre-salt discoveries, Brazil oil & gas reserves have the potential to increase by more than 3x, from 15 to 51 billion boe, transforming Brazil into the worlds 9th hydrocarbons reserves holder Total investment in Oil & Gas in Brazil is expected to be R$ 378 billion in the period 2011-2014, of which R$ 303 billion, or 80%, from Petrobras Total investment in the Brazilian industry should amount R$ 1.0 trillion in the period 2011-2014 Fixed investments in Brazil is expect to range from 19% to 22% of GDP in the next 3 years

Source: Department of Energy of the US, Petrobras, ANP and BNDES


Petrobras has announced its 2011-2015 business plan with investments totaling US$ 224.7 billion in this period
Petrobras total investment plan for 2011-2015 period: US$ 224.7 billion

Petrobras pre-salt investment plan for 2011-2015 period: US$ 53.4 billion
US$ 117.7 billion will be invested in E&P in Brazil, with the aim of increasing domestic oil production from 2.1 million bpd in 2010 to 3.1 million bpd in 2015, with 0.5 million bpd related to pre-salt Critical resources needed up till 2013: 26 drilling rigs

53 production platforms
465 special support vessels US$ 70.6 billion will be invested in refining, of which 50% to expand the refining facilities, the major refinery projects being Abreu e Lima (PE), Comperj (RJ) and Premium I (MA)
Source: Petrobras 2010-2014 Business Plan and 2011-2015 Business Plan


Industrial Services division Financial performance

ROIC: Return on Invested Capital. Until 4Q10, ROIC was calculated considering the effective income tax rate for the period, while in 1Q11 onwards ROIC was calculated considering a theoretical 30% income tax rate.


Rental Division Motorized Access Equipment

Energia Elica de Praia Formosa Camocim, CE

Rental division - Motorized Access Equipment Rental

Serves all Mills divisions as well as the automotive, retail and logistics sectors, among others Products: Rental and sale of motorized access equipment, such as aerial work platforms and telescopic handlers, to lift people or cargo, respectively Market leader Business started in 2008 Cross-selling with all other Mills divisions


Motorized Access Equipment Rental market outlook

Current underutilization of motorized access equipment in Brazil and favorable regulation indicate significant growth potential in this market.

The Brazilian aerial platforms and telehandler fleet is very small compared to the US fleet; less than
2% Modest rental penetration of 15% in Brazil. Rental penetration is approximately 40% in the USA, 60% in Japan and 80% in England Recent regulation obliges the use of aerial platforms to lift people, increasing safety and productivity in the work site Brazilian fleet should increase at average annual rate of 22% in the next few years and reach

25,000 units by 2014

Source: Terex and Mills


In 2010, the Brazilian fleet of motorized access equipment grew 40.6% compared to 2009
Fleet profile Brazil - 2010 Total: 11,250

Telescopic Telescopic handlers handlers

+22.1% p.a.



Aerial work platforms 91%

USA - 2010 Total: 789,000

Manipuladores Telescopic Telescopic telescpicos handlers handlers 22%

Aerial work platforms 78%

Source: Mills and Terex


Rental division Financial performance

* ex ADD: Excluding the Allowance for Doubtful Debts effect of R$ 3.3 million.

ROIC: Return on Invested Capital. Until 4Q10, ROIC was calculated considering the effective income tax rate for the period, while in 1Q11 onwards ROIC was calculated considering a theoretical 30% income tax rate.



Executive Summary Mills divisions

Financial performance

Growth plan


Mills Financial performance

Mills has excellent financial track record with average revenue growth of 42% per year and average EBITDA growth of 87% per year in the last four years.
Net Revenues (R$ million)
CAGR 07-10: 42%

EBITDA (R$ million) and EBITDA Margin (%)

CAGR 07-10: 87%







Acquisition of Jahu Start-up Equipment Rental Division Sales of Events Division



Entrance of PE Funds








3Q11 LTM





3Q11 LTM

3Q11 LTM Last twelve months ended September 30, 2011


Mills Financial performance

Net earnings had an average annual growth of 114% p.a. in the last four years.

Net earnings (R$ millions)

Net debt (R$ millions) and Net debt/EBITDA

Net debt/EBITDA

CAGR 07-10: 114%






3Q11 LTM Last twelve months ended September 30, 2011


EBITDA reached R$50,8 million in 3Q11

EBITDA (R$ millions) and EBITDA margin (%)

* ex ADD: Excluding the Allowance for Doubtful Debts effect of R$ 9.1 million.


Increase of R$ 9.1 million in Allowance for Doubtful Debts in 3Q11

ADD (R$ million) and ADD/Net Revenue (%)



Executive Summary Mills divisions

Financial performance

Growth plan


We invested R$ 316.0 million in organic growth in 9M11, 73% of our 2011 revised budget
in R$ million 433

349 316

Realized 9M11 / 2011 Budget (%) 80%



76% Total 73%


Our geographic expansion plan has been successful

Revenue Evolution (in R$ million) Jahu division Rental division



Branches opened prior to November 2009 Branches opened after November 2009

Branches opened prior to 2010 Branches opened after January 2010


We are present in 13 states of Brazil with 43 branches

Branch locations
As of October 31, 2011



Amazonas Par Maranho Cear Rio Grande do Norte Paraiba Piaui Acre Tocantins Rondnia Mato Grosso Distrito Federal Bahia Sergipe Pernambuco Alagoas

Heavy Construction Jahu Industrial Services Rental

Mato Grosso do Sul So Paulo Espirito Santo Goias Minas Gerais

States with Mills Presence


Rio de Janeiro


Santa Catarina

Rio Grande do Sul


Mills: The Best Way to Invest in Brazilian Infrastructure Sector

Forte e Slido Desempenho Strong and Solid Financeiro Financial Performance

Fortes Barreiras Strong De Entrada Barriers to Entry

Equipe de Gesto Experienced Experiente Management Team

Condies Unprecedented Macroeconmicas Macro Economic Incomparveis Conditions

Modelo de Negcio Attractive Dinmica SetorialUnique Business nico com fortes Industry Atraente em todosModel with Solid Vantagens Competitive Dynamics in os Segmentos competitivas Advantages Each Business


Mills Investor Relations Tel.: + 55 21 2123-3700 E-mail:

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