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The Treaty of Al-Hudaybiyah: terms and Achievements

The Prophet Muhammad (sm.) made many treaties with the local tribes and the chiefs of states the surrounding the Arabian Peninsula and very strictly adhered to the terms of his treaties. in the sixth year of the Hijrah, the peace of Hudaibiyah was signed between the Prophet (sm.) and the Quraish which is called treaty of Hudaybiah. Terms and conditions of Treaty of Hudaybiah: The Messenger of Allah (saw) and Suhayl signed the treaty amidst agitation and anger of the Muslim army. The treaty between the two sides was written comprising the following terms: The Conditions of the Treaty of Hudaybiyah: 1. The Muslims were to return to Madinah without performing the Umrah. 2. They were to come for Umrah the following year and stay for three days only in Makkah. 3. They shall not come bearing arms except their swords in their scabbards (sheaths). 4. Any person from the Quraish emigrating to Rasulullah's camp without permission from their guardian would have to be returned to Makkah. 5. Any Muslims emigrating from Rasulullah's camp to Makkah would not have to be returned. 6. Any tribe was free to ally itself to Rasulullah's camp without incurring any hindrance from the Quraish. 7. Any tribe seeking an alliance with the Quraish could do so without obstacle or hindrance from the Muslims. 8. This treaty shall be binding for ten years during which time neither party shall oppose each other but should observe peace and harmony. Achievements of treaty of Hudaybiah The treaty of Hudaybiyah was a great victory. Some of its achievements were: 1) The Messenger of Allah (saw) managed to create public opinion for the Message of Islam among the Arabs in general and among the Quraysh in particular. This enhanced the respect of the Muslims and diminished that of Quraysh. 2) The belief and trust of the Muslims in Allahs Messenger (saw) was demonstrated. It proved that the Iman of the Muslims was unshakable, their courage and readiness to sacrifice themselves were second to none. 3) The Muslims learned that political maneuvers were an effective means to promote the Islamic Dawah. 4) The Muslims who remained in Makkah among the disbelievers formed a pocket within the enemys stronghold. 5) The Hudaybiyah treaty demonstrated that the method in politics is derived from the same thought (source), truthfulness and faithfulness. However, the means must be coupled with shrewdness, and this can be achieved by concealing the means and the real aims from the enemy.

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