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Title: UniKL Transforming Leaders Several giant companies and leaders have fall and fail for the

last decade. Kodak, Enron, United States and United Kingdom automotive industries, airline companies, Osama bin Laden, Muammar Gaddafi and others have fails to survive even though they were the pioneer and idol of their people and followers. There are many factors that lead to their falls, some due to economy crisis, changing of government law and policies, customer trend of needs and wants, conspiracy theory and politics etc. One reason that everybody will agree is leadership style the critical factor of rise and fall of organization, team even a nation. The world has stage a lot of history of leaders from legend to facts, from King Arthur to Obama, all this leader are champion at their time of rise. Adolf Hitler, Genghis Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte are some of antagonist leaders to others even to the world but they hero to their people. The key success of these leaders either hero or foe is their ability to understanding and adapting to their followers mind and psychology. The ability of Adolf Hitler to convince the whole German nation to eliminate Jewish from the population is something that not every person can do, despite he is not origin from German but yet an Austrian. The ability of a leader to understand his follower heart and mind is weapon that change could change the world entirely. The British Colony has fall badly due to their fail to understand the need of their fellow English and countries they have been conquer has cost them a World War Two. Every single nation against them and the Japan which driven by the spirit of Kamikaze has taken their empire at the shortest time. In this scenario, the history had shown how two different style of leadership, where west versus east. The giant of British Empire has fallen due to their egos of success and Japan with their burning spirits, attitude and discipline has totally changed the whole world conjecture specially the West towards Asian nation. Being pioneer of a field does not promise a sustainable success or prosperities. There a lot of inventors and companies that had flop at start, due to inability to apprehend the need of the society at their time. Daimler petrol engine invention would not been success if there no discoveries of petroleum, which at the same time hybrid technology has been studied and design by Dr. Ferdinand Porsche, yet this idea currently has been utilize by Toyota due to petrol price hike. The innovation also is a key success of leaders. Innovation is the ability to transform to survive in rapid changing world. Open Innovation (OI) is the most current concept for both leaders and industries. Leaders need to open their mind and lend their ears to their follower ideas and suggestion, as the rule is leaders for the people. Industry rivalry drama of Apple and

Samsung on their product, Ipad and Galaxy Tab, prove of their success in Open Innovation which led by Operation System of Android. Leaders are not born, they are made, and leaders for the future have to be prepare themselves with all essential skills which will able them to understand the need of society and innovate to survive. Open Innovation is the current trend of all leaders and industries in this challenging world which the Generation Y is our future. Understanding their mind and attitude is a must, tailoring them to be leaders will be the main challenge in ensuring our better future. Thus our current leaders need to be aware and transform their leadership to cater this future generation. Rapid transformation has to be done now, as the future generation are full of information and ideas that lead to the new history of human kind.

References: 1. Ferguson, Niall (2004). Empire, The rise and demise of the British world order and the lessons for global power. Basic Books. ISBN 0-465-02328-2 2. The TImes 28th July 2008 3. Chesbrough, H.W. (2003). Open Innovation: The new imperative for creating and profiting from technology. Boston: Harvard Business School Press 4. Aigner, Dietrich (1985). "Hitler's ultimate aims a programme of world dominion?". In Koch, H.W. Aspects of the Third Reich. London: MacMillan.ISBN 978-0-312-05726-8.

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