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Rencana Pembelajaran Theme Day/Date Level Time SWBAT Functional Language : : : : Color Friday, August 25th 2006 1 90 minutes

: Ss can recognize color : Green, Brown, Red, Pink, Blue, White, Black, Yellow, Grey, Violet, Purple, and Orange

Situational Language

: What color is this? That is blue What color is your pen? It is blue The boy with the blue pen


: 1. Color in cards 2. Song 3. Game


: Pre Activity Greeting Praying Singing for ABCs song 15 minutes




60 minutes

T writes down the color on white board, Ss pay attention T read the color, Ss listen T read the color one by one followed by Ss One of Ss read the color followed by other Ss read the color T asks Ss about color Ss mention their color pen, book, . . . T and Ss sing the color song T writes down the text on white board T reads the text, Ss pay attention T Reads the text followed by Ss Ss read the text followed by the other

T introduce the game Ss play the game


Closing 15 minutes Ss write down their homework Singing the song together Greeting Praying

Color Blue blue blue is everything Im wearing Blue blue blue my mommies cloth so big Why do I always dress my self in blue Because a sailor is the one I love White white white is everything Im wearing White white white my mommies cloth so big Why do I always dress my self in white Because a doctor is the one I love Yellowyellow yellow is everything Im wearing Yellowyellowyellow my mommies cloth so big Why do I always dress my self in yellow Because an artist is the one I love Redredredis everything Im wearing Redredredmy mommies cloth so big Why do I always dress my self in red Because a fireman is the one I love Blackblack black is everything Im wearing Blackblack. black, my mommies cloth so big Why do I always dress my self in black Because a miner is the one I love Game 1. Ss make circle Ss mention the color in turn The one who make mistake is out of circle

2. T prepares the color in cards

T chooses some Ss and makes them in pairs T gives different word for every team One of Ss mention the color one by one and the other one take the color in card (Ss should mention one and take the color after that they can go on to the next color) The team who can complete the color first is the winner

Text Read the text carefully This is apple a-p-p-l-e This is Imut I-m-u-t This is book b-o-o-k

Homework 1. Rewrite and read the color at home 2. Answer questions

Question 1. What color is sky ?

Sky is . . . . . .

2. What color is leaf ?

Leaf is . . . . . .

3. What color is banana ?

Banana is . . . . .

4. What color is Indonesian flag ?

Indonesian flag are . . . . . . . . . . and . . . . . . . . .

5. What color is your hair ?

My hair is . . . . . .













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