Anna Hatziandreou English 4

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Anna Hatziandreou English 4

Unit Plan Anthem by Ayn Rand Desired Outcomes/Standards/Objectives to be met:

After completing this unit of study, students will have: Read, analyzed and evaluated a contemporary work of literary merit Analyzed, interpreted and evaluated the use of figurative language and imagery in fiction and nonfiction selections, including symbolism, tone, irony and satire; Used print, electronic databases and online resources to access information, organize ideas, and develop writing; Researched and processed information regarding the rapidly changing status of privacy and privacy rights; Understood major concepts of Collectivism/Totalitarianism/Egoism/Egalitarianism Been exposed to the genres of science fiction and dystopia. Comprehended strategies before, during and after reading Have read functional, informational, and literary texts from different periods, Cultures, and genres. presented in functional, informational, and literary situations for various purposes and audiences

Desired Overarching Understanding:

Understand the different types and styles of writing, such as poetry, prose, novels, essays, fiction and non-fiction and recognize that using different writing styles can change their influence on the reader. Understand that through writing, societies can be influenced and changed.

Desired Unit Understanding:

The student will be able to recognize and define the form and style of the Utopian novel, especially the similarities that they contain in organization and purpose. Most Utopian novels are an author's reaction to their society and students will be able to read a Utopian idea and understand the context from which it originates. Students will also be able to recognize the social context and purpose of this style and understand that they can use it to influence the society they are part of.

Essential Questions
WhoWho is the writer? Who is the audience? WhatAssumptions/beliefs/needs/ideals/dreams/goals/strengths/weaknesses does the writer/reader bring to the work? WhereIs the location of the writer/reader/work important? How is it relevant on a local scale and how does it translate cross-culturally? WhenHow is the time frame of the writer/reader/work important? How is this work relevant over time? WhyWhy did the writer publish this specific work? What worth can we derive from it? How How does the writer voice his ideas'} Style, form, mechanics, grammar?

Unit Questions
Why do we create Utopias? Do the same reasons apply to dystopias? What similarities are seen in the Utopian ideal and the Utopian novel? What differences? How does the social context of the writer change their writing and how does the context change our perception of the work? How can we use what we learn in Utopian fiction in our own lives? Can a Utopian society really exist? Do we as readers change the meaning of a novel? Can a work have different implications depending on the audience? What social context was Rand writing in? Does that have any influence today? How can our society be changed or improved?

Evidence of Student Understanding Performance Tasks/Projects

Introductory web quest Organize your own Utopian society. Using an idea from the texts, organize a project to make your community more like a Utopia. Before reading the text, students will create an outline of what they think will happen/is going on from a poster from the movie version. Poem about themes of novel

Evaluation: The unit will be graded as follows: In-class work and participation Personal response journals Essay Quizzes/Tests/Prompts Other Evidence/PBL extension lap 10 Contribution to class discussion/group work Debate on validity/relevance of novel Student SelfAssessment Knowledge/Skills Needed Knowledge Basics of a variety of Utopian Novels or Novels with Utopian elements. (Herland, Brave New World, Gulliver's Travels, 1984, Walden Pond, Utopia, Robinson Crusoe, The Giver) Similarities and differences in form, audience, and purpose Historical/Social context of the novels, modern implications Skills Analyze texts for meaning and agenda Discuss opinions in group setting Organize beliefs into observable projects Experiences to promote needed skills/knowledge Read portions of novels Study outlines of Utopian societies (factual and fictional) Historical descriptions of social context Secondary sourcesNon-fiction/essays regarding purpose and background of novels Video/Music influences Class discussion/Group work Getting inside story by creating own/modifying original

Detailed activities and questions attached

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