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BILL COOPER SPEAKS FROM THE GRAVE By Timothy Green Beckley He was a large, husky, and very determined man who never seemed to let anything get in his way. Even though he only had one leg he was a pillar in every sense of the word. He did have a rough side to his personality which came out sometimes when he drank, but he was mostly a friendly sort, kind of like a big bear ready to give you a huge hug if he liked you. Bill Cooper and I had a relationship that lasted several years. He was the top draw at my conspiracy and UFO conferences talking non stop for hours about such events in his own life as the time an unexplainable object came up out of the water and flew low over the bow of a ship he was stationed on while in the Navy. He also claims to have seen Top Secret documents which revealed an agreement between the U.S. government and extraterrestrial forces. I know, some individuals accused Bill of being anti Semitic, but he always told me that he thought those who controlled the world wanted to pit one group against another, using politics, religion and economics to build walls around all of us so that we

would not trust one another; thus causing chaos and confusion all over the globe. I once organized a mini conference with Cooper as the only speaker at the Little ALeInn located at the end of the Extraterrestrial Highway far out in Continued on Page 3 > 1

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Timothy Green Beckley, Publisher -
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Contributors: Commander-X, Tim Swartz, Brad Steiger, Diane Tessman, Sean Casteel Staff Artist and Consultant: Carol Ann Rodriguez Typesetting, Graphics, Logos and Ad Design by Wm Kern Engineering Technical Support: Bleu Ocean

Our Work Book And Study Guide Contains Arcane Knowledge That Is Thousands Of Years Old! ANCIENT MYSTERIES SOLVED. . .OF BENEFIT TO MODERN MANKIND



Egypt is the great land of mystery and the Pyramids have held a fascination for centuries. It is only within our lifetime that we have begun to understand the true significance of this wondrous land and its many marvels like none other anywhere else in the world. In this concise work book and study guide you will learn of the Strange Prophecies that are hidden in the tombs of the pharaohs and how they are unfolding before our eyes this very day. You will learn about the Time Capsule that exists under the pyramid. How Egypt, Atlantis and the arrival of Ancient Astronauts are connected. How the Star of Bethlehem ties in with the tomb of the undead as well as which pyramid holds the Ark of The Covenant. Then there is the Cult of the Dead and Moses the most famous initiate.

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< Continued from Page 1 the Nevada desert, but very close to Area 51. We had a great weekend of sky watching and conversation. One of the subjects he loved to talk about was the existence of Secret Societies. History is replete with whispers of secret societies. Accounts of elders or priests who guarded the forbidden knowledge of ancient peoples. Prominent men, meeting in secret, who direct the course of civilization are recorded in the writings of all people. As most everyone who is into conspiracies realizes, Bill was shot to death in November of 2001 in a wild west-style rumble with the sheriffs department in Apache County, AZ. Local law enforcement officials apparently felt it necessary to spring into action on trumped up charges under the cover of darkness and in plain clothes, because they considered Bill to be a threat to the community. Indeed, Cooper was recognized as a rebel rouser who in general was known for defying officialdom, including the IRS who claimed he owed the government back taxes. Bill strongly held to his belief that the IRS was an unconstitutional collection agency who should NOT possess such devastating power over hard working Americans. Time passes rapidly, and little by little we began to put the shooting between Cooper and the law out of our mind. We had stated our feelings in a book we published shortly after Bills unwarranted we felt demise. In DEATH OF A CONSPIRACY SALESMAN, we presented all sides of the Continued on Page 5 >

Exclusive Interview With Jessica Cooper AUDIO CD FOR OUR READERS ONLY!
Bill Cooper Speaks Out On Protecting His Family, And Law And Disorder

OVER A DOZEN EXPERT WHISTLE BLOWERS EXPOSE LIES AND DECEPTIONS IN THE CONSPIRACY SUMMIT DOSSIER An In-Depth Whistle-Blowers Guide To The Strangest And Most Bizarre Cosmic And Global Conspiracies! Never Before Revealed Information!
Here is one of the largest files ever compiled based on the Testimony of a dozen of the worlds leading theorists discussing such cutting edge topics as: Eisenhower And The Aliens; The Gulf Breeze Six: Deserters or New Millennium Prophets?; Project Blue Beam; Ritual Magic And UFOs; Secret Anti-Gravity Ships Build In 1860 Landed On The Moon And Mars; NASA: Just A Front For The Real Space Program?; Hybrid Children Born In American Hospitals; The Rapture: Will It Take Place Soon?; Government Agencies Compile Huge Data Base On American Citizens; Concentration Camps For Patriots?; Masonry: The Hidden Evil. Experts In Attendance At The Alien Agenda And Cosmic Conspiracies Conference Whose Material Is Included: Retired Air Force Pilot Mel Noel; Jordan Maxwell; Alexander Collier; Philadelphia Experiment Survivor, Al Bielek; Sean David Morton; Vance Davis, Of The Gulf Breeze Six; Vladimir Terziski. In Depth Selections Include: Adam Gorightly Ritual Magic, Mind Control And UFOs; Commander X Mind Control In The 21st Century; Kenn Thomas Wilhelm Reich, Eisenhower And The Aliens; Terry Melanson Sulphur Enigma of Paranormal Visitation; William Milton Cooper The Secret Government.

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Youve Probably Seen The Motion Picture MOTHMAN PROPHECIES Starring Richard Gere, based upon the # 1 Best Selling Book By John Keel. Now You Deserve To Get The Full Story, Along With All The Facts On This Legendary Creature That Has Become Part Of American Folklore.
33 Hours Of Video Footage On 6 DVDs As Seen Through The Eyes Of The Mothman Photographer, ANDREW COLVINIn the late 1960s, Andy Colvin lived in a neighborhood called Pleasant Dell, in the Village of Mound, West Virginia. Many area residents had encounters with a mysterious birdman now famously known as Mothman, but Andy was unique among the group for he found that he could draw, paint, and take photographs after his sister had unwittingly taken a picture of him with what appears to be a Garuda or Thunderbird in the background. Unlike most researchers who take the appearance of Mothman at face value Andrew has had the unique ability to act as an oracle to evoke realitys hidden patterns of meaning, as expressed by a fellow paranormal investigator Kevin Aagard. In the first half of the series, Colvin returns to Point Pleasant, WV birthplace of Mothman to interview John Keel and other familiar Mothman-related names like Marcella Bennett, Faye DeWitt and Tom Ury. Colvin also travels to many Mothman, UFO and Bigfoot sighting spots, including his old stomping ground. In the second part of the series, Andy travels west in search of Mothman-like Avatars such as the Thunderbird, Bigfoot and Garuda. The many revelations come one right after another until they reach a shocking conclusion as to what Colvin believes the creature to be. He also supplies plausible links between Mothmans prophecies, the Fatima visions, the Philadelphia and Montauk Experiments, Johnestown, the Jesuits, the Kennedy assassination, Freemasonry, the Manson Family, and even Big Oil. ITS ALL HERE FOR YOUR EDIFICATION 33 hours of non stop documentation + 3 added BONUS hours of material for just $45.00 + $5.00 S/H
ALSO AVAILABLE LIMITED REPRINT OF GRAY BARKERS THE SILVER BRIDGEWritten in 1970 by West Virginia Ufologist Gray Barker, The Silver Bridge was the first and best book ever written on the mysterious Mothman. Known for his eloquent writing style, Barker became nationally famous for his seminal book, They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers, which set the standard for reportage of the infamous Men In Black. In The Silver Bridge, Barker explores the murky psychosexual depths of life in WV during the Mothman era of the late 1960s. This book was originally printed in small quantities and hence became very rare. Inside, one finds many intriguing details about Mothman that previously escaped attention. This 2008 edition features new introductions by noted paranormal researchers Allen Greenfield, James Moseley, and Andy Colvin.
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MARK OF THE NEW WORLD ORDERBig Book Of The Beast 700+ Pages 4lbs Plus 2 DVDs Cashless society is just five years away! New World Order takes drastic steps to control our lives! A Police state is already in place! Did you know that there is a bio-chip ready to be implanted in you? Only those implanted with this unique electronic identification mark will be allowed to buy and sell while the rest of us will be hunted down as outcasts by a fascist controlled global government and put in concentration camps. MARK OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER by Terry Cook is a huge 8x11 volume of over 700 pages that tells you how you will live in a cashless society and who you can trust. Priced reduced from $89.95 to $59.95 + $8.00 S/H INNER LIGHT Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 < Continued from Page 3 William Cooper story, and from every possible angle. Those who respected him had their final say, while those who were opposed to what he stood for also got in a word or two edge wise. OUT OF NO WHERE JESSICA COOPER APPEARS Boom! I didnt see it coming. Late one evening while I was hunkered down over my lap top, I received a totally unexpected e mail from one of Bills children, a daughter by the name of Jessica, who was asking for help in finding out more about her father whom she had met only once since her parents were separated at the age of three. She longed to know about her fathers work and had been turned off by some of his close associates who seemed anxious for her to be removed from the picture. A lively and energetic woman of 27, Jessica had only visited with her dad once and it was not under the best of circumstances. Federal Marshals, she told me, wanted her to set up her own father so that he would come down off his mountain top retreat and they could arrest him without a potential shoot out. When Wild Bill heard about this he went absolutely ballistic. In our possession is a copy of one of Coopers Hour of the Time shortwave broadcasts in which he threatens what amounts to an all-out war with anyone who dares try to compromise his love for his family and put them in harms way. His comments are blistering, but in this case well deserved. Obviously, we were anxious to speak with Jessica at Continued on Page 6 >

Biblical Stories TRUTH? or FICTION?

Unequivocal proof that Noahs Flood actually occurred and that the Tower of Babel did cause chaos, mass hysteria, and the confusion of multiple tongues. James G. Frazer is one of the great researchers of Biblical phenomenon. His investigation of the Great Flood is in a class by itself. According to Frazer over 120 different tribes in North and South and Central America tell of a calamity in which (few) were saved above the waters. Also incuded are myths and legends like the Mark of Cain, fear of the ghosts of the relatives who were murdered, motive for excuting killers, and bodily marks to protect against the slain.

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< Continued from Page 5 length to share with her whatever we could about her father, and to find out what she might know about his life and knowledge of esoteric matters that was not public knowledge. It was about at this time that we had started to reedit the transcripts to several major symposiums that we had organized under the collective title of The Alien Agenda and Cosmic Conspiracies Conference. Held in Phoenix and San Diego, the seminars covered a multitude of controversial topics and featured a parade of speakers that included John Lear, Jordan Maxwell, Alexander Collier, Philadelphia Experiment survivor Al Bielek, Sean David Morton, Vladimir Terzinski and yes, even Bill Cooper. In order to pay homage to those researchers who have over the years freely devoted their lives to the study of that which might place them in life threatening situations, we asked Jessica Cooper if we could possibly record an interview with her and include it in what we were hoping would be a major work, something her father certainly deserved to be an key part of. Jessica agreed, and so with associate Sean Casteel we set up a date and proceeded to tape an eye popping conversation which we truly believe the majority of our readers will find of immense significance. If you are at all fascinated with the legacy of William Cooper, the Kennedy Assassination, Secret Societies, MJ12 and all those secrets Uncle Sam would rather have you forget about, we highly recommend Concludes on Page 7 >


This book is so large it hurts to pick it up. Printed on super glossy heavy paper stock with over 400 color photos. Everything you want to know about Amulets...their mythology, symbolism, traditional practices and modern uses. If you are into magic and spell casting or believe in the power of the mind you MUST own this book. Published to sell at $29.95. Our price $24.00 + $5.00 S/H (counts as two books when calculating shipping).

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Researchers claim Moldavite opens Interdimensional Doorways

The rare stone Moldavite can only be found along the remote Moldau River in Czechoslovakia. Scientists have determined that it fell to Earth 15 million years ago. The stone is believed to give its wearer enhanced powers of perception bordering on the supernatural. It vibrates 80 times faster than quartz and enables the participant to tie a direct line into the higher dimensional communique systems. It is also a way of immediately clearning and aligning the entire chakara system and, according to the level of awareness reached, it will make the connection to the socalled 8th chakra or telepathic receiver band. u MOLDIVATE GEMSTONE KIT - Includes a small pendant and a copy of the 178 page MOLDAVITE STARBORN STONE by Robert Simmons as well as the remarkable Divine Fire audio CD narrated by Brad Steiger. $50.00 +$5.00 S/H u LARGER STONE AND KIT $68.00 + $5.00 S/H

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< Continued from Page 6 THE CONSPIRACY SUMMIT DOSSIER, an in-depth whistleblowers guide to the strangest and most bizarre cosmic and global conspiracies. MORE THRILLS AND CHILLS lustrates the connection between ritual magic, mind control and the flying saucer phenomenon. He even brings in Mothman, Chupacabras and the Virgin Mary. THE CONSPIRACY SUMMIT DOSSIER is a large If you have heard the ru- format book of over 200 pages mors, for example, that Presi- that is packed with photos, dent Eisenhower might have maps, art and documents that had a clandestine meeting reveal your life is not what it with aliens, you will want to seems. We are very enthusiget the latest scoop from astic about this work as it is the Steamshovel Press publisher culmination of well over a deKenn Thomas who places cade of personal investiganone other than the psycholo- tions by more than a dozen gist Wilhelm Reich in the vi- whistle blowers. HOW TO ORDER: Priced cinity of Roswell, NM, traveling with his mobile cloud- to sell for $24.00 on Amazon buster to do aerial battle with and in selected retail outlets, we are offering copies for just UFOs. And if you think that UFOs $22.00 + $5.00 S/H. are all fancy Dans from outer PLUS AS A BONUS to our space, Adam Gorighty might mail order customers we will change your mind when he il- include, at no additional cost, Bill Coopers Hour of the Time shortwave broadcast in which he chastises the authorities for trying to draw his daughter Jessica into his continuing conflict with the feds. See our ad on page three and then send for your copy of THE CONSPIRACY SUMMIT DOSSIER today!


Our books, products and services are for experimental purposes. They are not endorsed by the AMA, FDA or any other federal or local agency. We offer our merchandise on a non-returnable basis to those who seek the truth about matters neglected by the Establishment. We appreciate your patronage and hope you will tell all your like-minded friends about our publications. Timothy G. Beckley



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CAVE OF THE ANCIENTS The Monks entered the subterranean abode to meet with the Masters of Universal Wisdom in the long halls that held the Akashic Records. While deep inside the Earth, it was revealed to them fascinating stories of ancient space visitors, lost civilizations, advanced anti gravity ships, thoughts that could appear as picturesand much more knowledge long forgotten by humankind. The Lama opened the book and and read to the Monks, In a far-off country across the seas the general ability to see Nature Spirits has been lost. If one sees such a Spirit it is a matter for jest, the Seer is literally accused of seeing things. Western people do not believe in things unless they can be torn to pieces or held in the hands, or put in a cage. A Nature Spirit is termed a Fairy in the Westand Fairy Tales are not to be believed.

AVAILABLE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN NORTH AMERICA, RAMPAS REVELATIONS ABOUT HIS JOURNEY INTO EARTHS ENTERIOR TWILIGHT HIDDEN CHAMBERS BENEATH THE EARTH There are, says Rampa, certain places in the Earth where it is possible for the initiate to travel down into the center of the Earth and meet representatives of that inner civilization, and among quite a number of people there is a definite knowledge that people from the inner world do come to converse with those of the surface. Then there are the tunnels from Tibet to the inner world and tunnels from Brazil to the inner worldand one tunnel beneath the greater Pyramids. In addition to a belief in the Inner Earth reality, Rampa explores UFOs, Astral Projection, the Laws of Karma, Hypnotism and tells readers how to cope with modern day life.

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Ritualistic Secrets Of Sorcery, Shamanism, Witchcraft, Magic and Fortune Telling
Many believe the gypsies to be a mysterious race who possess supernatural powers. There has even been speculation that the various clans originated from outer space and migrated here from beyond the stars eons ago, trying to mix in (unsuccessfully) with the rest of the worlds population. They have their own language, their own life style, their own moral code and travel like nomads from place to place as if searching for their true home. Outsiders are not welcome. They do not share their occult secrets with others, their knowledge being handed down from generation to generation via oral tradition. The author Charles G. Leland was befriended by several gypsy clans after doing honest interviews in various academic journals.

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Tour The Most Mysterious Place in America Where The Strange And Unusual Are a Common Occurrence



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Here is the complete shocking report as described in the accompanying article. Edited by Timothy Beckley with accompanying material courtesy Christa Tilton, Sean Casteel, Norio Hayakawa, Bruce Walton, Leslie Gunter and Dr. Michael E. Salla. Did an alien race take over an underground laboratory beneath the town of Dulce, NM? Are the lower levels of this former military subterranean base being used to create a race of alien/human hybrids? Establish the truth for yourself. Order UNDERGROUND ALIEN BIO LAB AT DULCE for just $20.00 + $5.00 S/H and receive an accompanying DVD or CD (our choice) free of charge. WANT TO KNOW MORE? THESE ITEMS ALSO AVAILABLE. THE PANIC PROJECT THE FRANKENSTEIN FACTORIES INSIDE DULCE AND AREA 51Does this 90 minute DVD contain authentic footage of the underground chambers at Dulce, NM supposedly taken over by an extraterrestrial race? Or is this a false flag created by the New World Order? This vital video features exclusive interviews with world-class aviator John Lear, Area 51 engineer Bill Uhouse, Professor Len Seymour, filmmaker Michael Brown, occult researcher Jordan Maxwell, and key Panic Project eye-witness Mafia Mike. Produced and hosted by Anthony J. Hilder, the viewer will be confronted with new evidence that antigravitational flying discs have been developed over the past halfJohn Lear century in black projects. Further still, evidence suggests that aliens have been genetically engineered at secret government Frankenstein Factories. Order THE PANIC PROJECT along with the book UNDERGROUND ALIEN BIO LAB AT DULCE both for just $35.00 + $5.00 S/H or $20.00 if purchased separately. Parts of the DVD is of fair quality due to its underground nature (not produced in Hollywood). DEATH AT DULCE Lone Survivor of Hand-To-Hand Combat With Greys Found Dead in Military-Style Execution. DVD Approx 2 hours. Phil Schneider was found dead execution style in his one bedroom apartment. Schneider claims to have been involved in the battle between military forces with the greys inside the underground Dulce base. The medical examiner took blood and urine samples at the autopsy but REFUSED to analyze them, saying that the county would not waste their money on a suicide. Hear and see Schneider delivering his last lecture. Find out what he was telling the public shortly before he met his maker. Underground lecture is of fair quality. DVD (few left on VHS) for Phil Schneider $20.00 + $5.00 S/H.

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By Norio Hayakawa Added material by Tim Beckley It is an absolutely incredible story, says Timothy Beckley the publisher of Bizarre Bazaar and Conspiracy Journal. Since the mid to late 1970s there have been all sorts of claims made about an underground laboratory beneath the town of Dulce, NM which was taken over by the grays after a fierce battle with government troops. The UFO Hunters show on the History Channel recently featured an entire episode on this strange event that is taking place on Native American soil, and a few days later George Noory and Coast to Coast plunged head first trying to make sense out of the various accounts that have pardon the expression surfaced. Beckley admits that it is difficult to pin point exactly when this macabre saga started to develop. Probably an engineer by the name of Paul Bennewitz can be given the credit. Bennewitz had been called to the area when aliens started to communicate with him over a radio receiver. He had been directed to this area after observing UFOs over Kirkland Air Force nuclear storage facility. Standing near some of the tall cliffs outside Dulce, Bennewitz took a series of photographs showing unidentified craft diving into the mountain through what he claimed were entrance ways that could be opened and closed. The ships passed by so fast they could not be seen with the unaided

$20.00 + $5.00 S/H.

eye. Somehow, he knew where to aim his camera. He also managed to get a shot of a strange Bigfoot like creature standing in a nearby clump of trees. The area around these mountains seemed to be alive with all sorts of paranormal activity. Beckley says at one of the UFO/Conspiracy conferences he organized in the South West he had the opportunity to meet a lady who had dug deeply into the Paul Bennewitz case as well as numerous animal mutilations in the vicinity. There were dozens of them and the ranchers were freaking out. Many of the mutilations were associated with strange balls of light and UFO-type phenomenon that would be seen on the nights when the animals were apparently being butchered. Christa Tilton has spent some time with Paul Bennewitz who had since committed suicide perhaps being pushed to do so by weird government interference into his life and business assisted one could speculate by a UFO reEngineer Paul Bennewitz took this photo of several swifty moving objects as they entered the side of a mountain overlooking the searcher who had been asked to mistown of Dulce, NM. Were they going to their underground base? Continued on Page 17 > 16

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Local residents of Dulce, many of whom are Native Americans, have long felt the tension in the air. They are convinced something strange - perhaps sinister -- is "hovering" over their town. UFOlogists see it in terms of underground bases and grey aliens, while the inside of the mountain being used as a toxic waste dump has NOT been ruled out. direct Bennewitz in exchange for UFO data that might be helpful to his career. I offered to purchase a self published rather thick report that Christa had put together on the Bennewitz affair and I put it out but never really promoted it and the cover was less than professional, so it didnt get the readership it deserved. There were other rumors about underground UFO activity in Dulce states Tim Beckley, adding, A claim was made of a last man standing war in which the aliens took over the lower levels and set up containers where they could breed humans, turning them into hybrids. One military personnel said he managed to escape, but later disappeared, while another individual Phil Schneider mysteriously committed suicide after he began speaking in public about the ongoing events in Dulce. He offered as evidence of his being caught in an interplanetary confrontation the fact that he had lost three fingers. And even if one discounts some of the more speculative episodes, there have been and this is a matter of public record any number of unexplainable sightings of saucers in and around the town. Some of them made by the local Native America, others by no less an credible authority than the Chief of Police. Beckley says apparently the local citizenry have known about the UFO presence for some time. The Natives might well have equated it with the re appearance of their gods, but these appearances seemed a bit more negative . . . but not all of them! Paul Villa (whose book of seemingly authentic UFO photographs we just published) spoke of meeting advanced humanoid beings probably within a stones throw of Dulce. His pictures are quite spectacular as the objects are shown landing on tripod extensions. In March of this year (2009) veteran research Norio Nayakawa decided he wanted to get to the bottom of the mysterious happenings at Dulce. Was there really an alien base inside the mountain, were locals actually seeing UFOs, or was perhaps a bit more sinister taking place? Norio decided to call a town hall meeting in Dulce itself. Feeling strongly that the citys board and the local Native American tribe would not be anxious for him to proceed with any plans for a mini conference, he decided to go ahead and organize such an event anyway. Did Paul Bennewitz (pictured As it turned here) commit suicide be- out not only did cause he had found and phohe receive no obtographed evidence of an underground lab at Dulce, NM? jections from the city council, but some members helped with promotion and offered to provide their own testimony on what they had seen or been involved in. The event was such a success that at the last minute, Norio had to move the conference from a hotel meeting room to a larger auditorium. A lot of new information was forthcoming and the day after the presentations were made, Norio filed the following report. DULCE BASE CONFERENCE ENDS: A FULL REPORT by Norio Hayakawa March 30, 2009 Dulce Base Conference Ends With More Questions Than Answers DULCE, NEW MEXICO Close to 120 people showed up for the first underground base conference ever to be held in Dulce, New Mexico on Sunday, March 29. The event made a rather tumultuous start at the Best Western Jicarilla Inn at 10 a.m. By that time the entire bar lounge area began to be filled beyond capacity. And by the time the first speaker (former Dulce ranch owner, Edmund Gomez) began his presentation, many people had to stand and wait in the adjacent restaurant area. It was then that the Fire Department issued a warnContinued on Page 18 > 17

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< Continued from Page 17 ing saying that the conference must immediately be moved elsewhere. Halfway through the speakers fascinating presentation, the Fire Department issued a stern second warning saying that the number of people inside the conference room far exceeded its capacity. Panic then began to be felt by the events organizer, Norio Hayakawa of Rio Rancho. Hotel employees frantically made phone calls to find out if there were any other locations available for the conference to go on. It was then that Hoyt Velarde, former Dulce police officer and head of Public Safety Department, suggested to Hayakawa that the conference be moved to a civic hall inside a small shopping center across the street from the hotel. With Velardes swift assistance in making the arrangement, and after a short intermission, the entire Dulce Base: Fact or Fiction? conference and public forum finally resumed and continued the rest of the day at the new location. As an interesting side note, on Sunday morning when it was still dark outside, many guests at the Best Western Jicarilla Inn were awakened shortly before 6 a.m. by a thunderous roar of blades of helicopters above. Local residents nearby reported that there was a rare low flight of two military helicopters above Dulce. In the afternoon session of the conference, two local residents also testified that they witnessed the military helicopters circling above Dulce and that they passed slowly above the hotel. They told Hayakawa that there are occasional appearances of military helicopters over the town but the flights were never as low as what they saw early Sunday morning. As organizer and moderator of this conference, Hayakawa several times alluded to an allegation that the government, beginning in the early 1970s and lasting till the early 1980s, may have conducted clandestine operations in the area involving experiments with bovine diseases, anthrax and other substances as part of biological warfare research. He also alluded to another allegation that there may also have been some illegal dumping or storage of toxic chemicals and other biohazardous materials in the nearby areas. Hayakawa stated that he tends to support a theory that the government may have purContinued on Page 19 > 18


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< Continued from Page 18 posefully created some convenient cover stories (underground alien base concept) to conceal those clandestine activities and may even have staged a series of fake UFO-type incidents in the area, utilizing high tech equipment such as holographic projection devices. However he also stated that he cannot deny any possibility that there may indeed be some unknown interdimensional phenomenon in the area which happens to be filled with fascinating cultural and spiritual beliefs of the Jicarilla Apache nation. The speakers at the conference and their main points expressed were as follows: Edmund Gomez, spokesman for the entire Gomez family who owned a large ranch in Dulce said that their ranch lost more than 17 cows during the height of cattle mutilations incidents and experienced substantial financial loss over the years. Gomez stated that gas masks were found near the mutilation sites and that specific cows were each tracked with phosphorescent markings a few days before the mutilations actually took place. He is convinced that this was done by the government and that no aliens were involved. He asserted that the government was conducting some type of germ warfare experiments. He concluded by stating that there is definitely a governmental underground facility there. Hoyt Velarde, former Dulce police officer and head of Public Safety Department asserted that he has not located the base yet but it is an undeniable fact that there have been (and still are) many UFO sightings in the area. Velarde even suggested that he is willing to organize an escorted group expedition soon for the public to the top of the Archuleta Mesa if such a request is made in earnest. He surprised the attendees also by saying that another conference on this topic could even be held next time in the conference hall of the Police Department there. Hayakawa said that he may consider this offer. Gabe Valdez, former New Mexico state patrol officer in charge of the Dulce area stated that he investigated numerous cattle mutilation cases in the Dulce area from the mid 1970s to the early 1980s. He declared that this has nothing to do with aliens but that there is something there that is too sensitive for discussion and refused to further divulge what that was. Christopher O Brien, researcher of paranormal activities in the San Luis Valley of SouthContinued on Page 20 >

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< Continued from Page 19 ern Colorado asserted that Dulce may be a diversion for what is more importantly taking place in the San Luis Valley just north of northern New Mexico. Dr. Michael E. Salla, the initiator of exopolitics and author of a book entitled EXPOSING U.S. GOVERNMENT POLICIES ON EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE expressed his belief that there is a joint US/alien underground bio-lab beneath the Archuleta Mesa and that this must be addressed as a serious human rights abuse issue. Greg Bishop, author of PROJECT BETA, a book in which he describes in detail his investigations of the claims of an Albuquerque scientist by the name of Paul Bennewitz, said that Bennewitz was the initial source behind the rumors of the underground base in Dulce. Bishop asserted that Bennewitz was side tracked by an unofficial disinformation campaign to get him to look away from evidence of sensitive military projects going on in 1979 inside Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque. However, Bishop surprised everyone when he said at the end that he is now beginning to rethink his initial doubts about Dulce and concluded that there could indeed be something there. Gabe Julian, former Dulce police officer who worked under the late Raleigh Tafoya, former Dulce Police Chief described his encounters with three metallic, oval-shaped object hovering at a tree-top level at a ranch in Dulce. He described how he was dispatched to the ranch house of a woman who claimed that Concludes on Page 21 >


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< Continued from Page 20 small people with strange boxes emitting light were harassing her. Initially skeptical of what his radio dispatcher told him, he drove over to the area and was shaken up when he witnessed those hovering objects there. Dennis Balthaser, a wellknown UFO researcher from Roswell, New Mexico expressed his conviction that there is a US/alien joint biological laboratory and base under the Archuleta Mesa. Keith Ealy, a researcher with a fascinating interpretation of Dulce as being a space time portal for interdimensionals amazed the audience with his close-up satellite imagery of Dulce Elementary School building. He told the audience that the contours of the parking lot resemble an ancient stone scupture in Bolivia. He concluded that the Dulce area is filled with interdimentional phenomenon, a topic similarly shared by world famous researchers, Dr. Jacques Vallee and John Keel. ORDERING INFORMATION As this issue is readied for press we are set to release a tremendous work on the mysteries of Dulce to be titled: UNDERGROUND ALIEN BIO LAB AT DULCE THE BENNEWITZ UFO PAPERS Not only will this full size book contain a full report on Paul Benewitz, but it will center its attention on the many bizarre activities of Dulce, the most mysterious place in the South Western United States. The list price in stores and through various web sites will be at least $24.00. For our readers only we have decided to deliver the book to your door for $20.00 + $5.00 S/H. IN ADDITION we will include a free DVD or audio CD (of our choice). Order now and be among the first to receive UNDERGROUND ALIEN BIO LAB AT DULCE.


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Transmitted By Benevolent Beings From Higher Realms
MICHAEL BARTON was a businessman residing in Los Angeles who found his life changed when his best friend, Jim, became very ill with a condition that baffled the best doctors. While meditating over his buddys deteriorating condition Michael found he was able to receive telepathic communications beamed to him from more advanced cosmic souls. NOT WANTING to alienate his business clients, but desperate to get the information he had collected out to a growing number of adherents in UFO and New Age philosophy, he began to self-publish courses and monographs under the pseudonym of Michael X. His work was read and distributed widely as believers and skeptics alike instinctively recognized the importance of its content. SUBJECTS DISCUSSED centered around Health and Healing Elevation of the Human Spirit Development of Secret Powers The True Substance of All Matter Winning The Battle Over Evil And Negativity ENTER INTO THIS FASCINATING STUDY WITH AN OPEN MIND AND A POSITIVE, CONSTRUCTIVE VIEW Venusian Secret-Science! Activating two-way thought communications Talking on your mental radio and using mental vision Unleashing your inner cosmic qualities Progressing from planet to planet Manifesting lifes levels Participating in the Grand Awakening The mysterious Venusian Emblem and its great significance The seven principles of color and beauty (physical and inner) Pinpointing the great mistakes of humankind The magic of vitality elixirs Unlocking the secrets of the Central Light or Diamond Star Meeting the Guardians Instructions for using your TeleCrystal Venusian Health Magic! Good health tips from the Lifetronic Healing Center on Venus How to overcome your bad environment Improving the quality and quantity of lifetronic energy all around you Three rivers of life you must cross How to give up your ills Raising the true capstone of health and healing through the Pyramid Principles Achieving harmonic perfection Modulating yourself upward The importance of a New Age dietwhat to eat and drink in moderation Virtues of the Golden Sphere Venusian vigor and vitality FREE: LEMURIAN SEED TELECRYSTAL In the context of his studies, Michael X talks extensively of working with a Telolith or Telecrystal to enhance his connection with the Venusians and Universal Force. To help spur on your own spiritual development we are including with the Venusian Health Magic and Secret Sciences course a powerful Lemurian Seed Telecrystal which will assist in breaking through to higher dimensions and at the same time enable you to retain a firm balance in this earthly realm.



This wonderful science was developed by far wiser beings, and is NOT the result of one or even a dozen brilliant minds. Many THOUSANDS of minds concentrated together on Venus, under the direction of the Lord Thinkers, to produce a Super Science for the good of all humankind everywhere. Three basic principles LIFE, LOVE and LIGHT are the positive essentials or foundation of their wondrous science. VENUSIAN SECRET SCIENCE was discovered, formulated and designed into a workable system thirty three million years ago, and it has never failed. Now is the time for our own planet to blossom with a golden age far surpassing anything Earth has yet known.


Contains a wealth of vital instruction and inspiration of or all of the wonderful souls who inhabit our world to lift you upward into a healthier, happier and higher vibration. Our Space Brothers tell us that no one on earth need be sick or wracked with pain, or filled with a hopless despair IF the amazing health principles they have unselfishly brought to us, are practiced. The space beings have discovered that radiant health and vitality could be stepped up by the simple means of increasing ones intake of life electricity, through a positive consciousness called Lifetrons. Venusian Health Magic will open NEW VISTAS for you, in your search for health and mastery. < < < < ORDER NOW!

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Inner Light Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903

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Humanity is entering a new era, a departure perhaps as profound as the first kindled fire or the first turns of the first wheel. Right now, new revelations and developments are modifying all areas and all levels of our earthly human existence, bringing changes that are far more challenging than anyone can imagine or foresee! A New Vision For A New Paradigm......Powerful stuff!
Money Order only, please: William Kern 6460-65 Convoy Court San Diego, California 92117-2312 27


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Previously Concealed Inner Soul Teachings Of William Oribello Now Made Public!
Rare Reprint With Important Newly Secured Revelations COSMIC SECRETS OF THE MASTERS OF WISDOM: A FINAL SOLUTION TO WORLD PROBLEMS PLUS: THE MAGICK OF THE PENTAGRAM REVEALED Since early childhood William Alexander Oribello encountered and made strong ties throughout his life with a variety of Guardian Angels, Guides and Cosmic Masters. For the most part he never liked to divulge their identities for fear that the unworthy might attempt to communicate with these advanced spiritual forces for negative or greedy purposes. Eventually he did release a special guide to his students titled THE FINAL SOLUTION: HIGHER KNOWLEDGE FROM THE MASTERS OF WISDOM . Placed into limited circulation, this guide contained potent cosmic knowledge he had guarded dearly. As instructed, Inner Light did produce a limited number of copies of this manuscript which contained Bills direct channelings from a consortium of spirit guides he identified as the Legions of Light. This legion consisted of such advanced spiritual teachers as Jesus the Christ, Count St Germain, Master Kuan Yin, El Morya, and John the Master, and members of the Ashtar Command. The volume not only contained direct transmissions from those who directed Bill Oribellos work here on the earth plane, but instructions were also given as to how the ambitious student could successfully communicate with these masterful beings, seek their advice, prayers, protection and compliance, as well as receive holy compensation that would normally be beyond the average individuals ability. We have revitalized this information which includes a special Invocation Ritual For Reaching Out To The Masters of Wisdom, Secret Signs Utilized In Such Contacts, as well as even the best time to seek their knowledge. We have added to this manuscript material on Pentagram Magick which Bill strongly felt was a superior symbol of Divine Truth in mastering the Sacred Magical Arts, despite the fact that some tried to put forward the idea that the symbol was Satanic in nature. . .something Oribello strongly refuted. To order simply send $20.00 plus $5.00 S/H and ask for a copy of COSMIC SECRETS OF THE MASTERS REVEALED: PLUS PENTAGRAM MAGICK and your copy will be on its way shortly. And please do not share this material with anyone else as it is meant for your eyes only. LEARN THE FIVE FOLD POWER OF THE PENTAGRAM! HOW TO USE THE PENTAGRAM FOR MATERIAL AND EMOTIONAL NEEDS FOR MIND POWERFOR HEALING THE WHOLE PERSON AND FOR SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT WANT TO WORK WITH THE SACRED PENTRAGRAM AS PRESCRIBED BY WILLIAM ORIBELLO?Include an additional $72.00 and we will send you a beautiful King Solomon Sacred Pentagram (aka The Flower of Venus) in sterling silver that you can wear or carry for universal protection and all its positive cosmic benefits. The amulet has a beautiful Turquoise stone as its center and is empowered for immediate use.

Inner Light Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903

Credit card customers use our 24-hour secure hotline at 732-602-3407. VISA, MasterCard, Discover, International and Postal Money Orders, USA bank checks accepted. NO CASH. NJ residents add sales tax. Detailed ordering and shipping information may be found inside back cover of this issue.


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William Alexander Oribello and Dragonstar Agree You Will Only Become Wealthy When You Begin To Realize. . .


This new book contains ancient magic techniques which utilize hidden power verses taken from the Holy Scriptures to gain enlightment, good fortune, riches and all-around prosperity. These easy to perform spiritual spells will have a deep impact on your life and your loved ones. Beginning in his childhood, William Alexander Oribello experienced contact with Divine Forces in the forms of Angelic Beings and Ascended Masters. These spiritual contacts taught him the secrets of creative force and how we all can utilize special verses along with candles, incense, crystals and gemstones to attract prosperity as God has said we might receive. Since Oribellos ascension to other realms, there has been a major void in the metaphysical field that has only lately begun to be filled by Dragonstar, a metaphysician whose psychic linage dates back to the continent of Atlantis. Recently, Dragonstar researched through folders filled with notes made by Oribello on the subject of Divine Money Spells and agreed with the late avatar when he stated, Money and prosperity are not evil, only when one elevates material wealth over everything else does it become a problem. The Creator intends us to be happy and prosperous in this reality. Money and prosperity can bring peace of mind that allows one to concentrate on important spiritual matters and being able to help others. DOZENS OF NEW SPELLS TO MAKE YOU WEALTHY INCLUDED FOR THE FIRST TIME. Order Your Copy of DIVINE MONEY SPELLS For Just $22.00 + $5.00 S/H.
Begin Practicing Divine Prosperity Right Now With Your Own WEALTH AND PROSPERITY RITUAL KIT. We have packaged a simple to use WEALTH AND PROSPERITY KIT that is designed to bring wealth and Prosperity into your life, or expand upon the riches you have already attained. With a ritual written expressly for the magical practices of candle and charm magic, this kit contains a sigil bearing ritual candle charged to attract wealth, two different herbal spell mixes, charcoal, two spell pouches, a money Tree amulet- used as a focus for your will to help make money grow and detailed instructions on how to perform the ritual and use the included tools. SPECIAL: RITUAL KIT AND DIVINE SPELL BOOK COMBINATION JUST $45.00 + $5 S/H

Inner Light Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903


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We have several shelves of high quality DVDs that we need to sell in order to bring in new stock. These are all shrink-wrapped not the cheap sets we offer. These come in cases with colorful covers. Some are single DVDs. Some are two in a pack. Some entire sets. We are offering them at least 20% below suggested retail. Order now while they last.

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u ESP AND PSYCHIC SPIES Russell Targ and Uri Geller - $18.00 u AZTEC UFO CRASH Govt coverup of UFOs and recovered alien technology - $16.00 (If you want to know more, we have our BEHIND THE FLYING SAUCERS; AZTEC UPDATE book, add $20.00) u HEALING CELEBRATIONS 4 discs Dr Leon Horowitz reveals miraculous recoveries through ancient scriptures, natural medicine and modern science. Was $99.00 Now $75.00 u ADVANCED ICE AGE CIVILIZATIONS AND ATLANTIS 3 discs Underwater archeology, submerged megalithic sites, lost history. $40.00 u SECRET SPACE: WHAT IS NASA HIDING? 2 discs - UFO space anomalies from 19992006. - $25.00 u MYSTERIES OF THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS EXPOSED 3 discs Does unreleased parchment illuminate the mysteries of cosmos? $35.00 u UNKNOWN POWERS: YOU HAVE THEM TOO! - $15.00 u PROPHECY FOR THE NEXT 1,000 YEARS - $17.00 u TOUCHED WITH JOHN MACK, M.D. - $18.00 u JOURNEY INTO LIGHT Magic/miracles of crystals. $15.00 u CLOAK OF THE ILLUMINATI AND ANNUNAKI 2 discs by William Henry - $35.00 u MIRACLE HEALERS - $15.00 u CHEMTRAILS: STORY NO ONE IS TELLING! 2 hrs - $20.00 u STARGAGE 2012 2 discs. Surf universe with Wm Henry - $35.00 u ZACHARIA SITCHIN ALONE IN THE UNIVERSE - $18.00 u JOURNEY TO HOLLOW EARTH - $12.00 u SECRETS OF THE BLACK WORLD/UFOS/AREA 51 -5 discs - $50.00 u ALIEN IMPLANTS Includes Dr Leir Story 2 discs - $25.00 u UFOS BEST EVIDENCE 3 discs Lots of videos - $40.00 u UFO INSIDERS COSMIC TOP SECRET 4 discs Robert Dean, Neil Freer, Michael Mannion,Phillip Krapf on alien agenda- $45.00 u RICHARD HOGLAND 4 discs UN and NASA briefings - $42.00 u ILLUMINATI CONSPIRACY 2 volumes with David Icke, Ted Gunderson, Jordan Maxwell, Anthony Hilder (audio slightly off) $30.00 u SECRETS OF GIZA PYRAMIDS/ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES 2 discs - $25.00 u CLASH OF THE GENUSES:INVENTING THE IMPOSSIBLE - $17.00 u ENGLISH SACRED SITES: ATLANTIS CONNECTION - $15.00 u LOST SECRETS OF THE MAYA 2 discs - $35.00 u REVELATIONS OF MOTHER GODDESS David Icke/2 discs - $25.00 u FREEDOM ROAD WITH DAVID ICKE 2 discs - $40.00 (or VHS) u SECRETS OF THE MATRIX DAVID ICKE (on VHS) - $40.00 u PERFECT BALANCE WITH WHITLEY STRIEBER (rare VHS) - $18.00 u BLOOD SUCKING VAMPIRE FREAKS (Tim Beckley producer) $20.00 u THE EAGLE HAS LANDED Masons on the Moon - $22.00 (sound?) u SPEAK OF DEVIL WITH ANTON LEVAY (not perfect) - $15.00

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Dragonstar and William Oribello

During These Troubled Economic Times You Can Put A Higher Power In Charge Of Your Personal Bail Out Program!


Easy Magical Spells To Jump Start Your Spiritual Economic Package (See Pg 29)

Global Communications Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903

Publishers of the CONSPIRACY JOURNAL Free weekly newsletter on the net at: BULLETIN: Rare Reprint COSMIC SECRETS OF THE MASTERS OF WISDOM: A FINAL SOLUTION TO WORLD PROBLEMS Messages From Spirit by William Oribello on Page 28


William Oribello


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