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Writing a journal

Miss Liliana Lema Larraguibel

A very good way to improve your English and succeed in your subject classes is to write a reflective journal once or twice a week. A reflective journal is one in which you write your thoughts on different aspects of learning English or other subjects. For example you could write about the following things: a time in subject class when you felt really good about yourself a time in subject class that you felt embarrassed because of your lack of English a task or piece of work that you found very hard and why subjects you find difficult or teachers you find difficult to understand your thoughts about homework, quizzes and tests what you think about grades for ESL students what it feels like to be an ESL student in school how your new school is different from your last one what you do to try and improve your 4 language skills ways that you have of learning vocabulary and grammar what you find most difficult about learning English suggestions for ESL lesson activities

You could also write about general things such as: your family your hobbies and after-school or weekend activities trips you go on with your family or friends holidays birthdays books you have read films you have seen a comparison of Germany and your country your thoughts on school and how things are done your reactions to events in the news your thoughts on controversial topics

In fact you can write about anything at all, and as much as or as little as you want. Journal writing is not graded, so you dont have to worry about spelling or grammar. Your teacher will just write a response to what you have written. In fact, writing in a journal is a really good opportunity for you to take risks with your language and try to extend yourself.


Miss Liliana Lema Larraguibel

If you think your writing is interesting enough to share with other readers, you could write a web journal, also known as a blog. Ask your teacher if you need more information about what a blog is and how to set one up. Writing a regular journal (or blog!) is a successful and enjoyable way to get better in English quickly. Have fun!! How to be a better writer Learn from good writers A very good way to improve your own writing is to read other peoples work. If you read plenty of good English fiction, you will learn how skillful writers create interesting and believable characters, develop plot, explore a theme, and so on. If you read effective non-fiction you will learn how good writers present information in an interesting and organized way; you will also learn how they use language to instruct, move or persuade. Reading lots of books can also help your writing in a more general way. This is because all the time you are reading, you are learning different aspects of English. For example, you are learning new words and expressions to use in your own writing, and at the same time you are improving your ability to spell correctly. You are also learning English grammar; particularly if you read with an awareness of language and how writers express themselves. Practise your writing You can improve your writing, like any other skill, by practising it. Of course, you have to do many different kinds of writing for your subject teachers, but you could try to write something extra at least once or twice a week. Here are some ideas: write regularly in a journal or diary (suggestions on what to write about) write contributions for one of the student magazines at your school, e.g. o o o o o write an imaginative story describe a beautiful place you visited on vacation, or an interesting person you met explain how to play a popular game from your country do a review of a book , film or a piece of music write about a frightening or amusing thing that happened to you

correspond with a pen friend by e-mail or "snail-mail" write some pages for publishing on the World Wide Web (tips on writing good pages) join a computer chat room


Sample writing practice 1

Miss Liliana Lema Larraguibel

Sample writing practice 2

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