Dance Study Guide

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DANCE 45 FINAL STUDY GUIDE Russian Revolution 1917 Used to dance for Czar, but over threw him,

Ballet Russe couldnt

go home, they either couldnt leave or come back

Ballet russe is pre-revolution time Time of change in Russia Communist come to power Leningard went back to the name St. Petersburg Ballet Russse became a separate company and could not go back to Russia (were not allowed in country or else they couldnt leave until the Soviet Union fell) Effected the entire country Anna Pavlova Famous ballerina, had her own company, toured world in her own company in 1910 before she was a member of the Ballet Russe, famous for portraying birds, insects, and plants. She brought ballet to the common person because she toured everywhere, signature dance= 2 minute solo for Dying Swan Greatest female ballet dancer Died of pneumonia because she was over worked Greatest influence in America Broke male tradition The Dying Swan Choreographed by Fokine in 1905 for Anna Pavlova. Two minute solo (her dying) very expressive, on pointe the entire time. Torso=non classical. No pantomime, movement was expressive enough, composed by Camille Saint-Saens 2 minute scene Became the symbol of the new Russian Ballet-Romanticism in 1840s in ballet First danced in Metropolitan NY Ends up dead on the ground Arms moved as if they were swan wings Most famous dance of romantic solos Ballet Russe Impresario/director 1909-1929 Brought ballet into the 20th century, directed by Serge Diaghilev 1872-1929, permanent company formed in Paris 1911, Revolutionary dancers came out of this company Brought ballet into the 20th C Contemporary modern dance Womens movements Took stars (Nijinsky) from imperial Russian ballet to france during summer vacation (1909)

Diaghilev Creative director of ballet Russe, brought ballet to Paris, responsible for collaboration of great Composers: Stravinski & Debussy, Artists: Bakst, Benois & Picasso, Matisse, Cocteau Designer: Coco Chanel Launched careers of 5 great choreographers (Fakine, Nijinsky, Massine, Nijinska, Balanchine) Came from musical and well schooled family Not a dancer/choreographer Interested in new art Died in Venice Leon Bakst Visual artist who did much of the scenery for Ballet Russe, set (stage) design of Schenhevazade, designed costumes and set of Afternoon of a Faune Pablo Picasso Hired by Diaghilev to do the scenery for Ballet Russe Helped make artists of the 20th C Came together with other great artist to design sets Fokine First major choreographer/dancer of the Ballet Russe, one act ballets, narrative adult themes to ballets, were considered hot blooded, good parts for both men and women, 5 principles London Times 1914, new movement each dance, no mime, use entire body, no divertissement, unity amongst the arts; choreographed dying swan & fire bird Student of Imperial school of ballet Did not like imperial russians ballet (under control of tsar) Dancer/choreographer Brought forth 1 act ballets Narrative of adult emotions (hot and passionate) Fokines 5 major principles Outlined 5 principles of movement in London Times 1. New movement for each dance, has to relate to theme 2. No mime, expression through movement 3. Use entire body 4. No divertissement (entire group should be used to develop the plot and theme 5. Unity among the arts (music, dance, set, costume, etc.); equal cooperation with all of the artists Les Sylphides Choreographed by Fokine 1908, no plot line, expressive, Chopine composed music, no plot, danced around in tutus in the moonlight Scheherazade Choreographed by Fokine 1910, danced by Nijinsky as a golden sex slave, Arabian night tale, martial infidelity, dances with chiefs wife then killed, wife kills herself

Produced by Diaghileff Bakst did costumes and set Good parts for men and women Performed in paris human animal Cleopatre Fokine 1909, danced by Ida Rubienstein, example of narrative adult theme (typical Fokine) wears see-through outfit, will have sex with commoner if he is killed the next morning (says yes) Diaghilevs company Have sex on stage behind curtain Brings about adult theme narratives Petrouchka Choreographed by Fokine 1911, dramatic element, not an emphasis on technique (for techniques sake) Najinskys feet turned in. 3 puppets: same choreography stylized three different ways to convey character and emotion, music by Stravinsky, narrative designed in response to musical Thought it would be a ballet about a piano being attacked Changed the choreography to fit 3 personalities of puppets Very expressive choreography Story: piano attacked by instruments of symphony and puano fights back Le Spectre de la Rose Choreographed by Fokine 1911, the spirit of the rose played by Njinsky 12 minutes long, 1 act ballet, adult theme, based on poem by Gautier (written at high of romanticism in ballet), 70 years later Fokine choreographs it The man was unattainable, rather than the woman Man was more present on stage Man and woman do same steps (1st time in ballet) Nijinsky leaps out the back window of the scenery considered greatest leap of the 20th century Nijinsky Danced in many of Fokines works, until he got married and was dismissed, because mentally ill in 1917 when he was 29, dont know how he danced, we only have photographs Greatest dancer of 20th C Dancer of Diaghilevs company Became choreographer Greatest jumper of all time Replaced Fokine as choreographer b/c Diaghilev fell in love with him (made Fokine angry) Died in sanitarium 4

Schizophrenia Nijinsky became ill will this when he was 29, not able to perform long, spent half his life in an asylum, no medication or understanding Afternoon of a Faune 1st ballet choreographed by Nijinsky, wanted a dance whose meaning was contained in the movement itself. Faune is half man half animal inspiration=ancient friezes, two-dimensional appearance (profile) portrayal of masturbation Freud and natural human sexuality Music by Debussy Stylized greek ballet 1st scene=masturbation Not tame Strange/distracting facial expressions man animal Very bound choreography Completely inducement Debussy Composed music for Afternoon of a Faune, lush music Jeux Created by Nijinsky based off of suggestion by wife, tennis match. Dance as a sexual metaphor and a flirtatious games Metaphor for sex between two people Sexual tension/flirting Supposed to be 3 men but overruled and is two women and one man Rite of Spring Choreographed by Nijinsky, about rite of prehistoric tribe; sacrificing a virgin having her dance herself to death, very scandalous at the time, feet turned in rigid arms Composed by Stravinsky Example of avant grade-breaks tradition and is something new Story of a yound baby in Russian village chosen as virgin sacrificed by dancing to death Received hissing and applause Audience rioted Jumped 2 feet in the air turned in feet, bent knees, thought of as ugly Stravinsky Russian composer, Ballet Russe, balanced music in Rite of Spring= riots Composed Petrouchika Rudolph Nureyev Performed for Joffrey ballet, died of AIDs, Najinskys rules Defected from Russia Greatest male dancers

Crossed the borders btw classical and modern Soloist in Russia Star at Kariv ballet Defected from Russia Dancers defected from Russia to escape Soviet Union in the 1960s through dance Companies from the soviet union would travel with secret police to make sure they would come home from traveling Sneak away while traveling Political Asylum When --- left Russia, they had to seek political asylum, which means they are not allowed to stay in a country which they are not a citizen of. Must ask in order to stay in a country and only granted if you can prove that the country you come from does not grant you freedom Nureyev wanted a political asylum Robert Joffrey Did Joffrey Ballet, died of AIDs Studied Russia Wanted to reconstruct choreography that Nijinsky had started Joffrey Ballet Performed Digalehiv and Nuryev ballets American dancer, teacher, producer Robert Joffreys ballet company Did the reconstruction George Balanchine was a famous choreographer Massine Choreographed Parade & Three-Cornered Hat, great dancer Leonide Massine Parade Choreographed by Massine, costumes and sets: Picasso (vivid elements of cubism), music by Satie Three-Cornered Hat Costumes and set: Picasso, Massine choreographed. Costumes, set, and movement come together, happy ending, parody of freedom, young miller, wife Governor arrests the womans husband so he can be with her Husband gets out of jail and the gov is gone so he gets freedom Nijinska 1st female ballet choreographer of 20th century Sleeping Beauty 1912- very expensive and unsuccessful, theater confiscates costumes and sets found behind a brick wall and forty years later sold in auction, money for 1st theater museum in London

Nijinskys sister Choreographed for ballet russe Leading dancer/choreographer for Diaghilev company Les Noces (the wedding) Nijinska1923, music: Stravinsky=music, peasants from old Russia their marriage rights (disorder in order), not fantasy element: very realistic patterns and formations made with dancers bodies, Focus on dancers; simplified set designs Natalia Gunchonova created costumes Combined Russian folk-song and irregular rhythms Young virgins to be married and an older couple goes to warm and bless the bed before they have sex in it Le Train Bleu Nujinska choreographed 1924, last ballet she does for Ballet Russe, set by Picasso; designer Coco Chanel, American influence, based on Prince of Whales and Suzanne Linger(female tennis player); acrobatics at end, very theatrical, not simply dancing, no fantasy, real people in real life Sport moves Integrated tennis players on Prince of wales Flirtation btw two couples at a beach in France, ensues fight Anton Dolin Lead dances, very acrobatic, champion summer, brought sports into European Ballet Starred in le train bleu Name changed Other man flirts with tennis player Coca Chanel Costumes for ballet Russe, ex: Le Train Bleu=pink (patented) Designed set for dying swan=became famous Prince of Wales Character in Le Train Bleu, was based from him, hottest bachelor in Europe Suzanne Linglor Famous tennis player, character in Le Train Bleu Milhaud A French composer that taught in Oakland Prolific jazz composer Influenced by American dance Composed music for le train bleu George Balanchine 1904-1983, born St. Petersburg, made ballet and dance available to common people, Americanized ballet, creates School of American Ballet ___ Society 1984 (NYCB) considered neo-classical- two dancers on a stage were

a story in themselves, influenced by African American society worked Broadway (choreographed) Arthur Mitchell- one of his dancers Jackie Robinon Arthur Mitchell creates dance theater of Harlem in 1969 Choreographer for NYC ballet company Abstract ballet Replaced Nijinska as ballet master Became major choreographer in NY after Diaglev died Took tall, thin ballerinas and made them move fast Took hips off center and used improv Apollo Choreographed by Ballanchine (who was an experimentalist), about the birth of the god Apollo Production w/Nijinsky Displacement of hips instead of vertical alignment 1 of 2 pieces that survived Agon Music by Stravinsky, Ancient Greece contest/debate between opposing forces, 17th century French court dances No fancy sets People dressed in simple costumes Example of African American aesthetics from Balanchine Four Temperaments 1946 Music by Hindemith, each human passed for different temperaments, 4 variations: Melancholic, Sanguinic, Phlegmatic, and intensity Example of extract ballet No set no narratice Africanist aesthetic Embraces conflict and juxtaposition, polyrhythm, pelvis-off center, based on Greek word yarth Cool: detachment and intensity, improvisation without fixed pattern Ballet offers the most dramatic contrast to the African aesthetic Ephebism=power, vitality Lincoln Kirstein 1907-1996, very wealthy, owner Felines Department Store Invited Balanchine to come to US Found at the funding At Balanchines side at NYC ballet Performed Eugene lorings Billy the kid Started NY Ballet school New York City Ballet (NYCB) 1948, George Ballanchine choreography, Americanized NYCB American version of Paris Opera

Most distinguished company in America Mostly all white dancers Arthur Mitchell Black dancer, created the dance theater of Harlem in 1969, principal dancers in the NYC ballet, broke racial barriers, demonstrates how to move hips Dance Theater of Harlem Created by Arthur Mitchell 1968 American Ballet Theater (ABT) Not state supported 1956, Balanchive, Fokine, Massive, and Nijinska; eclectic choreography Isadora Duncan Woman dancer that found dance as liberation, Free-flowing clothes and constructed a dance Performed in Ballet Russe Made up first modern dance language Showgirl Went to Russia and influenced many dance as art Died in a car accident at age 50 Loie Fuller Actress and singer, early pioneer of modern dance, create images of butterflies and fires, innovative with lighting designs Supported Isadora Duncan Created imaged with her silk skirt Early pioneer of modern dance Created serpentine dance Ruth St. Denis Sensuous dances of the east were inspiration for her, husband is Ted Shawn Integrated mysticism and spirituality into modern dance Theatrical Choreographer of intolerance Ted Shawn Added opportunities for greater commercial success by bringing in theatrical visions, started a school with wife called Denishawn Denishawn Spirituality+show biz glamour; dance school and company 19th Constitutional Amendment vote Women can vote in 1920 Margaret Sanger Fled to France because mailed information about contraception which was illegal, married wealthy Canadian oil man Louis Horst Musical director at Denishawn, Martha Graham music director, dance first; music second, ultra modern music

Solely a composed Martha Graham Student of ruth Denis made stringent movement not loose of funny, devotion Perspective of acting Based on characters/situations from greek plays Training through contractions and release of pelvis Stark, individual, choreographer Acts of Light 1981, Martha Graham, Santa Barbara inspiration; pelvic contractions/ release Pelvic contraction and release Build strength in center of gravity, Martha Graham Big deal-emotional, sensual, sexual Deigned to support greater dramatic dances Percussive movement Trademark of Grahams style Sharp powerful movement; angle Doris Humphrey Art of making dances, based from fall and recovery Passacaglia and fugue in C minor- showed fall and recovery Studied and taught dance Opened dance schoo in 1913 Fall & Recovery Suspension in air Fall=letting go, let upper body fall; recover=the rebound Metaphor for death and rebirth Struggle took advantage of the weight in order to pull and compose shapes The Art of Making Dances Dorus Humphrey wrote in 1959, based on fall and recovery, suspension in air w/o falling Charles Weidman Modern dancer, teacher, and choreographer, studied and performed with Denishaun before he began his own companyHumphreyWeidman School Principal of fall and recovery kinetic pantomime Jose Limon Pioneering modern dancer and choreographer, studied under Humphrey and Weidman, formed the Jose Limon Dance Company, died of prostate cancer Signature gestures See glory and power of human spirit in dance on stage and in the class room

Humphreys protg Rudolph Laban Dance artist and theorist LABAN MOVEMENT ANALYSIS Established the Choreographic Institute in Zurich Founded branches across Europe Kinetographie Laban=labanotation, primary movement notation stilled used today in dance Contextualize dance with a movement choir Mary Wigman Credited for innovation of Expressionist Dance, and pioneer of modern dance in Germany Dancer, choreographer, instructor of dance Rudolph Labans protg Very competitive, sexual tension w/Laban Mother of modern dance Hanya Holm Pioneer of modern dance, Wigmans assistant, founded Wigman School of Dance in New York 1931, also employed Labans theories of spatial dynamice Alvin Ailey Choreographed REVELATIONS, black and died of AIDS at age 58 Prejudice on race Taught us that theatrical excitement can happen Cry, for Jamison was a solo to celebrate black women Paul Taylor Performed in: Merce Cunningham, Martha Graham, and George Balanchine Founded the Paul Taylor dance company Came out dressed in suit Everyday dance moves Inspired from real life Avant-Garde People or works that are experimental or novel Cutting edge Art thats breaking tradition Something new Used by paul taylor Aureole Choreographed by Paul Taylor Avant-garde Wanted to experience dance without movement Stood out in a suit and stood for 4 minutes Review was 4 inches of blank space Merce Cunningham Created randomness into design

Composer John Cage Inspirational and innovational figure in modern dance Avant-garde dance Used stop watch John Cage Composer of chance music Avant-garde, experimental Non-standard use of musical instruments Robert Ellis Dunn Musician who impacted modern dance Created choreography at Merce Cunninghams studio Teaches people they can do what they want as long as you explain the process Postmodern Dance 1970s, drives away from narrative, a mix of things (commingning) Reaction to compositional and presentation constraints of modern dance Hailed to use everyday movement as valid performance art and advocated nove methods of dance composition Judson Church 1962 concert at New Yorks Judson Memorial Church was regarded as beginning of post modernist dance movement, done by John Cage Twyla Tharp Famous American modern dancer and choreographer, worked with American Ballet and Joffrey Ballet, also choreographed Mikhail Bayschinov Came out of the tradition of postmodern dance at Judson church Very experimental and eccentric individualist of modern dance Famous dance deuce coupe Alwin Nikolais Choreographed Tensile Involvement 1953 First puppeteer Motions leads to emotions Skills in acting puppetry and music composition Studied dance at Bennington college Tensile Involvement 1953, consisted of electrical, music, colors. At first it was not completely accepted as a dance Elastic pull Choreographed by Nikolais Pilobolus Modern dance company that started in 1971 Name adopted by dance company Acrobatic group that lived together

Characterized by physical interaction btw bodies of performers and exaggeration of human form Started at ivy league schools Grew out of confusion and disconnection in 1960s Monkshood Farewell 1974 performed by Pilobolus HIV+ Human Immunodeficiency virus AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome- an epidemic that starts in 1980s Choreographers who died from AIDS Robert Joffrey 1988, Alvin Ailey 1989, Christopher Gillis 1993, Rudolph Nureyev 1993, Ulysses Done 1996 12 Bill T. Jones Black choreographer who was HIV+ and when on tour he would hold workshops for terminally ill people Dancer for Alvin Ailey Puts together dance asylum Great freedom with avant-garde, struggles to find own voice Relationship w/Arny Zane whole later dies from AIDS Still/Here 1994 by Bill T. Jones, based on his seminar workshops; swirling with arms out to side, spinning, stomping feet, flying Joe Goode Joe Goode Performance Group, little boy and John about Ben is sleepily, choreographed Deeply There in 1998; response to AIDS epidemic Deeply There About a group of friends and neighbors during a final decline of a man Mikhail Baryshnikov An amazing dancer who defected from Russia through dance to come to US From Russian, dances topless, trained in ballet, director of American ballet association Political Asylum Garth Fagan Black modern dance choreographer and is founder and artistic director of Garth Fagan Dance Wanted to celebrate NYC w/o complexity Addresses AIDS epidemic as a whole section of dance Lion King Choreographed by Garth Fagn- won a Tony Award in 1998 Vandekeybus

Founded company Ultimavez 20 years ago, filmmaker, actor, photograph Belgium choreographer Variety of modern dance Based on movements that one must do (instinctual) Ballroom dance Couple dance Waltz courtship/romance; synchronized 2 (male/female) Gender roles, clear steps to follow Savoy Ballroom Integrated ballroom in Harlem, they did their own kind of dance= swing Harlem Created lindy hop (swing) had savoy ball Lindy Hop & Jitterbug Breakaway from couple dancing, with improvisation, fast swing/Jerky Buddy Dean Show 1957-1964, not integrated, days for whites and days for blacks hairspray was based off Segregation (teens danced together) Busby Berkeley Great choreographer in US music movies, choreographed Snadars and 42nd Street Choreographer and his work was filmed during the great depression Famous for his overhead shots And I only have eyes for you Ruby Keeler Actress, singer, dancer, most famous for her on-screen coupling with Dick Powell in a string of successful early musicals at Warner Brothers Danced in Berkeleys movies became movie dancing star of the 1930s Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers Made 9 movies together, astire choreographed dances, the gay divorc Tap dancers Tap Dance American theatrical dance using precise rythymed patterns of foot movement and ___ foot tapping Strictly and American dance Developed from Africans and irish Nicholas Brothers African American dancing brothers, acrobatic technique, dancing, considered to be great; down argentine way showed their extraordinary tap skills Shirley Temple

Iconic American child actor, 1930, 6 years old, Bright Eyes 1934, successful during depression, tap danced Bill Bojangles Robinson Not until 50 did he dance for white people, comedian and performer African American tap dancer who danced with Shirley Temple Chain Dance Form of community, African dance in a circle, intricate circle then straight line done since the beginning of time

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