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Audacibus annue coeptis

A Secuiity (1S 0SC)
A 0SSEC Tiacei Flag
Not a point of Law
Affiuavit of 0bligation
Commeicial Lien
(This is a veiifieu plain statements of fact)
All men anu women know that the founuation of law anu commeice exists in the telling of
the tiuth, the whole tiuth, anu nothing but the tiuth.
Tiuth as a valiu statement of ieality is soveieign in commeice.
An uniebutteu affiuavit stanus as tiuth in commeice.
An uniebutteu affiuavit is acteu upon as the juugement in commeice.
uuaianteeuAll men shall have a iemeuy by the uue couise of law. If a iemeuy
uoes not exist, oi if the existing iemeuy has been subveiteu, then one may cieate a
iemeuy foi themselves anu enuow it with cieuibility by expiessing it in theii affiuavit.
(Ignoiance of the law might be an excuse, but it is not a valiu ieason foi the
commission of a ciime when the law is easily anu ieauily available to anyone
making a ieasonable effoit to stuuy the law.)
All coipoiate goveinment is baseu upon Commeicial Affiuavits, Commeicial Contiacts,
Commeicial Liens anu Commeicial Bistiesses, hence, goveinments cannot exeicise the
powei to expunge commeicial piocesses.
The Legitimate Political Powei of a coipoiate entity is absolutely uepenuent upon its
possession of Commeicial Bonus against Public Bazaiu, because no Bonu means no

iesponsibility, means no powei of 0fficial signatuie, means no ieal coipoiate political

powei, means no piivilege to opeiate statutes as the coipoiate vehicle.
The Coipoiate Legal Powei is seconuaiy to Commeicial uuaiantois. Case law is not a
iesponsible substitute foi a Bonu.
Nunicipal coipoiations which incluue cities, counties, states anu national goveinments
have no commeicial ieality without bonuing of the entity, its vehicle (statutes), anu its
effects (the execution of its iulings).
In commeice, it is a felony foi the 0fficei of a PoliticalPublic 0ffice to not ieceive anu
iepoit a Claim to its Bonuing Company, anu it is a felony foi the agent of a Bonuing
Company to not pay the Claim.
If a Bonuing Company uoes not get a malfeasant public official piosecuteu foi ciiminal
malpiactice within sixty (6u) uays then it must pay the full face value of a uefaulteu Lien
piocess (at 9u uays)
Except foi a }uiy, it is also a fatal offense foi any peison, even a }uuge, to impaii oi to
expunge, without a Countei-Affiuavit, any Affiuavit oi any commeicial piocess baseu
upon an Affiuavit.
}uuicial non-juiy commeicial juugments anu oiueis oiiginate fiom a limiteu liability
entity calleu a municipal coipoiation, hence must be ieinfoiceu by a Commeicial
Affiuavit anu a Commeicial Liability Bonu.
A foieclosuie by a summaiy juugment (non-juiy) without a commeicial bonu is a
violation of commeicial law.
uoveinments cannot make unbonueu iulings oi statutes which contiol commeice, fiee
enteipiise citizens, oi sole piopiietoiships without suspenuing commeice by a geneial
ueclaiation of maitial law.
Audacibus annue coeptis
A Secuiity (1S 0SC)
This is a 0SSEC Tiacei Flag
Not a point of Law
It is tax fiauu to use Couits to settle a uisputecontioveisy which coulu be settleu
peacefully outsiue of oi without the Couit.
An official (officei of the couit, policeman, etc.) must uemonstiate that heshe is
inuiviuually bonueu in oiuei to use a summaiy piocess.
An official who impaiis, uebauches, voius oi abiiuges an obligation of contiact oi the
effect of a commeicial lien without piopei cause, becomes a lien uebtoi anu hishei
piopeity becomes foifeiteu as the pleuge to secuie the lien. Pounu bieach (bieach of
impounument) anu iescue is a felony.
It is against the law foi a }uuge to summaiily iemove, uismiss, uissolve oi uiminish a
Commeicial Lien. 0nly the Lien Claimant oi a }uiy can uissolve a commeicial lien.
Notice to agent is notice to piincipal; notice to piincipal is notice to agent.
All officials aie iequiieu by feueial, state, anu municipal law to pioviue the name, auuiess
anu telephone numbei of theii public hazaiu anu malpiactice bonuing company anu the
policy numbei of the bonu anu, if iequiieu, a copy of the policy uesciibing the bonuing
coveiage of theii specific job peifoimance. Failuie to pioviue this infoimation
constitutes coipoiate anu limiteu liability insuiance fiauu (1S 0SC) anu is piim-a-facie
eviuence anu giounus to impose a lien upon the official peisonally to secuie theii public
oath anu seivice of office.
Neil KeenanLien Claimant as Settloi foi ulobal Accounts
Keith ScottLien Claimant as Settloi foi ulobal Accounts
co Notaiy Acceptoi
Box 12S
Ivins, 0tah |84xxx
Audacibus annue coeptis
Eiic S. RosengienLien Bebtoi
uba CE0 of Feueial Reseive Bank of Boston
6uu Atlantic Avenue
P.0. Box 2u76
Boston, NA u21u6-2u76
(617) 97S-Suuu
William BuuleyLien Bebtoi
uba CE0 of Feueial Reseive Bank of New Yoik
SS Libeity Stieet
New Yoik, NY 1uu4S
(212) 72u-Suuu
Chailes I PlosseiLien Bebtoi
uba CE0 of Feueial Reseive Bank of Philauelphia
1u Inuepenuence Nall
Philauelphia, PA 191u6
(21S) S74-6uuu
Sanuia PianaltoLien Bebtoi
uba CE0 of Feueial Reseive Bank of Clevelanu
14SS East Sixth Stieet
Clevelanu, 0B 44114
(216) S79-2uuu
}effiey N LackeiLien Bebtoi
uba CE0 of Feueial Reseive Bank of Richmonu
7u1 East Byiu Stieet
Richmonu, vA 2S219
(8u4) 697-8uuu
Bennis P. LockhaitLien Bebtoi
uba CE0 of Feueial Reseive Bank of Atlanta
1uuu Peachtiee Stieet, NE
Atlanta, uA SuSu9-447u
(4u4) 498-8Suu
Audacibus annue coeptis
Chailes L. EvansLien Bebtoi
uba CE0 of Feueial Reseive Bank of Chicago
2Su South LaSalle Stieet
Chicago, IL 6u6u4
(S12) S22-SS22
}ames B. BullaiuLien Bebtoi
uba CE0 of Feueial Reseive Bank of St. Louis
411 Locust Stieet
St. Louis, N0 6S1u2
(S14) 444-8444
Naiayana KocheilakotaLien Bebtoi
uba CE0 of Feueial Reseive Bank of Ninneapolis
9u Bennepin Avenue
Ninneapolis, NN SS48u
Nail Auuiess: P.0. Box 291
Ninneapolis, NN SS48u-u291
(612) 2u4-Suuu
Esthei ueoigeLien Bebtoi
uba CE0 ofFeueial Reseive Bank of Kansas City
92S uianu Boulevaiu
Kansas City, N0 64198
(816) 881-2uuu
Richaiu W. FisheiLien Bebtoi
uba CE0 ofFeueial Reseive Bank of Ballas
22uu Noith Peail Stieet
Ballas, TX 7S2u1
Nail Auuiess: P.0. Box 6SS9u6
Ballas, TX 7S26S-S9u6
(214) 922-6uuu
Audacibus annue coeptis
}ohn C. WilliamsLien Bebtoi
uba CE0 of Feueial Reseive Bank of San Fiancisco
1u1 Naiket Stieet
San Fiancisco, CA 941uS
Nail Auuiess: P.0. Box 77u2
San Fiancisco, CA 9412u
(41S) 974-2uuu
0thei PARTIESLien Bebtoi: }ohn Boes 1-2u
1. The amount of golu unuei contiact to the Feueial Reseive system
is 2,42u,9S7,4uu kilogiams.
2. The lease payments on this golu is payable at the iate of 4% pei annum. Total oweu
staiting in 1961 thiough 2u12 is 4,6S8,791,996 kilogiams of puie golu.
S. Pioof of the Feueial Reseive 0bligation is in the foim of Feueial Reseive Bonus,
seiies of 1928 anu seiies of 19S4.
4. Pioof of the inteiest obligation is fuithei uemonstiateu by the issue of inteinational
cuiiencies that have been issueu to the Bolueis of the uolu Accounts, but against
the Feueial Reseive Bonus.
S. The golu was acquiieu thiough a time when golu coin anu golu bullion coulu not be
piivately owneu anu hau to be suiienueieu to the State.
6. The States combineu the bullion into a single, cential ueposit wheieby all countiies
woulu have equitable access.
7. The golu is actually owneu by uoveinments thiough theii Ninistiy of Finance.
8. In 1948, unuei 0N Resolution NISA 817u4, 0peiation Beavy Fieeuom, Piesiuent
Soekaino was appointeu as N1. (Nonetaiy Contiollei) anu the entiie centializeu
system was put unuei his uisposal as Tiustee.
Audacibus annue coeptis
9. It is uepositeu into the system by a gioup of Tiustees appointeu by Soekaino.
These Tiustees foimeu an association of Tiustees now known as the Amanah,
otheiwise known as the Nanuates.
1u. The Nanuates have assigneu theii authoiity ovei the accounts to Neil F. Keenan anu
Keith F. Scott..
11. The owneis of the golu anu othei assets leaseu to the Feueial Reseive system
between 1928 anu 1968 at a 4% pei annum iental fee have nevei ieceiveu
substantive payment since 1928 until touay. They have been constantly
tiickeu anu ueceiveu.
12. All peisons fiom seveial oiganizations of peisons who consiuei themselves to
be the global elite have illegally useu these assets making foitunes foi themselves
oi otheiwise benefitting fiom the illegal use of these accounts. Key among these
aie membeis of (but not limiteu to) :-
1S. The Feueial Reseive System is a piivately owneu banking system anu all uebts of
that piivate banking system beyonu the value helu in golu is the obligation of the
Feueial Reseive System only anu is not a uebt obligation of the people of the
0niteu States of Ameiica.
14. 0wneis, Shaieholueis, BiiectoisExecutive 0fficeis anu Bonuing Companies
of the Feueial Reseive System aie ueemeu lien uebtois collectively anu seveially.
The Committee of Suu
Skull anu Bones Society.
The Bilueibeig Society
The Tiilateial Commission
Committee on Foieign Relations.
Pioof of Allegations:
1. The amount of golu in the system is 2,42u,9S7,4uu kilogiams.
ANSWER: |If no iesponse allegation is affiimeu.j
Audacibus annue coeptis
2. The lease payments on this golu is payable at the iate of 4% pei annum.
Total oweu staiting in 1961 thiough 2u12 is 4,6S8,791,996 kilogiams of puie golu.
ANSWER: |If no iesponse allegation is affiimeu.j
S. Pioof of the Feueial Reseive 0bligation is in the foim of Feueial Reseive Bonus,
seiies of 1928 anu seiies of 19S4.
ANSWER: |If no iesponse allegation is affiimeu.j
4. Pioof of the inteiest obligation is fuithei uemonstiateu by the issue of inteinational
cuiiencies that have been issueu to the Bolueis of the uolu Accounts, but against the
Feueial Reseive Bonus,
ANSWER: |If no iesponse allegation is affiimeu.j
S. The golu was acquiieu thiough a time when golu coin anu golu bullion coulu
not be piivately owneu anu hau to be suiienueieu to the State.
ANSWER: |If no iesponse allegation is affiimeu.j
6. The States combineu the bullion into a single, cential ueposit wheieby all
countiies woulu have equitable access.
ANSWER: |If no iesponse allegation is affiimeu.j
7. The golu is actually owneu by uoveinments thiough theii Ninistiy of Finance.
ANSWER: |If no iesponse allegation is affiimeu.j
8. In 1948, unuei 0N Resolution NISA 817u4, 0peiation Beavy Fieeuom, Piesiuent
Soekaino was appointeu as N1. (Nonetaiy Contiollei) anu the entiie centializeu
system was put unuei his uisposal as Tiustee.
ANSWER: |If no iesponse allegation is affiimeu.j
Audacibus annue coeptis
9. It is uepositeu into the system by a gioup of Tiustees appointeu by Soekaino.
These Tiustees foimeu an association of Tiustees now known as the Amanah,
otheiwise known as the Nanuates.
ANSWER: |If no iesponse allegation is affiimeu.j
1u. The Nanuates have assigneu theii authoiity ovei the accounts to
Neil F. Keenan anu Keith F. Scott..
ANSWER: |If no iesponse allegation is affiimeu.j
11. The owneis of the golu anu othei assets leaseu to the Feueial Reseive system
between 1928 anu 1968 at a 4% pei annum iental fee have nevei ieceiveu
substantive payment since 1928 until touay. They have been constantly
tiickeu anu ueceiveu.
ANSWER: |If no iesponse allegation is affiimeu.j
12. Peisons fiom seveial oiganizations oi peisons who consiuei themselves to be the
global elite have illegally useu these assets making foitunes foi themselves. Key
among these aie membeis of :-
The Committee of Suu
Skull anu Bones Society.
The Bilueibeig Society
The Tiilateial Commission
ANSWER: |If no iesponse allegation is affiimeu.j
1S. All unpaiu value beyonu equal value of the golu leaseu to the Feueial Reseive is the
liability anu iesponsibility of the Feueial Reseive System anu theii affiliateu banks
Woiluwiue only, a piivately owneu banking system, anu is not an obligation of the
Ameiican People oi the 0niteu States of Ameiica.
ANSWER |If no iesponse the allegation is confiimeuj
Audacibus annue coeptis
14. 0wneis, Shaieholueis, BiiectoisExecutive 0fficeis anu Bonuing AgentsCompanies
of the Feueial Reseive System aie ueemeu as Lien Bebtois
ANSWER |If no iesponse allegation is affiimeuj
Leugeiing anu Tiue Bill:
The leugei foi this Tiue Bill is baseu on the iate of 4% pei annum of the piincipal amount
of leaseu golu which was 2,42u,9S7,4uu kilogiams of puie golu the total amount since
1961 to piesent is as follows:
times .u4
96,8S7,496 pei annum
Times S1 yeais
4,6S8,791,996 kilogiams of puie golu
Bemanu is now maue foi Lien Bebtois jointly anu seveially to uelivei ovei to Lien
Claimants 4,6S8,791,996 kilogiams of puie golu.
Any anu all accounts, assets, bonus, insuiances, secuiities, piofits, pioceeus, fixtuies anu
the like owneumanageu by the Feueial Reseive Banks at any location unuei contiol of
Feueial Reseive Banks.
Lien Bebtois aie gianteu ten uays (1u) upon ieceipt of this Affiuavit of 0bligation
to iesponuiebut absent which this mattei is staie uecisis anu ies juuicata anu Lien
Bebtois have cieateu an estoppel in pais. Any anu all iebuttal must iise to the level
of sweaiing of Lien Claimants to be helu valiu |no oath unuei 'pains anu penalties' is
Audacibus annue coeptis
Audacibus annue coeptis
I, Neil Fiancis Keenan, ceitify on my own unlimiteu commeicial liability uo state that I
have ieau the above Affiuavit of 0bligation anu uo know the contents to be tiue, coiiect,
complete anu not misleauing, the tiuth, the whole tiuth anu nothing but the tiuth, anu uo
believe that the above uesciibeu acts have been committeu contiaiy to law
|see 18 0SC 4 mispiision of felonyj.
Neil Fiancis KeenanLien Claimant as Settloi
I, Keith Fiancis Scott, ceitify on my own full commeicial liability that I have ieau the
above affiuavit anu uo know the contents to be tiue, coiiect, complete, anu not
misleauing, the tiuth, the whole tiuth, anu nothing but the tiuth, anu uo believe that
the above uesciibeu acts have been committeu contiaiy to law.
|see 18 0SC 4 mispiision of felonyj.
Keith Fiancis Scott

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