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MILLS ESTRUTURAS E SERVIOS DE ENGENHARIA S.A. Corporate Taxpayers ID (CNPJ/MF) 27.093.558/0001-15 Company Registry (NIRE) 33.3.

0028974-7 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS MEETING HELD ON DECEMBER 16, 2010. 1. DATE, TIME AND PLACE: On December 16, 2010, at 10:00 a.m., at the Companys headquarters located at Estrada do Guerengu n 1.381, Taquara, Jacarepagu, in the City and State of Rio de Janeiro, CEP 22713-002. 2. CALL NOTICE AND ATTENDANCE: Call notice waived in view of the attendance of all Companys officers. 3. PRESIDING BOARD: Chairman: Ramon Nunes Vazquez; Secretary: Silvia Ribeiro de Lima. 4. AGENDA: To resolve, pursuant to Article 3, sole paragraph of the Companys Bylaws: (i) on the correction of address of the Manaus branch, in the state of Amazonas, registered in the minutes of the Board of Executive Officers meeting held on November 17, 2010, recorded at JUCERJA under n 00002116858 on 11/23/2010. For the record, instead of the address Avenida Rio Negro, n 1170, with additional access from Travessa Paran, n 01, quadra I, lote 01, ncleo 04 Lote Rio Piorini, Colnia Terra Nova Bairro: Novo Israel, CEP: 69000-000, to consider the following address: Travessa Anduzeiro, n 19 Loteamento Rio Piorini Bairro: Colnia Terra Nova CEP: 69015-703, which will operate as an operational unit that will comprise all the activities pertaining to the Companys corporate purpose.

5. RESOLUTIONS: Pursuant to Article 3, sole paragraph of the Companys Bylaws, the members of the Board of Executive Officers unanimously approved: (i) the correction of address of the Manaus branch, in the state of Amazonas, registered in the minutes of the Board of Executive Officers meeting held on November 17, 2010, recorded at JUCERJA under n 00002116858 on 11/23/2010. For the record, instead of the address Avenida Rio Negro, n 1170, with additional access from Travessa Paran, n 01, quadra I, lote 01, ncleo 04 Lote Rio Piorini, Colnia Terra Nova Bairro: Novo Israel, CEP: 69000-000, to consider the following address: Travessa Anduzeiro, n 19 Loteamento Rio Piorini Bairro: Colnia Terra Nova CEP: 69015-703, which will operate as an operational unit that will comprise all the activities pertaining to the Companys corporate purpose 6. CLOSURE: There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman adjourned the meeting for the time necessary to draw up these Minutes, which were then read, approved and signed by all the Companys officers, the Chairman and his secretary in the Companys Registry Book of Minutes of the Board of Executive Officers.


This is a free English translation of the original instrument drawn up in the Companys records.

_____________________________ Silvia Ribeiro de Lima Secretary

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