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AP Environmental Science Ch. 8-13 Review Sheet 1. Exponential population growth, type of curve 2. Limiting factor 3.

OPEC oil embargo 4. Exxon Valdez 5. Isotopes 6. Difference between precision & accuracy 7. Nonrenewable vs. renewable 8. Energy efficiency vs. energy conservation 9. Gaia hypothesis 10. Radioactive half life 11. Nuclear fission/fusion 12. Doubling time (Rule of 70) 13. Clean up of oil spills (what needs to be done?) 14. Fossil fuels: coal/oil/natural gas (everything about all of them!) 15. Environmental impacts of combustion vs. production/transport of natural gas/oil 16. Global energy use: just know its always going up 17. Cogeneration 18. Renewable energy resources (everything there is to know about each!) o Passive solar design o Active solar heating o Photovoltaic cells o Hydroelectric power plants; impacts of dams o Wind farms o Biomass o Biofuels o Hydrogen gas/hydrogen fuel cells o Geothermal energy 19. Montreal Protocol 20. Chernobyl/Three Mile Island/Japanese disaster 21. Petroleum 22. Primary/Secondary oil recovery 23. Phases of coal (4) 24. Synfuels 25. LPG (liquid petroleum gas) 26. Subsurface mining/surface mining 27. Carbon capture & storage/carbon sequestration 28. ANWR 29. Coal fired electric power plants/scrubbers/electrostatic precipitators 30. Most abundant fossil fuel/how long will each last? 31. Nuclear reactor/reactor core 32. Protons, neutrons, electrons, atomic #, atomic mass

33. Control rods/fuel rods 34. Fuel assemblies 35. Reactor vessel/containment building 36. Yucca Mountain 37. ANWR 38. Energy input/output (thermodynamics) 39. Carrying capacity (K), type of curve 40. Dieback 41. Environmental resistance 42. Endangered species 43. K-strategist (k-selective species) 44. R-strategist (r-selective species) 45. Human pop. Distribution/global human pop./human migration 46. Causes of malaria, Ebola, salmonella, E.coli 47. Replacement level fertility/total fertility rate 48. Density dependent factors/density independent factors 49. Fertility rate/birth rate/death rate 50. Infant mortality rates 51. Population pyramids (age structure diagrams) 52. Indicators of overall health 53. Know how to determine growth rate of a population (growth rate equation) 54. Pre-reproductive, reproductive, and post-reproductive age groups 55. Population controls 56. ZPR (Zero pop. Growth) 57. Survivorship curves (3) 58. Immigration & emmigration 59. Highly developed, developing, & less developed countries 60. Demographic transition: pre-industrial, industrial, post-industrial 63. Urbanization 64. Brownfields 65. Urban heat island 66. Accuracy vs. Precision 67. Natural selection: Directional, diversifying, stabilizing 68. Population distribution: random, clumped, uniform, scattered 69. biotic potential Case Studies: Describe ONE case-in-point per chapter.

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