Abra's Story2

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Abras story

beni was a normal 16 year old nobles daughter. She had long sandy blond hair with a slight curl. She all so had gorgeous light blue eyes framed with long black eye lashes. Her love for advancer was a secret love. Even though she loved all the pretty things she had strong opinions. Her dainty fingers helped her steel the cooks famous cookies!

Eyes: sea blue Hair: sandy blond Eye shape: large and round Posture: tall and straight Hands: small What shes wearing: a blue and purple dress Details: tiny and elegant shoes.
Abeni put on her purple undergown and her slippers.

Abeni franticly looked through her closet for her blue with white trim embroidered gown. Oh there it is, she cried as she put it on.

The servants came to brush and braid her sandy blond hair. After they were done, the nobles daughter put on her hennin and Vail then ran past the servants that where bathing her little brother in the solar. Abeni was a daughter of a noble and she hated it! After breakfast she went to because she had a lot on her mind, like how close she is to being betrothed and just then some one knocked on the door Who is it she said impatiently Its your sister the voice replied, quickly she opened the door and let her tall best friend and sister with long black hair in that was always neat and perfect. Her sister sat her self down on her younger sisters bed I know some thing you dont Mary said knowing Abeni would want to know what she had to say, What do you know she said dryly. Well if you dont want to know that badly I will go Abeni thought quickly no I need company dont go! Well I might stay then the lady in waiting said. Marry started well you know fathers vary good friend Edward well he is visiting us.. Abeni stopped her His sons are wimps! Said Abeni Abeni! Mary yelled, I am not finished! She stared again, Well, Edward is bringing his friends sons. I hear they are squires, and also sons of nobles. And whats the big deal Abeni persisted. Well it dose to me Mary snapped. Just go then Abeni snapped back! Mary left the room mad. Shes so frustrating. Abeni said to her self, and sat on her bed. Later on she went to go talk to her Father .She met him at his study umm Father..umm why did you want an arranged marriage? Well we didnt have a choice Oh she replied.Will Mary have an arranged marriage? Well most likely Will I have arranged marriage? Lets not talk about this now Yes Father. Well I think you should get ready said the noble Why should I? Well the reason is because Edward is coming here. Fine she said as the young girl left the room. She headed to her bed chambers and changed in to a pink silk dress with blue hemming and lace around the neck. Edwards sons and there friends left late that night by that time it was dark and time for bed, but Abeni could not sleep she remembered her old friend from childhood Ezra, they where best friends until she had to move, she wondered if he was a knight or did his family not be able to pay the taxes and he got soled to be a serf she wished she could talk to him again, or stare in to his blue eyes just once more maybe he remembered her, she pandered all these things as she fell asleep. When she awoke to the sound of birds tweeting she got out of her bed and in to the attire for the day. The young

woman trotted down the stars as always and in to the ding hall for breakfast. The girl saw her mother weeping with her sister standing beside her. Mary looked at her for a brief moment and then turned away. What Happened? Asked the scared Abeni. At that her mother started crying again What happened?! Abeni yelled (this reminded her of the time the a man came to tell her family that her brother at the age of 18 died even though she was 6 she remembered that traumatizing day). Its its father stuttered Mary. Is he.is he dead? No hes hurt badly said her mother. How did it happen? Abeni said trying not to cry. Hehe fell off his new horse her sister said. She ran as fast as she could to her room, she was happy that her father was not dead but sad the he might be in the next few days. She slept the rest of the day. She awoke it was dark out. A few days later her father died. After the funereal her family stared to sell furnisher to get money. Abeni did not want to see her little brother in slaved as a servant so she distend to run a way so there would be more for her family so they didnt have to buy extra food. So she stared to Wright Dear mother I have left to become a servant so you do not need to take care of one extra child and I will send money home, so good bye. Love your daughter Abeni The next morning she left to the city. At first she just lived in the city until she became a servant. The work was very hard but she made friends soon. Tow fort nights later in the middle of the night she herd dogs barking Oh what could it be? so she stood up and went out to see what the nose was about. A soon as she got out side her arm was grabbed by someones hand and was pulled beside the hut she was sleeping in when she tried to scream the hand that grabbed her was placed over her mouth, the last thing she remembered was a sharp pain on her head. She woke up she was tied under a tree beside a unfamiliar pond the stranger was gone the scared girl tried to get up but she noticed the ropes, she herd a quit humming she looked far out in the pond she never noticed that the pond was so big, there was someone out in the water but she could not see him clearly. Could the man out in the water be the person who kidnapped her? She did not want to go back to hard labor, but yet she did not want to die. The person was coming closer so she pretended to be asleep. Her eyes opened when she herd a voice that said I know you are not asleep Who are you? Abeni snapped Why should I tell you? Because you kidnapped me! No I did not! Well then why am I here where ever here might be! I am not going to tell you where we are Why not? Is it because you KIDDNAPPED ME!!?! I did not kidnap you! Once again well then why am I here!?! The stranger started to untie the ropes. Go!

Tell me how to get home! No Fine I will find out how to get home by a proper person As she started to go the older boy got up on the horse that he had stole the night be for, and fallowed her. You dont really want to go back there now do you? You know they will probably beat you for running away said the boy in a deep voice. No they will not for I will tell them that I was kidnapped by the most horrible man Horrible? Now thats not very nice he said Well nether is kidnapping!! She snapped. Do you have a scar behind your right ear? he asked as he rode beside her. Well yes but I dont know why that would matter Abby?? the rouge asked with a hint of existent in hes voice. Ezra!!!!!!! she yelled. Ezra jumped off the horse and hugged her warmly. Why a thief? You where one of the smartest boys I ever knew I thought you where going to be... he interrupted her A noble he said flatly. Well yesdid I offend you? No once again his voice went quiet, and then happy again. How is your father? he asked her. Wellwell hes gone now she replied sadly. Oh I am so sorry to hear that. They walked though the forest for an hour or two until they reached a clearing where there was a pile of dead branches and sticks. How do you like my place? he asked Well where is it? There! he pointed to the pile. Come in he headed toward the pile. In side there was a small room with an arm full of straw in one corner and a few burnt sticks in another. Its very nice how long you liven here have? the girl said Since I ran away he replied Oh. He started to make a fire with the little wood he had. Later he made her a very small hut so she had some where to stay. They spent the next fort night catching up but it only felt like a day. I really must see my family again the now not so young girl said. I under stand he replied I will come back! with a long good bye she left. On the long trip home she stared to wonder if her older sister and married since she had been gone for almost three years. She finally reaches the castle and entered. She at once she recognized her mother fighting with on of the maids. She ran in to her arms and held on to her tight. She found out that her sister was indeed married, to a very rich noble and her brother died of pneumonia last year. Abeni darling your fathers last wish was to let each of his daughters a happy life so. said her mother. So?? Abeni asked. So your uncle has found your sister a respectable husband and is willing to do the same for you. Why??? I am very happy alone mother! she protested. Her mother lowered her voice.

For your family. Then her mother left. That night she had a lot to think about marry to help my family but only to upset myself she thought. The next day she decided to see who her uncle picked out. Its not like she needed to marry him. Her uncle had picked five men for her to pick from, and three where fools which left two not so horrible men left there names where Sir Marvin of capes bridge and Caleb of fort hive. She left thinking but hurting because she loved Ezra. Please stay another night! her mother begged. No I really must go at that she left and retuned to Ezra he greeted her warmly, and she told him every thing. I dont know what to do she said. I dont know he replied. Over the next bit of time they became even closer. You should help your family He said as they where making fire. What? she asked. You... I know. I meant but we are so happy. She interrupted. You have a duty to your family Ezra said. No! I let down my family dont do the same. He said But she said No buts I think it would just be best. I will never forget you! she said as she bed him farewell. She retuned to the castle late that night; but when she lay down for the night she could not sleep, she wondered if she had made the right choice. The next day she was met Caleb of fort hive. She liked him he was smart, kind and handsome but with out a doubt not Ezra. She slowly grow fond of him after all he was a noble. She couldnt believe it but she was acting like a real lady. Caleb had sandy blond hair with chestnut eyes, he was tall with a deep kind voice. How are you lady Abeni? Caleb said as his strong hand griped her petite hand and kissed it. Good and you sir? Abeni replied. Well thank you. Would you care to take a walk with me? Of curse she replied.

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