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RABBIATUL NAJUA BINTI ROSMAN Model reflection 2: role playing

MP 11169

Role playing is an activity that requires students to act a real life situation given in order to solve problems. It involves several processes that involve communication and interaction skills. As they take parts in role playing, the students participate in interaction sequences that give impact towards their feeling and actions. For instance, while they are discussing and identify the role players for situation given, the students dispute with each other and they actually learn how to value others ideas in order to select the right role players. Other than that, students are encouraged to feel and imagine the problem related in the situation. When they have abilities to feel and put themselves in others life, their self awareness and respect towards other will be increased. It may give them a good insight to understand and more aware with others life. It is important to give student the opportunities to involve in role playing because it can really effects the way they see and feel about life. Nowadays, people have lost their sympathy and empathy towards others. And thus, it decreased the sense of morality beneath us. The concept of role playing in experiencing the life of Palestinians for instance, may give student the overview on how hard living in battlefield. When they have acquired the sense of awareness towards others welfare, they will feel sympathy and try to help Palestinians in any ways they can. Other than that, role play is absolutely effective because student can develop concrete understanding as they manage to experience and think deeply about it. Whether student participated as role players or observers, it assures the increase of the way they imagine, feel and sense about others life through the activity. There are several weaknesses of role play that may also effects students feeling and behavior negatively. If the problem situated in role play involved unpleasant manners, how the teachers may assure that the student will only be influenced by the actions of good manners in the situation? For example, the teacher set a role play on the issues of illegitimate babies in Malaysia and while the activities proceeded, there are actions of bad manners played. The possibilities for students to be influenced by the action are high because they also have a very high level of curiosity. Furthermore, in role play, the role players will only involved members of particular groups and the rest will be the observers. How teachers guarantee to help the observers fully engaged in the activity and gain impact from the situation? It is quite difficult to make sure the role players act the roles with great emotion that successfully affected the observers feeling and experience. There should be effective methods to guarantee the observers understanding developed while watching the role play. Despite the negative side of role play, still it is the efficient methods to build self respect and awareness towards others. The process of exploration own

and others feeling help student to understand that feeling and values are important to generate a good person as well as a good community. It is devastating to see people nowadays dont have sense of empathy and care about others. Even in school, students dont feel responsible to respect their teachers. I really feel role playing may help teachers to bring back the good morality inside each people.

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