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Description: Arrancar are hollows who have become so powerful they have gained the powers of shinigami, their mortal foes. They will now try and use this power to destroy any who get in there way

Making an Arrancar
Alignment: Any nongood. However, changes in alignments do not prohibit you from continuing in this class. Races: Any race is capable of becoming a Arrancar. Starting Age: Simple. Starting Gold: 4d410 gp (80 gp). Table: The Arrancar Hit Die: d8

S a v i Base n Le Attac g vel k T Bonus h r o w s F RW o e il r f l t 1st +1 2n +2 d 3rd +3


Cero 1d6, Zanpakuto, +++ Hierro +1, Improved 220 unarmed strike +++ Hollow Abilities 330 + + + Sonido

331 4th +4 5th +5 6th +6/+1 +++ Cero 2d6, Hierro +2 441 + + + Resurreccin special 4 4 1 ability +++ 552 Hierro +3 | +++ Resurreccin special 552 ability +++ Cero 3d6, 662 + + + Resurreccin special 6 6 3 ability

7th +7/+2

8th +8/+3 9th +9/+4

10t +10/+ + + + Hierro +4 h 5 773 Splitting Cero | 11t +11/+ + + + Resurreccin special h 6/+1 7 7 3 ability 12t +12/+ + + + Cero 4d6, h 7/+2 8 8 4 13t +13/+ + + + Resurreccin special h 8/+3 8 8 4 ability, Hierro +5 14t +14/+ + + + h 9/+4 9 9 4 15t +15/+ + + + | Resurreccin special h 10/+5 9 9 5 ability +16/+ + + 16t + 11/+6/ 1 1 Cero 5d6, Hierro +6 h 5 +1 00 +17/+ + + 17t + Resurreccin special 12/+7/ 1 1 h 5 ability +2 00 18t +18/+ + + + h 13/+8/ 1 1 6



+19/+ + + Hierro +7 | 19t + 14/+9/ 1 1 Resurreccin special h 6 +4 1 1 ability +20/+ + + 20t + Cero 6d6, Grand king's 15/+10 1 1 h 6 cero /+5 22 Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, 4 at 1st level) Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Bluff:Charisma| Cha),Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str),Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex) Class Features All of the following are class features of the Arranacar. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An Arrancar is proficient with all simple and martial weapons. they are not proficient with any shields or armor, and wearing armor will cause them to lose their Hierro bonus to their AC and they will not recieve any bonuses for hollow abilities. Hierro: Arranacr recieve a +1 bonus to his AC at level 1. This bonus continues to increase once ever third level (+2 at level 4, +3 at level 7,...etc.) Cero: An Arrancar can fire a sphere of energy with a range of 50ft. (Any solid color, once chosen cannot be changed, this has no purpose other than asthetic appeal) that deals 1d6 energy damage. The cero deals force damage. At higher levels Arrancar gain more powerful versions of this ability. This Increases to 2d6 at lv 4, 3d6 at level 8, 4d6 at level 12, 5d6 at level 16, and 6d6 at level 20. The damage a cero deals may be split and an attack may be made against several opponents. However you must target each opponent with at least 1d6 of the total damage. This must be declared before the attack roll(s) is made. Cero is a ranged touch attack that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. the critical hit multiplier for all cero is the arrancar's wisdom modifier -1(minimum X2) and it threatens only on a natural 20. Hollow Abilities: Abilites grated to Arrancars at second level the Arrancar may have 6 ranks to disperse amoungst the following abilities.

Bala: The hollow's fist are covered in spirit energy, increasing the Arrancar's unarmed damage by 1d4. 2d4 at second rank. 3d4 at 3rd rank. Broadcasted Sight: Grants the ability to broadcast information of whatever he is currently seeing or experiencing to other Arrancar within a 100ft radius. At rank two this is increased to 250 ft. At rank 3 this is expaded to 500 ft. This can be used a number of times per day equal to your level\4 (minimum of 1) and is an immediate action. Enhanced Strength: Increases the Arracanar's Strength by 2. This ability can only be take once and is permanent. Enhanced Vision: Grants a +4 bonus on spot checks. Increased to +8 at second rank. Immunity to vision based Illusion spells at third rank. Gonzui: Deals 1d4 damage to all within a 10 ft. radius by draining the spiritual energy from nearby beings. Damage increased to d8 at rank 2. Second damage die added at rank 3. this may be used a number of times per day equal to your charisma modifier (minimum of 1). Improved Hierro: Increases the user's natural armor, at first rank it grants a +2 natural bonus to AC. +3 at second rank, and they gain DR 1/adamantine at the third rank. Flurry Of Blows: Gives the Arrancar the Flurry Of Blows ability as a Monk. Pesquisa: Whilst active the Arrancar may sence the aproximate Caster level of all within a 5ft. radius. radius increased to 15ft at second. Radius increased to 30ft at third rank. This can be used a number of times per day equal your level\4 (minimum of 1). Zanpakto: At 1st level an Arranacar receives a masterwork weapon to bond with, typically a katana. Sonido (Su): At 3rd level the Arrancar gains the ability to move at blinding fast speeds. At 3rd level the Arrancar gains the ability to teleport up to 25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels, as a swift action. This may be used a number of times per day equal to your level\3. Resurreccin: This ability allows the Arracanar to release their true form sealed within their Zanpakuto. This is a standard action. At level 5 the Arracanar recieves the following traits; +2 bonus to strength and a +4 bonus to Dexterity and one of the following traits; Arranacars gain an additional traits as they level up. However while in this state the arrancar looses their Zanpakuto, however they gain a natural attack (slam, tail, 2 claws, or bite) appropriate for their size category. you may remain in this form for one minute per arrancar level. Resurreccin may be used a number of times per day equal to your charisma modifier (minimum of 1) Acid Spit: Grants the possesor the ability to spit acid as a ranged touch at a range of 40 ft dealing 3d4 acid damage. The second time this is taken the damage is increased to 3d6. The third time the range is increased 80ft. The fourth time the damage is increased to 6d6. Carbon Copy*: Creates a replica of the origial Arracanar that has 1/4 the Arcannar's current hp that serves them for the duration of their released state, it has abilities identical to the original. Each time this ability is taken the carbon gains +30 hit points. Carbon

copies cannot use the carbon copy ability Cero Oscuras: Creates a black cero as a standard action dealing 20d6 damage, is otherwise treated as a normal cero. Requires Atleast Level 20 to useand may only be used 3/day Cero Shield: The arrancar gains a +2 shield bonus to AC. The second time this is taken the bonus increases to +4. The third time this is taken it increases to +6. The fourth time this is taken the bonus increases to +8. Enhanced Hierro*: Grants +3 Natural Armor while in the released form. For each time this ability is taken the natural armor bonus increases by 1 Enhanced Strength*: Grants +2 Strength while in released form. The second time this is taken the arrancar may get an additional +2 strength and +2 constitution. The third time this is taken they may once again get an additional +2 strength and +2 constitution. the fourth time it is taken they get an additional +4 strength and +4 constitution. Energy Resistance*: Grants a resistance of +5 to one type of energy while in released form. Each time this bonus is taken you may choose a new type of energy or increase an existing resistance by 5 Extra-Limbs*: Grants the Arracanar an extra pair of arms while in released form. This can only be taken once. Flight: Grants the Arracanar a flight speed equal to his land speed while in released form. If Wings has been taken aswell then the flight speed is doubled. High Pressure Water: Releases a stream of water from their hand. This stream may be sprayed a distance up to 35 ft. away dealing 3d6 energy damage with a water subtype, dealing double damage to enemies with a fire subtype. The second time this is taken the damage increases to 4d6. the third time it is taken it now deals triple to creatures with a fire subtype. the fourth time it is taken the damage increases to 4d8. Horns: While in a released form they have a horn natural weapon that deals 3d6 piercing damage upon a sucessful Gore attack granted by this trait. Protective Shell: Grants +3 Natural Armor whilst in released form. The second time this is taken you gain DR 1/-. The third time you take this you gain DR 2/-. the fourth time this is taken you gain DR 3/Retain Weapon: Whilst in the Released state the Arrancar may retain their Zanpakuto. (Though they may change it's form) Roar: Grants the Arannacar the ability to unleash a massive roar dealing 1d6 sonic damage to all in a 30ft cone, and causing fear to all within a 30 ft. radius. Each time this is taken the damage increases by 1d6. this ability may be used your Cha. Modifier times per day. Wings: Grants the Arrancar a pair of wings that give them a Flight speed equal to their Base land speed. If flight has been taken aswell then the flight speed is doubled.

Glotonera: Any time you defeat an enemy you may choose to devour them, if you do you may choose a special ability, class ability, or feat that the enemy had that you meet the prerequisites for and from then on every time you enter Resurreccin you gain that feat or ability. you may devour any number of enemies per week equal to 1/2 your level (round down). Respira: Can only be taken at level 20 or higher. You may use this ability only four times per day, in a 40 foot cone, an 80 foot line, or a 20 foot burst centered around you. all people in the area may make a reflex save to negate or a fortitude for half DC(10+1/2level+Cha. mod.) it they fail the save they begin aging at a rate of 2d10 years per round. a successful fortitude save negates the aging after the first round. This is magical aging. a person may spend a full round action and either deal themselves 1d6 Dex damage or 1d8 Str damage to end the effects of Respira. Also the spells wish, and miracle end the effects of Respira. Each time you choose this ability after the first time the DC for Respira increases by 1. Grand King's Cero: This cero is a ranged touch attack that deals 20d6. However the damage may be increased by an additional 2d6 per point of constitution damage the arrancar takes when he fires this cero. Grand King's cero is a full round action that does provoke attacks of opportunity. This may only be used once per day.

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