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Episode One

Scene One
Fade up on main character, Blake. He is lying on the floor in a ruined, abandoned building. Near him are two other people, Alorith and Alec. All but Blake are asleep. Writing comes on screen July, 2021. Blake is writing in a book. As its being read out, various shots of the world and situations show. VO: So, I decided to write in this book, finally. It seems to be the safest thing to confide to. First Ill explain, explain what I know at least. Sometime in 2012, a government arose from no-where, with perfect promises of a perfect, glistening future. Not just for the United Kingdom but for the whole world. If the current leaders came together then they would become part of this perfect system. Many did, including ours. When they did, they figured out eventually that it was lies. The government just wanted control, by the time they realised it was too late, they were kidnapped. They pretended that these leaders still worked for them and preceded to control 2/3 of the world, the other third that opposed them were soon crushed and killed until they controlled the entire world. They enforced several main laws for the civilians, the main being that the world of society was being cut into two halves. Those with actual uses as professions, say a doctor or a lawyer or a get what I mean...those people were named as Highers. Highers were allowed all current privileges we already had before they had taken over, houses, cars, safety, security...lives. All those considered unnecessary became Lowers, scum of the world. They were given no safety, no security...nothing. Nothing but the dirt of the world. Another law was intermixing of both classes was forbidden UNLESS for a purely transactional reason. This was now considered UnEthical and Impure. Alec stirs and Blake stops to look at him. He turns onto his front then starts to snore. Blake continues. So I am on a journey, with two companions. Rumours are told of a place where its better. There is no such thing is Highers and Lowers, nor is intermixing forbidden, a place of equal treatment. We have lived on the streets and in the wild to pass these off as tales of falseness. The place is real; we just have to find a sign, something to guide us towards it. Something like-

Alorith stirs and wakes. Blake looks up and closes his diary. Blake: Its still early. You should rest. Alorith: Im okay. Honestly. Whats that? Blake: (Hides the diary in his bag) Its nothing. Just something Ive started working on. Alorith: What is it, a diary? Blake: (Looks down and nods slowly) I found it here. So I thought I would document things and keep a record of everything and my thoughts. Alorith: About Haven? Blake: (Nods again) Yes. Alec stirs and sits up. Alec: Im starving. Alorith: Morning to you too. (Alec laughs a little) Blake: Our supplies are limited. Sorry. We cant do much, unless we find another abandoned houseor make it to Keystone City. Alec: And what use is it when we get there? The Highers will just ignore us. Blake: We find somewhere to sell this junk we have collected. We should get something. And as far as the Highers are concerned, if we have money to spend, we can do what we like. Alorith: They have markets for these kinds of things, black markets you could say. Im sure we can find out when we get there. Alec: (Stands up) yeah, when. Weve been walking along these mountains for weeks. Im not even sure you know where youre going, Blake, at least, not for the most part. Blake: We are going the right way. Alec: How do you know that? Blake: We are going the right way.

Alec: How can you know that? I think we deserve at least an answer. Blake: (Stands up and starts sorting things out) Well, now were all up and in a good mood. Lets pack up and head on. Alec: (Stands dumbfounded for a moment, gives up and helps Alorith pack the sleeping bags away) Fine. Whatever.

Scene Two
Camera cuts to the trio walking through the woods. Several shots are shown, to show the length they are there. Alorith: (Standing at the back of the trio, stopping) Blake! Up there. Whats that? Blake: (Backs up a little and follows Aloriths finger) Looks a lot like fog or smoke. A fire? Alec: I dont like this. Blake: Fire means there could be people. And food. Alec: Im starting to like this more. Blake: We need to get up there. I have no idea if they will be friendly or not. If I go around the right, and Alec goes around the left, we can find out. Alorith: What about me? Blake: You waAlec: (Steps forward) you should wait here. Just in case anything happens to us. If we arent back in around half an hour, then run. (He turns to look at Blake. Blake nods to confirm what Alec said.) Alorith: (Goes to argue) BuBlake: No arguments. (Turns to Alec and pulls out a pistol) You ready? Alec: (Pulls out his pistol, checks the ammo, and cocks it) Yeah, lets go. Blake and Alec run up the hill toward the smoke, being careful to be quiet. Blake: Okay, listen. Go left, keep hidden and see if we can tell if they are friendly. Meet here in five minutes.

Alec: Okay, got it. See you in five. (Runs into the trees on the left) Blake goes right, quietly and slowly he heads further round until he sees the camp. Its set outside an abandoned building, making sure to stay hidden he moves further round until he sees movement. He ducks down. A man wearing a suit is seen talking to some men. He can just hear them. Man: Just get it transported, and in one piece. Or Ill make sure Ill have your heads. And keep alert for anyone. Soldier: Yes, sir. (They run off) Blake: (shakes his head slowly) these arent scavengers. Ive seen suited men like this before. I need to find Alec. Blake heads back to the same point they agreed to meet. He waits. No-one comes. He looks at his watch. Blake: Shit. Alec, I hope you havent gone and done something stupid. Blake waits for a minute longer then he hears a rustle. He looks towards the rustling to see an armed man. He then gets hit around the back of the head by another armed man. He falls to the ground unconscious.

Scene Three
Blake wakes up slowly. He is tied up. He looks around and sees Alec also tied up. He tries to wake by kicking him but hes out of reach so resorts to kicking the dirt at him and shouting his name. Alec wakes and acknowledges Blake. Blake: What the hell happened? Alec: (Shakes head) Oh, nothing much. Just got knocked out and evidently kidnapped. Blake: Yeah. (Looks down) Hmm...your bonds lose at all? Alec: (Shifts around trying to loosen his bindings) Not at all. Jeez. They really dont want us to escape. Blake: Well, why would they want us too? Alec: Touch. Blake: Mine arent loose at all either.

Soldier outside: They are in here. Alec: Oh, here comes the Calvary. Door opens and a few armed men enter, followed by the man in a suit seen earlier. He paces back and forth surveying both Alec and Blake. Man: Is this it? There was no-one else. Guard: No sir, we scouted around but saw no-one. Man: Okay then. Kill them. They arent Rebels. They are just lowers. Guard: (Salutes) yes sir. Man goes to walk out but then stops suddenly staring at Blake. Blake: What? Wanna picture? Man: Shut up. That (He moves forward) Is that...? Where did you get that necklace? Blake: None of your business. Man: If you dont tell me, Ill kill you. Alec: You were going to anyway. What difference does it make? Man: Ill make it slower and much more agonising...for both of you. Blake and Alec exchange glances. Man: (Pulls out a gun) now tell me, where did you get it? Blake stays silent. The man gets closer and points the gun right against Blakes head. Man: TELL ME! WHERE DID YOU GET IT?! Blake: Fuck. Off. Man: You piece ofA gunshot goes off, but it isnt the mans gun. Baffled he turns to see one of his guards drop. Then another gunshot and another until all the men are dead. Standing in the door is Alorith pointing her gun at the man. As she fires he moves towards another door to his left and escapes the room. Alorith shoots him in the leg before he manages to escape.

Alorith: Guys, I was wondering why you were taking so long? Alec: Could off come sooner. Shit. These bonds really hurt my wrists. Alorith walks over to Blake and unties him. Alec scowls slightly, annoyed. Blake: Thank you. Alorith: No problem. Just remember though, (She looks at Alec) both of you...I can look after myself just fine. Blake smiles at her. Blake: Ill take it into consideration next time. Alec: Yeah, yeah, can we please go now? I get the feeling in a few seconds we are not going to be liked very much. Alorith unties Alec and they both walk over to the door the man ran through. It seems empty outside. They head out and run straight towards the woods. They run for a while then eventually stop. Alec: Im sure they arent gunna follow us down here. Blake nods. Alorith: I agree, we should still be wary. Blake and Alec nod. Blake: Yeah. Come on, lets get some rest. We cant be too far away from Keystone. Alorith and Alec nod. And head somewhere to rest. Camera fades and credits roll.

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