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SPWLA 34th Annual

Logging Symposium,

June 13-16, 1993


Ronald E. Jantzen, Svein Ola Syrstad, Michael R. Taylor, Patrick J. Spicer, Ian Stockden, Tim Dodson and Michael R. Saunders
BPf STATOILIEXLOG Slimhole Drilling Venture

Slim hole exploration wells have been proposed as a cost-efficient method of exploring inaccessible and remote areas. These areas often have limited geological control, and the use of w&line-retrieved, continuous coring methods adapted from the mining industry can greatly improve the geological knowledge of a prospect or basin. The availability of core from extensive intervals of the well forces a reappraisal of the techniques of geological knowledge acquisition performed at the wellsite. Market analysis among todays explorationists highlighted the critical answers required from the core before it leaves the location. These include the presence or absence of hydrocarbons, reservoirs, seals, source rock and maturity, lithologies, and depositional environments. To provide these answers, a conceptual wellsite core screening process was developed around key variables that answer these geological questions. Throughput analyses, followed by time and motion studies, were performed to ensure wellsite suitability. A set of analysis systems has been built and assembled into a fit-for-purpose, heli-transportable wellsite core-logging facility, which successfully completed a four-well field trial during 1992 and has been used subsequently to process core from exploration and development wells from the North Sea. The purpose of the facility is to preserve digitally the key variables from the core. Core data collected includes natural gamma-ray, density and caliper, porosity, permeability, TOC and Rock-Eva1 pyrolysis, together with high-resolution, white and U.V. light digital images. A geological workstation allows for rapid, geologically-correct descriptions, preserving all geological data in digital form. With a fully integrated data set, encompassing drilling, mud-gas, geological, core and wireline logs, the key variables are combined and plotted to provide near-real-time composite logs for the geologist and petrophysicist. Data transmission from the wellsite to the project explorationists ensures rapid answers from a cost-effective, novel exploration method.

Slim hole exploration and production drilling has taken a new lease on life since the 1985-86 downturn in the oil and gas industry. The stagnating value of produced hydrocarbons, coupled with the decrease in the value of the U.S. dollar versus other currencies, means that finding and producing costs must be better controlled. Current production areas have reached their optimum efficiency using conventional methods. Less conventional, more efficient methods are being used in such areas. Majors and independents are now focusing more on new, often remote exploration areas, where both the risks and potential for rewards are increased. Such areas may lack infrastructure or an established industry presence. Therefore, the concept of drilling a reduced diameter well using a smaller rig and equipment becomes attractive, particularly if these may be easily transported by helicopter or along existing roads, without the need for upgrading (Figure la). Such wells use less mud, casing, cement, water, diesel, generate smaller volumes of cuttings and need fewer crew members to operate and support the drilling system (Walker and Millheim, 1989, Dtliac et al., 1991 and Gunn, 1991). The increased focus on minimizing environmental impacts in exploration and production thus also plays a significant role in causing slim holes to become smart holes (Figure 1b) (Dachary and Vigheuo, 1992). Furthermore, such remote exploration must provide rapid and complete answers to the explorationist responsible for developing and proving the geological model for these typically lightly explored basins. Therefore, slim holes with extensive coring have been used to enhance evaluation and manage risk (Ashton, 1984). However, to gain full value from core, key information needs to be available while drilling, using a wellsite core screening facility, producing logs of definitive geological and petrophysical properties before post-drilling wireline logging occurs, and long before conventional lab-based analysis could hope to deliver data (Sondergeld and Rai, 1991 and Spain et al., 1991).


SPWLA 34th Annual Logging Symposium, June 13-16, 1993



In 1990, BP Exploration (BPX) recognized the potential advantages of slim hole exploration in screening its remote properties, and piloted a study to investigate the strengths and weaknesses of the slim hole industry. It conducted a global search and evaluation of the different slim hole drilling and coring systems available on the market. It chose a hybrid slim hole drilling and coring system, which had been speciticaIly designed to raise the level of performance of drilling in the South African mining industry, by incorporating the leading technologies of the petroleum and solid minerals industry (Wagner, 1989). The rig had been operating in South Africa since 1987, drilling and continuously coring exploration wells for ultra-deep gold and platinum reserves. Approximately 38,000 metres (125,000 feet) of hole had been drilled, of which more than 5,000 metres (16,500 feet) was wireline-cored with recovery of 47.6 mm (1.8) core. The core retrieval wireline hoist was designed to retrieve an inner core barrel upto 27 m (90 ft) in length, weighing 1,800 kg (4,000 lb) from depths of 6,000 m (19,700 ft), at speeds upto 135 m/min (440 ft/min) (Table 1).

with other well data. These data could then be exported in digital form for loading into office systems and thus made available to the explorationist, quality assured, much more quickly than is normally the case. No such commercial package was available to BPX and something was clearly needed if the cores were to be effectively managed at the well-site. It looked at the various service companies who could co-operate and, from the short-list of potential partners, it selected one that showed a commitment to working with BPX and to developing the systems required.

BPX conducted an internal review of the specific requirements for formation evaluation within an extensively wireline-cored slim hole, drawing on the views of its worldwide team of geoscientists through the use of a questionnaire. On the basis of the results, supported by interviews with key personnel, the total data set required was identified. A wellsite core logging unit should provide natural gamma-ray (for lithology determination and correlation), porosity, permeability, oil show analysis (I-IV fluorescence and mud gas data), lithological description, sampling for biostratigraphy, geochemistry and fluids, together with data administration. The two main items that could not, or would not, be included were resistivity for formation fluid saturations, and formation velocity data for seismic correlation. Further to the market review, the service company reviewed market trends in slim hole core logging and analysis for oil field, geothermal, coal, metals, minerals, geotechnical, and research applications. This included client interviews with geologists, drilling engineers and core analysis specialists at Western Mines, Texaco, Homestake, Nirex, Chevron, Mobil, and others.

GEOLOGICAL EVALUATION IN UNDER-EXPLORED BASINS Therapid availability of core from extensive

intervals of the well in a cost-effective manner, requires a new approach to the acquisition of geological knowledge at the wellsite. Extensive coring was seen to offer potentially substantial benefits, but realisation was not going to be easy using traditional well-site coring practices. These are not designed to handle the quantities of core anticipated, nor do they offer the necessary processing speed. This was expected to be a potential barrier to efficient use of the coring technique. A quick-look description onsite, followed by packaging of the core to be handled off-site as time permitted, was also seen to have disadvantages. These included less immediacy in data availability and the waste inherent in the double handling of the core that would be required. Core damage in transit was also a concern, especially for potentially large quantities of such thin core. Increasing the number of specialists at the wellsite to handle the task conventionally was clearly undesirable on cost grounds. What was needed was a set of tools that would enable a standard geological wellsite team (mud logging geologists working with the wellsite geologist) to handle the core quickly and efficiently - the coring equivalent of a modem mud logging unit. It was also envisaged that by adapting the data handling techniques incorporated in modem mud logging units, the large volume of data generated from the core could be more easily assimilated and integrated -2-

Wellsite Core Loswinp ConceDt

A technical audit was conducted of both the oil company and the service company, together with other potential partners, to identify the correct mix of resources that were required both internally and externally, for successful completion of an extremely time-sensitive project. The conclusions of the audit were that a partnership would have the greatest value to the project if each partner contributed complementary resources and technology Full details of the partnership are presented in Murray et al., 1993 BP invited STATOIL to include the development of the core logging unit as part of their joint Alliance R&D programme. The oil companies contributed the need, major funding, technical knowledge and project management. STATOIL also contributed specific experience with automated mini-permeameter measurements. The service company contributed the construction and onsite information management, wellsite delivery, staff and service, while co-contractors


34th Annual

Logging Symposium.


13-16, 1993

provided some of the innovative technology and training. The project was code named CoreByte pn A steering committee was established, comprising a senior manager from each of the three companies, together with a Project Manager from EXLOG, responsible for physical implementation. The steering committee was supported by various members of the Technical Team, comprising experts in each technology from each company (Figure 2). The concept for each piece of technology was discussed individually with co-contractors and they were invited to submit specifications and bids. Cocontractors were selected based on the response to the invitation and the earlier audit, The selected cocontractors were invited to participate in Technical Team sessions and to understand the impact of their technology on the overall team program. Specialists, having expert knowledge and data relating to the technologies and to slim hole drilling, coring and core analysis, were made available to the co-contractors.

shipment at the end of November 1991, less than five months from the project commencement. In specifying the equipment, it was deemed appropriate that the system be capable of handling a full range of core diameters, beyond the 47.6 mm (1 .S) core anticipated from the field trials. All equipment was specified to be capable of handling core from 25 mm to 100 mm nominal diameters (1 inch to 4 inch) with minor equipment adjustments only. Bench testing before acceptance involved plugs cut from previously analysed core in lieu of real slim hole core. Time and motion monitoring using actual equipment was then possible, before shipment, to ensure that throughput targets were achievable when the system was on location.

CORE MEASUREMENTS Theprocess path of the core logging system is

divided into four parts: those processes that take place in one of the three interconnected modules, A, B, or C; and core preparation, processing and preservation processes that take place outside the modules (Figure 3 and Table 2) Whole aLOgging: &&&&A Three measurements are made by one instrument housed in Module A: gamma ray radiation, attenuated gamma ray, and core diameter. Upto two metres of core can be processed automatically. The top depth is manually entered into the control computer, and the total gamma, density, core diameter and porosity are then reported against depth derived from the system. Raw data are recorded and stored for subsequent analysis and plotting. Gamma Ray Logging The total, natural gamma radiation is determined using conventional sodium iodide (NaI) detectors at least every 150 mm. The system is calibrated against a nominal 100 API standard and thereafter measurements are expressed in API units. The background radiation is determined with calibrations made over a 1000 second period. Density and Porosity Logging A gamma radiation attenuation measurement to derive density is made using a highly shielded caesium137 (Cs) source and NaI detectors. Calibration is achieved against aluminium and graphite standards. These calibrations are automatically determined at the beginning of each core processed. A laser-caliper device is used to measure core diameter at the point of the density measurement to derive a rock volume. The design criteria were that the tool should generate porosity values to a similar or better accuracy than those determined from wireline gamma-gamma density logs.



Throughput analyses, followed by time and motion studies, were performed to ensure wellsite suitability. The capabilities of the selected rig, together with that of other wirelinecoring rigs, were quantified. On-bottom rates of penetration (ROP) and daily advance rates, both while drilling and coring, from a previous, conventionally drilled, well in the selected prospect were evaluated. Additionally, the recovery rates for the wireline retrieval and manual unloading of a twentyseven metre long core barrel were quantified. Each measurement system throughput, based on anticipated sampling intervals, was analysed, and timing estimates for all manual processes were derived. This data set was entered into a sophisticated time and motion performance model and the results analyzed for sustainable throughput by BP Control Engineering specialists. As a result of bottle-necks in the process, equipment was redesigned and processes re-sequenced to produce the targeted throughput of 150 m/day.

In August 1991, the partnership agreed to develop the system. A hand-drawn sketch of how the system might look was faxed to the service companys Singapore office, and a modified heli-lift computer&d mud logging unit, comprising three interconnected modules, was commissioned. Rapid prototyping of the unit was necessary as the parties building each of the unique measurement systems for installation in the modules had not finalized their designs, space or power requitements. Thus estimated equipment weights, critical in heli-transportable technology development, could only be established to the nearest 100 kg (220 lb). The empty modules were shipped from Singapore, and the equipment was installed in the U.K. in time for -3-

SPWLA 34th Annual Logging Symposium, June 13-16, 1993

As with wireline logs, the derived porosity is dependent upon a knowledge of the rock matrix density, pore space saturant density, and saturation. The core bulk density is converted to a porosity, assuming 100% saturation with mud-filtrate and an assumed matrix density. The effect of under-estimating matrix density is to under-estimate porosity. Wireline and core density measurements are affected by hole and core quality respectively. For the core density, caliper data is used to screen the measurements. The criterion used for the slim hole core is that density data recorded where the caliper measurement is greater than +/- 1 mm of the nominal core diameter are rejected. This is done on the basis that in these outlying cases, the geometric assumptions used to compute density and porosity do not apply, and retention would result in invalid data, beyond quality assurance limits.

blow-down period (the time during which the sample achieves an immobile fluid saturation that allows a valid measurement of permeability to be made). This procedure is established and held constant for the well. If a steady (+/- 2%) pressure drop or gas flow-in is not achieved within 90 seconds, the process aborts and the value defaults to 0.2 mD. If the flow rate or pressure drop is less than the minimum, then the sample being tested is assumed to be fractured, and a null value is recorded. Six metres of core are placed on the probepermeameter table. The geologist selects the depths to be tested and enters these into the control computer. The XY co-ordinates are then computed. Raw data are recorded and stored for subsequent analysis and plotting. Geochemistry Onsite geochemistry, using a Source Hound flash pyrolyser for screening, and a Rock Eval Oil Show Analyser for detailed work, is performed in batch mode. The Source Hound is used for samples taken on a fixed interval, while the full IFP process with TOC (Total Organic Carbon) is performed on high-grade samples between core processing runs. Geological Descriptions Module C also houses the workstation running the RockI? core-logging software that functions as an electronic worksheet. It is configured to store data on lithology, hydrocarbon shows, structures (deformational, depositional, and organic), geochemistry, sample management and preservation. Data is recorded to a resolution of 10 mm, both on a depth interval and point basis. Coarse interval descriptions entered to indicate major units at the first pass, are subsequently modified or enhanced with ease, based on detailed microscopic description. This software allows the generation of a computerdrafted core log showing: lithology, grain-size curve, structure, and text description, plotted at various scales (Figure 4). Since the system stores individual geological attributes as unique items in a relational database, it has the capacity to present perfectly ordered descriptions in the nomenclature of choice. Since all data is stored digitally, advanced custom&&on of the log output is possible. In figure 4, sedimentary structures were plotted under an average grain-size curve and the text set conforms to BPXs standard legend with no extra effort on the part of the geologist. DATA INTEGRATION AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT A commercial log analysis package has been used to integrate the core-derived petrophysical data, the lithological information, and drilling and mud gas data, to produce a composite Formation Evaluation Log

Core is then taken outside, where special sampling occurs. Special Core Analysis (SCAL) samples are prepared and preserved. Plugs are cut for routine poroperm core analysis (RCA) and the core is slabbed in one metre sections using an automatic saw. Biostratigraphy, geochemistry and petrology chips are then selected for shipping off-site to the laboratory. Because of the massive number of samples produced by the system, especially when considering the partners, time and motion studies showed the labeling process would be an unacceptable bottleneck. A prototype barcoding labeling system was designed for all core, chips and cuttings samples.

odule B A computer-controlled, high-resolution, digital CCD camera captures white and UV light images of slabbed core in 110 mm square increments and records them as RGB files onto a large optical disc. The UV data is captured to indicate the presence, distribution and relative intensity of any natural fluorescence, both hydrocarbon and mineral. A remote on-line monitor allows the geologists to observe the process, when required. Three metres of core can be loaded and imaged automatically. Top depth and length are manually input and subsequent depths are derived from the system.
- . Module C. Geol~~. Module C is designed for probe permeametry, geochemistry, and core description. .

Permeability L,ogging The core permeability is determined when the pore fluid saturation has been reduced to a residual or nearresidual condition by the probe permcameter. Set-up parameters include measurement constraints and the -4-

SPWLA 34th Annual Logging Symposium, June 13-16, 1993 within minutes of completing, and within hours of

Coriw ExDerienw
Bits Previous experience has shown that the matriximpregnated and surface-set diamond core heads used in mineral exploration in South Africa are not well suited to oil field sedimentary formations. Although adequate ROP is achievable when drilling sandstones, performance deteriorates rapidly in mudstones or interbedded formations. The core heads are adversely affected by balling problems in mudstone. Evidence suggests that surface-set and matrix core heads should only be used in thick hard sandstones where their performance is proven. Further attempts to improve coring performance in interbedded mudstone and sandstone environments has prompted the consideration of conventional PDC and Tripax designs of core heads for the slim hole environment. A detailed study comparing a conventional well with the same sections in a cored slim hole indicates slight improvement in ROP in the latter using a new type of bit. Drilling and coring rates for one section of the slim hole demonstrates a 25% improvement in instantaneous coring ROP by comparison with the drilled section. However, the sample to date is too small to make any generalizations. However, a marked increase in performance during the programme leads to the conclusion that existing technology in conventional bit design for sedimentary rocks is equally valid in the slim hole environment. Wireline Coring Equipment Several operational problems have developed with the wireline core retrieval system in the field. As anticipated, problems occur when the retrieval system is being employed in a new operating environment. One problem is with poor latching of the inner core barrel into the outer core barrel. This can occur when the inner core barrel is dropped back into the drill-string after the pipe has been washed and reamed to bottom in preparation for coring ahead. The likely cause of this problem is solids interference with the tight tolerances of the coring system. (Table 1) The critical timing issue for core logging occurs if the inner core barrel can not be laid down for conventional mineral core catching on the cat-walk. Core barrel length (27 m) and fine tolerances mean that deformation of the inner tube is possible if it is flexed. Therefore, the core has to be caught on the rig floor with the inner core barrel hanging vertically. A single inner core barrel on location results in suspension of drilling for several hours while the barrel is emptied by gravity, increasing the risk of stuck pipe. If a second barrel is available, coring can continue while catching core.

commencing, the core logging. The key variables are combined and plotted to provide near-real-time composite logs for the geologist and petrophysicist (Figure 5). Thus daily or priority faxed data transmission from the wellsite to the project explorationists ensures the provision of rapid answers. Digital data transmission is possible, but has not been required in projects to date.


BPX identified an exploration programme particukuly suited to the benefits offered by slim hole. The prospective sequence in this basin comprises Mesozoic elastic sediments containing source and a number of discontinuous reservoir sands of laterally varying quality, sealed beneath a regionally extensive salt deposit. Mapping sand quantity and quality were among the principal challenges facing explorers in attempts to mature prospects and successfully explore the acreage. Another major problem was understanding source maturation and hydrocarbon migration. Seep and outcrop geology clearly show that oil has been generated and has migrated through the prospective sands, immediately beneath the regional evaporite seal, although it is separated by mudstone seal facies from the principal source interval. The questions to be answered were: when did this oil migrate; how did it get into the sands; and what other units might also have received charge? The first well in the programme had been drilled conventionally in the summer of 1990. With four wells planned in the second phase of drilling, there was some room within the programme to respond to data gathered and choose later targets based on these data. Therefore, there was a clear benefit to be had from rapidly obtaining enhanced quality geological data on the sandstone reservoir development during the campaign. The slim hole programme commenced in January 1992. Results of the first two wells, including data from the core logging unit, were rapidly assimilated and a review started to re-consider the merits of remaining targets in the light of these data. The third well was spudded with the deepest of the original targets. Coring was planned to start just above the top of the source interval and to continue to TD, with the objective of better understanding the charge mechanism in the permit, as well as understanding reservoir distribution. In practice, coring began slightly deeper than planned, but was then continuous to TD. Based on the formation evaluation results of the second well, the final target of the campaign was switched to a well on a separate closure adjacent to, and on trend with, the second well. -5

SPWLA 34th Annual Logging Symposium, June 13-16, 1993

Core Logglne
The System The system was up and running, on-site, in midJanuary 1992. The entire system was operated by a geological team consisting of a logging geologist (on 12 hour shift) and a wellsite geologist, supported by the project engineer. Success in the field is in no small part due to the teamwork that evolved in developing working practices. There was no time before deployment to fully develop and document procedures, let alone time to train the geologists. Yet the team that came together on-site worked together very effectively to design and improve these procedures. Some assistance has been provided by the JV personnel on-site to ensure smooth-running of the unit during field trials. When specific depositional environment data is rapidly required, a sedimentologist may be added to the wellsite team. Alternatively, when analysing reservoir core, the presence of a reservoir geologist or engineer can improve the timeliness of the information. While the system is designed to be operated around the clock by three geologists, it was deemed wise to be cautious during the early stages of the learning curve. The system functioned very successfully, producing data that was consistent and which had enhanced value through being available quickly. This was most notably the case in integrating the core logging data with wireline log data for enhanced decisions on Repeat Formation Testing (RFT) and other testing. The key throughput test was the third slim well where a large volume of core arrived on a continuous basis. Under pressure, a three hour turn-around for reconnaissance logging of twenty-seven metres of core was achieved. This, in turn, essentially established the theoretical limit of throughput to be eight such cores in a twenty-four hour period, equivalent to a daily advance of 216 m/day, well in excess of the design specification of 150 m/day. In practice, core recovery from termination of coring to the re-start of coring averaged about two hours and as formations could not be cored at 27 m/hour, the team and the unit were able to stay abreast of the core recovery.

The Process The core is m-assembled in trays outside the unit.

Slim hole core is generally clean, with little or no mud cake due to the use of special solids-free coring fluids. Core is then measured and marked up using standard procedures. A quick look for prospective reservoir and hydrocarbon zones is made at this point to pre-select intervals for preservation. The core is then transferred to one metre long handling trays for whole core processing. -6-

After loading and starting, the whole-core gamma system is left to run unattended. Preserved sections of the core are then removed after gamma logging. Thus the service, by virtue of being at the wellsite. generates a continuous gamma trace, including preserved segments. This is often not the case in the lab, as preserved core is commonly removed at the wellsite and thus remains un-logged. The only problems occur with very rubbly or fractured core, when there is the potential for core to catch on the detector heads as they traverse. Also, some density data may be lost because of the geometry of the core. Ihe core natural gamma log shows more character than the equivalent wireline log (Figure 6). This is consistent with the higher resolution of the tool - the core gamma tool resolves to approximately 100 mm whilst typical wireline tools resolve to approximately 250 mm. If necessary, the core gamma data can be smoothed by subsequent digital processing to mimic wireline gamma logs. The agreement, with minimal scatter, is a function of the core gamma count time used. Longer count times reduce scatter further, but increase total processing time. A sixty-second count time minimises the scatter. Conventional analysis plugs are cut to validate the porosity and permeability wellsite data at a remote lab. If the plugs are of a friable nature, or if fluid loss occurs in transit, an incomplete poroperm data set will hinder validation. Comparison of whole core derived-porosity to subsequent wireline log results, and lab-based routine core analysis, shows a good correlation (Figure 7 & 8). The automatic slabbing saw functions very well and generally leaves minimal cut marks on the face of the core. Once loaded, this equipment can generally be left to run unattended. The imaging equipment performs well, although there were early teething problems with lighting. The earlier absence of a wellsite printer for images meant a delay in producing hard-copy. Colour printer technology is now suitable for remote location use. The probe permeameter works well, with measurements corresponding well to lab-derived permeability. Because the plugs for conventional data are taken before slabbing, probe permeameter sample points do not coincide with the plugs. Accordingly, a precise match can not be expected, even if theoretically achievable (Figure 8). The RockIT software was still being refined early in the field trials, hindering the production of wellsite plots. Work in partnership with the developers, involving feedback from site, did, however, mean that continuous improvements were made throughout the trials and final core log prints were produced satisfactorily.



Annual Logging Symposium, June 13-16, 1993

Other Benefiti
As with all continuous coring experiences to date, the availability of core also benefits the drilling engineer and driller. Shale density can be used to identify a geopressure reversal as undercompacted shales became better compacted with depth, allowing mud density to be optimised. When partial mud losses occur, visual examination of the core allows the problem formation to be identified and the correct lost circulation material pumped to cure the problem. Finally, the presence or absence of abrasive lithologies identified in the core allows the drilling engineer to improve bit selection criteria.

with the task of team formation and problem-solving, especially with in-depth support from the Technical Team. BPX plans to build on the experience gained in this slim hole project to identify business opportunities, and implement slim hole continuous coring exploration in the nineties. Due to the specialized nature of the slim hole market, the flexible design of the core logging system has enabled it to provide rapid results in advance of wireline logs from conventionally cored wells.

This paper is published with the permission and support of BP Exploration Operating Company Limited, BP International Limited, Den Nor&e Stats Oljeselskap a.s., (STATOIL) and Baker Hughes INTEQ. In any partnership, full credit and acknowledgment must be given to the silent partners on the Slim Hole Drilling Venture team listed in Figure 2. Particular credit is due to the BPX engineers, Peter Murray and Mike McGowan for their help with this paper. Thanks to BPX sedimentologist Alistair Gray, who, with consultant wellsite geologists, Mike Darke and Peter Geerlings, looked at a lot of rock and actively made use of the prototype equipment! Acknowledgments are made of the outstanding efforts of CoreByte logging geologists - Rupert RidoutJameson, Amr El Khalek, Richard Lowe and Hazem Abdel Wahab, supported by Paul Bond, wellsite project engineer. We also would like to acknowledge the many BPX, STATOIL and EXLOG geoscientists whose work has been drawn upon in compiling this paper. The comments of internal BP and STATOIL reviewers, together with those of the EXLOG Technical Excellence Committee, are appreciated. CoreByte and RockIF are service marks of Baker Hughes INTEQ. Copyright Baker Hughes INTEQ, 1993. All rights reserved.

Experience clearly demonstrates that there is not necessarily an instantaneous drill rate penalty with reduced hole size, once progress on the learning curve in bit design and selection is achieved. Furthermore, conventional practice is equally valid in slim holes while coring in sedimentary rocks. However, once core recovery time is included in the daily advance rate, a premium must be paid for wireline coring. This will always be the case in faster drilling intervals where core recovery time represents a larger proportion of hole-making time. Conversely, in harder formations at lower drill rates, the core recovery time is proportionately less and the premium for coring is therefore reduced. Thus through harder rocks, the increase in coring ROP, by comparison with destructive drilling, could offset or better the non-productive time spent in core recovery. In these circumstances, continuous coring would enjoy an economic advantage over destructive drilling, if all else is equal, especially given the value of the data. The experience gained continuous coring on several hole sections, demonstrates the sensitive nature of the fairly complex operation of wireline coring. Although the core recovery process improved dramatically over the programme, non-productive time is still significant. Further work is required to improve the robustness of the coring system for the oil and gas drilling environment. Cost savings in excess of 40% were achieved in a slim hole exploration project when compared to a conventional drilling program. The timeliness of data plays a strong supporting role in achieving these savings. Results of the measurement systems in some cases exceeded expectations established at the conceptualization stage. The formation of a strong and broad-based technical team to develop concepts and technology was successful. The use of rapidprototyping, backed up by repeated throughput analyses reduced the risk of unanticipated problems. The field trials showed the value of empowering the end-users

Ashton, S.M., 1984,Slim Hole Drilling in the Canning Basin: Philosophy and Application, Proc. Geological Society of Australia, 1984, p. 521 Dachary, J., and Vighetto, R., 1992, Slim hole drilling proven in remote exploration project, Oil and Gas Journal, June 22nd 1992, p. 62 DCliac, E.P., Messines, J.P., and Thierree, B.A., 1991, Mining techniques finds applications in oil exploration, Oil and Gas Journal, May 6th 1991, p. 85 Gunn, K.B., 1991, Well cored to 9,800 ft. in Paraguay, Oil and Gas Journal, May 13th 199 1, p. 5 1


SPWLA 34th Annual Logging Symposium, June 13-16, 1993

Murray, PJ., Spicer, P.J., Jantzen, R.E., Syrstad, S.O., and Taylor, M.R., 1993, Slim hole Exploration - A case for Partnership in the Nineties., SPE/IADC 25724, SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, Amsterdam, February 22-25 1993 Sondergeld, C.H., and Rai, C.S., 1991, GEM: A New Concept in Quantitative Core Characterisation, Society of Exploration Geophysicists Research Workshop, Lithology: Relating Elastic Properties of Lithology at all Scales, July L&August 1 1991, St. Louis, Missouri. Spain, D.R., Morris, S.A., and Penn, J.P., 1991, Automated Geological Evaluation of Continuous Slim Hole Cores, SPE Paper 23577,199l. Walker, S.H., and Millheim, K.K., 1989, An Innovative Approach to Exploration and Exploitation Drilling: The Slim-Hole High-Speed Drilling System, SPE 19525,64th Annual SPE Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX, October 8-l lth 1989. Wagner, B., 1989, Successful Hybridization of Drilling Technology for Reliable Continuous Coring Systems., ASME Petroleum Division Energy Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, January 1989

Committee (WITS) which established the industry data format specifications for drilling and mud logging data. He is a member of SEPM, GSA, NCGS, HGS, and the recipient of National Science Foundation Grant-in-Aid, and Society Sigma-Xi Research Grants. He has authored numerous BP reports on subsurface facies analysis, log interpretation, interpretation of depositional environments, analysis of submarine fans, foraminiferal biostratigraphy, development geology, prospect evaluation, seismic stratigraphy, basin and economic analysis.

Michael R. Taylor, P. Geol.

Senior Manager, Geological Applications Information Technologies Baker Hughes INTEQ P.O. Box 40265,
Houston, Texas 77240-0265, U.S.A.

AUTHORS Ronald E. Jantzen

Project Manager, Slimhole Exploration System BP International Limited
Research and Engineering Centre, Chertsey Road, Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex, TW17 7LN, England

Ronald Jan&n joined BP in 1970 where he worked in northern Alaska, Gulf of Alaska, offshore Labrador and South America, as geologist/micropaleontologist. From 1977, he has held a variety of positions in Development Geology/Exploration Geosciences in Scotland, Norway, and N. America. In 1980 he was appointed Chief Geologist, Algeria and in 1982 relocated to Houston as Lease Evaluation Geoscientist for Offshore Gulf of Mexico, leading to the position of Operations Manager, Western Hemisphere. In 1990 he moved to Exploration Frontiers and International, London and is presently Project Manager for the Slimhole Exploration System at BP Research, U.K. Mr. Jantzen holds a MSc Geology from City University of New York and Lament-Doherty Geological Observatory, Columbia University, New York and is a certified petroleum geologist. He is active on local chapters of the AAPG, a member of the SPE Committee on MWD Technology, 1986, API-Petroleum Industry Data Exchange (PIDX) and from 1986-1990 as Chairman of the IADC/API Wellsite Information Transfer -8-

Michael Taylor joined EXLOG in 1974 and worked as a hydrocarbon well logging geologist, pressure evaluation geologist, data monitoring engineer, wellsite geologist and MWD operator. From 1980, he supervised EXLGG Canadas frontier operations. He moved to Houston in 1985 as Technical Services Manager. He now occupies a staff position in Baker Hughes INTEQ addressing impacts of new drilling technologies on geological applications. His current area of specialization is slim hole drilling and coring. Mr. Taylor holds a B.A. degree in Geology from Oxford University and is a registered professional geologist in Alberta. He organized and was cochairman of a workshop to celebrate 50 years of Mud Logging for the SPWLA, Denver 1989. He is a founding member of the SWPLA Surface Logging Technical Committee. He assisted the SPWLA/API Revision Committee for R.P. 27/40, concentrating on slim hole core sampling procedures. He organized and chaired an SCA seminar, Formation Evaluation in Slim Holes in Oklahoma City, 1992, and is on the organizing committee for the SPE Forum, 1993 Slim Hole Production and Exploration. Mr. Taylor has written papers on various mud logging, abnormal pressure evaluation, blowout prevention, data monitoring and MWD subjects, most recently with a focus on geological evaluation methods and kick detection methods for slim holes. He is a member of AAPG, AADE, CSPG, SCA, SPE and SPWLA.

Patrick J. Spicer
Manager Geological Operations, Frontiers & International, BP Exploration 4-5 Long Walk, Stockley Park,
Uxbridge, Middlesex, UBll 1BP. England

Patrick Spicer joined BP in 1973 and worked initially as a wellsite geologist in North Sea Operations and on the Alaskan North Slope. After completing his

SPWLA 34th Annual Logging Symposium, assignment in Alaska, he joined the US East Coast explomtion team working on regional reviews and prospect generation. Thereafter he had assignments working in the a similar role in London, where he principally worked on offshore China, Egypt and New Zealand. After a spell working with BPs UK Land Division in field appraisal and development, he moved to his present role in Intemational Operations. The development and deployment of slimhole drilling and the effective utilization of continuous slimhole coring as an exploration risk-reduction tool is a major focus of his present role. Mr. Spicer holds a B.Sc. degree from the University of Birmingham and an M.Sc. degree from the University of Leeds. He is a member of the AAPG and SEPM.

June 13-16. 1993

also in Denmark and China. Previous to this, he worked internationally for 5 years as a mud logger, data monitoring engineer and wellsite geologist for Geoservices. In 1988 he moved to Stavanger as Technical Supervisor for operations geology in STATOILS Exploration Division and from 199 1 also managed its wellsite geologists. He is currently Department Manager for Geological and Geophysical Operations in STATGIL Exploration. Mr. Dodson holds a B.Sc. degree in Geology and Geography from Keele University, U.K. He is a member of SPWLA.

Michael R. Saunders,
Project Geologist, Geological Applications Baker Hughes INTEQ
P.O. Box 40265, Houston, Texas 77240-0265, U.S.A.

Ian Stockden
Research Petrophysicist, Core Petrophysics BP International Limited
Research and Engineering Centre, Chertsey Road, Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex, TWI 7 7LN, England

Ian Stockden joined BP Research UK in 1985, where he worked in the special core analysis technical service project as a core analyst, providing core analysis support for BP Exploration. In 1989, he moved to the research core petrophysics team where he has been involved in the development and implementation of new petrophysical core analysis techniques for BP Exploration. He continues to provide core analysis support for BP Exploration worldwide and BP partners. Over the past eighteen months, Mr Stockden has been technical co-ordinator of a joint venture slim hole core analysis system and has been actively involved in the operation of the system for BP. Mr. Stockden is responsible for collating the core analysis data, assessing the data quality and the value of such data to the petrophysical and geological evaluation in the field. Mr. Stockden holds a B.Sc. degree in Geology, from University College, London. He is co-presenter of in-house core analysis courses. He has authored papers and presentations on mud-tracer techniques, uses of coring technology, and core analysis techniques and case histories to the SPWLA and SCA.

Michael Saunders joined EXLOG in 1980 and worked as a hydrocarbon well logging geologist, pressure evaluation geologist, data monitoring engineer, and wellsite geologist at various locations worldwide. In 1988 he became a full-time geological support supervisor and instructor for EXLOG in Windsor, U.K., principally in the field of Abnormal Formation Pressure and Wellsite Sedimentary Petrology. He has taught many geological courses to energy companies in Europe. In 1991. he joined the CoreByte project as Project Geologist, concentrating on the electronic worksheet and wellsite information management developments. He now occupies a staff position in Baker Hughes INTEQ, addressing geological applications. Mr. Saunders holds a B.Sc. degree in Geology from the University of Wales. He is a Fellow of the Geological Society of London and is a member of the AAPG and PESGB.

Table 1 Table 2 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure la lb 2 3 4 5 6 Slim hole coring system Core logging measurements Slim hole well configuration Slim hole wellsite environmental impact Joint Venture Technical Team Core logging unit process RockIT Log Composite Formation Evaluation log Core and wireline gamma ray log comparison Wellsite versus labporosity and permeability comparison Wellsite versus labporosity and permeability comparison

Tim Dodson
Dept. Manager, Geological and Geophysical Operations, Exploration Division STATOIL
Forushagen, P.O. Box 300. N-4001 Stavanger, Norway

Figure 7 Figure 8

Tim Dodson joined STATOIL in 1985 and worked as a wellsite geologist, primarily offshore Norway but


SPWJA 34th Annual Logging Symposium, June 13-16,1993

RSA6k system DIMENSIONS mm inches mm

RSA4k system Inches

Diameters Hole Outer Barrel O.D. Inner Barrel O.D. Core Length of Barrel Components 122

4.8 4.125 2.5 1.875 30 ft. 45


3.78 3.40 2.25 1.425 30


86 57 36.20 9.14 m
13.72 m

63.5 47.65 9.14 m 13.72 m

ft. ft.


Table 1

Slim hole coring system


/ /



T- -




/ 1~. j Natural gamma radiation Diameter Density


150 mm 150mm

I t -~~~~~~ Nat detectors Laser micrometer Cs source Nal delectors Density 8 Diameter Residual Fluid Nitrogen probe Source Hound IFP Rock Eval 8 TOC Digital RGB CCD RocklT i electronic worksheet I


A---~ 75&5 ~ ~
1 mm 5mm 5mm 10 mm 100 mm 1000 mm IlOmm

k 0.001 mm
+ 0.02 gem-3 + 2 porosity units * 20% ? 5 kg/tonne method-specific 750 x 750 pixels


25 mm 25 mm 25 mm as needed as needed IlOmm as needed

150mm 150 mm 150 mm 1000 mm 5000 mm IlOmm as needed

1 Porosity /Permeability ~ Source rock screening

Geochemical Digital imaging analyses

:I 75 dots per inch] ,j

iGeological descriptions 1 Table 2


Core logging measurements

SPWLA 34th Annual

Logging Symposium, June 13-16, 1993

Conventional vs Slimhole
Conventional Slirnhole

20 in conductor


cond 1 971s

Reservoir 3000 m

Figure la Slim hole well configuration

Slimhole site


_-_-__I1 - 75m -

m I

Conventional site

l l l l

Hole diameters reduced by 50% Mud consumption and cuttings reduced by 75% Site reduced by 75% Overall costs reduced between 40% and 50% impact

Figure lb Slim hole wellsite environmental

SPWLA 34th Annual Logging Symposium, June 13-16, 1993



S.O. Syrstad A M. Taylor l I TECHNICAL TEAM Stockden (Technical co-ordinator)


GAMMA I DENSITY I. Stockden T. Fate V. Nilsen A W. Buckingham * SYSTEM PROCESS P. Lurie CONTROL ENGINEERING 1 S. Burchell


J. Petler J. Fletcher P. Seim A P. Schultheiss * WELLSITE SAFETY J. Samuels

I /

C. Halvorsen A





D. Renshaw A R. Drozd EXLOG 0 Co-contractor *

R Fagg

P Bond 0

Figure 2 Joint Venture Technical Team

IMODULE 1 Natural Gamma-Gamma Caliper [Wipe H Labelling k Gamma Density (porosity) ------------ I _-----____~_____-----v [Sample Prep. Area i Quick Scan (Eye) I ;+ Sample Selection j Preservation +j Select ] Petrology I UV Scan I Geochem. ; Biostrat. ; i Offsite analysis +j P

I I 1

I I I I I L-----_








_________j piiajq

MODULE 2 High definition Digital Image 1White liaht

Figure 3 Core logging unit process

MODULE 3 + Core Description using RocklT SM. 1 Probe Permeameter

UV Liaht

SPWLA 34th Annual bgging

Symposium, June 13-16, 1993

(LLT~,N4dGy,dl~c8)fmBntovNM Dull gdd dir tlw. Yic c4k.

MC .rp. &Is, tr py. (Lilll gold - yel dir tlw. M8T, ffl IGy, WI C+ LIB, OtcVfuBd sTL,a_sd, fLsd tofluor tr bit hues


Minor SM.


YInor Atat. h bit hue4 LST, Nl Blr V dull dlr fluor, Instantamow cm, cut tluor. bm cut cd. 8NIDQRAV, gmL CU sd to pbl*l WC In pa* nom. clanti .n non C*IC Mvnt3d,cslttowUM, sL$r. Odd blr fluor, mod mn cut cd, It bm CIA cd Fwk:rppid. SLT-MDST, With bit I-. Jtd Qmded unit9 l-&n bands at ba gmdad uritr

Flm grhsd, hbrlc

: rmdd.

rlpplad, pa8



0260.8mm I4na tiped. ahwp bu, waBlvr Appun crudely gradad In 10 trr SOem hands. Odd dlrfluor, mod &wn crm cut fluor, clu WI od.

aNDMaT, 6vR v (m-d)& Well derelopad bwldlng 6nwaLsr,T,c,.ctocst MT-MDST

an.cly to wu


Figure 4 RockIT Log


34th Annual

Logging Symposium,

June 13-16.1993



LOG j Shale
...._....j Sandstone j .__ No core recovered







TC 011 API

0 60 21



1 0.2



Show 40 10 tntenslty


Figure 5 Composite




SPWLA 34th Annual Logging Symposium, June 13-16, 1993



CGR/O: 2


F(oy 150. .O

c 0 rcepPo,r7

*: t


Figure 6 Core and wireline gamma ray log comparison

SPWLA 34th Annual Logging Symposium, June 13-16, 1993

I-----Core Gamma Ray


Permeability .

Core Porosity

RGB Values

RCA Permeability

RCA Porosity




-15 0




Figure 7 Wellsite versus lab. porosity and permeability comparison

SPWLA 34th Annual Logging Symposium, June 13-16, 1993









-15 50 0

mm l!jC

Figure 8 Wellsite versus lab. porosity and permeability


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