I Need Money

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I need money, not a job.

I'm not looking for a perfect partner. I just need someone who can protect & prove me that no matter how complicated situations are, there's no such thing as COLD RELATIONSHIP.
Kiss her like it is your first kiss, every time. A boy makes his girl jealous of other women. A gentleman makes other women jealous of his girl.

At some point you will realize that you have done too much for someone, that the only next possible step to do is to stop. Leave them alone.Walk away. Its not like youre giving up, and its not like you shouldnt try. Its just that you have to draw the line of determination from desperation. What is truly yours will eventually be yours, and what is not, no matter how hard you try, will never be.

50 things I wish my boyfriend knew.

1. I dont need you to try and be superman for me, I just need you to be there. 2. Any battles we have, I want to face them together. 3. Im self-conscious; whenever youre with another girl, I worry theyre more fun to be around. Whenever we see a pretty girl, I worry you think theyre more pretty than me.

4. I hate how many close female friends you have. When youre talking to them, I wish you pulled me closer so I could feel more secure. Its hard to compete with that many friends of yours. Its frustrating you have more close girl friends than guy friends. 5. When Im mad at you, I want you to kiss away the anger. 6. When I ignore you, I want you to give me attention. 7. When I tell you I wont text you so you can spend time with friends, I really just want you to argue with me and tell me Im the one you want to talk to. 8. When youre out and you hardly text me or dont pay attention to what youre texting, I feel irrelevant. I want you to have a good time but dont tell me youll talk to me if you wont. 9. When you do something unexpected, like send me an email, it makes my day. 10. I like it when youre bold and make plans for us. 11. Consult your guy friends when we have problems so they can give you man advice, consult your girl friends when youre stuck on things like presents- thats when thinking like a girl helps (not when we have problems because girls make it more emotional and dramatic then it has to be). 12. Self-pity is not cute and makes me feel guilty. 13. Calling me cute makes me feel like your puppy. 14. I like love having sex with you. 15. I like being adventurous with you, trying new things and not caring about what people think. 16. I love your body- stop being so conscious about it or youll make me more conscious of mine. 17. I love and respect your dedication to gym, but theres only so much gym talk we can have. Talk about gym with your guy friends more, not on all of our dates. 18. I like wearing your clothes because they make me feel wrapped up in you. 19. Ill always wear the jewelry you buy me because looking at it makes me smile. 20. Dont say things just to please me, it only makes me happy if you mean them. 21. I care about what your friends/family think about me. 22. sometime i would rather you try cheering me up if you know somethings wrong, rather than you asking me if everything is ok.

23. I never forget anything. Everything weve talked about i remember. 24. I love holding your hand, I dont care whos around. 25. Talk to me about us, not just your friends. 26. It means the world to me when you smile. 27. I love appreciating you and complimenting you, Im not trying to be a crazy girlfriend. 28. I see our future together because being with you makes me happy and I never want it to end, I dont do it because Im a little girl who loves fairy tales. 29. You being unhappy in this relationship breaks my heart more than if you break up with me. 30. I like looking at you while you drive because I notice more things about you that I think are adorable. 31. I dont like it when you make decisions for me. 32. When im stressed out or worried, Id like your advice. You saying youll be fine stresses me out more. 33. Our relationship is not the same as it was in the first 2 months we were together and thats ok. That doesnt mean I dont miss it sometimes. 34. Sometimes i want to make an extra effort with my hair or make up or outfit or wear a pair of heels even though I hate them. This is to make you feel more proud of me being your girlfriend and so you may think wow, Im lucky it means id love for you to notice, and when you do (which is often), I get filled with so much joy. 35. I like taking photos of you/us so that when were not together, I can look at them and smile. 36. I like having memories to look back on. 37. When I say less, most of the time its because I want you to say more. 38. I like it when you put your arm around me. On the train, in the cinema, on the sofa.. wherever. 39. Id rather you act consistent in the way you treat me/act with me so that my emotions can be consistent too. This would cause less fights. 40. Sometimes Im being sarcastic or just saying things to make you happy, but when you dont realize it, I feel crappy. For example, when I said you should go to your friends house before her

match to pick her up, I never really wanted you to. Im sorry I can be like this, it all stems from being bitter that I cant be there. Its not something I like doing, sometimes I just cant help being a bit of a bitch. 41. I hate me nagging just as much as you do. 42. I like hearing that you miss me. 43. I prefer you being original to doing what I want all of the time. 44. The way you say I love you matters. 45. I dont need you to say you love me all the time. 46. When i compliment you or say I love you out of the blue or express some kind of happiness and you respond with awww ok or lol stop being silly!, you make me feel pathetic and stupid and I instantly regret it. 47. Ask to see me because you want to see me, not just because you know i love seeing you. 48. When youre upset me, what Im really annoyed at is how much I love you because it makes me not want to be upset/angry and forget anything ever happened. 49. I really do love you. 50. I want to be the best thing that ever happened to you because youre the best thing that ever happened to me.

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