Task A

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TASK A: 1) 5 non-action verb questions. I.

What did the writer feel in the morning from the inside of the camp trailer? Answer: The writer feels the moisture of the cold air. II. Did the writer love the noise made by the elk to the cows? Answer: Yes, the writer loved that noise. III. What is the thing that the writer hated? Answer: The writer hated when bug hit her face. IV. What is the thing that the writer could not believed as she drove? Answer: The writer could not believe about the gorgeous forest scene that lay directly in front of her. V. How did she know that the animal that she and her father met during hunting is huge before they look at them? Answer: She knew that because she heard a loud bugle directly in front of them.

2) 5 action verb questions. I. When did the writer and her mom will buy tons of food for hunting camp? Answer: The writer and her mom will buy the foods in the middle of September. II. Who is/are the person that the writer and her mother are going to meet in Black Mesa? Answer: They are going to meet the dad n brothers. III. At what time the writer and her mom will start to cook breakfast for the boys? Answer: They will start to cook breakfast for the boys at 9.00 am every morning. IV. How did the dad tried to scare them during the dinner? Answer: The dad tried to scare them by telling a frightening story. V. What did the writer see during her fathers story? Answer: She sees the bright, full moon beaming above them.

3) 5 tags question. I. They went there in the middle of September, arent they? Answer: Yes. II. She hates the sound made by the elk, isnt she? Answer: No, she loved that sound.


She knows how to cook, isnt she? Answer: Yes, she always cooks with her mom. Her brothers scare with her dads story, arent they? Answer: Yes, her brothers look like they were terrified. She love spending time at the hunting camp, isnt she? Answer: Yes, she loved spending time at the hunting camp.

4) 5 Wh-questions. I. When did they go to the hunting camp? Answer: They went to the hunting camp in the middle of September. II. Who did the writer and her mother are going to meet in Black Mesa? Answer: They are going to meet her dad and her brothers. III. What is the thing that she loved at the camp? Answer: She loved the sound made by the elk to the cows. IV. Where did they set up their camp? Answer: They set up their camp right next to the clear stream. V. Why did she love to go to the hunting camp? Answer: She loved to go there because she could get away from everything that was bad in her life. 5) 1 evaluation level question. I. What even that you like the most in this story and why? Answer: The event that I like the most is the event where they had dinner together. It shows that they are happy family and I also want to have dinner like that with my family. 6) 1 appreciation level question. I. Why she loved to be at the hunting camp rather than to be at home? I. She could get away from everything that was bad in her life. II. She can take a break from the pressure of school and sports. III. She could hang out with her family. IV. Because she hates her friends.

A. B. C. D.

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