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Members: Bryan Campos Estefany Magallanes Jhon Meja Jhampear Aylas

Teacher: Jorge Moreno. Setting: Three friends are studying at San Diego State University in California, an Italian, a Peruvian and an American are going to talk about what their barriers are, and we are going to see, how they improve their abilities, finally they will meet a very important person who has important news (and something else).

Enjoy the project.

Freshman Stage Bryan: How are you? Jhon: Ok, I guess, Well, I had classes in the morning and it was terrible! Bryan: Why? Tell me. Jhon: Do you know Carla Evans? Bryan: I think I do, what does she look like? Jhon: Well, she is athletic, and attractive, blonde, tall. She is a cheerleader. Bryan: Oh, yeah I remember her. Jhon: Ok, her boyfriend is in my class, and he makes jokes about me, he calls me Spaghetti or Mario Bros, every time he looks at me. Bryan: Thats funEmmm Oh Sorry, I didnt mean thatbut its too funny. Jhon: Yeah, I think so, I tried to tell him, Stop calling me like that, but as soon as I start to talk in English he laughs about my accent. Also, I didnt understand my literature class; there were a lot of words that I havent heard before. * [Structure: As soon as] As soon as I start to talk in English he laughs about my accent. Bryan: Ummm, but try to look for them in a dictionary, or in books.Even though that was kind of difficult for me too, I could overcome it. *[Structure: Even though] Even though that was kind of difficult for me too, I could overcome it. Jhon: So, Would you mind helping me? I struggle with literature. Bryan: Ok and we will work in your accent too Ok? Dont worry, you will do that fine. Jhon: Hi, thats my friend Peter. He also has problems with literature, Is there a problem if he.? Bryan: No, tell him to come in. Jean Pierre: I brought some pasta, do you like pasta? Bryan: Yeah, I like it.

Jhon: Nice apartment. Hey you dont have any knifes here you dont have any dishes. Bryan: If you knew, dude, I just eat hamburgers and sometimes fried eggs and rice. Jean Pierre: OMG, really? Thats definitely unhealthy! Bryan: Yes, I know it! I had a roommate. He was Mexican, a romantic Mexican, I remember he dated girls every single Friday, he said that he was seeking for a long term relationship, but he had just casual dating, he found an attractive girl and moved out, since there, I have to pay this apartment by myself, and its kind of expensive for me. *[Structure: Just] he had just casual dating. Jhon: He is from Peru, he came here without his family its difficult for him. Jean Pierre: Oh I see, but Ive heard that Peruvian food is delicious, Ive already eaten acausa, It was delicious. *[Structure: Already] Ive already eaten a causa. Bryan: Didnt you try any other dish? You still havent eaten the best ones, A ceviche, OMG Because its dishes are too expensive I cant try any other. *[Structure: Still] You still havent eaten the best ones. *[Structure: Because] Because its dishes are too expensive I cant try any other. Jean Pierre: Ummm I understand, well lets start with the classes I have to be at home at 8. Bryan: Hey, Whats up? Jhon: dont ask, folk. Bryan: Is it for Mario Bros? Jhon: Yes, Its always the same thing. Jean Pierre: I was talking with my mother, because I miss my family too, yesterday Ive heard your story and I felt it like mine. Bryan: Really? Jean Pierre: Yes, thats why I asked my sister to spend time with us this week, she broke up with her boyfriend and she cant get over him.

5 Years later
Jhon: Hey, that chicken was delicious, Ive never had one like this before.

Bryan: Hey thank you, I remember I could get a pollo a la brasa for 30 soles. Peru has the most delicious food in the world. Jean Pierre: Have you seen that man with a hat? I dont know how he can hold the poultry with his hands. Bryan: But in Peru you dont enjoy a good chicken if you dont make your hands dirty. Jean Pierre: Really? You have different eating habits. Bryan: No, not really. Jean Pierre: Is it alright If I use just my hands to eat? Bryan: No, For one thing we said that we enjoy making our hands dirty, because you can eat the whole chicken, or meat or cuy but its not correct. Jean Pierre: Ummm. Bryan: And for another, If you go to a formal dinner, you are not allowed to make your hands dirty, even if you are eating a pollo a la brasa, it would look really bad. Knock!! Knock!! Jean Pierre: Wuoo.Hi Veronica. What are you doing here? Stefany: I have something important for you, do you need a job? Jean Pierre: Guys I have a guest Let me introduce to veronicaShes Mexican. She just employed me. I met her two years ago in the airport. She is nice and a little crazy. Anyways, she is the owner of Blue shoes! GUYS: Blue shoes, the big company that produces the coolest slippers all over the country. Stefany: I have employed 10000 people since I began this company. And all of them help to produce the nicest slippers. All of them show us fantastic features. As you know, we have nearly 100 branches. But we want to start the number 100th And I'm looking for somebody to manage this branch. So, Ive already heard you finished you career of administration. and maybe I don't know if you are interested to this work. *[Structure: Already] Ive already heard you finished you career of administration. Jean Pierre: Of course (By Inside) I knew that my destination was almost to change and tell me when do I start?

Stefany: the next month..umm also Im looking for you know people? Jhon: Veronica, You are looking at the two guys more creative of this place. Stefany: really? Bryan: Yes Stefany: well... you are gonna advertise all over this place with our material. I can see it... a lot of colored brochures! Bumper sticker on all the cars... Skywriting... And a funny TV commercial. This opening will be the greatest one. Approximately 90 people will work with you, so you need to be a good leader. Jean Pierre: Dont worry about it. Stefany: So guys I will come back next week to talk about your profits I've just to arrive from New York and I have an important appointment. Guys: Ok, Veronica. Ty for all! See you and take care!

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