Fruit Pulper

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JasEnterprises AnISO900 01:2008Cert tifiedCompa any 60,Shreen nathjiEstate, ,PannaEstat teRoad,Rak khial,Ahmed dabad380023GujaratInd dia Phone:917922 2743454,55Fax:91792 22745062

Email:info@jasent m http://w www.jasenterprise.como orhttp://ww ww.pulveriser tp://www.pu ulverizerindia

Fruita andvege etablepu ulpingma achine

"JAS" v vegetables & fruit pulp & piness is i ideal for pulping Tomatoes,M Mangoes,Ra aspberry,Str rawberry, n,Jamoon,Guava,Peach,Grapes, Papaya,RockMelon s,etc.proces ssthesefruit ts. Bananas

Robust constructio of fruits a vegetab on and bles pulper The con ntact parts d during pulpi process are ing made of Stainless S f Steel where the Hopp eas per, Collecti Drum and Chute ar made of ing re Alumin num. The St tand is of rig Mild Ste gid eel construction. It is pro ovided with a Stainless Steel Sieve of size 0.8 e 8mm which is ideal for most of the fruits. e Inside the Sieve a N t Nylon Brus and a Bla are prov sh ade vided. The P Pulper is ope erated by a 1 H.P. (0.75 KW) Motor. K

Specia alFeature esoffruits sandvegetablespulper

The Pulper is very com mpact and can be easily installed in a compara y n atively small space. d ce labour to op perate it. It's easy operation and maintenanc requires no skilled l asily disman ntled for cle eaning, after operation, and quickly re-assemb r y bled. It can be ea

Opera atingprinc cipleofV Vegetable &FruitPu ulper

Jas ente erprise have developed a pulper of various siz for extra e f zes action the pu of most fruits and ulp t vegetab such as mangoes, g bles guavas, peac ches, tomat toes, banana etc. The p as pulper unit consists of two bru ushes & two beaters wh give a c o hich combined b beating and b brushing ac ction. The pulper unit can also be supplie with four beaters or four brushe depending upon the f o ed r es g fruits to be handled. The gap between th sieve and beaters/br p he d rushes can b adjusted to suit diffe be erent type of size and f qualitie of produc to be pulp The sie is availa and perforations o different sizes and is es cts ped. eve able of s easily re emovable fo cleaning. Food regu for ulation screw ensures co w orrect feedin of produ for ng ucts better performance All metal contact par are Stain p e. rts nless steel. T They are als providing a structure so g e for pulp using mi steel fab per bricated hea duty "L" section. A parts can be easily dismantled avy " All d ild and reassembled fo facility of inspection proper wa or n, ashing, clea aning, and periodic mai intenance.

Applic cationsof fVegetabl le&Fruit tPulper

Jas Veg getable & Fr Pulper i ideal for p ruit is pulping tom matoes, man ngoes, raspb berry, strawb berry, papaya, rock melon jamoon, g , n, guava, peac grapes, b ch, bananas, Se buckthorn Berry etc. ea n
JasEnterprises,AllRightsRese erved.(TermsofUse) pedandMan nagedbyJasEnterprises Develop

JasEnterprises AnISO9001:2008CertifiedCompany 60,ShreenathjiEstate,PannaEstateRoad,Rakhial,Ahmedabad380023GujaratIndia Phone:917922743454,55Fax:917922745062 http://www.jasenterprise.comor


Motor Pulley adjustable rail for motor mounting one number Perorated round hole Screen which is fitted with machine

Extra Accessories of Vegetable & Fruit Pulper

Suitable 4 pole totally enclosed fan cooled single or three phase Sq. cage motor {(Special power can be accommodated): 110/220/380/415 V0lts, 50/60 Hz , 1/3 Phase } Suitable miniature circuit breaker with 3 meter cable & 3 pin top V Belts Extra perforated round hole Screen Capacity of pulping per hour 80 Kg. 500 kg. 1000 Kg. 2000 Kg. 2500 to 3000 kg. Motor Capacity (H.P.) 0. 5 H.P. 1 H.P. 3 H.P. 5 H.P. 7. 5 H.P.

Model JAS-P-05 JAS-P-10 JAS-P- 30 JAS-P- 50 JAS-P- 75

JasEnterprises,AllRightsReserved.(TermsofUse) DevelopedandManagedbyJasEnterprises

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