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JasEnterprises AnISO900 01:2008Cert tifiedCompa any 60,Shreen nathjiEstate, ,PannaEstat teRoad,Rak khial,Ahmed dabad380023GujaratInd dia Phone:917922 2743454,55Fax:91792 22745062

Email:info@jasent m http://w www.jasenterprise.como orhttp://ww ww.pulveriser tp://www.pu ulverizerindia

Macar roni Ma aking M Machine/ gold finger rmachines

Ourrang geofgoldfingermachin nesiswidely usedfor optimum performance and low main m ntenance. Designed with the assistance of our a e e advanced ogy, these machines have variabl speed h le technolo adjustment to mee variations in material density et e. es, and size Available at market leading price these gold fing machine can be cu ger es ustomized as per the s specifica ationsofour rclients. Macaron niisasimple eproductm madefromM Maidaand tapiocaflourwithsh hapelikeahollowtubeo orpipein differentsizesrangin ngfrom1"to4"long.Its sshelflifeis smorethan amonthund dernormalc conditions.It t able in differ rent colors. T product is very pop This t pular across the country and can be made at a y a is availa locationwhichisclo osertothem market. rypopularth hroughoutth hecountrye especiallyam mongstchildrenandyoungsters.Itis s Goldfingersarever thecheapea atablesavaila ableinthem marketasco omparedtop potatowafers,cheeseb ballsorother r oneoft such ite ems in the sa ame category. Its popul larity in urban markets is limited but semiurba and rural an markets have witne s essed substantial increas in demand. Since the enjoy considerable sh se ey helflife, they y arestore edinhouseh holdsinlarge equantities. .Ithasbecom meaverypo opularsnack kfoodorlunchboxitem. Sinceiti isnotaverycostlyitem,peoplefrom mallwalksof flifecanaffo ordit. Market for gold fing gers is scatt tered and th can be s hey sold at many places. He y ence, proper distribution r n mentsmust bemade.Theyaregene erallysaltyb butdependin nguponloca altastesand dlikingsome e arrangem othersu uitableflavor rscanbemade. Manufac cturingproce mercialMacaronimakingmachines: essofcomm Theprocessstartsw withdrymixi ingofMaida a,tapiocasta archandsod dabicarbona ateintheve erticalmixer. oiledwateris saddedtoth hismixtopr reparedough hinthedoug ghmixer.Th hetimerequiredisabout t Thenbo 15 minu utes. Kneade dough is then taken to macaron making m ed ni machine whe extruded material of ere d f desired shapeandle engthisobta ainedbyusinganappropriatedie.A Atthisstage, ,themoistur recontentis s odentraysw wheresurfac cedryingtak kesplaceand ditbecomes s around 10%.Theproductiscollectedinwoo nough to be handled w e without sticking or being crushed. T g Then the pr roduct is se dried by emi y hard en exposing to indirect sunrays or keeping in shade. This quality of m g t macaroni does not have satisfactory e y cooking quality as it gives heav loss on co t vy ooking. Heat treatment c improve this quality but then it can e y t JasEnterprises,AllRightsRese erved.(TermsofUse) pedandMan nagedbyJasEnterprises Develop

JasEnterprises AnISO9001:2008CertifiedCompany 60,ShreenathjiEstate,PannaEstateRoad,Rakhial,Ahmedabad380023GujaratIndia Phone:917922743454,55Fax:917922745062 http://www.jasenterprise.comor impartsbrowncolorwhichmaynotbelikedbytheconsumers.Theproductcanbeexposedtosteamfor about 15 minutes and then dried. It increases the shelf life as the moisture content comes down to around5%.Processlossis8to10%.Theprocessflowchartisasfollows: Mixingofingredients | DoughPreparation | Extrusion | DryingandPacking Specificationsareenlistedbelow: Power20H.P.ACMotor CutterDrive1H.P.DCMotor App.Capacitykg/hr75 App.MachineSize(LxWxH)18'x2'x6' ConveyorDrive1H.P.ACMotor Cutter1/2(H.P)DCMotor

JasEnterprises,AllRightsReserved.(TermsofUse) DevelopedandManagedbyJasEnterprises

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