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JasEnterprises AnISO900 01:2008Cert tifiedCompa any 60,Shreen nathjiEstate, ,PannaEstat teRoad,Rak khial,Ahmed dabad380023GujaratInd dia Phone:917922 2743454,55Fax:91792 22745062

Email:info@jasent m http://w www.jasenterprise.como orhttp://ww ww.pulveriser tp://www.pu ulverizerindia

Vermice elli(sewai)is sapopularinstantfood product. Itfallsunderthecat tegoryofext trudedprodu uctandis t a making from wheat flour. At times tapioca or soya flourisalsoa add.Thus,itisrichin beanorgroundnutf s proteins and liked by people from all lifestyles, irrespec ctive of age. It is a snac food item and at ck m times, it is use as a table enriches. With changing t a lifestyles greater awareness about hea s, alth and preferen nce for ins stant food items hav made ve vermicelli very p popular and item o mass of consumption.

Vermice is an e elli extruded in nstant food product made from wheat flo d m our. Other flours like e groundnut,soyab beanortapi iocaarealsomixwith wheatflou urtomakei itmorenut tritive.They y areeasilyaffordab ble,tastyan ndeasytom make.Thisp productma akeinmany ystatesofthecountry. Bureau ofIndians standardshasspecified dqualitypa arametersin n1485:1976.Compliance'sunder r the PFA act arem A mandatory. Urbanizatio has chan on nged thelif festyles ofn only urbanites but not t evenof fsemiurbanandrural areas.This salongwith hincreasein nthepurchasingpowe erofpeople e hasfuelleddemandformany yfastfoodo orinstantfo ooditemsandvermicelliisonesuchproduct. he n dnut or soy bean or tapioca flour, it also becomes a nutritive ya r o e With th addition of ground product and thus even health conscious people pr t refer it. Thus vermicelli has, beco ome a very y popular rinstantfoo od.Variety sincelastf fewyearsanditsdema andisstead dilygrowing g.Thereare e some e established brands bu the mark is very large and growing. A smallscale unit can ut ket A n compet with these brands i the local market on the price front because of low overheads, te in n , less tra ansportatio costs a on and reason nable adve ertisement budget. P Proper and adequate d e placementofprod ductandthr rustonpublicityatthepointofsaleswoulda alsobecrucial.

Constr ructionof fvermicellimaking gmachinery(seva aimachin ne)

Body Gears Warm Cooling g system Heavy duty mild steel fabri icated body designed for easy to move , c y clean & for r inspect tion Alloysteelharden nedspiralbe evelgear Special castiron thickwarm msupplied w withmachin ne(on dem mandwarm can supply y withst tainlessstee el304orbr rass)fittedw withmainshaftofverm micelliextru uder. Speciallydesigned dwatercirc culatingsyst temforcold drunning.

JasEnterprises,AllRightsRese erved.(TermsofUse) pedandMan nagedbyJasEnterprises Develop

JasEnterprises AnISO9001:2008CertifiedCompany 60,ShreenathjiEstate,PannaEstateRoad,Rakhial,Ahmedabad380023GujaratIndia Phone:917922743454,55Fax:917922745062 http://www.jasenterprise.comor

Drying system Feeder vassal

Machineissupplywithfandryingsystem.Andnotrequiredanyseparatemotorfor it. Aluminumorstainlessfeedervassalwithpropertaperthusnotneedstopressthe dough.


Vermicelli making machinery ( sewai machine )machine is fitted with heavy duty mild steelfabricatedstructure Easytooperate,savingtimeandlabor o Operator needs no experience, production is rapid. The thickness of vermicelli andsizeoffinishedproductsareadjustable. Coldrunningbywatercirculatingsystem Advanceddesignandsanitary o Machineiseasytoassemble,cleanandmaintain Special alloy spiral bevel gears minimize both friction and noise providing quiet operation. Uniformproducts,reasonableprice,smallsize,easymaintenance Continuousproductlength:endnumbers Uniqueandreliabledesign o Thevermicelli(sewai)makingmachineryarehighlyeffectiveaswellasnonstop continuousvermicelli(sewai)makingmachinerymakingprocess

Itisverywellstandardizedandsimple.Wheatandotherfloursinsmallquantityaremixwith around25%to30%ofwaterinamixerfor about halfanhour anddoughisprepared.It can preparewithhelpeitherdoughmixerthismachinewouldconsistofheavydutystainlesssteel bodywithmultipurposearms.Heavydutygearsareprovidingtotakethefullloadandtoavoid damage to the mixer arms) or by hand. Thisdoughispassingthroughextruderandlongrodsofvermicellicomeoutfromtheextruder withfitteddie0.5mmto1.6mm,whicharecutsintothedesirelengthandthenplacedinthe traydrierfordrying.Dryingtemperatureisaround5565candtimerequiredis4.5to5hours. Darien piece are weighing and packed in attractively printed polythene bag. The weight and processlossisaround10%.

Modelno. Tw777 Requiredmotor 1.5H.P.(1.13kw) Approximateproductioncapacity 5to6kg.Perhour

JasEnterprises,AllRightsReserved.(TermsofUse) DevelopedandManagedbyJasEnterprises

JasEnterprises AnISO9001:2008CertifiedCompany 60,ShreenathjiEstate,PannaEstateRoad,Rakhial,Ahmedabad380023GujaratIndia Phone:917922743454,55Fax:917922745062 http://www.jasenterprise.comor

Tw778 Tw779 Tw7710 Tw7711

2H.P.(1.5kw) 5H.P.(3.75kw) 7.5H.P.(5.625kw) 10H.P.(7.5kw)

10to12kgperhour 35to40kgperhour 50to55kg 100to110kgperhour


Motorpulley Adjustablerailforfixingthemotors. 2numbersofdifferenttaperroundholesbrassdie.


Doughkneader. Traydryer Steamer Extrataperroundholesdiefordifferentdiametersizevermicellidie Suitable4poletotallyenclosedfancooledthreephaseorsinglephasesq.Cagemotor as per is: 325 or 996 {electricity (special power can be accommodated): 110/220/380/415volts,50/60hz,1/3phase}. Starters,mainswitch,amperemeter,capacitorforthreephaseelectricmotor. Suitableminiaturecircuitbreakerasperis:8828with3metercable&3pintopasper is:1293forsinglephaseelectricmotors. Vbelts

JasEnterprises,AllRightsReserved.(TermsofUse) DevelopedandManagedbyJasEnterprises

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