Case in ALBLs

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Cases and Case Marking in Artificial Languages Based on Latin Alan R.

Libert (1) Carpophorophilus language (1734) Weltsprache (Volk and Fuchs) (1883) Weltsprache (Eichhorn) (1887) Myrana (1889) Nov Latin (1890) Linguum Islianum (1901) Reform-Latein (1902) Latino sine Flexione (aka Interlingua) (1903) Mundelingva (1904) Interpres (1908) Eulalia (1908-1910) Uropa (1913) Latinulus (1919) Case on Heads Pers. Pronouns Nouns 5 (2 gens. in pl.) 6 (+ loc.) ? 4 4 (or 4*) 3 (+1*) 3 at least 3 app. 5 5 4 4 3 (+2*) no no yes yes 5? 4 4 (or 4*) 3 (+1*) 3 no (4*) (4*) no (4*) (*) no no --no no suffix3 no ---Interlingua Systematic (1922) Latinesco (1925) Latin Simplifi (1925) Latin sin flexion (1929) Neolatinus (1939) Latini (1941) Latina non sine Flexione (1932) Universal-Latein (1952) Ilion (1967) SIMP-LATINA/SPL (1982) Latino Moderne (1996)

(2) Case Forms Latin Linguum Islianum Weltsprache (V+F) Myrana Universal-Latein Uropa Carpophorophilus Reform-Latein SPL Latino Moderne Mundelingva Latinulus LSF Nov Latin Rumanian French

Agreement Case Declensions Articles Adjectives 5 no arts. yes yes 11 2 1 1 ----no arts. app. no 42 no no arts. yes app. no no no no yes no

no no app. no arts. no

2 (+ voc.) yes no --

There is a so-called mechanique declension for foreign nouns, which do not decline for case, case only being shown on the article, but this is not really a declension. 2 Since the only case marking in non-pronominal NPs is on the article, some might not consider this agreement case. 3 It seems difficult or impossible to distinguish case marking and definiteness marking with many words.

2 * = adposition considered case by author, or analytic case (but do these adpositions take oblique forms of pronouns?) (for cases other than nom.) Which cases (are synthetic)? Carpophorophilus, Mundelingva, Weltsprache (V+F): nom., gen., dat., acc. Uropa, Universal-Latein: nom., gen., acc. Latinulus: nom., dat., acc. (3) Nominal Case in Weltsprache (V+F) (after C+L 1903/1979:263)

SG Nom. -Gen. -is Dat. -i Acc. -a

PL -es -um -ib -as

Les substantives dont le radical se termine par une voyelle (mots trangers) sont invariables; seul larticle se decline (comme avec les autres substantives, dailleurs). (ibid.) (4) Declension of the Definite Article in Weltsprache (V+F) (ibid.:262)
Nom. Gen. Dat. Acc. (5) SG le lis li la PL les lum lib


Nominal Case in Universal-Latein (based on Ptzl-Pecelius (1952:13)) SG PL Nom. -insula -s insulas Gen -i insulai -ru insularu Dat. al -n al insulan al -ns al insulans Acc. -ns insulan -n insulans

(note that the genitive plural cannot easily be decomposed into genitive and plural elements, unlike accusative plural). (6) Example of Analytic Case: Reform-Latein (C+L1903/1979:543) Nom. Gen. Dat. Acc. la femina de la femina a la femina ad la femina


Choice of Synthetic or Analytic Case: Myrana (note two declensions) (based on C+L 1903/1979:402) Nom. vir man Gen. di vir Dat. dei vir Acc. do vir vir vira woman

viri virad virei virai viren viran

other categories Universal-Latein has a (synthetic) dative form of reflexive pronoun, sibi (se is acc.) (app. no nom.) Latinulus has a (synthetic) genitive form of the interrogative pronoun and the relative pronoun, cuius for both (the other case forms are the same as well: nom. quis, dat. cuis, acc. quemis.) (8) Regularization of Personal Pronoun Declension Mundelingva 1st Person Personal Pronouns (after C+L 1907/1979:77): Nom. Gen. Dat. Acc. (9) SG ego ega ege egi PL egos egas eges egis

Latino Moderne Personal Pronouns subject possessive indirect object direct object io tu mi, mie ti/tu, tie/tue4 mihi tibi me te ille illa illo su, sue su, sue/sua su, sue/suo illi/li illi/li illi/li le la lo

Case Uses non-acc. direct objects? no: Universal-Latein, Weltsprache (V+F) (le complment direct (ou unique) se met toujours laccusatif: le frig nocat las arboras, le froid nuit aux arbres (C+L 1903/1979:268)) the case of indirect objects, etc.

The forms given are ti and tie in LMSGS (section 10), but tu and tue in BLML Lesson 4.

nom./acc.: Uropa: (10)a. Karla avyrie ma glacyrusam Charles has given me a refrigerator (Donisthorpe 1931:50) b. Jona dice mam men John tells me that (ibid.:46) c. Lla adyri mam skripyta men She sent me a letter saying that (ibid.) d. Lla skripi (papram) ad mam men [] (ibid.) gen./dat.: Weltsprache (V+F): Le complement indirect se met au gnitif out au datif, suivant le sens: em gloram ma lis amicis, je me vante de mon ami; em gloram ma li amici, je me vante mon ami. (C+L 1903/1979:268) dat.: Myrana: Quand un verbe a deux complements, on met le plus direct laccusatif et lautre au datif. (C+L 1903/1979:406) cases assigned by Ps: always same case: always nom.: Weltsprache (V+F) always acc.: Universal-Latein, app. Latinulus (Dopo le preposizioni si usano i pronomi oggettivi (Martellotta 1919:104) not always same case: abl. or acc.: Linguum Islianum nom., dat., or acc.: Latino Moderne: When used with pronouns the pronouns may be in either the Indirect Object case or the Direct Object case. (LMSGS section 8) Prepositions may be used with either the subject or indirect object forms of the 3rd person singular and plural pronouns. (They will generally be used with the subject forms when needed to distinguish their antecedents) (LMSGS section 10) Other case uses: accusative: Weltsprache (V+F): Le complement essentiel dun adjectif (son object) se met laccusatif (comme parfois en latin et en grec): le vent sat util la notora, le vent est utile au navigateur; le sim sat simil la gomona, le singe est semblable lhomme. (C+L 1903/1979:267)

References Couturat, L. & L. Leau (1903 and 1907/1979). Histoire de la langue universelle bound with Les nouvelles langues internationale. Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim. (C+L) Donisthorpe, W. (1913) Uropa: A New Simple Philosophically-Constructed Language Based on Latin Roots. Guildford. Martellotta, V. (1919) Latinulus. Bari. Ptzl-Pecelius, K. (and A. Schlgelhofer als Mitarbeiter) (1952) Universal-Latein. Vienna. Stark, D. (1996) Latino Moderne Le Summario de la Grammatica Sue. Internet WWW pages at URL <>. (LMSGS) Stark, D. (1999) Beginning Latino Moderne Lessons. Internet WWW pages at URL (> (BLML)

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