CSR Analysis

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I have participated in various social causes

The main reason of asking this question was to know the part of respondents involved in various CSR activities. This question was also aimed to cross check the answers of the respondents. The responses indicate that most of the respondents have been a part of some type of social cause and only 26% of the responses include those who were reluctant in participating in social; causes. 2. I would want more corporate taking up CSR activities. Yes 59 86% No 2 3% Indifferent 7 10%

The main reason of asking this question was to know whether respondents prefer more corporate to take up CSR activities. The responses were overwhelmingly supported that the corporate should take up more and more CSR activities. This presents an opportunistic scenario for the corporate to gain the confidence of public by taking up CSR activities.

3. I like purchasing branded products.

1 - Very much 18 26% 2 18 26% 3 16 23% 4 13 19% 5 - Not at all 4 6% Very much Not at all

The main reason of framing this question was to know the preference of respondents towards the branded products. This question acquires importance for the branded companies who are promoting or planning to promote themselves through CSR. The responses indicate that only 25% of the respondents do not give preference to the branded products. Thus people who like to participate in social causes and have participated in social causes are also brand conscious. 4. I get to know about the CSR activities through. Newspapers Magazines Television Radio Product itself 34 49% 10 14% 13 19% 0 0% 12 17%

This question was mainly framed to gauge the main source of information regarding the CSR activities. The question has implications for the corporate.

5. What is your level of understanding of CSR activities or the concept of CSR?

Basic Very limited Fair Considerable Extensive

11 16% 13 19% 27 39% 13 19% 5 7%

The responses obtained for this question clearly shows that the respondents had fair knowledge about the CSR activities but there are still greater number of respondents who lack necessary information regarding various CSR activities.

6. Which factor is most important for you while making a purchase? Quality

1 2 3 4 5

41 59% 15 22% 4 6% 6 9% 3 4%


1 2 3 4 5

14 20% 21 30% 13 19% 15 22% 6 9%


1 2 3 4 5

8 12% 19 28% 15 22% 14 20% 13 19%

CSR activities

1 2 3 4 5

15 22% 15 22% 17 25% 9 13% 13 19%

Utility 1 2 3 4 5 27 39% 23 33% 8 12% 9 13%

The responses show that customers rate quality as the most imoratant parameter for them while purchasing a product. The traditional important parameters like price and utility have remained the other most important parameters while making a purchase. But interestingly more and more people have started giving preference to various CSR activities as 22% of the customers have rated CSR cativities as most important for them while making a purchase.

7. Do you consider CSR as a differentiating factor in a company? Yes 49 71% No 20 29%

The question has serious implications for the companies as more and more customers have started thinking CSR activities as one of the differentiating factor. 8. What according to you is the main purpose of company following CSR?

Publicity To increase profit To fulfill obligation towards society To follow the trend Seriously working for the cause The

27 39% 17 25% 15 22% 4 6% 4 6%

9. I am ready to pay a higher price for a company's product if a portion of the price is used for social causes.

Yes 56 81% No 13 19%

Number of daily responses

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