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Date: 13th July 2010 GLOBAL EDGE COMMERCE SDN BHD (876432-U) No.

49B, Jalan Anggerik Vanilla AB31/AB, Kota Kemuning 40460, Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan. YTL COMMUNICATIONS SDN BHD 8th Floor, One Oriental Place 1 Jalan Hang Lekiu 50100 Kuala Lumpur Dear Sir, RE: LETTER OF OFFER FOR RENTING PART OF ROOFTOP SPACE AT NO.49, JALAN ANGGERIK VANILLA AB31/AB, KOTA KEMUNING 40460, SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN.

We/I are pleased to offer YTL Communications Sdn Bhd the tenancy of the Premises on the following key terms and conditions and such other terms and conditions as may be set out in a formal and definitive agreement (Tenancy Agreement):1. (a) (b) Details of Tenancy Tenant: YTL Communications Sdn Bhd (Company No. 793634-V) Premises: [PART OF ROOFTOP SPACE AT NO.49, JALAN ANGGERIK VANILLA AB31/AB, KOTA KEMUNING 40460, SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN]. Site: [PART OF ROOFTOP SPACE AT NO.49, JALAN ANGGERIK VANILLA AB31/AB, KOTA KEMUNING 40460, SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN] Monthly Rent: RM2,000.00 Security Deposit: Two (2) Months of Rent of RM4,000/Commencement Date: 1ST August 2010. Initial Term: Three (3) years Option to Renew: Option to renew is given to the Tenant to renew for up to three (3) additional terms of three (3) years each at any one time with a downwards or upwards rent adjustment on each renewal date. We/I shall not make any adjustment of rent that will result in an increase of the rent by more than 10% of the rent payable immediately before the rent adjustment date. Permitted Use: Installation, operation, and maintenance of the Tenants equipment and fixtures as part of the telecommunications network and services operated by the Tenant or any of its related companies. Tenant is permitted to sublet part(s) of the Site to other telecommunication operators for the installation, operation, and maintenance of such other telecommunication operators equipment and fixtures as part of the telecommunications network and services operated by the relevant or any of its related companies.


(d) (e) (f) (g) (h)


(j) (k) (l) (m)

Vacant Possession: On Commencement Date (see paragraph (g) above) Legal Fees and Stamp Duty: Each party will bear its own legal fees for this letter and the proposed Tenancy Agreement but the stamp duty will be borne by the Tenant. Form of Tenancy Agreement: Four (4) originals of the Tenancy Agreement are enclosed.* Electricity: The Landlord will allow the Tenant to use the existing electricity supply pending the Tenants application for direct connection to electricity supply from Tenaga Nasional Berhad. The Tenant will pay the Landlord monthly in arrears for the electricity used by the Tenant based on the forecasted monthly consumption until direct supply is available. If a direct connection is not feasible, the Landlord will allow the Tenant to install a sub-meter to the existing electricity supply and the Tenant will pay the Landlord for electricity used based on the sub-meter reading at the prevailing tariff rates. Connection:If requested by the Tenant, the Landlord must connect the Site, at Landlords cost to an electricity supply (including making provision for, and allowing connection to, emergency back-up power) and to install on the Land such earthing apparatus as is necessary for the safe continuous use of the Tenants Equipment. Approvals: This offer is subject to all approvals being obtained from the relevant authorities. If the Tenants application to the relevant authority for the permitted use or for the installation and operation of its telecommunications network or services is rejected; or a consent, licence or permit is granted to the Tenant on terms and conditions which are unacceptable to the Tenant; or a consent, licence or permit is cancelled, lapses or is otherwise terminated, the Tenant may terminate the tenancy by 7 days written notice without any further liability. For the purpose of facilitating the application for and securing of the aforementioned approvals, please find enclosed photocopies of the following documents for use as appropriate: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) land title/grant/recent title search; latest assessment; quit rent; building plan (if available); certificate of occupation; banking details; identity card(s) (if individual(s)); and Form 49 and Board of Directors Resolution (if company).



2. (a)

Other Relevant Terms This letter sets out certain key terms and conditions of the Tenancy Agreement. If there is any conflict between the terms and conditions in this letter and the provisions of the Tenancy Agreement, the provisions of the Tenancy Agreement will prevail. This letter will be superseded by the provisions of the Tenancy Agreement when the Tenancy Agreement is signed and any payments made under this letter will be deemed payments made under the Tenancy Agreement.


If you agree to the matters in this letter please sign the *enclosed Tenancy Agreement in four (4) originals together with the acknowledgment below and return the documents within seven (7) days of the date of this letter. Thank you. Yours faithfully For and on behalf of (LANDLORDs name)

________ Name :

*Enclosed herewith are four (4) originals of the Tenancy Agreement, duly signed and documents (where applicable) as per stated in item 1 paragraph (p)

ACKNOWLEDGMENT I/We agree and accept the above terms and conditions and return one (1) original of the Tenancy Agreement, duly signed and stamped, for your further action. Yours faithfully For and on behalf of YTL COMMUNICATIONS SDN BHD (formerly known as Y-Max Infra Sdn Bhd)

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