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Hot Research Topics in Instructional Technology

1. Smartboards- Interactive Boards in Classrooms 2 weeks a. Oya Sertel b. 2. Handheld devices in the classroom -2 weeks a. Nur Altuntop b. Kadir Ycel Kaya 3. Mobile Learning Theory and Applications -3 weeks a. Cemil Uzun b. idem Uz c. Zeynep Gec d. Halil Gll 4. Computer and Internet Safety in Education -4 weeks a. Seil Tsolu b. Burcu Akn c. Yasaman Alioon 5. Serious Games and Game Technologies in Education -5 weeks a. Kadir Ycel Kaya b. Seil Tsolu c. Diner zoran d. Burcu Akn 6. Copyright and Ethical Issues for Technology Use in Classrooms -6 weeks a. idem Uz b. Zeynep Gec c. Ali Battal 7. Social Networks for teaching and learning 7 weeks a. len Uak b. Nur Altuntop c. Halil Gll d. Filiz iek 8. Virtual Worlds 8 weeks a. Filiz iek b. Ceren Leymun c. Oya Sertel d. len Uak 9. E-learning and E-Learning Systems -9 weeks a. Zafer Kadirhan b. Hakan zcan c. Ali Battal d. Yasaman Alioon

10. Blended/Hybrid Learning 11. Technology Integration (ICT) -10 weeks a. Zafer Kadirhan b. Hakan zcan c. Berkan elik d. Tuba Bahekapl 12. Teacher Education 11 weeks a. Tuba Bahekap b. Mehtap Tuzlu c. Ceren Leymun d. Berkan elik 13. ICT in Special Education 12 weeks a. Mehtap Tuzlu b. Cemil Uzun c. Diner zoran 14. Others..

Instructional Technology Journals (SSCI):

Title Journal of Educational Technology & Society [1] Short description Seeks academic articles on the issues affecting the developers of educational systems and educators who implement and manage such systems. Computers in Human Behaviour [2] Computers in Human Behavior is a scholarly journal dedicated to examining the use of computers from a psychological perspective. Original theoretical works, research reports, literature reviews, software reviews, book reviews and announcements are published. The journal addresses both the use of computers in psychology, psychiatry and related disciplines as well as the psychological impact of computer use on individuals, groups and society. Computers & Education [3] The journal is an established technically-based, interdisciplinary forum for communication in the use of all forms of computing in this socially and technologically significant area of application and will continue to publish definitive contributions to serve as a reference standard against which the current state-of-the-art can be assessed. British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET) [4] Provides readers with the widest possible coverage of developments in international educational and training technology. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL) [5] Covers the whole range of uses of information and communication technology to support learning and knowledge exchange.

Interacting With Computers [6]

Topics like systems and dialogue design, evaluation techniques, user interface design, HCI tools, techniques and methodologies, users and user modelling,intelligent systems, emerging technologies etc.

Interactive Learning Environments [7]

Seeks articles on all aspects of the design and use of interactive learning environments in the broadest sense, encompassing environments that support individual learners through to environments that support collaboration amongst groups of learners or co-workers.

Educational Technology Research and Development (ETR&D) [8] Innovations in Education & Teaching International [9]

A comprehensive source of current research information in instructional technology The content includes a range of perspectives, and important contributions on new developments in educational technology.

International Journal of Technology and Design Education [10]

The International Journal of Technology and Design Education seeks to encourage research and scholarly writing about any aspect of technology and design education.

International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education (IJEEE) [11]

Innovative learning and teaching methods, Novel methods of assessment, Reports of laboratory experiments, Developments in the use of communications and information technology, including the World Wide Web, Course development and validation, Flexible and distance learning.

IEEE Transactions on Education [12]

Educational methods, technology, and programs; history of technology; impact of evolving research on education.

Journal of Engineering Education [13]

Among the topics covered are educational innovations that improve student learning or performance as typified by experiments involving courses, laboratories, experiential activities, and support and intervention programs; expositions synthesizing papers or reports that have influenced engineering education today, where it is headed, or where it should be headed; developments in assessment processes and methodologies used to evaluate the effectiveness of educational experiments or programs; and outreach and transition activities involving elementary and secondary education programs, pre-engineering transfer institutions, intra-campus or inter-campus collaborations, or efforts to improve technical literacy.

Computer Applications in Engineering Education [14]

Computer Applications in Engineering Education provides a forum for publishing peer-reviewed, timely information on the innovative uses of computers and software tools in education, and for accelerating the integration of computers into the engineering curriculum.

Journal of Universal Computer Science

J.UCS - The Journal of Universal Computer Science - is a

(J.UCS) [15]

high-quality electronic publication that deals with all aspects of computer science. J.UCS has been appearing monthly since 1995 and is thus one of the oldest electronic journals with uninterrupted publication since its foundation.

International Journal of Human Computer Studies [16]

The International Journal of Human-Computer Studies publishes original research over the whole spectrum of work relevant to the theory and practice of innovative interactive systems. The journal is inherently interdisciplinary, covering research in computing, artificial intelligence, psychology, linguistics, communication, design, engineering, and social organization, which is relevant to the design, analysis, evaluation and application of innovative interactive systems.

The International Journal of Human Computer Interaction (IJHCI) [17]

The International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction addresses the cognitive, social, health, and ergonomic aspects of work with computers. It also emphasizes both the human and computer science aspects of the effective design and use of computer interactive systems. The journal presents original research both in the general aspects of interface design and in the special application of interface design in a variety of diversified leisure and work activities.

International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS) [18]

The International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS) addresses the intricacies of cooperative work in the framework of distributed interoperable information systems. It provides a forum for the presentation and dissemination of research covering all aspects of CIS design, requirements, functionality, implementation, deployment, and evolution

World Wide Web. Internet and Web Information Systems [19]

World Wide Web: Internet and Web Information Systems (WWW) is an international, archival, peer-reviewed journal which covers all aspects of the World Wide Web, including issues related to architectures, applications, Internet and Web information systems, and communities. The purpose of this journal is to provide an international forum for researchers, professionals, and industrial practitioners to share their rapidly developing knowledge and report on new advances in Internet and Web-based systems. The journal also focuses on all database- and information-system topics that relate to the Internet and the Web, particularly on ways to model, design, develop, integrate, and manage these systems.

The International Journal of Higher Education and Educational Planning [20] The Journal of The Learning Sciences (JLS)

The journal is recognised as the leading international journal of Higher Education studies.

JLS publishes research articles that advance our understanding of learning in real-world situations and of promoting learning in such venues, including articles that report on the roles technology can play in promoting deep

and lasting learning and in promoting engaged and thoughtful participation in learning activities, and articles reporting on new methodologies that enable rigorous investigation of learning in real-world situations. Instructional Science [21] Although the journal occasionally publishes review articles, strong preference is given to reports of original empirical research and the journal is unusual in giving space for full and detailed reporting of major studies. While studies focussing on learning processes, learning technology, learner characteristics and learning outcomes are welcome, papers published in the journal all make an explicit contribution to the science of instruction by drawing out the instructional implications of new research on learning. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction. The Journal of Personalization Research (UMUAI) [22] User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction provides an interdisciplinary forum for the dissemination of new research results on interactive computer systems that can be adapted or adapt themselves to their current users, and on the usage of user models for adaptation purposes. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation [23] Original research papers and critical reviews on all aspects of social simulation and agent societies that fall within the journal's objective to further the exploration and understanding of social processes by means of computer simulation are welcome. Social Science Computer Review [24] Social Science Computer Review is an interdisciplinary journal covering social science instructional and research applications of computing, as well as societal impacts of information technology. Because the uses and impacts of computing are interdisciplinary, so is Social Science Computer Review. The journal is of direct relevance to scholars and scientists in a wide variety of disciplines. Kybernetes [25] The journal aims to endow cybernetics and general systems with an authoritative voice of its own and to establish a competent international forum for the exchange and knowledge of information. One of the primary objectives of the journal is to weed out pseudocybernetic claims and to base cybernetics on sound scientific foundations. The journal is concerned with the interdisciplinary study of cybernetics and systems in the widest sense. Papers accepted for publication are double-blind refereed to ensure academic rigour and integrity. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems [26] The IJSWIS is an archival journal that publishes high-quality original manuscripts in all aspects of Semantic Web relevant to Computer Science and Information Systems communities. Papers on original research,encompassing new algorithms, languages, computing techniques, architectures, frameworks,

modeling, methodology, system development and evaluation, and path-breaking applications, are invited. This is a multidisciplinary field that welcomes research in intelligently labeling, linking, integrating, analyzing and making sense of data in all forms on the Web and networks, using theory and practice from such disciplines as artificial intelligence, natural language processing, soft computing, databases, information retrieval, social networks, distributed computing, web engineering, information systems, and human-computer interaction

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