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over 100 recipes
from my backyard to yours
pHotograpHy by mike mccoll foreWord by rita demontis


rob rainfords

Rob Rainfords BORN TO GRILL

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Foreword Introduction viii x

gri ll in g t h e r ain f ord way t rick s of t h e t r ad e k e y r ain f o rd barbe cue t ool s r ain f o rd s stapl e re cipe s r ain f o rd s gril l ing t e mpe r at ure chart

xii xv xv xvi xviii

menu 1 menu 2 menu 3 menu 4 menu 5 menu 6 menu 7 menu 8 menu 9 menu 10

a tas te of n o rt h af rica more fl avo rs f ro m af rica fo r th e l o ve o f be e f fo r th e ro se in yo ur l if e rib f es t at my pl ace , anyone ? aid e n , l au re n an d alyssa s go t o me al s goi n g ho me to bol d ly go wh e re not many have gone be f ore on t he road again win gs an d t h in gs

1 11 21 35 49 63 75 87 99 113

menu 11 menu 12 menu 13 menu 14 menu 15

f rom i n d on e sia t o nort h ame rica in one me nu game t ime fro m Qu i che t o t u rke y, al l on t he gril l fre sh fi sh , an yo n e ? fro m th e we st co ast of canada t o gre e ce an d ev ery th in g in be t we e n smo k e an d t h e be au t if ul f ish it l ove s fi sh 101 cl ass in se ssion d ecad e n ce me e t s t h e gril l fi n d in g n e w f l avo rs f or f ish barbecu i n gJu st be cause you can

123 135 149 165

179 191 201 215 227 241

menu 16 menu 17 menu 18 menu 19 menu 20

Index Acknowledgements

255 267

rainfords grilling temperature cHart

beef stea ks Rare Medium-Rare Medium Medium-Well 125130F 130140F 140150F 155165F 5254C 5460C 6065C 6874C pork chops Rare Medium-Rare Medium Medium-Well Well Done veal r acks Rare Medium-Rare Medium Medium-Well veal chops Rare Medium-Rare Medium Medium-Well whole chicken chicken pieces whole turkey r a ck o f l a mb Rare Medium-Rare Medium Medium-Well l a mb ch o ps Rare Medium-Rare Medium Medium-Well 125130F 130140F 140150F 155165F 5254C 5460C 6065C 6874C burgers not recommended not recommended not recommended 155165F 6874C 175185 F 8085C

bo ne-in beef roasts Rare 125130F Medium-Rare 130140F Medium 140150F Medium-Well 155165F

5254C 5460C 6065C 6874C

125130F 130140F 140150F 155165F

5254C 5460C 6065C 6874C

bo nel ess, rol led beef roasts* Rare not recommended Medium-Rare not recommended Medium not recommended Medium-Well not recommended Well done 1700F 760C * For boneless, rolled beef roasts, an internal temperature of 170F (76C) is recommended because surface bacteria may have been rolled into the center of the roast.

125130F 130140F 140150F 155165F 170175F 170175F 170180F 160F

5254C 5460C 6065C 6874C 7680C 7680C 7682C 710C

rainford fisH grilling tips

whole fish, fish fillets and steaks Fish is done when the flesh flakes easily with a fork. Also look for an opaque appearance all the way through. If youre unsure, an internal temperature of 155F (68C) is recommended. shrimp and lobster tails Flesh is fully cooked when it turns opaque and firm. Be careful to avoid overcooking shrimp or lobster.

125130 F 130140F 140150F 155165F

5254 C 5460C 6065C 6874C

xv iii


grilled tHyme and rosemary porterHouse steak with roasted garlic butter
4 Porterhouse steaks, each about 12 to 16 oz (375 to 500 g) and 1 inch (2.5 cm) thick 8 Tbsp (120 mL) olive oil 12 cup (125 mL) finely chopped fresh thyme 4 Tbsp (60 mL) finely chopped fresh rosemary Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste Roasted Garlic Butter
12 cup (125 mL) unsalted butter at room

temperature 2 Tbsp (30 mL) finely chopped fresh parsley 2 Tbsp (30 mL) roasted garlic (see Tip) 1 tsp (5 mL) finely grated lemon zest 1 Tbsp (15 mL) fresh lemon juice 1 tsp (5 mL) grainy Dijon mustard

t he r ai nf o rd met ho d
1. Fire up your charcoal grill and prep the grill for cooking over indirect heat. You need a medium-high temperature of around 350F (180C) to grill the steaks. For gas grills, preheat the grill to medium-high then turn off one burner to achieve indirect heat. 2. Brush the oil on both sides of each steak. Mix together the thyme, rosemary and salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle the herb mixture evenly all over the steaks. 3. Place the steaks on the grill over direct heat. Cook for 6 to 8 minutes per side. Move the steaks to the cooler part of the grill and close the lid. Cook for 30 minutes for medium-rare, or to desired doneness. 4. Remove the steaks from the grill and let rest for 5 minutes before cutting each in half. Serve with Roasted Garlic Butter. Makes 6 to 8 servings

the rainford method

1. Beat the butter on low speed using a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, until it is smooth and creamy. 2. Add the parsley, roasted garlic, lemon zest and juice and mustard. Beat on low speed until well combined. 3. Divide the butter into quarters and, using a sheet of wax paper to roll each one, form each into a cylinder, about 1 inch (2.5 cm) thick. Wrap in wax paper then in plastic wrap. Place in the fridge until firm. Makes about 1/2 cup (125 mL)

Tip: To roast garlic, cut the top off a whole bulb, drizzle with oil and wrap in foil. Roast at 400F (200C) for 30 minutes or until tender. Use a fork to remove the cloves from their skins or squeeze the bulb gently.

a i d e n , l a u r e n a n d a ly s s a s g o t o m e a l s


co pyri gh t 2012 Rob Rainford

All rights reserved. The use of any part of this publication, reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in a retrieval system without the prior written consent of the publisheror in the case of photocopying or other reprographic copying, license from the Canadian Copyright Licensing Agencyis an infringement of the copyright law.

Appetite by Random House and colophon are trademarks

Library and Archives of Canada Cataloguing in Publication is available upon request

ISBN: 978-0-449-01563-6

Cover and interior photos: Photos with Sauce by Mike McColl The recipe for Jack-a-Rita on page 96 courtesy of Greg Cosway, founder of Torontos Festival of Beer

Printed and bound in the USA

Published in Canada by Appetite by Random House, a division of Random House of Canada Limited

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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