Drought Tolerant Planting KENT WILDLIFE TRUST

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Bedding plants continued: Phlox Phlox sp. Lungwort Pulmonaria sp.

Pasque flower Pulsatilla vulgaris Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis Ice plant Hylotelephium spectabile Ragworts and Senecio sp. Groundsels Skimmia japonica Goldenrod Solidago sp. Lambs ears Stachys sp. Veronica Veronica sp.

Ground cover plants

Carpet bugle Rose of Sharon Rock rose Perennial candytufts Dead nettle Stonecrop Lesser periwinkle Violet Ajuga sp. Hyphericum calycinum Helianthemum sp. Iberis sp. Lamium sp. Sedum sp. Vinca minor Viola sp.



Changing weather patterns indicate that summers are likely to be hotter and drier in the future, which will put extra pressure on water supplies,particularly in the south-east. Choosing drought tolerant plants for your garden benefits the environment and wildlife by reducing the demand for treated tap water, saving energy and money.
Ox-eye daisy




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By carefully selecting the plants that you have in your garden you can reduce the amount of watering that is needed. Many plants are drought resistant and can withstand most conditions except particularly hot dry spells. Depending on the size of your garden and the plants selected, you may find that a couple of water butts will provide enough water for the garden in all but the driest spells. Some gardeners find they do not need to water their gardens at all. For most of us however, some watering will still be necessary. To reduce the amount of watering you do, try mulching your soil to reduce evaporation and the need for weeding. Digging in organic matter such as compost or manure can also help retain moisture in the soil. Closely planted ground cover can also help reduce evaporation from the soil. If you do have to water, it is best undertaken in the early evening, when the heat of the day has passed. Different plants have different needs for water and nutrients. The list of plants on the other side of this information sheet gives details of some drought tolerant plants that are commonly available at garden centres and nurseries.

When considering drought tolerant planting it is important to remember that some Mediterranean and South African plants may not survive the cold wet British winters. Generally, the old fashioned plants used by our grandparents cope better and are best for wildlife. If you do decide to plant some colourful annuals that will require more watering, try grouping them together to make the most efficient use of watering. Few people need lawns of bowling green standard and lawn sprinklers use a lot of water - 12 baths full per hour! In dry conditions it is helpful to leave the grass slightly longer up to 5cm (2). Drought tolerant mixes of grass seed can be obtained from nurseries. Unless a lawn is totally drenched, watering encourages surface rooting of the grasses, which weakens their long-term drought tolerance. If you havent thought about drought tolerant planting before, why not give it a try. You could help the environment, save yourself a lot of hard work, save money if you have a water meter, and benefit wildlife all at the same time!

A selection of drought tolerant plants: Shrubs

Butterfly bush Californian lilac Flowering quince Mexican orange Dogwood Cotoneaster Daphne Deutzia Hebe Hibiscus Hypericam Holly Tree mallow Mock orange Red robin Jerusalem sage Cinquefoil Firethorn Flowering current Meadow sweet Lilac Buddleia sp. Ceanothus sp Chaenomeles sp. Choisya sp. Cornus sp. Cotoneaster sp. aphne sp. Deutzia sp. Hebe sp. Hibiscus sp. Hypericam sp. llex sp. Lavatera sp. Philadelphus sp. Photinia fraseri Phlomis fruticosa Potentilla sp Pyracantha sp. Ribes sanguineum Spirea sp. Syringa sp.

Bedding Plants
Yarrow Ladies mantle Columbine Michaelmas daisy Bergenia Borage Chrysanthemum Sweet William Pink Bleeding heart Foxglove Globe thisle Barrenwort Geum Cranesbill Alumroot Hollyhock Iris Lavender Himalayan honeysuckle Maltese cross Lupin Mallow Mint Forget-me-not Evening primrose Oregano Oxeye daisy Oriental poppy Achillea millefolium Alchemilla mollis Aquilgia sp. Aster sp. Bergenia sp. Borago officinalis Chrysathemum sp. Dianthus barbatus Dianthus sp. Dicentra spectabilis Digitalis sp. Echinops sp. Epimedium sp. Geum sp. Geranium sp. Hemerocallis Alcea sp. Iris sp. Lavandula sp. Leycesteria formosa Lychnis chalcedonica Lupinus sp. Malva sp. Mentha sp. Myosotis sp. Oenothera sp. Oreganum vulgare Leucanthemum vulgare Papaver orientale

Anemone clematis Ivy Jasmine Honeysuckle Viburnum or gelder rose Climatis montana Hedera sp. Jasminum sp. Ionicera sp. Vibernum sp.

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