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Differentiate Dicots and Monocots by filling in the table below. Eudicots A. Seed Embryo B. Flower parts C. Venation of leaves D. Vascular cambium E. Arrangement of vascular bundles F. Root system G. Pollen structure II. Terminologies used to describe vegetative organs of plants. Define the following terms and give one example for each. Definition A. PLANT HABIT 1. tree 2. shrub/fruticose 3. herbs 4. vines B. PLANT HABITAT 1. terrestrial 2.aquatic-floating 3. aquatic-emergent 4. epiphytic 5. parasitic C. PLANT DURATION 1. annual 2. biennial 3. perennial D. ROOTS 1. adventitious root 2. fibrous root system 3. prop root 4. aerial root 5.pneumatophores 6. buttress root Monocots Score: Date Submitted:


Define the following terms and give on example for each or illustrate the terms. E. STEMS/SHOOTS 1. caulescent 2. acaulescent 3. culm 4. sucker 5. stolon/runner 6. areole 7. caudex 8. scape 9. cladode 10. thorn 11. prickle 12. rhizome/rootstock 13. tuber 14. corm 15. bulb 16. tendril 17. caespitose 18. repent/ creeping E1. Stem texture 1. herbaceous 2. suffrutescent 3. woody 4. arborescent E2. Stem Direction/ Habit 1. erect 2. ascending 3. decumbent 4. procumbent 5. climbing/ scandent 6. twining F. LEAVES. Illustrate the following terms and give one example for each. F1. Leaf type 1. simple 2. parepinnate 3. imparipinnate 4. bipinnate 5. tripinnate 6. palmate 7. palmately-trifoliate/ternate 8. pinnately-trifoliate/ternate


F2. Leaf Venation 1. parallel 2. penni-parallel 3. pinnate-netted 4. palmate-netted F2. Leaf Attachment 1. petiolate 2. decurrent 3. sessile 4. sheathing 5. amplexicaul 6. cauline 7. perfoliate 8. radical F4. Phyllotaxy 1. alternate 2. disctichous 3. opposite 4. tristichous 5. decussate 6. second 7. whorled/verticellate 8. rosette 9. fascicled 10. equitant F5. Leaf Structural Type 1. bract 2. phyllode 3. pitcher 4. spine 5. exstipulate 6. terete F6. Leaf/Leaflet Shape (draw) 1. linear 2. cuneate/ wedge-shaped 3. acicular 4. cordate 5. lanceolate 6. obcordate 7. oblong Definition

8. hastate 9. elliptic 10. sagittate 11. ovate 12. obovate 13. orbicular 14. deltoid 15. spatulate 16. cuneate/wedge-shaped 17. falcate 18. cordate 19. reniform 20. obcordate 21. oblanceolate 22. hastate 23. obovate 24. sagittate 25. deltoid 26. strap-shaped F7. Leaf apex (draw with definition and example) 1. rounded 2. emarginated 3. truncate 4. cuspidate 5. acute 6. mucronate 7. acuminate 8. aristate 9. obtuse 10. caudate 11. retuse 12. spinose F8. Leaf Base 1. rounded 2. sagittate 3. truncate 4. hastate 5. acute 6. peltate 7. obtuse 8. asymmetrical 9. cordate 10. decurrent

11. auricled/ lobate 12. sheathing F9. Leaf Margin 1. entire 2. sinuate 3. serrate 4. incised/cut 5. double serrate 6. lobed 7. serrulate 8. cleft 9. dentate 10. parted 11. denticulate 12. divided 13. crenate 14. pinnatifid 15. crenulate 16. pinnatisect 17. repand/undulate 18. spinose G. SURFACE FEATURES/ INDUMENTUM Definition 1. glabrous 2. pubescent 3. glaucous 4. arachnoid 5. canescent 6. hirsute 7. hispid 8. lanate 9. pilose 10. puberulent 11. scabrous 12. sericeous 13. strigose 14. velutinous 15. coriaceous 16. viscid


V. VEGETATIVE MORPHOLOGY EXERCISE Choose 3 species of plants and fill in the following for each species. Species#1 Species#2 1. Plant Duration 2. Plant Habit 3. Plant Habitat 4. Root Modification 1 5. Stem Texture 6. Stem Direction/ Habit 7. Stem Modification 1 8. Stem Branching 9. Leaf Type 10. Leaf Attachment 11. Stipule (+ or -) 12. Leaf Position 2 13. Phyllotaxy 14. Leaf/leaflet Shape 15. Leaf/leaflet Apex 16. Leaf/leaflet Base 17. Leaf/leaflet Margin 18. Leaf/leaflet Venation 19. Leaf/leaflet Surface 20. Leaf Modification 1
1 2


omit if there are no specialized organs whether cauline or radical

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